A question of The Force.

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06 Oct 2018 03:33 #327440 by
Replied by on topic A question of The Force.
My faith is based in a real inspection of my experience. I've always been that way. I've done a few experiments with it that someone else can repeat.

Example, I had my first experience with astral projection when I was around 10 years old. I was on a road trip with family. I had fallen asleep and got caught in a sleep paralysis. It wasn't my first time with that lol. I even had a method of wiggling my toe to make me snap back. This time was different. I couldn't shake it. I was wiggling half my foot I think, nothing..

I couldn't call out, move, nothing was working. Then the panic wanted to set in after awhile. I thought I was trapped, or that I could even die. All of a sudden the scenery caught my attention. It was familiar for some reason. Then it hit me. "We're outside of town! We're here!".. Surprised me so much that it snapped me back. There we were, the sign was right down the road. What surprised me was that I could see where we were.. but it wasn't for a few years before I actually figured out how to project..

Now, I had never heard of astral projection. Wouldn't til I was a junior in high school. So, somehow I figured that if I could get really tired but keep my mind focused on a single cohesive train of thought. As I slipped into my sleep, my mind would continue as if it was awake.. bam, I'm looking at myself on the couch..
That didn't convince me though. I could justbe imagining what I last saw with what I might expect to see. I came up with a game to test it. I would try to see who's car would be pulling in to park. The parking was right in front of our balcony. I really didn't know who would pull up at what times. I never gave it much thought, I was 13.

I would go to sleep at night. Intent on projecting. When the lights pulled up. I would look outside. See it, then wake up to confirm what I saw. Each time it worked. I did multiple cars every session. I tried to stay skeptical so my mind would make its own thought-forms... like how you can control your dreams sometimes.. The results had me astonished. I couldn't believe it, but it was real.. Eventually, I would go on to adventure further out ourapartment.. but that's when I learned how real it can be.. when you're staring down a black mass that's barking back. Then it pursues you so fast that contact seems almost instantaneous. It was a terror I had NEVER experienced nor ever would again in my life. Even scared the nightmares out of me lol

My faith comes from experiences I studied and looked deep into.. I didn't conjure up this stuff in my head. As I would find later. I wasn't the only one having those experiences. The fact that you so easily claim that there's been no evidence or study goes against a nearly 10,000 year old tradition. It goes back to ancient Egypt and China. I'm probably assuming correctly that you haven't looked hard enough. Especially if you expect someone to just present you with some physical evidence of non-physical substances.. we're talking energy that doesn't resonate like matter.. which is energy also..

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06 Oct 2018 05:15 #327441 by
Replied by on topic A question of The Force.
You are right 40 years of intense spiritual study, a degree in astrophysics and the attainment of high positions in two formal pagan traditions is probably not long enough or deep enough exploration for me to make any judgements lol.

Sorry but subjective personal assertions are not enough for me to accept your extraordinary claims as true. Would you believe me if I told you I have an invisible unicorn that keep in my garage? And this unicorn does not interact with reality in any conventional way so you wont be able to detect it but I have learned a secret 10,000 year old sumarian process that has been lost to the ages that has taught me how to interact with it.

In any case if you are truly capable of these amazing things you say you are then I encourage you to take James Randy's test. He has 1 million dollars as a prize for anyone that can prove they possess paranormal abilities. Think of it, that much money could do amazing things for Jedi such as yourself.

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06 Oct 2018 07:36 - 06 Oct 2018 07:38 #327444 by
Replied by on topic A question of The Force.
Lol I'm not the only one. There are folks who can share that experience..

Apparently there are old little societies that have been doing this for a long time. Also regular private practitioners. All over the place really. It's in all kinds of ancient texts. I can't understand how you couldn't at least acknowledge that when I mentioned it before.. or where you got your thoughts on Abraham's Heaven.. given your 40 year history..

I'm kinda disappointed now otc lol

What's really funny though is that it's entirely possible for you to have an imaginary unicorn that didn't interact with the physical.. that would be creating a thought-form. It probably wouldn't do much though. That's part of lucid dreaming also, dream-bending lol.. The opposite mindset of what you would want to have if you're projecting.
Last edit: 06 Oct 2018 07:38 by .

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06 Oct 2018 07:43 #327445 by
Replied by on topic A question of The Force.
I don't think anyone that could take the challenge would do it.. for a few reasons.. It's funny to me, personally.. looking for the right things in the wrong places lol

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06 Oct 2018 08:26 #327446 by
Replied by on topic A question of The Force.
The Force is very real and very subtle.. and also powerful.. It's sort of a dichotomy to it.. but more like the opposite ends of two magnets.. there is also very real, dark, and destructive evil that exists.. but The Light, The Force, works towards harmony.. balance, growth, improvement, order, etc..

