The Block

26 Nov 2018 20:58 #329673 by Tetrahedron
Replied by Tetrahedron on topic The Block
To help make it less frustrating for myself, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and keep aware of patterns, Keeping the door ajar to new ideas and experiences, while having a filter for those things that do not serve the True Will.
I find as I meditate and trust the universe and strive for the light and the force, the frustration fades away, in it's place it's new experiences, and just people with different opinions, all wanting the same thing inside! Love, or a release from fear!

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26 Nov 2018 21:32 #329677 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block

Tetrahedron wrote: To help make it less frustrating for myself, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and keep aware of patterns, Keeping the door ajar to new ideas and experiences, while having a filter for those things that do not serve the True Will.
I find as I meditate and trust the universe and strive for the light and the force, the frustration fades away, in it's place it's new experiences, and just people with different opinions, all wanting the same thing inside! Love, or a release from fear!

My whole life I have been learning this.
I’ll be balancing that till the day I glow blue. At the same time it does my heart good to know - I may not be the only one .

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26 Nov 2018 22:04 #329683 by
Replied by on topic The Block
Thank you Carlos. One of the biggest things I’ve found in my life is that it requires precarious balance. I’ve always been a glutton and closed myself off from the world because I dislike people as a whole. My time here has taught me that it is my own failures, my own shortcomings, the judgements and prejudices that I’ve made about people created a world around me that I dislike and get annoyed with. I’ve let a few people ruin the beauty of the whole. It is here that I’ve found that balancing point. I have to look past myself with open eyes and an open heart to really see the world and all the beautiful people in it.

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26 Nov 2018 23:15 #329688 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
You are welcome friend. For me - I’m the beginning that was me - I severed everything about me and the world just nahhh... now a few years into it I’m able to display a few more ideals and ways I’ve kept out in the open. It’s kinna like a higher learning thing - we segregate and learn then we apply and learn what we learned and un learn what we don’t need. Finding ones center is a huge step for any Modern day Jeddist and a step forward as far as conserned. Learn then ... apply ... learn then apply - kinna like the old wax on.... then wax off.

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03 Dec 2018 20:44 - 03 Dec 2018 20:49 #329960 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
The physical - the spiritual - the mental - exists in ever type of path, from the less organized most recent attempt to the the most archaic idea and every one in between. These three ideas exist in us and we often see them in different values and in different balances. ( we ARE a sight for those who didn’t understand )
Our fifth Teaching says -“ Jedi understand the well being consist in the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. A Jedi trains each to ensure they remain capable of performing their duty’s to the best of their ability’s. All these are INTERCONNECTED and essential parts of our training in becoming more harmonious with the Force.”
Here - we don’t ever tell you “WHAT” to do - never , we don’t tell you what to be or choose but we tell you and remind as well as share wins and losses.
We say - yes learn - go learn
We say - yes ask questions - go ask questions
We say - yes to almost everything you can think of. These three essential ideas we definitely say yes to. Practice your spirituality and ask around .... change it keep it - adjust - if need be - do this for all three - hone them - master them - practice them - make them- share them- write them down , pass them- what ever your choice - but yes - yes please do ! Have - a - balance. If you don’t make some time to begin trying ! You won’t regret it ! Somthing to think about for the week-

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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Last edit: 03 Dec 2018 20:49 by Carlos.Martinez3.
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04 Dec 2018 09:24 #329994 by
Replied by on topic The Block
How would you say the spiritual and the mental are different?

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04 Dec 2018 14:42 #330009 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Each of us have a discernment and a definition. I can only answer for myself.
To me , spiritual of faith based. Mental is more fact based than faith. To me the spiritual is my practice of faiths togeather - that mix of connections I call on any time I need. To my practice, the spiritual is what do I practice and how and to what lengths do I go to display it. What books I read - why- where I put my heart ... things like that. The mental of the things I usually take into count the thinking parts - the explanations and such. Stars - planets - how planes work - why-

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04 Dec 2018 14:49 #330010 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
What’s your active difference?

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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05 Dec 2018 01:08 #330082 by Kobos
Replied by Kobos on topic The Block
I thought of this in a weird way but bare with me........My spirituality is searching for the silence in a song. What I mean is this listen to a song, any song and you will hear inevitably at least one point where there is an emptiness, entirely void of noise. In most songs it is what makes the song a song. So, my spirituality is trying to see these in my song, to understand this timing. To make my song better for anyone that hears even one second of it. Hoping that it can help others make their song sound sweet to them.

What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
MF DOOM Books of War

Training Masters: Carlos.Martinez3 and JLSpinner
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11 Dec 2018 15:38 #330628 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
I was watching a “oldie” with my wife last night -“ We are no angels” Denero
And Penn 1989
There is a moment when one main character is called upon - unknowingly to give a sermon on the spot for the big procession they are having. In it - Sean Penn the convict on the run and in hiding gives a off the cuff message about faith.
If ya got time google it or watch it.

Is it enough just to HAVE faith ? That’s ok too!
Something to think about friends !

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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