The Block

11 Mar 2019 16:54 #335384 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Somthing to think about this week-
The bottle neck effect.
As Jedi - I want to encourage us to remember - Jedi teaching number 7

7. Jedi understand their limitations. We recognise, and take responsibility, for our failures and develop a level of modesty about them. We respect the right for others to disagree and understand that they themselves are not perfect.

Understanding limitations often leads to cultivation and in real worlds - often what we want and can do are two different things. To know our limit and abilities and not get - bogged down or take on too much or even the dreaded bottle neck effect can happen to any one. ( especially those who serve)
So, somthing to think about - Jedi teaching 7 says be carful and be aware because we can at times take on too much. Happy seeking my Jedi !

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11 Mar 2019 17:04 #335389 by
Replied by on topic The Block
But then one must understand limitations.

Are they ones you've placed on yourself? If so, are you accidentally selling yourself short? Are you holding yourself back?

Or are they ones placed on you by others? Why would one accept the judgement of ones own ability made by another person?

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11 Mar 2019 18:02 #335393 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block

Arisaig wrote: But then one must understand limitations.

Are they ones you've placed on yourself? If so, are you accidentally selling yourself short? Are you holding yourself back?

Or are they ones placed on you by others? Why would one accept the judgement of ones own ability made by another person?

Very true. These are questions we can all ask ourself.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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02 Apr 2019 01:44 #336771 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
I’ve heard - nothing worth value is ever easy.
As Jedi we have reminders like codes- maxims- vows and all types of things. As a Jeddist - it’s not easy. I’m telling you temple - being a place of self reflect and self paced- it’s hard to connect in ceartain ways. Be aware. Be wise and by all means be Jedi !

May the Force continue to find you as we all seek it!

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09 Apr 2019 15:26 #337017 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
There is a old saying in my circle and truth be told, it’s really more of a triangle than a circle and it is this...
Finish the fight .
As an instructor , it was my joy and privilege to remind my students of this “sigil.”
I think we as Modern day Jeddist could profit from such reminders. At times we get busy and life gets full. We put things on hold and on the back burner and at times - well some times - we just forget or loose track of things. Totally natural . I’ve never forgotten a child at thenmall but I’ve left cell phones, diaper bags and even a wallet or two behind. So I say my Jedi - finish the fight! Find a few things ya need to complete and make them done. ( I know that’s not proper speech but ya get the idea.) Make a few things ... complete. Check a few boxes where ya can and finish the fight! May the Force continue to be with y’all as we all seek it. I know I’ll be finishing up a few things myself this month!

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09 Apr 2019 15:48 #337018 by
Replied by on topic The Block
This i feel needed to come across my screen today. i needed to see this. Lately i have been feeling like i am just not good enough. after reading your last entry i will take up your motto and get back into the fight. I am good enough and i am a strong individual. Thank you for being my beacon of hope today.

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09 Apr 2019 15:56 #337021 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block

corpsman_up wrote: This i feel needed to come across my screen today. i needed to see this. Lately i have been feeling like i am just not good enough. after reading your last entry i will take up your motto and get back into the fight. I am good enough and i am a strong individual. Thank you for being my beacon of hope today.

And as a fellow Jedi- you May be mine tomorrow -by our presence some times we are the only Jedi real life ever sees. you are certainly a breath of fresh air my friend. Keep in touch

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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15 Apr 2019 13:37 #337193 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
My son is now six. As he grows his pallet does too, not just for food and tastes but for books and subjects. This morning he came into our room right on time and said “ King Kong - dont forget we are gunna watch King Kong”- the boy was excited. It reminds me of my Jedi path. Over time our palate changes - not every one and not specifically but after awhile ... we begin to ask different questions and even forget the cartoons and games and begin to seek - a much larger palate. It’s part of growth and part of life. Now, granted - Peter Jackson’s version and the version with “the dude “ are two way different versions but some times the new can be the old. Catch that? Some times we can have the new that’s actually - the old. Something to think about this week my Temple. Some times the new is the old. Some times the new blood is is the old blood some times what can change is - our palate.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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22 Apr 2019 05:00 #337516 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
This was written for the Totjo newsletter: Turn the heat up!

Turning up the heat for a old chief like me means that all my prep is done and it time to put pot to heat. Simmering moments are gone and prep time is gone - no more peeling or cutting - it’s about time to serve! It’s almost time to eat! There’s a old saying in cooking circles - drop the pasta! It’s the final stage to a dish or two. During this time, I’ll ask my love or son to begin to set the table- let’s get plates- cups - ice - spoons forks knives - rags - you know the drill. Turning up the heat reminds me that there CAN be a moment in life where the hard work begins to come together. As life and our paths go -so much time and study and chats and discussions go on. There will be moments it seems a “freakin mess” on counters and tables and kitchens and sinks - that’s kinna part of it all- prep time can conclude to clean up and clean up can begin that moment when it’s time to turn the heat up and turn time and effort - into a meal and into something we can share and enjoy. Even better is when we realize his can happen as often as we like to plan it. Hungry ? Starving ? Need a snack? Tea or coffee - turn the heat up. May the Force be with y’all as we all seek it .
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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29 Apr 2019 16:36 #337823 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Something to think about this week :

The difference between hidden and private.
Do we as Jedi have a difference? I’m a big voice on words and their meanings as well as their use. Do we have hidden things or private or is there no distinction ? Cultivation in our character and paths as well as life’s often means growing new things taking or replacing old ones and planting new things as well.
Two simple words yet - different glows. How do we use them if we do at all?
Got any other words you use like this with different values?

Force be with y’all this week as we all seek it ! May it find us in the seek!

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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