Physical TOTJO Temple in Texas Project

15 Mar 2014 00:41 #141381 by Whyte Horse

Jestor wrote:

Drexid wrote: AND the councils agreement.

Agree to what?

Its a good idea?

Lol, there's nothing to agree to..:)

He means he wants to know if you guys want a temple or not. I do but I get dibs on the top bunk ;)

Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.

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15 Mar 2014 01:09 - 15 Mar 2014 01:16 #141382 by Adder
Payments can have 'references' which are a few words to id what a payment is for, Whyte Horse seems to be saying is if making a donation - to specify its for building a temple, and then when those funds reach a point perhaps TOTJO could realistically consider such a project. I'd suggest using something a bit more descriptive then just 'temple' though hehe the whole site is a temple!! Note; its what he was saying I think, not me.

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Last edit: 15 Mar 2014 01:16 by Adder.
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15 Mar 2014 01:14 #141383 by
What if we enumerated this differently...

1. Do we want a building, as a community? A place where we can hold any number of events.
2. Would the council approve of a member-driven committee to begin planning this endeavor?

Those are the ONLY two questions we need to ask first. Once those are answered, then we can ask: "How much is it going to cost"... etc.

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15 Mar 2014 12:59 #141408 by
Well I would like a Temple but considering the amount of work and planning it will take I don't think we will have one done any time soon. Sure if you want to send in donations earmarked for one then you can do so, but don't expect a building to be built for several more years...

Of course if there is a massive influx then we will probably begin, but it would need to be much greater than the less-than-a-thousand dollars that is donated each year.

To be honest I'm too busy to begin planning one lol, so they can do whatever :P

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15 Mar 2014 15:00 #141415 by Jestor
Personally, I would like to see one too...

But, as for the reasons listed many times, and in many threads, and still just as valid, I'm not seeing that its time quite yet...

As far as the Council approval goes, its a slippery slope...

What's that mean?

Is permission being sought to bump a donation post everyday?

To go out into each person's local community and solicit donations?

Go to those "donation" websites?

PM every member for a $1.00?

So, while it sounds like a no-brainer, "sure, who wouldn't want that!"

There are many things I think need considered....

For example, if we did the "donation websites" would Disney kick up a fuss about a Jedi temple donation deal?

I don't know the answers...

I know we have, as members, people who know how to raise monies for charities and organizations, but, perhaps they don't want to spend their down time, away from work time, on basically work, lol....

Take a moment...

Are you supporting the website?

If no one pays the fees next month, how will we communicate about this project idea?

Sure, the Skype and G+ groups are there...

Wescli and I text... Alex and I G+...

But, to communicate, en masse, we use this site which isn't solely supported by donations, yet...;)

What about the taxes?

That's every year, $400 needs raised for just the land (that was purposed) and when construction begins, that's land improvement, and as the land improves, the taxes go up....

These are just some of the concerns...

When the "temple" ideas get brought up, of course we want to say "Go for it!"

But, a Jedi shouldn't rush, but, shouldn't be afraid of the unknown, either... lol...

Calm, cool, decision making...

Just enough hope, with a little realism...;)

I would say the the Council:

"Cautiously approves"

Its why we allow these threads instead of squashing them from the git-go....


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"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching

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15 Mar 2014 17:54 #141428 by
Well, I'm not in support or not in support. My posts in these types of threads are meant to be impartial. As you've seen many times, my opinion is that a temple building project would hurt the community more than help it.

Now, you've brought up the point I hoped you would. What if we did try and work for a donation-supported site? Why are you afraid to ask for money?

I know that money is a slippery slope in itself. It holds danger. Easily, it could be misused. People could feel alienated. People might leave. You might make somebody mad. Then, there's the law to contend with. The legalities of getting money involved are complicated.

But, this website is THE most successful Jedi website, ever. It's why I originally left my little sphere of the net to join here. Because, I believe that this place has the most chance of reaching the most people.