In a lot of ways, it's impossible to even use words to accurately describe it. It can't be created nor destroyed. It just is and always has been.. creating and recreating..

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06 Oct 2018 14:40 #327452 by
Replied by on topic A question of The Force.

Uzima Moto wrote: I don't think anyone that could take the challenge would do it.. for a few reasons.. It's funny to me, personally.. looking for the right things in the wrong places lol

I wonder why so many people assert they can base supernatural powers in science but when this challenge is issued to test under that basis it is always met with excuses as to why it cant be done... I think were done here.

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06 Oct 2018 15:30 #327455 by Carlos.Martinez3

Zanthan Storm wrote: We speak of God in this world; many of us have see the works of God through the Force. For myself I see the Holy Spirit as The Living Force because it is within us all. Here is my question to you.

Have you witnessed an act of The Force?
If so, tell us about it. Did it act through you?

Back to the original question:

I am not a Christian by any means. I do have virtue stemmed and from examples of great Christian people and their examples of love and faith and their application of their freedoms their belief has given them. I call the Force most nothing I can’t in any way shape or form claim to be by me. I have many definitions of the Force and often am thankful for other people’s Force. That being said...
I’ve notice the reciprocation of good planting in many ways shapes and forms. Often , I’ve seen the seek for virtue to find me meeting people I would never normally have thought , I can learn somthing from them. Over time ( my) the Force has brought people into my path who teste not only as far as action in moments of anger and forgiveness but in moments of true experience and validation... in other words - I meet people who ask me “ are you for real” then people who ask me “ dude , your for real.” To me, this is the Force manifesting obvious pathways for me. It’d my goal to always make new and strengthen old connections and thebForce that drives often seems to put into place that which I some how need.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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06 Oct 2018 15:33 #327456 by
Replied by on topic A question of The Force.

Kyrin Wyldstar wrote:

Uzima Moto wrote: I don't think anyone that could take the challenge would do it.. for a few reasons.. It's funny to me, personally.. looking for the right things in the wrong places lol

I wonder why so many people assert they can base supernatural powers in science but when this challenge is issued to test under that basis it is always met with excuses as to why it cant be done... I think were done here.

Didn't say couldn't, big difference. I wouldn't just to let them sit there in their simplistic thinking personally lol.. it would tickle me to no end lmao

Them: "Show me astral energy on my microscope!"
Me: "I don't think you get how this works lol"

To call it vibrational is an understatement.. but your going to have a hard time measuring something that resonates on a more subtle level than your testing materials.. like trying to catch water with a net lol..

The lack of perception on his part is another reason some folks wouldn't take the challenge..
"Oh, are you so certain? Have you looked from all possible angles? What makes you think they would need or even want your money to begin with? Everybody isn't that simple minded, you know..
Shame, how can you not see the obvious?"

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06 Oct 2018 16:28 #327457 by
Replied by on topic A question of The Force.
Qi, Prana, Spirit, Ether.. there all parts of the same whole.. that's been my experience. Through me, and in the world around me. "Lift a rock and you will find me" as a certain Hebrew prophet was credited with saying..

I don't see my or yours, but ours.. It belongs to us and we to it..

A son's inheritance rightfully belongs to him, but only because he belongs to his father..

..and we are children of this Living Light-Energy..

That's my gnosis, my knowing by experiencing. Not just hear-say or written word..

Which makes me kind of sad for Kyrin.. skepticism is good in moderation. However, she's outright dismissive.. and belligerently so.. but her approach, rebuttal, and general presumption of the intellectual high ground makes me think she's done more ego building than self-mastery.. but, like a mule at a millstone. When she finally stops and look at herself she'll see just how far she's come..

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02 Jun 2019 02:03 #339144 by
Replied by on topic A question of The Force.

Uzima Moto wrote: Which makes me kind of sad for Kyrin.. skepticism is good in moderation. However, she's outright dismissive.. and belligerently so.. but her approach, rebuttal, and general presumption of the intellectual high ground makes me think she's done more ego building than self-mastery.. but, like a mule at a millstone. When she finally stops and look at herself she'll see just how far she's come..

Do not feel sad for me. Skepticism only works not in moderation but when applied universally. Dismission is a hallmark of skepticism. Show me something impressive based on evidence and I will pay attention. Fail to do this and i will dismiss you. You say well you dont know how this works... nice assertion... so either prove a process in which it does work or GTFO. Cuz claims need foundation or they are baseless

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