The Block

26 Oct 2016 03:16 - 26 Oct 2016 03:22 #262613 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
G day Jedi, normally this would be posted on a Monday and very live in case most didn't know. The Block was intended to post an idea for the week, something to chew on while we begin a new week. This week s idea comes today.

[Years ago, terms like "drop", "downer", and "out shoot" were used to describe the curve ball. A curve ball by an overhand pitcher will break mostly down. A curve by a 3/4 arm pitcher will break down and over. The curve ball is thrown with the elbow up, this is a must!!! It gives you the full radius of the circle, allows you to get on a downward plane, and increases hand speed. The size of the break is not as important as the angle of the break and the sharpness of the break. A ball breaking down, away from the plane of the bat is most important. There are a number of typical grips: across the seams and with the seams and the horseshoe grip and the Maglie grip.] Cited. This is just for a curve ball. How do you hit the curve? You have roughly .40 seconds to decide. The first times I began playing baseball the curve was my fall. UP, DOWN, IN, OUT I couldn't hit it. Damn ball was as quick as a Bee and just as blurry some times. Then my coach did something strange, he started to throw golf balls at me, and, and, AND! curving 'em at that. Jerk, I couldn't hit the broad side of the barn with a club. After a few consistent days of this annoying exercise , eventually I began to make contact, with which he began to throw those little bitty diveted demons harder. I can't begin to tell you the anger that brewed but he was the coach so I did what he said, not to mention the bruises I received from learning how NOT to hit em. I hadn't hit a ball in two weeks, a real baseball and...I was sat out a game. Two whole weeks of not hitting a ball but my only game was these golf balls from hell. (so my untrained young mind thought). Friday morning at practice coach says Martinez, jump in you're on the roster same starting spot, and don't miss any more. What can only be described as a gorilla with a telephone pole. Those balls seems so slow and large compared to those wonderful tiny golf balls I had been hating and hitting for two weeks strait. I not only couldn't miss, I had way more control and could see the curve coming a mile away.
What changed? What made the huge difference? What happen? The curve didn't change and neither did my time to react. Yet... the end result was drastic, so drastic that im 37 years old and can still hit 375 to this day lol.

What happened? What made the difference? Often times LIFE and the paths we choose have a way of throwing us curve balls, little things big things that we have no idea where or how or we just sit there and say, did...where...? That's part of life. No one is immune to the ebb and flow of things , I often say it rains on everything, learn to get wet. It is not the intention for me to ever tear any one down. EVER.
The idea here is when these things happen where does our focus go? We as Jedi can understand that it is up to us some days where we can place it. Do you call it quits? Do you let it get you down and see it as the end of everything, or are you more mindful? Would you like to be? Do we get frustrated and throw it all off and call it quits? It is at this point in time friends that I lay this encouraging word. At that point is character made, in that point in time where we strike out...where we fail where we fall , that we can make something different. Be mindful Jedi , life is full of curves and drops. Don't see things like you only get 3 strikes and that's it, oh no friend this is the practice field, nothing here is final and we get golf balls and eventually we may learn the difference. I'm not the smartest Jedi here but I am Jedi and so is my focus. Don't get upset if you strike out friends, on the contrary, use those times to bring the character you've always wanted to display. Just so you hear it, In life there are no three strikes and your out, you still have to pay bills and make dinner and take care of responsibilities. If you fail you fail, learn from your mistakes. Fall ...forward
All my heart Jedi

The basic fundamentals and mechanics of successful Pitching
Pg. 86 The curve ball
by Bob Shaw

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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Last edit: 26 Oct 2016 03:22 by Carlos.Martinez3.
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26 Oct 2016 20:57 #262774 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
The Try factor

