The Problem with Black Lives Matter

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14 Dec 2017 20:11 #308397 by
For the record my avatar showing a man hanging from a tree represents the sacrificed god, Odin to be exact.

On another point we have a black nationalist spreading propaganda in our midst. The arguments are hollow and racist. Whites have done many good things trying to equalize the races in this nation. Let me repeat, Whites have done this, not blacks. It was the white man who shed his and his brothers blood to end slavery throughout the white world, not just the United States. Whites have implemented Affirmative Action, Contract Set - Asides, lower standards to assist in entering colleges or even graduating high school. If I were to honestly take what is being presented in this discussion as the gospel truth I would be left with only one conclusion, blacks just cannot cut it in a civilized world unless the great white hope steps in and makes the changes for them. That is what I am seeing written here, always the oppressed victim is unable to do or change unless whitey does it for them. Always demanding and asking but never trying. I have noticed that the majority of the worlds races do not think very highly of the black, why is this? Perhaps we could look over the globe and see that almost all the worlds regions have at one time built great civilizations except for Sub - Saharan Africa. Why is this? No Egypt does not count, blacks were not "Kangs" or "Israelites", they are what they are. This is a painful truth for those who wish to live in equality with all men.

The constant demand and victim hood mentality does not improve the black position in society. The refusal to take personal responsibly and the constant excuses for why this cannot be done and why as a race they are statistically more likely to commit crimes of all shapes and forms. Yes other races commit the same crimes, all humans are susceptible to this illness. However, blacks as a percentage are more likely to do so. On top of this is the tendency to act as if they are complete savages running amok in the streets. This is straight up Third World behavior and has no place in civilization.

Blacks in America, those poor oppressed souls who are victims of the evil white man surely are much worse off than their fellows in Africa. After all, that land must be a virtual paradise of blackness compared to the land of the white. Never mind the fact that many of our own third world areas are run by black politicians, police chiefs or at best some left wing SJW with no clue of the reality in the streets.

An apology is in order, yes I believe so. Blacks owe the white man an apology for the excessive crime, the overwhelming financial burden placed upon our nation and the spiritual depravity inflicted upon our people. Stop with the lame excuses, take responsibility for your own, do something besides whine and complain about how the white man keeps you down and refuses to let you up. BALONEY!

As I have already stated, if I was to take these arguments in any seriousness then I could only conclude that blacks are incapable of competing and thriving in civilization. Is this true? If so then why should we as a society be forced to live with such a failed evolutionary branch?

As far as the police are concerned, what can I say? They fear young black males for a very good reason, they are dangerous, murderous thugs with poor impulse control and no thought beyond this moment of excitement. So yeah they are going to get shot and here in Texas you are just as likely to get shot dead by a civilian. Quit acting like thugs and criminals, raise your children correctly, quit making excuses, they do not fix anything, they only pass the blame for your own bad behavior onto others. Childishness it is, a very dangerous form of childishness and nothing more.

Of course I cannot say that all blacks are like this, I have already gave a very brief history of my encounters with blacks so I feel no need to defend my views further.

Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie.
---Miyamoto Mushashi.

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14 Dec 2017 20:55 #308402 by
Perhaps you are correct, but to be clear I am not a Social Justice Warrior nor some little snowflake. I have fifty years in the trenches and my experience shows me the truth. That is what we all want is it not, the truth? No, I don't think so. If I had known beforehand that this temple was infested with anti - white racism, snowflake mentality and groveling whites I would have shunned it from the get go. I had thought this could be a neutral place but I have come to realize that it is not. Jedi or not, bad behavior is not acceptable from anyone, not even spoiled little oppressed victims who make excuses and place the blame on others for their own sorry condition.

Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie.
---Miyamoto Musashi

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14 Dec 2017 21:06 - 14 Dec 2017 21:13 #308403 by

Siptah wrote: Perhaps you are correct, but to be clear I am not a Social Justice Warrior nor some little snowflake. I have fifty years in the trenches and my experience shows me the truth. That is what we all want is it not, the truth? No, I don't think so. If I had known beforehand that this temple was infested with anti - white racism, snowflake mentality and groveling whites I would have shunned it from the get go. I had thought this could be a neutral place but I have come to realize that it is not. Jedi or not, bad behavior is not acceptable from anyone, not even spoiled little oppressed victims who make excuses and place the blame on others for their own sorry condition.

Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie.
---Miyamoto Musashi

Its not full of "snowflakes". Its full of people that fight the good fight, for equal rights, for justice, and for those that cannot themselves. That is, after all, what the Jedi do. They went where there was oppressed and helped. They defended the defenceless, fought for those that could not. And that is what we do, inspired by the cinematic Jedi, and do their work here on Earth.

EDIT: As for the Musashi quote... well, it goes both ways. The truth is not what you want it to be. Perhaps what you believe is not the truth, so you must either bend to what you currently think is the lie, or live one yourself.
Last edit: 14 Dec 2017 21:13 by .

