The Force powers as we know them

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01 Dec 2019 02:40 - 01 Dec 2019 02:42 #346522 by
Replied by on topic The Force powers as we know them
Wrong on both replies because you insert whatever reality you want in order to justify your claims!

I did not ask Elizabeth if she believed in MY version of the force. I asked you if you believe in the force. That was all. Your answer was "does it matter". Well yes it matters.

I asked steamy what systems are better to learn for energy healing than reike. Your answer was "I'm not telling you because I didnt like your attitude. Go study yoga". Yea ks that about my speed in your eyes buddy? Well that's just being an ass on purpose. You dont like me, then dont reply I would say.

I have DEMANDED nothing and I have imposed nothing and I dont understand why you keep telling me I have??
Last edit: 01 Dec 2019 02:42 by .

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01 Dec 2019 02:53 #346523 by RosalynJ
What about this? Can we use the fiction not just for labeling, but for learning? It would save you a bit of money and I have some ideas for fictional inspiration

Pax Per Ministerium

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01 Dec 2019 03:02 #346524 by steamboat28
Yoga and Qigong were LITERALLY my answers to your question.

If you'd stop being so quick to be angry, you'd recognize that you're the only one I us who's arguing. :)
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01 Dec 2019 03:35 #346526 by
Replied by on topic The Force powers as we know them
We can definately use the lore for learning.

Angry, steamy? Come on, once again you assume to much! Yoga is just exercise right? But I dont know about qigong so I will look into it! Thanks

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01 Dec 2019 03:41 - 01 Dec 2019 03:49 #346527 by RosalynJ
No, Yoga is not just exercise. Movement of the body is a fundamental, but not the only part of Yoga. Unfortunately, the practice of Yoga in the west is a bit bastardised

Here is a wiki on Yoga:
and one on Qigong:

Pax Per Ministerium

Last edit: 01 Dec 2019 03:49 by RosalynJ.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Alethea Thompson, steamboat28, Carlos.Martinez3, Rex

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01 Dec 2019 03:57 #346529 by
Replied by on topic The Force powers as we know them
We all definitely comprehend and learn at our own pace. Some people take 20 years to learn what you can learn easily and one day. Some people believe so strongly in their laws and facts when really they're just theories and beliefs Pushed on them.
So For the few who can think outside the fish tank.
There is a whole nother world and power that these people in the fish tank will never know.
So enjoy your journey.
May you be with the force

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01 Dec 2019 09:38 #346536 by Gisteron

forceuser wrote: Some people believe so strongly in their laws and facts when really they're just theories and beliefs Pushed on them.

Yea, try and keep that in mind next time you trust the "just theories and beliefs pushed on them" of thermodynamics that make your car engine not a useless hunk of metal. Keep that in mind on new year's eve when you see all the colourful fireworks produced by exploiting the "just theories and beliefs pushed on them" of chemistry. Most of all keep it in mind every time you come here to tell us about the virtues of pseudo-open-mindedness by using an electronic device built from semiconductors understood through the quantum "just theories and beliefs pushed on them" of solids.

Open your mind to woo, then close it to reality, and then pretend it's those who won't follow down that path that are the unreasonable, the closed-minded, the blind ones.

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned
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01 Dec 2019 13:15 - 01 Dec 2019 13:35 #346542 by OB1Shinobi

forceuser wrote: Some people believe so strongly in their laws and facts when really they're just theories and beliefs....

The process of investigating and validating claims is much more well developed and reliable in the world of academics than it is in the world of psychics and reiki masters. The absurdity of you claiming that the “science side” is the one that denies reality by clinging to their shallow “laws and facts when really theyre just theories and beliefs” does not come across as an impressive argument against science, but as an unintended admission of your complete ignorance about it.

There is a whole nother world and power that these people in the fish tank will never know.

I dont know if you know this but “nother” is not a word. It may be that you were speaking informally and/or it may be that english is not your first language. Having grown up in the Southern United States, ive heard “whole nother world” used before, particularly by poorly educated, white people. Im not picking on white people, here; poorly educated black people also butcher the english language, they just do it in different ways. The important thing is this; if youre trying to convince me that you understand he fundamental elements of reality and the human psyche better than i do, youre not helping your case by making me suspect that you cant even ****** talk. LOL
Its just another hint that you are ignorant/unaware of some very basic and very important things that adults who take their own intellectual development seriously will do their best to understand.

Not that there's anything that will help your case at this point. Youve claimed to have repeatedly done things which i am confident that you have not done. Magical things which defy the laws of nature. Either you truly believe you have done these things, or you know that you havent. In the event of the first,i wont bother trying to convince you to see a doctor about your hallucinations because i know you wont listen, but i will tell you that you're experiencing hallucinations and should see a doctor. A psychiatrist, in particular.
In the second case, im going to be charitable and guess that you justify the falsehood because you really believe these things are possible. You think someone is doing them, so its OK for you to “stick up for them” by claiming to have done them, yourself. Probably you even believe that you will eventually do them, so what difference does it really make if you say it, now?

It makes a difference. People who understand that we have to build our lives on what it TRUE will respect the truth and speak the truth, even when they wish the truth were different.

People are complicated.
Last edit: 01 Dec 2019 13:35 by OB1Shinobi.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Amaya, Rex

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02 Dec 2019 21:24 #346600 by
Replied by on topic The Force powers as we know them
You've got me there my English is terrible even my mother had a hard time understanding me. In my college days I had a professor tell me I needed to take English as a second language.
Since most of you seem like you're on the road to becoming a jedi or self aware.
I had a man tell me" you have 2 ears and one mouth you're supposed to listen twice as much as you speak. " and of course by now you can tell I'm old school my mother always told us if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything.
Your words trouble me because they don't have compassion understanding or even the Desire to learn from others.
My grandfather taught me your word is your bond.
I try not to exaggerate or embellish .
I'm going to tell you a little about myself not to brag just to show you I'm not a kid who needs
To feel important while telling the world they're wrong.
I have received diplomas and certificates in automotive mechanics, I've been in the military, repelled and jumped out of planes something I thought was important at the time. I don't know how I graduated the sheriff's Academy when I could barely spell Write a report, they must have felt sorry for me. I received a general contractor's license and also a realestate license. I have built hundreds and hundreds of homes and personally bought Around a 100.
I don't need your approval. Like you my whole life I was trained to believe the force and its use was impossible and things movies were made of. Not trying to convince you . My only proof would be A doctor who travels the world preaching ,and an a handful or so of eyewitnesses. I know that's not scientific proof.
All I can say is all those things you've seen the jedi do In a fictional movie . Plus more can and have been done in Real life.
May you all be with the force.

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02 Dec 2019 22:06 - 02 Dec 2019 22:46 #346601 by Gisteron
So seeing as you don't need whomever's approval, the reason you are telling them how you're just better than them (or great, at any rate) in so many ways and particularly not a self-absorbed and/or insecure child is... just incidental. No intention to brag at all, none to condescend... Fair enough.

Still doesn't make fantasy real, sorry, no matter how hard you "all I can say". Which, if we're being frank here... isn't even a lot, all things considered. Imagine how much nonsense one could spout on a long enough day, were one to entirely abandon any commitments to honesty...

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned
Last edit: 02 Dec 2019 22:46 by Gisteron.
The following user(s) said Thank You: OB1Shinobi, Rex

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