The Block

28 Nov 2016 18:48 #266516 by Kobos
Replied by Kobos on topic The Block

I have been thinking on this for quite some time since the original post above was made. i have come to this a "sage" is one who sees there is no sage only students. For one to be a sage it implies a level of learning that allows for a set standard of learning. Yet, a sage would and should always strive to learn. To remove not harm is a fine line and To turn and not disfigure is to sculpt understanding that impurity is purity. To lead and not demand is to teach and learn at the same time a skill seldom acquired, and to show but not blind is to be objective and void of emotion on said subject but to accept it for what it is, and yet to know that your emotion on it is still an important aspect however, not always the one to act on. This is my belief and feelings here. Be not a sage but a student forever. The force be with you all, always as it shall be.

What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
MF DOOM Books of War

Training Masters: Carlos.Martinez3 and JLSpinner
Knight of the Conclave
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30 Nov 2016 00:07 #266668 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Mindfulness can be a factor in a lot that we do. in study I find my attention has shifted to our family. As I learn and grow I have noticed that they do not. This may only be my own self noticing this but the more I study and grow the more they do not. Think about that for a while, let that sink in. I am no way shape or form calling any one stupid or names by any means the point is as Jedi we have a place to grow, most of our family is NOT Jedi and do not have the means as we do. Nothing right or wrong with that, just stating the obvious, as you learn to meditate and open your mind to new ideas, do not forget the family and those around you. Now , we all know Jedi ism isn't for every one and quite really its a difficult thing to explain so that being said some times we are Jedi in a world that is not. We have a place to come and learn and grow, we ourselves are learning new things and people and ideas and the truth is our parents are not in the Temple in our Journals and neither is the wife and kids. da da da dahhhhhh what now... what a point in our Jedi lifes and paths to realize this. When I came to this realization I was afraid a bit. What if I s came to mind and my amygdule went nuts..... ( I have leaned most times in life a small pause is beneficial) I paused long and hard on this one. I had never even though that idea in my mind. Im not saying that im the best ant any of this or even quite know whats all what and possible but I do know a few things like possible at any given time, depends on the characters in the story, any how, I began including my son in my meditations, just son, ima meditate for a few wanna join, I get 50 50 so im happy with those stats! To the other heart in my life I added things I was learning to suite us as well. Included her in the learning as well. I started love books, 5 languages of love, how to speak to a king and queen. manners. ...from one lover to another, dance with your love...learn or atleast hae fun lerning togeather. I began growing not only in my self, but in my hubby spot and in my dad spot. Forgive me for not having all the right words to describe properly, im still learning too!
In life there is a balance. In everything we do I think balance can be had or maintained at least. It may take a while and some one saying something to us....(hint hint) but eventually we can find our own balance. As far as family, oh my Temple don't forget them. Don't leave them behind. To me , the more I study the better I am for myself and my family. Include them in your studies. I cant tell you how exactly cuz im not that kind of Jedi lol but I will say make a space for em, afterall, they are why our Jedi hearts know love. Right?

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30 Nov 2016 08:02 - 30 Nov 2016 08:07 #266690 by
Replied by on topic The Block
A Knght is always a bit lonely ;)

On a personal level i can share that i have been feeling lonely for a while now , i shared this with my daughter and she shares this feeling , i like that i can talk about that with her because i choose this path , not taking anyone elses feelings in consideration, She says i am more awake now , not distant as i sometimes could be. I am not alone , though i seek Solitude , i am not lonely in my heart , but sometimes it would be cool to have another Jedi here to spar with...i lost one of my best friends , he was confronting , harsh , and selfish , but i miss him , because i felt his love for me. Yes i am a bit lonely , but not alone ;) and i am a bit alone but never lonely :lol:

Confusing ? Yes , thank G'd we have this place to learn and study

Thank you for reminding me Master !
Last edit: 30 Nov 2016 08:07 by .

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30 Nov 2016 16:12 #266738 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Any time ! Including family is a big step toward from fan fare to study ups, to a simple cup of hot steaming coco! We are as alone as we want to be some times . you are strong Lima no doubt about that. Take a few family members with you on your trip! Lol be well and keep growing! Keep seeking keep finding,and share! Force be,still with you and yours

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06 Dec 2016 17:23 #267451 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block

For those who may not know it your in the clergy section or you have ben invited to the spiritual side of the Temple, feel free to look around and see what the clergy has to offer.
The active difference between Syncritism and tolerance is so far from each other yet they are always mistaken for the other.
this WAS taken from seminary training when I took it lol
We often speak of a syncretic religion as a meeting space wherein everyone can enjoy the religion of their choosing and everyone just gets on well. That isn’t precisely it. That, different religious beliefs and practices cohabitating is simply religious toleration, as that which was first advocated by John Locke in the 17th century. This was further put forth by Roger Williams who was steadfastly opposed to the systematic ‘conversion’ of Native Americans to Christianity (or something that resembled it).

