The Problem with Black Lives Matter

06 Jun 2017 04:08 - 06 Jun 2017 04:25 #286618 by RosalynJ
The contents of this video may be disturbing to some viewers
Warning: Spoiler!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It seems I need my own learning opportunity, so I would like to start a discussion about a topic affects people like me

Just so we are clear,
I don't agree with the premise of this video

Pax Per Ministerium

Last edit: 06 Jun 2017 04:25 by RosalynJ.
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06 Jun 2017 05:45 - 06 Jun 2017 05:50 #286624 by JamesSand
How much does a polar bear weigh?

Enough to break the ice!

My experience of this (and other "movements" ) is often probably wildly skewed due to my...relative isolation from them (In terms of geography and culture)

(Having said that, I read a News Corp paper today, and had to go have a lie down it was so full of...rubbish)

ANYWAY, I'm just here to chew popcorn and watch (for now)

(Of all the...unusual stuff he said, one thing that "triggered" me was when he said (words to the effect of) "the recent videos of police brutality are wrong"

...the videos are wrong, or the brutality is wrong?

I just want to be sure...
Last edit: 06 Jun 2017 05:50 by JamesSand.

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06 Jun 2017 06:12 - 06 Jun 2017 06:14 #286627 by Adder
Movement versus organization.... when a movement hijacks an organization the organization needs to rebrand, else it by association is party to whatever its movement does, so the best it can hope short of rebranding is redefining that association as the movement develops its own form - which is a bit like screaming at a tornado. Did he make a comparison with islamic terrorism :s So I guess Islam has the same problem in this particular regard albeit smaller numbers but more drastic action..Emotional contagion seemingly tends to vector out through the most rewarding participatory action, which might be why sometimes emotional or complex things need to be caged in explanatory verbiage to set a context for the emotion to be addressed as most rationally as possible.... get to know the horse before jumping on its back sorta thing.

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Last edit: 06 Jun 2017 06:14 by Adder.

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06 Jun 2017 06:26 - 06 Jun 2017 06:37 #286629 by JamesSand

get to know the horse before jumping on its back sorta thing.

I don't know much about horses, but I love Bandwagons!


(Sigh) Setting aside whatever the FACTS are - The video raises a (reasonably) valid point - the White Devil (me, the guy in the video, whoever - Do you reckon he needs those glasses or are they a fashion piece?) can feel alienated and "blamed" by this that and the other organisation / movement.

And then when THAT is raised, be accused of trying to make the true victims invisible, or co-opt the movement, or be a part of the problem...or something.

So (The White Devil) comes up with something like #NotAllMen, which, as recent history has shown us, mostly backfires and creates more rage and separation between whatever involved parties, including those that are (with varying levels of success) trying to be "allies"

I'm not necessarily agreeing with the message of the video itself, but that he felt he needed to make the video at all, and most likely quite a few people agree, means there is something there.

Or hell, maybe privileged white devil boy just didn't like not being the spotlight of fame for four and a half seconds, so he made a video to bring more attention back to himself and his voice, which he finds more "valid" than any other voice in the discussion.

Hard to say really.
Last edit: 06 Jun 2017 06:37 by JamesSand.
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06 Jun 2017 08:25 - 06 Jun 2017 08:59 #286631 by Tarran

Rosalyn J wrote: Just so we are clear,
I don't agree with the premise of this video

I hope you don't mind my asking, Rosalyn (please forgive me, if so... but I really must ask), but I sincerely need a wee bit of clarity on this...

#1, When you say "premise", are you speaking of the message that there is something gone awry with the movement/organization (either/both), or... ?

#2, When you say that you "don't agree", am I to take that as "I decidedly disagree", or "I wait to make my own judgment until I can understand this through others' eyes" (which/else)?

I'd really like to know/understand *your* ideas, and feelings, on this... even if they are yet not quite *set* at the moment.