Think about it. We do need to start small. But, we have the ability to do it. You have people who want to support you, but maybe don't know how. I know I've never donated because I just don't know what it would do. There's no community-wide effort. But, if the council made it known their goals, I would understand what the donations would be doing and the purposes behind them. If you put up how much money was gathered every month, people would see the growth. People might get excited and understand why we might donate. People might even start giving to the temple regularly.

This is a good first step to bringing in thousands of dollars a month to build a building, a capital campaign, paying the councilors and other volunteers, to helping charities.

It's a whole new world. Maybe you don't want that world. Maybe it's not what you signed up for, or what you want to deal with.

It's just an idea, as well. I like to keep asking questions, gather more awareness. It's my Jedi way. :)

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15 Mar 2014 18:31 #141432 by Zenchi :whistle:

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15 Mar 2014 19:00 - 15 Mar 2014 19:03 #141433 by
I support those who want a physical temple, but I don't see a need for one myself. One of the things I love about our Temple is that it's so open. A physical temple is geographically located, and to be blunt having one in Texas is about as good to me as having one on Mars. Whilst communication, instruction and learning is available here, why cross the earth for it?

For those of you who see a purpose and could make use of it, best of luck with it. My donations will continue to go to the Temple I can actually make use of, however.
Last edit: 15 Mar 2014 19:03 by .

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15 Mar 2014 20:32 #141440 by Jestor
lol... Why...

I'm not afraid... Careful what you say... Don't take my hesitation for fear, you don't know me that well...

Don't want to donate? Don't... :)

What's going to happen to TOTJO when John is no longer with us?

You can say, "glad I didn't donate, wouldst pissed that money all away"...

Oh, we can worry about it then, sure, but last I heard, he pays more than the rest of us combined....

And people are worrying about a physical presence? lol...

Sure, go start the "kickstarter" deal...

Let me know how it works (not a council endorsement)....

Here's an example the PR department just experienced:

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We keep stuff like this out of site of the general membership because we don't need every person with an opinion to comment...

People like Jedi99 who commented in our last "live sermon" thread that this stuff is fake....

There are things running in the background, but, we don't have the time to debate every single person...

If you know and understand something, then you may want to join/start a project...

The reason I ask that knights run projects?

Because they have shown their dedication...

The same reason I would promote from within than trust some guy with some papers that say he knows something...

Too many people have thought something is a good idea, yet not wanted to run with the idea...

I've got some ideas on how Obama might do better, or NASA could change a little...

But, who am I? My ideas might be brilliant, but, without proper channels, I will get a polite refusal...

Quit debating, and donate...

Dont listen to me, I am but a moment in time, and someday, i will be gone, and the time will be right....

Until we have the money, this is all moot, this is not NOW, this is misplaced attention...

Its fun to speculate, but, that isn't going to do much for anything...

Man, I just gotta laugh, lol...

On walk-about...

Sith ain't Evil...
Jedi ain't Saints....

"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching

Rite: PureLand
Former Memeber of the TOTJO Council
Master: Jasper_Ward
Current Apprentices: Viskhard, DanWerts, Llama Su, Trisskar
Former Apprentices: Knight Learn_To_Know, Knight Edan, Knight Brenna, Knight Madhatter
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15 Mar 2014 20:48 #141441 by
I don't mean to assume you feel anything. Don't assume the accusation was pointed at you, because it wasn't.

It's only misplaced attention because people don't yet believe in it.

To my core, I believe in it. But I don't run this site. I help run IJRS. And, our temple project is in progress. Has been for years. We are at least moving in a direction.

Here's the problem: I will donate when there's a purpose to doing so.

I'm asking the council to find a purpose. Like I said, website funding, building, whatever. It can't just be "implied" either. It's gotta be a corporate campaign, with money becoming a tool we use.

Money is extremely powerful. That's why I don't use it lightly.

This nonchalant attitude about donating is the reason I don't donate. I don't even know what it would do.

I feel as though I've become an antagonist, here... :/ I don't understand how that happened. But it doesn't make me feel good. So sorry if I'm spouting nonsense. I said earlier I may be wrong. But, I believe in this so much with my soul. There is power in it.

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