Physical TOTJO Temple in Texas Project

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14 Mar 2014 13:06 #141306 by

Zenchi wrote: It's not impossible, it only takes some effort focusing more on what the Jedi in the movies were based upon instead of the fiction itself, which is to a large extent, in my opinion, crap...

No intention of derailing this thread but I disagree with you here. While of course this is the real world and not fiction, I think a lot of inspiration can be taken from the fiction. For example, I am currently working on a lightsabre hilt and I am trying to look into molecular physics to explore if something like the midi-chlorians might indeed exist.

So of course we should separate to a certain extent but if we call ourselves Temple of the JEDI Order. then we owe tribute to the fiction, whether we like it or not....

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14 Mar 2014 19:09 #141349 by
What does an Initiate need? They need to have taken an oath and filled in an application. They need to have listen/watched/read the material and have written a response to each part giving their views and so on, and they need to have been a member for at least six months.

An application can be them filling out a form and have Phortis send it to a central database (PMing it to Jestor).
An oath can be a signed document and sent to a centralised database (a special thread in our 'oaths' forum).
Their work can be emailed as a word file to us and recorded in a special forum etc...

The website isn't TotJO. We have our records on here, because that is the most sensible way of keeping them, they have to be on a computer somewhere... The requirements for people singing up to the website are the same requirements as those who don't sign up to the website. If you want us to call you a knight of TotJO, then prove to us that you have done the required amount of training etc.

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14 Mar 2014 19:14 #141351 by
Building a physical temple requires: money, dedication, commitment, follow through and patience. None of of what most folks have... I have three to four Jedi living in my area and they can't even meet (many invitations) because they have a LIFE. I drive 150 miles to meet with those who will meet. Can't blame them for that. We're lucky if 30 people are active int this online site. The dream of a temple is good though.. Keep dreaming.

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14 Mar 2014 23:08 #141366 by
Plokoon, it's possible that the lack of a temple or real existence is why so few meet. Why would someone risk their personal life time for something going no where(in their opinion)?

Remember, I am not suggesting this temple to be over night or even this year. It just needs to be in the works if we are to be more than a forum religion.

A fundraiser would show the actual interest TOTJO has. If we meet our monetary goals, we will in fact have attendance or at least the motivation. This fundraiser would have to be official TOTJO tho.

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14 Mar 2014 23:20 #141368 by
;) That's exactly right.

This may be real. Our connections and learning are real. The Jedi are real.

But, the moment we have a real location open up. In Chicago, in Colorado, in Texas, in New York.. in Germany...

Things are gonna go crazy. Everything will change. When I was 10 years old, I had that vision (only, it was for the Sith). Now, so many years later, I'm sure it will happen soon.

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14 Mar 2014 23:49 #141372 by Whyte Horse
OK, I hereby officially ordain the TOTJO temple fund. Send donations to the TOTJO donation link and add "temple" in the comments so it can be earmarked for that purpose. When the funds reach $2000 we'll open discussions about locations and the next steps and have a vote to decide. There.

Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.

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14 Mar 2014 23:56 #141374 by
:blink: I'm suddenly very confused.

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15 Mar 2014 00:22 - 15 Mar 2014 00:23 #141376 by
I'd like a more structured plan AND the councils agreement. We have only slightly discussed what is to be in this temple :laugh:

One thing Id like to see in the temple is a biofeedback device to improve focus as well as other things.
Last edit: 15 Mar 2014 00:23 by .

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15 Mar 2014 00:37 - 15 Mar 2014 00:38 #141379 by Whyte Horse

Drexid wrote: I'd like a more structured plan AND the councils agreement. We have only slightly discussed what is to be in this temple :laugh:

One thing Id like to see in the temple is a biofeedback device to improve focus as well as other things.

More structured plan:
1. Start a fund(done)
2. Wait for $2k
3. Discuss where to build a temple
4. Vote

Council's agreement:
Br. John: Said he wants a temple
Jestor: said he wants a temple
Akkarin: said he wants a temple
Brenna: said she wants a pony

Oh wait, maybe I got one of those wrong

Biofeedback device is cool. I'll throw one in there. No charge.

Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
Last edit: 15 Mar 2014 00:38 by Whyte Horse.
The following user(s) said Thank You: steamboat28, Zenchi

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15 Mar 2014 00:38 #141380 by Jestor

Drexid wrote: AND the councils agreement.

Agree to what?

Its a good idea?

Lol, there's nothing to agree to..:)

On walk-about...

Sith ain't Evil...
Jedi ain't Saints....

"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching

Rite: PureLand
Former Memeber of the TOTJO Council
Master: Jasper_Ward
Current Apprentices: Viskhard, DanWerts, Llama Su, Trisskar
Former Apprentices: Knight Learn_To_Know, Knight Edan, Knight Brenna, Knight Madhatter

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