Sith Realist Resources

15 Oct 2018 16:23 - 15 Oct 2018 16:28 #328018 by Kobos
Replied by Kobos on topic Sith Realist Resources
Wise words Khaos, for the record I love the discussions and cordiality you carry yourself with. I see them as separate but the same in a way just different mind sets. Tends to work for me. There are times I wonder if others notice where each one bleed into another? Both are forms of self cultivation.

For example I work on my physical conditioning in pursuit of martial arts, this makes me more capable to do more sophisticated moves. Does this not apply to both codes in a way?

I am adding physical power to myself and to be honest it has brought me victory in tournaments (that's not my goal of learning though as the practice brings me peace). Like your interpretation you put above as I progress I do have something to build. I would love to be a teacher of martial arts and so I must cultivate that and build it. Now, here's where I think people see a divide is that I see the over all goal of trying to teach it as some what less self serving (but is it really?) than if I was strictly in it for the competitive aspect or for accolades. Funny, thing is I have never really seen that many real/true Sith realist don't really differ in action that much from Jediist (I have yet to see any Sith Realist trying to establish an empire through murder and betrayal as the mythology is presented). That said I personally have my view of the force and yours is just as valid even should the be contradictory. Genuinely, I believe it does make us stronger particularly when we open out mind to it, how we apply it can be said in ideals through creeds but the reality is always different than the ideals; Just my take on it.

Much Love, Respect and Peace

What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
MF DOOM Books of War

Training Masters: Carlos.Martinez3 and JLSpinner
Knight of the Conclave
Last edit: 15 Oct 2018 16:28 by Kobos.
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15 Oct 2018 16:48 #328019 by
Replied by on topic Sith Realist Resources
I think you can, given you have the care, and the time, bleed any path into another.

As I said, I am primarily concerned about results.

Meaning cannot be overlooked though.

So for me, the Sith path speaks to me. Words have power, and it has its own distinct culture, flavor, and resonance. Some may like to mix and match such things, and some do not. I do not. It would not give my path more value to do so.

Granted, there is also the matter of immersion. I think were one to spend a significant amount of time, and dedication to just one, or the other, you would see more differences than similarities. There is depth to such things. Take each path and spend at least 10 years on it and each one would be much deeper, and singular.

Its hard to see the depth of each without the given practice and time.

I think that is really where threads like this matter. You can see the depth of the practice, the path, if one is willing, of course.

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16 Oct 2018 12:24 - 16 Oct 2018 12:45 #328036 by Ambert The Traveller

Manu wrote: This is where the Buddha and I part ways. Buddhism stipulates that we can achieve cessation of suffering. I claim that this is only true for those things that do not truly matter to us.

If that would be so, it would mean that it is not possible to enjoy anything that truly matters without suffering.

Wouldn't it be an extremely sad and depressing existence to continue this line of thought?

Even after deconstructing all the attachments we build by virtue of our upbringing, experiences, and mismanaged thoughts and emotions, there remains a small but ever-present spark, tucked away in the darkest corners of our being, unquenchable.

I could not agree more about a spark remaining after the deconstruction of all the attachments. But it appears to me that this spark is lightful and clear, behind an unknowing cloud of matter, black and white, good and bad, sad and happy, suffering or not.
I understand you are saying that the spark appears to you as still being full of suffering that can not be deconstructed further? If you tried to detach from it, wouldn't there be a remaining clear spark, full of potential for both, suffering and not suffering?

You are correct in stating that suffering will increase, but life is short, and suffering for what you truly value is actually a beautiful thing.

I tend to disagree that suffering is generaIIy a beautiful thing, and that it has to come with, or is the basis of everything that one can truly value. This is IMHO a rather depressed world view.

Reducing or getting rid of suffering does not mean to get rid of what you truly value. Unless you value your own and other peoples suffering as a value of its own.

I am passionate about my family, and long work hours, huge sacrifices, little sleep, and giving them all my attention even when I feel I can no longer keep on going, is something I would not trade for a hundred lifetimes of "peace". I invite this kind of suffering.

Are you sure it is not love you are talking about?

Is there something in your life worth your suffering?

Yes. Much of what helps me to reduce suffering. My family, my sleep, the attention I give to my work and my environment, etc. included. They shouldn't have to suffer or die for me to proof their value. Neither should I. The result here should be a quality of love and peace, not so much of suffering.

It is how you look at it I guess. But we do have a choice to put the cessation and reduction of suffering over suffering and it's increase. And it seems to me to be a natural one.

Ambert The Traveller wrote: There are plenty of ways to be successful without lighting fires.
I don't understand. Please clarify.

I was trying to say that there is no need to use force to be (with) the force. Results can be achieved without attachment to passion and suffering.