Religious toleration (or tolerance) is a very, very good start, but it certainly doesn’t stop there. We must be tolerant, then accepting of others’ beliefs and convictions. Divergent perspectives are good ; they would best never be the basis for conflict. But this is not the same as syncretism.

In my studys I have found so much more benefit from a real syncretic idea rather than co existing.
I tend to rely on my Buddhism teachings and my Jedi teachings as well as my study on the Tao and the bible.
many different ideas can and do live in me. My ideas of father and lover have come from others I have seen. Hey they hold hands and actively search for eachother when they are separated to long, when I saw a couple do that in my home church, I noticed they were way closer and different in a relationship than that which I had know or had been believed had existed. I found a different example of love. I found it! I adapted it, turns out Mr Jimmy "prays" for his wife every morning and , and the contents of this mans words, holly molley he loved that woman, he only shared it once with me after church in a mc donalds but I never forgot thsat hat, THAT love exist so I now lay in meditation , every night and morning and think on my wife and son. Daily, this creates a fondness you can only get from frequency. Did u catch that?
This is syncretism at its finest. I Love with a love that is not my own, I leanred it. and gained , adapted, took, acted to give that type of love.
Syncritism says you can do this for any idea from any where. Think about that, this one idea gives the Jedi their freedom of individuality, true individuality ,in my opinion. The ability to be lover, fighter, teacher , brother, Knight, Priest and, any combination there in all in you, right there for you to enjoy.

last example
Some of us are martial art savy , at least some of us are, There is a idea , style of thinking called JEET KUNE DO
We all know thisas Master Lees efforts to bring all arts to their finest in this one idea. Fencing, grappling, striking, boxing, this dude has got it all and speed.... ive never been kicked quite as accurate as my own Master K used to teach the blocks to me first hand. Been stomped and tossed, thrown and beaten with bats n sticks but never did he have such accuracy as to take my wind and my muscle ability's in one invisible kick. Great stuff
its this, we often quote "be like water" the ability to be anything at any time.
Some of us are like a good old fashion swiss army knife. Some of us are like a great beautiful library needing tapestry's and rugs and a cup of coffee, or tea. How ever the analogy we have this gift of Syncretism, not tolerance. My hope is thru examples we can see more examples of real life syncretism not well...tolerance, nothing wrong with tolerance, trust me but there IS a difference friends, a very active difference. Long live the Gray Jedi who actively search out new ideas every day. ONE of many gifts this syncretism has is I get to keep my "gray" status lol

Our syncretism allows it, isn't that nice?
PS if u need more please don't hesitate to pm me my box is always open friend and Jedi
May the living Force be with yall and may we be about the build up, not the tare down.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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06 Dec 2016 21:22 #267489 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
A bump.. Has appeared...

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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14 Dec 2016 02:01 - 14 Dec 2016 02:05 #268345 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
To those who are fans, I say enjoy. To those like me and wish to take a bit more from the Temple, to friends I call to. I am thankful for a place like this. Truly, we here, have many opportunities on line as well as off line to practice what is inside us and it is on that idea I ask for your attention this week. How, the practical how. I, myself would love to read the how's of how we as Jedi ...actually use our Syncretism and lessons and wisdom are used. I think that's one of many great ideas of the Temple. As I study and learn I notice my own path before me. I notice. I see, now what happens when we finally identify things. With me, it was at a time when I noticed I could...cognitively change mind was blown. In my life I have know people who had a better...character than me. Truth be told, I know I was born on the streets to a life style much NOT what I knew nor taught. Hence the bad grammar but im learning! So I came to a point where I saw others acting in ways, well frankly I wanted to act. Hold on Jedi don't loose me , lol So, I simply did a bit of studying, asked a few questions and this is what I got.
without labels....Eddie Keller had a wife. He claimed to love her. He woke up every morning and wiped the dew from his car with a rag. Started the coffee for his love and met her every morning before she started her day. At church or at the stores they were like homming no time flat they would search for each other and move towards one another just to stand next to one another.
Till her last breath he was in arms shot of her. He told her good bye with a cup of coffee.
Monte , my man Monte sang in church his whole life. Wasn't the ideal idea of Christianity, had a few beers and a baseball game. Lovely voice and an old time picker of guitars and stringed things. singings was his thing!
Monte had been going thru health problems, we all knew. So did Monte. At the hospital, there was a singing...his entire clan as we call em sang him away. He had taught them how to sing and now at the end, wow.....'
Both People are real and have passed from this life and from my path. This very month. My heart go to the Kellers from San Antonio TX and the Doty's from Spring Bay Illinois.
These two examples are mine and like so many of you you have your own I hope as well. If you do not I encourage you to find them. Look at your own life and find the wisdom and gifts that are there already, lol smiley face (build you)
Now that moment when you find yourself in need of a example, insert what you think you would like to act other words, if Eddie were given one more day, how woud he wake up tomoow? How did he build that end? How did he do it? How do these examples do it.? That my friend is the moment we insert a difrent action, insert character, and the best part is it doesn't even have to be our own. (...mind Blown...) Do you have examples? what are those moments Jedi? I would love to read a few. Honestly, of things of the heart I could listen all night, lol I have. May the Force be with yall Jedi every where.
when those moment come and we have the opportunity , I would hope we choose a bit of what we choose, not what's just automatic.
The things we could build!!!!

