What would help the Temple Be A Better Place? Suggestions please...

10 Jul 2017 21:03 #290199 by Wescli Wardest
Of the things talked about, this is what I know, or can remember about council discussing them.

Support more causes/fundraising
Depending on what you mean, that has been shot down before when it comes to outside stuff. And we have done some fundraising that went well. We can always do more.

Journal Security – IP journals only viewable by Apprentices/Knights and up along with the author
With the way the site is set up now, I really don’t know a way to make that possible. It’s worth looking in to… but I just don’t know that it is possible with the current set up/structure.

More input and activity in public by Council members
That’s really dependent on the individual. Demand more of your leaders is all I can say.

Officer accountability/Term limits for offices/Transparency
Good ideas. I agree with them. They have been shot down before. Keep pushing if it’s something you really want.

Stop supplying copyrighted material for free
It’s been talked about before and I believe there was some kind of loop hole that allowed us something… I don’t really remember.

Use a different chat client that doesn’t interfere with the site/ability to open a separate window
Been asked lots of times. Lots of times. It would be great if it were possible. Still hung up in Council.

Create original material for the IP
That has been suggested many times before. There are parts of the IP that I think are really good and a serious benefit. But there is very little material being offered for use (if any) and no one that I know of is creating anything new.

Broken links in the FAQ and Library
It is a constant work in progress that keeps getting hindered.

Require IP completion in order to become a member
Not suggested before that I know of, but I like it.

Include more esoterism in discussion/training
Some has been added. I think it would be good to add it to the religions of the world section. There are some that I think are pretty good.

Protocol for removal of Officers other than by Council vote
It has not been talked about in a long time. And it is sometimes hard to get people to agree to making the security of their positions more volatile.

Monastic Order of Knights
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10 Jul 2017 21:11 #290200 by Zenchi

Adder wrote:

Zenchi wrote:

Adder wrote:

TheDude wrote: I've heard of some folks waiting a long time -- months, even -- for a response from the council on any given thing. While the folks on the council have their own lives and I don't think any of us expect them to be on the website all of the time, it is really a shame that it takes so long for some people and I don't see why such processes can't be expedited.

Did they contact the Council Secretary? I'll give him a kick in the booty if he missed anything...

I pm'd you last week about Hatters little book (written by himself and a few active members within the TOTJO) , mind posting your thoughts in the "Tea for your Midicloreans" thread?

Thanks in advance! :laugh:

Objection, relevance, LOL.... now you've got me worried, are you suggesting that was a request to Council for approval to link that book?

It read like a personal message, asking me to "download the file and read through it, and then offer up your feedback either privately or publicly in the thread" you said it 'was not a requirement' for me to do what you were asking.... so I had a look and don't have time to make a contribution right now... unless something I've said in a forum post was suitable which I could clean up. It is too broad a topic for me to canvass, I prefer specifics.

I didn't think you needed Council approval to post new content in the library, and the message doesn't seem to be asking for it. Don't go messing with my head, I take this stuff serious man :P

Sorry I asked for your opinion, I know now not to bother next time...

My Word is my Honor, and my Honor is my Life ~ Sturm Brightblade
Passion, yet Serenity
Knighted Apprentice Arisaig
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10 Jul 2017 21:15 #290201 by Adder

Zenchi wrote:

Adder wrote:

Zenchi wrote:

Adder wrote:

TheDude wrote: I've heard of some folks waiting a long time -- months, even -- for a response from the council on any given thing. While the folks on the council have their own lives and I don't think any of us expect them to be on the website all of the time, it is really a shame that it takes so long for some people and I don't see why such processes can't be expedited.

Did they contact the Council Secretary? I'll give him a kick in the booty if he missed anything...

I pm'd you last week about Hatters little book (written by himself and a few active members within the TOTJO) , mind posting your thoughts in the "Tea for your Midicloreans" thread?

Thanks in advance! :laugh:

Objection, relevance, LOL.... now you've got me worried, are you suggesting that was a request to Council for approval to link that book?

