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A hidden history about humanity, dimensions and spirituality
- OB1Shinobi
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Silvermane wrote:
I believe the feedback needs to be constructive to help someone grow...
Yes, exactly. That is what i am doing.
To play Devil's Advocate on what you said, OB1, how do you know that Yabuturtle made up what happened to him in the forest?
Ive lready explained that my powers revealed the truth to me. My connection with the Force. I double confirmed it with a reading of my Tarot Cards. Are you questioning my powers? My connection with the Force? Do you have some proof that the Force didnt show me the truth? Were you physically there with me when i read the Cards?
The better question is “how do you not know this is a kid teling tales?”
I have a hypotheses: you are somewhat of an intermittent member here. Youre around for awhile amd then life takes you other places and youre gone for awhile. So you miss a substantial amount of what goes on. The Force didnt reveal this part to me btw, this one is just me trying to reason it out on my own. Since youve missed a fair bit of his posting history, the embellishments in his stories arent so obvious to you.
I've spoken with others who have experienced the same phenomenon. None of them had proof to back it up but does that mean they are instantly lying? Do we instantly discredit someone because it does not fit into our reality?
None of those people have anything to do with this because they arent here- we are. Yabaturtle is here, im here. Holding a child accountable to the truth is not going to damage him. If anything NOT doing so could damage him. Neglect the reality of this moment in order to protect some people who arent here and will never even know thos conversation happened?
Im definitely not saying we should go nit picking Yaba’s (or anyone elses) posts to call them liars for every unusual detail. Im saying that Yabaturtle has a history of “white lies” on this forum and in my opinion it is the RESPONSIBILITY of any and all adults who happen to be around, - from time to time, at least - to explain to the young man that the people around him are aware of what hes doing (most of us, anyway), that he loses our respect when he does it, and that theres a MUCH better/more useful/powerful way to carry himself.
People are complicated.
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Silvermane wrote:
OB1Shinobi wrote: My psychic powers inform me that you made this up.
You can do better than this. Be coachable!
I agree that people should be more coach-able and willing to accept feedback. However I believe the feedback needs to be constructive to help someone grow and not just tell them they are wrong. The feedback also needs to have provable facts in it as well, especially if you are blatantly telling someone they are wrong.
To play Devil's Advocate on what you said, OB1, how do you know that Yabuturtle made up what happened to him in the forest? Were you physically there when it happened? What proof do you offer, besides your own opinion on what is real and what is not, to substantiate your claim? Yabuturtle told us something he experienced and I've spoken with others who have experienced the same phenomenon. None of them had proof to back it up but does that mean they are instantly lying? Do we instantly discredit someone because it does not fit into our reality? Something to think about.
I think you need to take OB1s quote for what it truly is. A bit of sarcasm that serves the purpose of rejecting the claim that Mr Turtle made. OB1 is not saying it could not have happened, only that he does not believe it happened. In this case OB1 does not have to provide evidence that it did not happen. You asking for evidence from OB1 is actually a logical fallacy called shifting the burden of proof.
In actuality it is Mr Turtles burden to provide proof of his claim and in this sort of case extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, which Mr Turtle consistently fails to provide. Instead he just asserts the same things over and over, ignoring not only contradiction but ample evidences that refute his claims. Case in point is his Baigong pipes claim that they were man or alien made constructions. Its actually been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that these are actually natural formations created by the petrification of tree roots. They have been analyzed and found to have tree rings and plant material and natural minerals of the area that seeped into cracks in shale and slowly replaced the plants. Other examples of this sort of process have been found in the US.
That's all they are - plants, and yet Mr Turtle will continue to assert his theories over this undeniable evidence because of his cognitive dissonance and biases. He refuses to accept growth or "be coachable" as OB1 suggests and this is not only sad its dangerous. Individuals like Kobos are not doing him any favors here by patronizing him in this thread and encouraging these delusive ideas. These unfounded theories need to be taken seriously and countered with extreme prejudice because if left to grow their effects on people that are susceptible to their allure can potentially be devastating to political and social discourse and even research and exploration.
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Kyrin Wyldstar wrote: Individuals like Kobos are not doing him any favors here by patronizing him in this thread and encouraging these delusive ideas. These unfounded theories need to be taken seriously and countered with extreme prejudice because if left to grow their effects on people that are susceptible to their allure can potentially be devastating to political and social discourse and even research and exploration.