In every human Being lives something. Same as the connection we share together. I l never officially name it, im no fool but I will acknowledge it every chance I get. There is something that lives in us. For some its dormant and for others its blazing with constant give. Its the TRY. Im not sure what or where and I wont even begin to label things what they are and are not but in us is that try. That small spark of "I will" or the "I can". Often times in my life I find some moments so frequent that the try is sometimes automatically suggested. Well, if he's there he will figure it out. Now, I am no stranger to different mind sets and such, but to not try is I think most harmful. To not swing. To do nothing. Now trust me when I say I understand the uncarved block. I am the un carved block, but its the try that shapes me. It is the try's that make the evidence of what is needed or not needed. Its the try's that make the path what It is. When you have a doubt next time Jedi , here a encouraging word...
All my heart Jedi

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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01 Nov 2016 02:47 #263274 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
You are my Jedi ism

When I think of Jedi ism I often think of my own definition. Then I have to stop there. My idea of what is, is, is only a small part in the entire grand scheme of things. I am not saying every ones wrong and no one right, no, I don't use silly sayings labeled in a black or white and no other room for absolutes, that's not me. What I am saying is this thing we have called Jedi ism is difficult to explain and even harder to practice but so worth it. I often find my self thinking on terms of my own growth and in hopes, do hope it will aid in some one else's.
There is a small idea in Jedi ism I will attempt to explain. Grant it, I am not the best orator nor do I claim to be educated, yet this idea is simple and easy to understand , lol I we go

In Jedi ism there can be numerous ideas that exist at the same time. There is no set list or order , all that is up to each individual to decide for them self's. You can be, believe, practice, study, anything you care to choose or the amount you care to partake in. This is not solely a Jedi ism thing this is called, life. It is the idea of the mindfulness in practice that can be the mindfulness in every day real life.

This is my definition. With claiming only my own personal idea there are many who share the same idea as me. There are some here who see perfectly opposite of me as well. Then there are those I simply share a slight similarity too. All these differences are not right or wrong they have worked for me and have worked for you. So many times in my own path I have to be in the mindset of the way I word things as well. We share the same few ideas here. If we really take time to think, we all have the same story, our path, we go in different directions and some in the same but as we all take time to study things for ourselves we find the all story, the all struggle, the all myth. Your side of My Jedi ism is just as relevant as mine friend. If you need to hear it then here you go. Every definition of Jedi ism , if you claim it is...IS it is Jedi ism. Hard to understand, impossible to grasp due to some thing in my own mind that said, "uh-uhh no, its not like mine" The best part is if it was just like mine it probly will not work for you nor would your work for me. Our paths are different there for, our Paths, our answers will differ as well. There fore, they can not be the same. Now that you've read this does it make sense? I leave this to those who are a bit more than fans. I leave this to those who like me have come to this Temple seeking and finding. May the Force be with yall every where you seek it, Today and this week as well!

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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01 Nov 2016 08:51 #263293 by
Replied by on topic The Block
I was thinking of that the other day , a few weeks ago in a Party meeting i got very upset because a school wants funds to expand the classrooms , that in itself was not unreasonable , what i got angy about is because they want it so the Lower education children will not be mixed with the Higher education children , mind you , we are talking about children age 12 to 18 that are being pushed by their parents do achieve the highest in their education. I got angry and said something about the apartheid of children through the schoolsystem and that i believe in equal rights for every child and that its fine if they ALL have math lessons in the same building so they can start to get along together and build this villiage on a foundation of trust and acknowledgement of each other, respect. Somewhere along the line honest hardworking labourours became ----> lower educated folk with no manners :( this makes me sick to my stomach and i expressed my anger about that. The council member wrote it down , and my arguments exactly will be used almost to the letter to not grant the School the money and they are urged to merge the room they have and if they need money for adjustments , they will get that .

Now that really scared me for some reason because as a Jedi i need to be invisible ..somehow , but i am also a Jedi , i cant hide when i see something thats wrong and not say anything about it , and then i realised , i am a Jedi ... i will find a way to combine politics and philosophy. Good lesson , i live across the street from the school , wonder when the eggs start hitting my window :laugh:

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01 Nov 2016 15:12 #263316 by Kobos
Replied by Kobos on topic The Block
I am not sure what rights I have to speak on much, but thank you Carlos for your post this morning. To me Jediism is the honing of knowledge, sense and patience of understanding when action vs inaction, interaction and isolation are necessary for the defined good. I don't know who decides the greater right, for that I go with my feelings in the moment of action though remain vigilant of emotional interference. There is no one who is either right or wrong in the belief systems they hold. The only black and white that truly exists is wether this moment exists.
Marta if I may comment on your situation and view, it is not that the manual labor force has become less educated it is that that all low to mid level society have been pressed to a point at which they see no value in education particularly figuring in cost now. I personally have begun to notice this in all of the labor force from the blue to the white collar (I am in a low white collar position). Manners are not being maintained in general through society as we have been trained systematically to fear those not like us. It is the easy way for people to believe they are avoiding trouble to simply begrudge someone off than establish any form of relationship of which manners and cordiality is the door way to. In my humble opinion your action in the school meeting if I am not overstepping my bounds, was not incorrect you trusted your feelings and spoke of what you see as justice at the time of which you were presented too, there is no fault in that. The consequences will be what they will be however they turn out. It is indeed a deep recognition to take a lesson from it, but it should also show that indeed in taking up this battle you may indeed be led to fight more for this same cause in the same place. Again, in my eyes not an unworthy pursuit. Manners will return to our society when we again begin to view people as people instead of continuing to divide our selves into sub classes. After all we all toil wither by mind body or spirit to find our way through life and to survive in a society built on production.

Much Obliged for allowing me voice my opinion. In humility,

What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
MF DOOM Books of War

Training Masters: Carlos.Martinez3 and JLSpinner
Knight of the Conclave
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01 Nov 2016 15:33 #263319 by
Replied by on topic The Block

Kobos wrote: I am not sure what rights I have to speak on much, but thank you Carlos for your post this morning. To me Jediism is the honing of knowledge, sense and patience of understanding when action vs inaction, interaction and isolation are necessary for the defined good. I don't know who decides the greater right, for that I go with my feelings in the moment of action though remain vigilant of emotional interference. There is no one who is either right or wrong in the belief systems they hold. The only black and white that truly exists is wether this moment exists.
Marta if I may comment on your situation and view, it is not that the manual labor force has become less educated it is that that all low to mid level society have been pressed to a point at which they see no value in education particularly figuring in cost now. I personally have begun to notice this in all of the labor force from the blue to the white collar (I am in a low white collar position). Manners are not being maintained in general through society as we have been trained systematically to fear those not like us. It is the easy way for people to believe they are avoiding trouble to simply begrudge someone off than establish any form of relationship of which manners and cordiality is the door way to. In my humble opinion your action in the school meeting if I am not overstepping my bounds, was not incorrect you trusted your feelings and spoke of what you see as justice at the time of which you were presented too, there is no fault in that. The consequences will be what they will be however they turn out. It is indeed a deep recognition to take a lesson from it, but it should also show that indeed in taking up this battle you may indeed be led to fight more for this same cause in the same place. Again, in my eyes not an unworthy pursuit. Manners will return to our society when we again begin to view people as people instead of continuing to divide our selves into sub classes. After all we all toil wither by mind body or spirit to find our way through life and to survive in a society built on production.

Much Obliged for allowing me voice my opinion. In humility,

Thank you for your feedback , its much appreciated and i am with you on the observation that we are losing our manners all over ;) I will see where what i said will lead , but i stand by it , i think kids should have equal changes , no matter who their parents are , within reasonable parameters off course , i know we are equal but life has taught me that some are more equal than others , we can fight against it or make do with what we have , and make the best of it , we cannot change the world , just our little part in it :cheer:

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01 Nov 2016 18:41 #263358 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block