Now you can reply: But didn't you use force on your keyboard to tell me about this? Aren't you discussing this passionately? True, so I should better smile and let it go :-)
Last edit: 16 Oct 2018 12:45 by Ambert The Traveller.
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16 Oct 2018 16:05 #328045 by Manu
Replied by Manu on topic Sith Realist Resources

Ambert The Traveller wrote: I could not agree more about a spark remaining after the deconstruction of all the attachments. But it appears to me that this spark is lightful and clear, behind an unknowing cloud of matter, black and white, good and bad, sad and happy, suffering or not.
I understand you are saying that the spark appears to you as still being full of suffering that can not be deconstructed further? If you tried to detach from it, wouldn't there be a remaining clear spark, full of potential for both, suffering and not suffering?

If you have been able to experience this, then awesome. I have not.

Just to clarify, I do not fetishize suffering. I don't take a lit cigarette against my skin and scream "yessssss". All I am saying is that it is the nature of things, that anything you want (and already do not have), will require sacrifice. Sacrifice is painful. But the rewards are worth it. IF those rewards truly reflect what you want. Otherwise the "high" of achieving anything wears off soon.

I consider love and passion synonyms, if we are talking about proper love, that is. I'm not sure if your relationships involve gazing into that non-dualistic spark of deconstructed what-have-you, but for me, deep relationships have involved working through a great deal of discomfort, pain, and conflict.

Again, I don't want pain for the sake of pain. I simply accept that some pain (not all pain is healthy) is inevitable, and an essential aspect of the nature of getting what I want.

The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
The realist adjusts the sails.
- William Arthur Ward
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17 Oct 2018 02:44 #328064 by
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Changing my position to a solid "No ".

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17 Oct 2018 04:04 #328068 by Carlos.Martinez3
If I may join in on the discussion..
What is suffering - what part is painful? Some things we can re learn and some we can -un learn- - during the “unlearning” I’ve found what I used to think was suffering was in a way fear. I understand that some say “suffering is everywhere” but ... in a world where people actually take personal responsibility and truly begin to explore and creat their own path - I found for myself suffering - wasn’t actually suffering. Sacrifice is often frightening than suffering. Sacrifice yields often benifit - this is universally true. Pain in what I think - we are talking about is often brought by the unwillingness to let go? If that’s the right context. What do you think ? There is a very real freedom from self responsibility that can be had that ifnoften never really talked about and passed on. Fear and “pain” often become a obvious “default” that can be -
I don’t wanna at ignored but very easily overlooked after a while. What do y’all think?

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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17 Oct 2018 04:30 #328070 by
Replied by on topic Sith Realist Resources
Alright, well now I'm feeling like I have something good to bring to the conversation-
Much of my own "suffering " very much has been rooted in fear, the kind that results in catastrophic inaction, or action that conflicts with my own goals, and even actions that prove precipitous.
I struggle with taking that fear and making some good come from it, the first obstacle often being determining the the honest source of it, and whether action is indeed warranted.
"Pragmatism ", that's what I'm thinking of. Rather than fight it, stepping back and examining it.

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17 Oct 2018 04:37 #328071 by Carlos.Martinez3
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall set me free.

I have personally found peace in many things. Peace is possible. Some days it’s as easy as - filling a box with things that you find peaceful - personally -
Real ones not some one else’s ideas ... and when you fill it up - when you need em - do it. Peace can come from no where and can come from contentment. Peace can come from strangers and even out of no where. Some people have made the choice or the fear to not choose peace or that they don’t deserve it. Peace is a lie is an opinion relative to the individual. Some folk never find peace. Some never know it’s possible or even how to look for it or even ask about about it. Some don’t believ in it. That’s ok too.

Passion is will to me. My will my focus my drive.
To me-I can not down or diss this code. I can say it’s not for me any longer but that’s because I have in my own opinion moved passed and have added a few more choices to my focus. Compassion is a choice and selfless is another I have added on to my own path over the years. To seek these two out is kind of ... oposing to the sith code after a while. Where I used to be single minded not is more ... more ... inclusive rather than - I don’t eanna day selfish but very ... independent. Yea that’s the right word for me. It was fine in my past but now I’ve chosen to progress in a different direction. A code can help any one willing to apply and even multiple codes are even better. Funny thing about some things is we as humans often have the mindset that only one code or only One way is right yet - there are so many possibilities . Anyhow - my 2 cents thank you for allowing me to join in.chime in

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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17 Oct 2018 10:39 - 17 Oct 2018 10:43 #328075 by
Replied by on topic Sith Realist Resources

"Pragmatism ", that's what I'm thinking of. Rather than fight it, stepping back and examining it


Then what? After examining it, its still there. Understanding is the first step of many.

Nobody said you have to fight in ignorance, but there is still a fight to be had.

"Once more unto the breach dear friends, once more;"
Last edit: 17 Oct 2018 10:43 by .

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17 Oct 2018 11:11 #328077 by
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I'm contributing to a discussion, not providing step by step instructions.
Upon ones own findings do they determine the need for action, but that is dependent and varied by situation, therefore I can't concisely give the answer you seem to think I should, and still be relevant or useful.

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