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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Last edit: 14 Dec 2016 02:05 by Carlos.Martinez3.
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19 Dec 2016 22:19 #269008 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
The Jedi way
As I study and grow I notice to many labels to many lines and a lot of ... groups fro my liking. im not speaking against groups or collectiveness, no we are a collection of great things here friends what im saying is after some time there can come time when you erase a few lines. I am a Knight here and a Minister and a Jedi so I will NEVER tell you what to do or how the "best" will we for you. Now that being said in the spirit of actual UNITY join me as we practice this one.
Something to think of for the week!
We by our word have said we believe"... In the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it."
This means to a Jedi and those who claim it, life Has worth. now...
Do you believe in it? Do you believe in all life as valuable? not saying animals and so forth just the tip basic... do you believe every heart every life matters? For some of us like me I had to break the chains that held my ideas captive. It is possible Jedi, to be something you were not raised even stronger than you were tough or even to those who have had the assistance needed to achieve what it is we believe in and to accomplish anything. All life , human life you me them us we her him them it is my choice stance. My enemies as well. To most that will take a bit of time and effort in that direction, nothing happens over night friends, so as Jedi do you stand with me? Do you hold life sacred? Special? dear?
the inherent worth...hmm you mean we are all ...worth yes you are as much worth as me and him, who ever him may be! lol
Join me Jedi in taking this simple stand, we all agree on im sure but have never said it. Stand for life. Like that when some one asks you hey so and what do you think about the shootings and the killings....see past the names and labels and see Jedi, without reserve ...see whats there then , make your mark. I hope im not the only Jedi who understands these simple truths here is your faithful in the little things, the big things are easy. Life, make a choice. Take a stand and join. Do it. then, see what else you can stand on! Some call this making character some call it cheating lol I call it good form. Take a stand before its needed and you wont worry about your answer when it called on.
All my heart Jedi !
Carlos JK LM

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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03 Jan 2017 20:52 #271020 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
So thing to ponder...
My past year was full of a lot of things I placed and came to light. I planted and reaped and lost and won. In was thinking I'm ... 30 at any given time in my life between here till birth if I would have had a Jedi example how different would things be? At any given time I might have grasped it and changed everything. Mostly me... In would have made fun of it but.... That one chance... Now , in would take it. I know for a fact if I knew then what I know now and accepted it at any given time sooner....boom!!! So I said to myself , why not be that lighfornsome one else? Our example of Jedi is quite litterally all some will ever know and see. So, this year shine for the new, the now the constant the future and the nots.... It may, you may be that small light they need or, like me have been waiting for. Shine friends and Jedi.... you are!!!! I see you!!!Let's build up ,never tare down.

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04 Jan 2017 09:43 #271067 by
Replied by on topic The Block
If i have learned anything from you Master , it is that i now take my heart with me wherever i go , no hiding , no destroying , no neglegting , here i am , whole again :) I notice that when you do that , you are vulnarable and invincible at the same time , its a good feeling. Off course it feels off when someone tries to hurt you out of their own confusion , but they are not insulting you , they are insulting themselves

We are not what they accuse us of ...they are

And as for taking chances , you may say now that you would grab that chance , but chances are you did not see it as a chance then ...years ago ;)

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