Have courage, of course - remember that you are among family <3

- Tarran ^_^


JamesSand wrote: #BringBackCherryCoke


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Last edit: 06 Jun 2017 08:59 by Tarran.
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06 Jun 2017 08:32 - 06 Jun 2017 08:56 #286632 by Tarran
Duplicate post (wtf, again? I must've goofed somehow) - nothing to see here! lol

Apprentice to J. K. Barger
Last edit: 06 Jun 2017 08:56 by Tarran.

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06 Jun 2017 09:46 - 06 Jun 2017 09:49 #286639 by Brick
I'm at work and so can't actually watch the video, I'll watch it later and actually comment on what is said in the video then.

But I would say that the main thing wrong with 'Black Lives Matter' is that it's only half a sentence, it's missing 'too', or 'just as much as white lives' from the end of it. Because at the moment there are examples of people saying things like 'all lives matter', and having to apologise, retract those statements, and say 'black lives matter' instead.

I understand why the movement/organisation came about, its very important. It upsets me a little that there's a need for it, that in this day and age, people need reminding that black (or any) lives do in fact matter. But I do think that the movement has been hijacked and thus got a bit of a bad reputation (a little like what happened to feminism in the late 80's/early 90's). I hope it can get away from that reputation and get back to what 'black lives matter' was originally about (a little like what feminism is doing now).

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Last edit: 06 Jun 2017 09:49 by Brick.
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06 Jun 2017 12:31 #286659 by Carlos.Martinez3
In my own personal persuit of focus knowledge and wisdom I find my self ... Simplifying things ... For my self that is.

If I as a Jedi believe in the Force and all inherent things then the value on life isn't revealed by the focus of the time but ... By the choice I have pre decided ... All life matters. In this light many difrent things can be seen. For me, this and practice , intent is shown. Every person who has asked me personally about this movement has been shocked and upset because the attention isn't ... Did I read that ,,, ISNT on them. Once I adapted the Jedi way of all things are called and valued it kind of made ... Other argument Kinna look like attention seekers and hair splitters.
Regardless of what subject or topic I encourage every Jedi here by patch or by code to have these ideas ready when they come because , they will come . All life is sacred to me. I share a big huge freakin circle when I say that. To a Jedi all life is.
So that being said does it matter the label we place ... Some times ... For me now , no! Call your self what you like , come sit in my seat and have a rest. Share and live and ask and love and hate and grow.

You matter !

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06 Jun 2017 13:32 - 06 Jun 2017 14:37 #286670 by OB1Shinobi
i actually am ok, philosophically, with BLM

pragmatically however, i have critiques

BLM is nested within an overall SJW culture that makes a virtue of being a victim, refuses personal responsibility, eschews critical thinking and rational dialogue, and ignores key facts and details of every issue they tout on about

that is the SJW culture, generally speaking

as for BLM specifically, they hijack and misrepresent the issue of police brutality,(which is incredibly complicated and affects all citizens) they endorse violence (even though they claim otherwise), engaging in and defending rioting and civil anarchy, and allow members to promote blatantly racist and socially divisive ideology, which is the same thing as promoting racism. they treat all shootings of black people by police the same regardless of the circumstances when clearly some of the shootings are justified, and though their very name suggests that protecting the lives of black people is their primary aim, they actually ignore the issues that cause the vast majority of black deaths


this kid makes some good points with a little bit less snark than the video that Rosalyn posted (and he's not white, so you can trust him)


or this one
6:10 (language)

People are complicated.
Last edit: 06 Jun 2017 14:37 by OB1Shinobi.
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06 Jun 2017 13:36 - 06 Jun 2017 13:36 #286671 by steamboat28

Brick wrote: But I would say that the main thing wrong with 'Black Lives Matter' is that it's only half a sentence, it's missing 'too', or 'just as much as white lives' from the end of it.

If "all lives mattered," people wouldn't have to specify that black lives do. Your comment is well-meaning in spirit (I hope), but displays a very dangerous misunderstanding of the situation at hand.
Last edit: 06 Jun 2017 13:36 by steamboat28.

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