I actually agree with you Kyrin. However, your execution of coaching through extreme prejudice seems lacking in any sort of constructive growth. Thinking about this deeply I try to do as I did above I ask for continued sources of information as well as direct some towards other information that is a bit more viable but is not the exact same, as the theory that I find unsubstantiated. Look at my previous post to the article in popular science. Now that said, Ob1 is correct on the part that, I tend to stay out of these threads because the reality is my attention is better spent on things I can directly effect (I.E. work, school, and personal projects/readings), as interesting as I occasionally find these on a thought exercise level. I don't know whether these are plants, or conversation starters or whatever in repetition. I normally don't come in until someone mentions to me bad or questionable behavior or if i notice it myself when I am otherwise occupied. In the end it doesn't matter, if it is a plant or trolling attempt then ironically anyone in reply to the negative at this point with repeated behavior would have a general understanding of this and simply find something better to do with their time and skills. This in turn would allow the thread to either fall to a false theoretical discussion where the idea of finding or fighting in debate style for a truth is irrelevant or into the land of lost threads which it seems is what you would prefer anyway.
I have decided after writing this all out to selectively see what you typed that involved calling me out by name and edit it down to "Kobos are favors encouraging ideas."

Much love, peace, respect,
What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
MF DOOM Books of War
Training Masters: Carlos.Martinez3 and JLSpinner
Knight of the Conclave
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What they have said isn't going to convince me about a lot of things. Mostly because I have already experienced it. Such as my time skip experience. Gisteron, Kyrin and Obi1 don't offer anything to me as I have nothing to discuss with them. I don't want conflict and talking to them accomplishes nothing. They will not listen and I don't want to talk to them because I already experienced a lot of what they consider mumbo jumbo. If I had an experience with aliens or a bigfoot and someone tells me it's fake, am I really going to listen to that person when I already know? They say I am wasting my time, but I could say the same thing, desperately trying to prove all of my experiences are fake when they are not
I don't want to talk about it or have conflict. I'm just tired of the naysaying and rudeness. I am glad some understand but it just gets old after a while. I just want to talk about the topic from now on.
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Kobos wrote: I have decided after writing this all out to selectively see what you typed that involved calling me out by name and edit it down to "Kobos are favors encouraging ideas."
Much love, peace, respect,
What I think you are speaking about here is the difference between critique and dialectics. Critique by its design is often times seen as fault finding and harsh in its negative judgements. Dialectic discussion is more of a process of finding the truth of opinion. We use dialectics to discuss philosophy or morality or spirituality. However when you cross over into the hard sciences, as Mr Turtle does so often, it becomes about something more than opinion. There is a truth there based on evidence that cant be denied and yet he continues to do so. When it comes to these sorts of conversations I take more of the first approach and people see it as me attacking them. This is not the case, there is nothing personal to it, its just the nature of the argument.
I was going to say more but I think a PM is better suited.
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Excuse me, what? You ignore any and every substantive response even when you do engage in conversation. You just hit the quote button and then blabber on something either wholly irrelevant or just repeat the same points or questions already addressed in the very post you quote. It is YOU, my good sir, who never ever listens, or learns, or brings forth an argument to get someone else to learn, or admits any flaw in reason, or in understanding of your own, either of the things being said here, or the subjects on which you speak. You are always the one to cry persecution, and never the one to actually read what others say or stick with the topic. You will also outright lie about what people said or how they conducted themselves in past threads or present ones, use pretty much every fallacy in the book and always play the victim at the end of it all. You will sooner oppose intellectual discourse than engage in any, bash education before receiving any, and of course shift your faults and burdens onto others who share none of them, rather than carry any of your own. How - frankly - dare you...Yabuturtle wrote: Gisteron, Kyrin and Obi1 don't offer anything to me as I have nothing to discuss with them. I don't want conflict and talking to them accomplishes nothing. They will not listen ...
My words are harsh, sure, and my criticisms harsher still than that. I can handle the superstitious and the credulous, the dogmatic and the stubborn. I can handle personal attacks, too, because sticks and stones. If my baring my teeth at this insult was intimidating to you, then by all means, I apologize, for that was not my intent at all. I'd much rather we could have kept it all civil anyhow, yet, I can only do so much. One of the things I can do, maybe, is invite back the peace you drove away. But I cannot force it back, alas.
Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned
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I have found an online course worth exploring
I'll be enrolling. It starts today.
I thought it worth bringing to attention because I want us all to grow and develop. Sometimes that means examining old thoughts in new ways. Seeing which hold up to scrutiny and which one's don't. Critical thinking (examining an idea fully) is one of the ways this is done
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It's really about the main video I posted and to get people to think. The thing is it isn't really to debate on whether or not this stuff it's true but mostly to get people thinking about it and kind of discuss it with people who already know about it
Such as when I talk about spiritual experiences. The topic is not a debate talking about whether or not it exists, but if other people are interested and perhaps shared similar experiences.
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Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned
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