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I think most younger people don't pay attention because all the "magic" has gone from the world...all the unexplained that they would have experienced is now google friendly...
Through passion I gain strength and knowledge
Through strength and knowledge I gain victory
Through victory I gain peace and harmony
Through peace and harmony my chains are broken
There is no death, there is the force and it shall free me
Out of darkness, he brings light. Out of hatred, love. Out of dishonor, honor-james allen-
He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure-james allen-
The sword is the key to heaven and hell-Mahomet-
The best won victory is that obtained without shedding blood-Count Katsu-
All men's souls are immortal, only the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine -Socrates-
I'm the best at what I do, what I do ain't pretty-wolverine
J.L.Lawson,Master Knight, M.div, Eastern Studies S.I.G. Advisor (Formerly Known as the Buddhist Rite)
Former Masters: GM Kana Seiko Haruki , Br.John
Current Apprentices: Baru
Former Apprentices:Adhara(knight), Zenchi (knight)
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Because they're fun. And, a distraction from the real issues we have.
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As time has evolved along with mans knowledge, myth became an outdated form of communication. We now just lie!
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And everyone is definitely entitled to their opinions....
For me, the stories, the myths, transfer a message... Sometimes knowledge, sometimes a lesson, sometimes, hope....
If the leaders didn't have an answer for everything, then what kind of leaders would they be?
People do not like weak leaders without answers...
If people ask how the world began, they can turn to the bible... (Sorry Christian brothers and sisters... Its a fictional myth for me, personally...) And, there are many stories of creation, pick one...
If I wanted the children to stay indoors, and not wander around at night, I might make up the myth of the boogeyman...
If I wanted to explain that "there is someone for everyone", I might share "Beauty and the Beast", or Cinderella", or in the newer myths, "Pretty Woman", lol....
And even with in a story, there could be smaller lessons, besides the main lesson...
On walk-about...
Sith ain't Evil...
Jedi ain't Saints....
"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching
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I'm of the opinion that while we can deny that myth is important, it nevertheless remains important. Even if we ignore our heritage of myths, and denigrate mythic stories as fairy tales whose best possible use is entertainment, there is a part of us deeper than the mechanistic thinker who gives voice to such a view who knows better.
That part speaks in our dreams, if we do not ignore them. It sings to us in music whose meaning touches our hearts, even if we cannot understand the language. It thrills at each hopeful suggestion in story or film that magic is real, even though we may never admit such a sentiment to anyone else. And it knows what myths mean, sometimes even with an immediate grasp of multiple layers of meaning that evades our rational thinking.
We can feel awe at Odin's sacrifice of an eye traded for wisdom. We are moved by both gratitude and inspiration at the sacrifice made by Prometheus to offer humanity fire. We are guided away from folly by the curse of King Midas - though we know these stories are symbolic. They represent our distant ancestors speaking to us of principles and virtues that will endure, long after the internet and DVD's are artifacts of history.
The nightly news may be more relevant to the business of the day, but it's ill equipped as a guide by which to steer one's life. Our myths are more likely to set us on the road to become heroes, healers, or saints.
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If people ask how the world began, they can turn to the bible... (Sorry Christian brothers and sisters... Its a fictional myth for me, personally...) And, there are many stories of creation, pick one...
Oh dear... PICK ONE?

I do like the rest of your post though haha
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We are certainly less fearful now as our knowledge has driven the unknown to the furthest corners, deep beyond human awareness and perhaps even beyond possible human perception. Without fear, without duty, without responsibility a person can reduce fear to almost zero. Fear is a path to the darkside because in the absence of information about a potential threat the mind can have a tendency to become emotional. The easiest effort to counter these effects is to generate an opposite and more powerful unknown, such as a saviour myth.
I'm not sure if people still need modern myth's, but they are effective tools to engage with the mind to help walk your path.
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Maybe myths have changed. Communications have reached the point where we can have our own heroes and legends without them taking place in a fantasy. The valiance of the heroes of Wizna, the bravery of the 9/11 First Responders, the cunning of the Russian Army in WW2, the sexcapades of Mick Jagger and Charlie Sheen. Times have changed, but the basics remain the same.
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RyuJin: you said
because I believe that every one of them is based on some fundamental truth
indeed, every myth is based on a truth, and every truth is a myth itself, but we may know it as facts or theories - they are myth unless you be very careful about them, and look at it as scientists look.
RiddleNox: I hardly think myths are here to make us distracted from real life, maybe to show us a truth, which can not be proved, but to make us laugh... well, your opinion is honorable.
Phortis Nespin: Political myths... well that true. For changing an idea, or a vision (see master Daniel post's at same sub forum for more information) myths are the best way. A good example is heaven and hell, (they are myths indeed) name one person, who became Christian Muslim, or whatever Abrahamic religion, without being scared about these, and without thinking of reaching to Heaven.
You said that myth is out dated. You probably studied in school, and you probably had heard about life after death.... isn't that a myth? or you had probably heard about Electrons and Protons and Nutrons, joining together, forming atom, .... that is a myth itself! (unless you view it carefully as scientists do)
Jestor: Well, I agree with part that 'They deliver a massage' Also I agree that myths are a great way to 'control people's behavior'. great points!
Adder: You said :
and the second sentence, "but they are effective tools to engage with the mind to help walk your path" is exactly why people still need myths!I'm not sure if people still need modern myth's, but they are effective tools to engage with the mind to help walk your path.
Williamkaede: Indeed, I agree with you.
As our communities had changed, out myths are changed, without us noticing it.
If I want to name some new myths that we all know it would be : Super Man, Spider Man, Soldiers of World War II , Star Wars (hey , our religion is based on them!), Harry Potter, even Steve Jobs (who recently had been changed to a hero after his death! you know...), matrix, mafia, freemasonry (you may say they aren't myths... I agree, but story behind some of their groups had became a myth to many), Lost, big bang theory, and millions of other stories, that we know, most of them are not true, but they are somehow our new myths!
Why we have these? To sell more books and films and...? why would anyone paid to watch, hear, read these things?
Master: Wescli Wardest
Clerical Mentor : Master Jestor
Rank: Apprentice
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