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14 Dec 2017 21:55 - 14 Dec 2017 21:57 #308408 by steamboat28

Siptah wrote: If I had known beforehand that this temple was infested with anti - white racism, snowflake mentality and groveling whites I would have shunned it from the get go

Firstly, there is no institutional anti-white racism anywhere in the Western hemisphere. There is no "snowflake mentality", except the one you're displaying right now by getting ultra-buttmad that people are disagreeing with you. Our beliefs aren't secret; you can see in the Doctrine that this is a Temple that believes in equality.

If you don't like it, you're welcome to leave. Otherwise, take your "fifty years in the trenches" and settle in for a fight on this.
Last edit: 14 Dec 2017 21:57 by steamboat28. Reason: Removal of pettiness.
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14 Dec 2017 22:09 #308410 by Manu

Arisaig wrote: Its not full of "snowflakes"

I consider myself more of a cornflake. Or maybe a cinnamon toast crunch.

We have a lot of work to do, to ensure that the world is a better place for everyone. And it's ain't getting done by jumping to sweeping generalizations about a group of people. You have good elements and bad elements on all sides. Sadly, the louder, angrier ones are usually the ones that go viral, and make their movement look bad.

The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
The realist adjusts the sails.
- William Arthur Ward
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14 Dec 2017 22:31 - 14 Dec 2017 22:40 #308413 by Adder

ZealotX wrote: Here's the sentence I'm disagreeing with so we're on the same page.

" I think this is the base reason why people take an equality approach to dealing with discrimination, because it does not pretend that any one type of discrimination is more hurtful or important then the others and does not pretend to know the suffering of others."

I disagree with this whole thought process and question its very origins.

First. Please note that BLM is being criticized. I do NOT agree with the criticisms but more than that I think the criticisms come from a racist ideology that permeates society and filters through it from the most irrational tribal mind (trickle down) to even the rational sincere, thoughtful and caring nonracist individuals such as yourself.

Before I explain further let me give you an example of what I'm talking about.

Nah, not in my case at least.... but since it was my quote I will explain; I'm coming at it from being exposed to the designing of, implementing measures to action, and educating industry in, wide ranging anti-discrimination policy as part of government. If anything I say seems to allude to something like 'not seeing race', it does not mean that I ignore it, but rather view the factors in a higher resolution of detail then race alone (or at least try too).

Knight ~ introverted extropian, mechatronic neurothealogizing, technogaian buddhist. Likes integration, visualization, elucidation and transformation.
Jou ~ Deg ~ Vlo ~ Sem ~ Mod ~ Med ~ Dis
TM: Grand Master Mark Anjuu
Last edit: 14 Dec 2017 22:40 by Adder.
The following user(s) said Thank You: OB1Shinobi, ZealotX

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14 Dec 2017 23:02 - 14 Dec 2017 23:09 #308414 by OB1Shinobi

Siptah wrote: For the record my avatar showing a man hanging from a tree represents the sacrificed god, Odin to be exact.

Are you a white nationalist?

Siptah wrote: On another point we have a black nationalist spreading propaganda in our midst. The arguments are hollow and racist. Whites have done many good things trying to equalize the races in this nation. Let me repeat, Whites have done this, not blacks. It was the white man who shed his and his brothers blood to end slavery throughout the white world, not just the United States. Whites have implemented Affirmative Action, Contract Set - Asides, lower standards to assist in entering colleges or even graduating high school.

I agree with you on all this. I consider all forms of racism to be greater or smaller pushes towards race nationalism, which i consider fundamentally un-American. I think the race nationalists on both sides are a huge problem for American society.

Siptah wrote: If I were to honestly take what is being presented in this discussion as the gospel truth I would be left with only one conclusion, blacks just cannot cut it in a civilized world unless the great white hope steps in and makes the changes for them. That is what I am seeing written here, always the oppressed victim is unable to do or change unless whitey does it for them. Always demanding and asking but never trying. I have noticed that the majority of the worlds races do not think very highly of the black, why is this? Perhaps we could look over the globe and see that almost all the worlds regions have at one time built great civilizations except for Sub - Saharan Africa. Why is this? No Egypt does not count, blacks were not "Kangs" or "Israelites", they are what they are. This is a painful truth for those who wish to live in equality with all men.

And this is where you start to lose me lol... i understand the impulse to respond in this way but i dont think its helpful, or fair. For me personally, the goal is national unity...civil cooperation... reconciliation....pointing fingers at the other race or talking in a way that suggests the other race is inherently inferior or evil is the exact opposite of what America needs.

Siptah wrote: The constant demand and victim hood mentality does not improve the black position in society. The refusal to take personal responsibly and the constant excuses for why this cannot be done and why as a race they are statistically more likely to commit crimes of all shapes and forms. Yes other races commit the same crimes, all humans are susceptible to this illness. However, blacks as a percentage are more likely to do so. On top of this is the tendency to act as if they are complete savages running amok in the streets. This is straight up Third World behavior and has no place in civilization.