Kobos wrote: I am not sure what rights I have to speak on much, but thank you Carlos for your post this morning. To me Jediism is the honing of knowledge, sense and patience of understanding when action vs inaction, interaction and isolation are necessary for the defined good. I don't know who decides the greater right, for that I go with my feelings in the moment of action though remain vigilant of emotional interference. There is no one who is either right or wrong in the belief systems they hold. The only black and white that truly exists is wether this moment exists.
Marta if I may comment on your situation and view, it is not that the manual labor force has become less educated it is that that all low to mid level society have been pressed to a point at which they see no value in education particularly figuring in cost now. I personally have begun to notice this in all of the labor force from the blue to the white collar (I am in a low white collar position). Manners are not being maintained in general through society as we have been trained systematically to fear those not like us. It is the easy way for people to believe they are avoiding trouble to simply begrudge someone off than establish any form of relationship of which manners and cordiality is the door way to. In my humble opinion your action in the school meeting if I am not overstepping my bounds, was not incorrect you trusted your feelings and spoke of what you see as justice at the time of which you were presented too, there is no fault in that. The consequences will be what they will be however they turn out. It is indeed a deep recognition to take a lesson from it, but it should also show that indeed in taking up this battle you may indeed be led to fight more for this same cause in the same place. Again, in my eyes not an unworthy pursuit. Manners will return to our society when we again begin to view people as people instead of continuing to divide our selves into sub classes. After all we all toil wither by mind body or spirit to find our way through life and to survive in a society built on production.

Much Obliged for allowing me voice my opinion. In humility,

You ARE my Jedi ism friend.! as is Lina. yet, we scarcely see it observed. There is so much more to life that just co existing. I believe in the co existence of others, yes but not only to be with the other and acknowledge their presence, but to be better for it. That's a hard things to learn and a even tougher one to apply. There comes a point in time I hope we all reach when we begin to stop seeing the lines and the walls. I am a hippie before you say it, lol and am proud of it! But its possible, I have receive your idea of Jedi ism and as a Jedi I say it is valid, it has to be your right here saying it is. I am glad its not perfectly like mine, that would be boring. Same story every time...booooo
Thank you for being a part of my Jedi ism. I hope you find a few more many things out for your self as our paths cross friend. Stick around in the Temple and they may! may the Force be with you Tim, still!

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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07 Nov 2016 17:13 #264400 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
There is a different way of thinking available now a days. When we learn, there are MANY different ways of thinking. So much available. Our choices choose our path. If we directly don't make it, some decisions don't get our attention. something to think about... Now , we as Jedi have a Gift in what we have. In our choices as Jedi we have a strange mind set that obviously ima say it DOES NOT EXIST around us naturally. We , if we choose, CAN be directly involved in our own lifes, our own growth , our own spirituality and our own every day actions. That's a big thing. In a world with an opposite or even no regard to this idea it makes things ..difficult to explain and difficult to teach. Let me tell you it is possible. Now...knowing this friends, knowing the Jedi ism can have things and views that are not...common we need to acknowledge a few things. Our faith ultimately says we like life. Our choices on certain things make us see different because of the lack or presence of information we have connected. Me personally, I would love to see...(my wife calls em my Jedi eyes) every available idea and every ones story involved. How ever it wont often happen that's life, your not gunna know your bosses home life but what you can do is notice when and where hes aggravated. Depending on your focus and your choices you will have certain questions and is it these to which our attention is turned today.
Question everything. How are you gunna know. Now, don't be a fool. Obviously most....Jedi are smart. I wont deny that but the wider array of us "stop" and in that one bond and cause we all can make forward progress. Now, as we learn and as we give and get, there is a vast array of availability on things. LOTS . One question we have that we kina never say is this. How do I know what to choose.???? We all have a path and those are yours. Your decisions effect your action. Your direct or non direct effect you directly. No two ways about that. This is problem some for some in a way that we don't talk about.
As I grew up I found out my love idea was not worth much. Lying cheating never Faithfull in action or speech, never building always burning . Ill use me as an example always lol . Regardless of whos fault it is (Jedi teaching #4 being weary of blame and such things) i had a vision of my present love and it was shy. As i learn what my idea of love is from every example i can find i adapt and grow and practice thing i think worthy. The questions i had, was well...that's not my fault, but i didn't want to seem like i was dissing my parents. Im not in the habit of being the "bad "kid but that's a label that can be removed and even re defined. Is it a bad kid that changes his "stars"? That builds a better love worth immulating and passing and even understanding. So to speak very clearly, there ARE questions that pop in our heads as we learn that we don't talk about.
WE as Jedi have different Questions. So it would be safe to say we have different answers. That's all. Jedi, be aware you will, oh friends you will question things. That's natural and common. When you get into the spiritual side and the ideas we teach , your not gunna see be the same and neither will the answers. Jedi questions need Jedi answers. Apples and oranges friend, don't answer an apple question with a orange answer. Be aware from those who have been there our questions as you learn are not common and even if we are asking aware they ARE personal.
Your questions are real.
Your concerns are real.
yes, they are not the type of questions you can find the direct answer to, laugh out loud and hold his belly , kina like Santa
(insert maniacal laugh)
You have to answer those things for yourselves. Those questions you have, yea its up to you. Those stranger different questions from the stranger ideas available. That's where that changes are made. That point in time. INSERT CHARACTER. As Jedi be aware of this. i hope it helps because it was one person who with a actual sword pointing at me that said," HERE IS WHERE YOU INSERT THE DISIPLINE AND CHARACTER YOU SO SEEK. YOUR WEAK BEACAUSE YOU CHOOSE TO BE WEAK. I choose to display what I have planted and I am satisfied. you call me strong I say I am built."
Jedi be ready when those questions come because they will. Insert what we choose and how we choose , please know that that part right there when you realize... hmm i wonder, yea that's where block meets advance, that's the parts where steel hits steel, as iron sharpens iron friends.
My hope is that we all...ALL grow. We can and we are.
your Jedi Knight and Minister