It read like a personal message, asking me to "download the file and read through it, and then offer up your feedback either privately or publicly in the thread" you said it 'was not a requirement' for me to do what you were asking.... so I had a look and don't have time to make a contribution right now... unless something I've said in a forum post was suitable which I could clean up. It is too broad a topic for me to canvass, I prefer specifics.

I didn't think you needed Council approval to post new content in the library, and the message doesn't seem to be asking for it. Don't go messing with my head, I take this stuff serious man :P

Sorry I asked for your opinion, I know now not to bother next time...

Chin up, I appreciated the request. Busy times is all. You can contact me anytime. I thought it was a generic request copy and paste email you'd sent to all Knights or something. If you want to chat you can PM me anytime.

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11 Jul 2017 00:21 #290215 by Brenna
I think what would be really useful, is if people didn't talk in "general terms". If you want accountability, then tell us what that looks like. What exactly do you want to see happen?

If you have issues with particular councelors or "higher ups" etc that you don't think are doing what you believe should be expected of them, then make a complaint about said person so it can be looked at and dealt with.

If we cannot pin point who or what is causing an issue, then we're going to have difficulty putting something in place to directly resolve said issue.

Walking, stumbling on these shadowfeet

Part of the seduction of most religions is the idea that if you just say the right things and believe really hard, your salvation will be at hand.

With Jediism. No one is coming to save you. You have to get off your ass and do it yourself - Me
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11 Jul 2017 00:35 #290220 by Zenchi

Brenna wrote: I think what would be really useful, is if people didn't talk in "general terms". If you want accountability, then tell us what that looks like. What exactly do you want to see happen?

If you have issues with particular councelors or "higher ups" etc that you don't think are doing what you believe should be expected of them, then make a complaint about said person so it can be looked at and dealt with.

If we cannot pin point who or what is causing an issue, then we're going to have difficulty putting something in place to directly resolve said issue.

Should this be done publicly or in private? I can get specific...

My Word is my Honor, and my Honor is my Life ~ Sturm Brightblade
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11 Jul 2017 00:49 #290221 by Brenna
Im not sure who should decide whether it's done privately or In public. The tone of this thread seems to suggest that people want it all in the open, but the vagueness suggests not... so I don't know.

Walking, stumbling on these shadowfeet

Part of the seduction of most religions is the idea that if you just say the right things and believe really hard, your salvation will be at hand.

With Jediism. No one is coming to save you. You have to get off your ass and do it yourself - Me

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11 Jul 2017 00:54 #290222 by
Complaints about an individual should be handled by PM imo

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11 Jul 2017 00:57 #290223 by Brenna
I would agree. But would this satisfy the calls for transparency and accountability?

Walking, stumbling on these shadowfeet

Part of the seduction of most religions is the idea that if you just say the right things and believe really hard, your salvation will be at hand.

With Jediism. No one is coming to save you. You have to get off your ass and do it yourself - Me
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11 Jul 2017 00:58 #290224 by
There is a difference between transparency and public humiliation.

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11 Jul 2017 01:07 - 11 Jul 2017 01:14 #290225 by Brenna
Well said.

In that case. Anyone who has a concern about a councilor or "higher up" or something they urgently think needs to be changed. Please PM or email the council as a whole. We're all big people, and should all be willing to take criticism constructively.

Though I have to admit that I feel like a broken record. I've lost count of how many times I've said this. And to date only one person has come forward with specific concerns. Accountability goes both ways. If you're not willing to step up and speak out we can't be expected to make changes or address something we might be doing wrong. We may be Jedi but we aren't mind readers ;)

Walking, stumbling on these shadowfeet

Part of the seduction of most religions is the idea that if you just say the right things and believe really hard, your salvation will be at hand.

With Jediism. No one is coming to save you. You have to get off your ass and do it yourself - Me
Last edit: 11 Jul 2017 01:14 by Brenna.
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