I feel there must be a middle ground here. On the one hand, i agree with you that society cannot accept excuses for crime..and i do see some black people saying "black people have to sell drugs just to live" and "black people commit crime because white people oppressed us"

On the other hand, there IS a history of oppression that relegated black to poverty and there have been major barriers to black advancement in society..Poverty is always correlated with low education, addiction, and crime. This is true all over the world and for all races. You cant let people make excuses for criminality but you also cant pretend that todays ghettos arent the logical consequences of yesterdays racism. And this is where the opposing sides arent hearing each other because...maybe because they dont want to.
Those who want to really improve things have to hear the truths on both sides so that we can address them realistically.

Siptah wrote: An apology is in order, yes I believe so. Blacks owe the white man an apology for the excessive crime, the overwhelming financial burden placed upon our nation and the spiritual depravity inflicted upon our people. Stop with the lame excuses, take responsibility for your own, do something besides whine and complain about how the white man keeps you down and refuses to let you up. BALONEY!

When i encounter people who want to paint whites as devils, i definitely will point out the positives of the western world.... but blacks dont owe whites an apology lol...thats kind of funny in a way.

Siptah wrote: As I have already stated, if I was to take these arguments in any seriousness then I could only conclude that blacks are incapable of competing and thriving in civilization. Is this true? If so then why should we as a society be forced to live with such a failed evolutionary branch?

Evolutionary branches that are still alive have not failed. More importantly, I object to the suggestion that different skin colors represent fundamentally distinct branches of human evolution.

Siptah wrote: As far as the police are concerned, what can I say? They fear young black males for a very good reason, they are dangerous, murderous thugs with poor impulse control and no thought beyond this moment of excitement.

Is it possible to say this in a way that doesnt make it sound like you mean ALL young black males fit this description?

Siptah wrote: So yeah they are going to get shot and here in Texas you are just as likely to get shot dead by a civilian. Quit acting like thugs and criminals, raise your children correctly, quit making excuses, they do not fix anything, they only pass the blame for your own bad behavior onto others. Childishness it is, a very dangerous form of childishness and nothing more.

Theres a well established link with single parent families and crime... and its obvious (i think) that bad parenting produces, for lack of better word, bad children. When parents dont abandon their kids, and when kids are kept in line by their parents (required to go to school, get a job, stay away from drugs and alcohol, dont have their own kids until theyre adults themselves) they typically do well, no matter what race they are. Theres a huge number of people who dont seem to understand that the most important factors of economic success are based on personal choices, not on race.
But that argument doesnt have to be made in a derisive way.

Siptah wrote: Of course I cannot say that all blacks are like this, I have already gave a very brief history of my encounters with blacks so I feel no need to defend my views further.

It comes across like youre a bit of a racist. I assume people think the same of me though, so im not saying "i believe you are a racist" im only saying its easy to draw that conclusion by the way you phrase your points.

People are complicated.
Last edit: 14 Dec 2017 23:09 by OB1Shinobi.

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14 Dec 2017 23:10 - 14 Dec 2017 23:10 #308416 by steamboat28

OB1Shinobi wrote:

Siptah wrote: For the record my avatar showing a man hanging from a tree represents the sacrificed god, Odin to be exact.

Are you a white nationalist?

Please do not conflate white nationalism, racism, or any other bigotry with reverence of this patheon.
Last edit: 14 Dec 2017 23:10 by steamboat28.
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15 Dec 2017 01:47 #308424 by
As a black man, I want to say, it's ok to be white.

The reason why most whites don't feel their privilege or don't notice the systemic racism is because technically it doesn't exist.

To explain, the system now is not like the various state systems of old. The laws themselves aren't race specific. In fact they're pretty colorblind now. There's been over a century of work to see to that. The system itself operates in an oppressive way though. Where the law is used to control instead of rectify. Depending on the person using the law, or other parts of the system. You may or may not see examples of "privilege" or "supremacy".. and there are various forms of those two. Jewish, White, Christian, Muslim, etc..

Then there are those "cult"ures just said. The different bubbles, and the powers that shape and control them along with it. Every group has a Group Think bubble. Fear and sensationalism are used to maintain them. Superstition, Pride, Zealotry, and probably more. There a billions, all trapped between whichever bubble(s) they identify with. All interacting with each other. In a lot of ways, being used against each other. When it serves someone's "higher purpose".. I believe we are all connected by a web that some know how to manipulate to their advantage. Maybe they're creating knots to capture people just to magnify their own radiance. I don't know, but people are being moved. The low man and the high. The world is being.. steered.. somehow.. there's a shadow growing.. and it seems.. artificial..

Also, European culture has contributed greatly to our species. As have African, Asian, and Mesopotamian cultures. They've also each done their fair share of atrocities. I believe that's part of the growth process for sentient beings though. We can learn from our ancestors and we should..

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15 Dec 2017 03:26 #308427 by

steamboat28 wrote:

OB1Shinobi wrote:

Siptah wrote: For the record my avatar showing a man hanging from a tree represents the sacrificed god, Odin to be exact.

Are you a white nationalist?

Please do not conflate white nationalism, racism, or any other bigotry with reverence of this patheon.

Indeed. Odin hanged himself. lol

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