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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15 Nov 2016 20:33 #264774 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Only one may be. The more I study the more i see the idea that only one idea can exist. In mymy Jedi ism I allow many ideas to exist in my practice. This week I ask a simple question... What is your excersise to include your Jedi is!m?. You can have em. I have a few. When I see opposition coming , in my practice I give it a soft place to land. In our home we have many chairs for guests to sit and be welcome. In our path do we have seats for every one ? Do we have more than one? Can we ? Peace find y'all where yall are at! May the Living Force be with y'all!

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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17 Nov 2016 21:53 #264925 by Kobos
Replied by Kobos on topic The Block
I gave it some time to consider the "Try" from the original post. I know that I look to find peace in chaos. After all life is simply ordered chaos, sadly many factors place people against one another. I don't know what my purpose for life is, if there is any at all. However, I do know several of my traits wither taught or natural. I know I will not judge others until their actions warrant it, on a very tempered level as again this is a matter of perspective. I know I will not tolerate senseless violence, though I will acknowledge that violence will always exist and that the only violence I may stop is that which is placed in front of me. I know I will seek equality for all people, yet again I can only work within the confines of myself and my environments. I know that equality and freedom are concepts in which I would die for, when and if called upon to do so. I know that I don't fear death and yet am sometimes terrified of life. I have seen environments of hate, and I have seen environments of the utmost acceptance. The final thing I know is that until I find more peace I cannot spread it beyond that which I understand. To give two practices (among a few) of my Jedi ism:Slack Lining, you must loose your mind to succeed at it, it is only your body that must react, if you think you fall. Control ones breath, ignore the surroundings and only feel the rope under your feet or it's position around you if you are air borne and spinning or yoga and balance positions on it. If the mind is not blank, emotions gone, and focus on the physical forms absolute you gain fresh perspectives when the mind returns. The second is being a goofball the force often runs us into people for a reason, I feel that if I can make a person smile I may have changed their day and though I will never know the impact of that individual moment or seconds to me it is worth to me the judgement others may place upon me.

P.S. Carlos if slack lining didn't give it away, I'm a hippy/retired punk too and pretty proud of it. To quote probably the smartest punk singer ever Greg Graffin (Bad Religion) two refrains from the same song.

"yeah, tell me, can you imagine, for a second,
doing anything that you don't have to?
well that's what I'm accustomed to so hooray for me
and F#$% you"

"I'm not respectable, and never sensible,
I've been incredible so damned irascible
and I like the things I do so hooray for me
and F#$% you" Things I have heard people say about me.....

What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
MF DOOM Books of War

Training Masters: Carlos.Martinez3 and JLSpinner
Knight of the Conclave
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