A hidden history about humanity, dimensions and spirituality

04 Dec 2018 23:21 #330069 by Kobos
Any way back to the video and conclusions there of please.

Much Love, Peace and Respect,

What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
MF DOOM Books of War

Training Masters: Carlos.Martinez3 and JLSpinner
Knight of the Conclave
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04 Dec 2018 23:27 #330070 by

Arisaig wrote:
You know, you're the second person this week to remind me of that. Glad everyone's looking forward to it! :D

Work hard young Jedi. My sources tell me you have an uphill battle!

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04 Dec 2018 23:29 #330071 by

Kyrin Wyldstar wrote:

Arisaig wrote:
You know, you're the second person this week to remind me of that. Glad everyone's looking forward to it! :D

Work hard young Jedi. My sources tell me you have an uphill battle!

Never expected anything less for the best. ;)

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04 Dec 2018 23:34 - 04 Dec 2018 23:36 #330072 by Kobos
Topic please,

Yab, would you have any other articles on hand about time skips or any scientific journals on the warping of time via natural occurrences. For that matter I will actually ask has anyone read about any conclusions reached about the metal piping found buried in china that dates back very far?


I understand the scientific explanation is fossilized tree roots but it is interesting that other fossilized trees do not have near the iron content of these "pipes"

Just something to consider.

What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
MF DOOM Books of War

Training Masters: Carlos.Martinez3 and JLSpinner
Knight of the Conclave
Last edit: 04 Dec 2018 23:36 by Kobos.
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04 Dec 2018 23:37 #330073 by

Arisaig wrote: Never expected anything less for the best. ;)

Good for you. It's good to strive for betterment. Jedi knight here will definately suit your particular nature.

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04 Dec 2018 23:38 #330074 by Kobos
Topic please......

What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
MF DOOM Books of War

Training Masters: Carlos.Martinez3 and JLSpinner
Knight of the Conclave
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04 Dec 2018 23:45 #330075 by
Question to Yab... Who stands to gain from hiding this information? What would be the purpose of hiding something like this?

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04 Dec 2018 23:54 #330076 by

Arisaig wrote: Question to Yab... Who stands to gain from hiding this information? What would be the purpose of hiding something like this?

Isn't this obvious? Hes spoken of it 100 times before.

The illuminati
The shadow cult
The secret govt
The aliens
The lizard men
Ancient wizards
Sasquatch from another dimension

They are all gold crazy and in competition to eradicate 90% of the human population and then enslave the rest by lulling them into submission all "They Live" style with Roddy Piper. This is a plan that will take the rest of the known universes lifespan because they want to do it all subtle like without wars and stuff...

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04 Dec 2018 23:59 - 05 Dec 2018 00:01 #330077 by Gisteron

Yabuturtle wrote: Although because the sources I posted for Time slips were not the best it does not necessarily mean time slips in of itself are fake. Much like when people encounter fake psychics. It does not mean the ability to become psychic is fake but many fail to realize that.

Well, until you can come up with non-fake psychics or non-laughable sources for literally anything remotely controversial you think worth doing a quick google for (well after just spouting foregone conclusions first, of course, and often times not even reading the articles themselves past the title, it would seem), then there isn't much of a "there" there to discuss at all, is there. If you make an assertion, and upon inquiry for any sort of backup come up effectively empty handed, we'll just have to wait until that changes. I agree that just because you don't look anything up that doesn't mean that you are factually incorrect, but then I don't have to argue you are if I don't assert that you are. I guess this is yet another of the times you don't understand what an argument from ignorance fallacy is and how burdens of proof work, but it has been explained so many times at this point, I could probably make a list of the individual posts where it happens longer than the post I'm typing up right now.

But again there aren';t too many people that can explain why scientists of the past such as carver, da vinci and newton are not crazy. They believed in what you call "mumbo jumbo" yet they helped revolutionize science. Why is that?

I want people think about that too.

Yea, but you don't want them to actually propose solutions, or to hear any of their conclusions, nor do you want to look any of it up. Your incredulity, dare I call it so, means nothing. The point about some frankly brilliant minds of the past being also full of poop in other areas was addressed multiple times in previous threads, but of course you would completely ignore those responses and ask the same question all over again now.

Evidently, you do not actually care, these are not actual questions that are actually important to you, but rather empty rhetorical points with little to no thought or substance put to them - which is why no thought or substance retorted at them can move you to engage past repeating the starting points only. You are clearly being neither sincere, nor reasonable, and at this point I'm running out of the sort of charity it takes to think it be so by accident or through incompetence, rather than deliberate... Just why, pray tell, is anyone not worse off for wasting their time engaging with you next time you raise a discussion topic, than they would be just ignoring it altogether as you are ignoring any substantive responses?

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned
Last edit: 05 Dec 2018 00:01 by Gisteron.
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05 Dec 2018 00:09 #330078 by
In short, Gisterons reply says, yabuturtle is nothing more than a troll whose only purpose is to evoke drama on a post board. He has no intention to post things to make people think. His only goal is chaos.

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