Atheism: Belief or not a belief?

22 Jun 2016 19:05 #245993 by rugadd
So are you saying you now believe Atheism is not a belief? :laugh: :evil:[/quote] We KNOW it isn't a belief now. Big difference.

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22 Jun 2016 19:10 - 22 Jun 2016 19:11 #245995 by
Replied by on topic Atheism: Belief or not a belief?

rugadd wrote: Senan, I don't think a lack of one belief automatically assumes another, say, belief in science or logic or what not.

True enough. I know that's one of those logical fallacies that I am horrible at identifying.

And I was just having a little fun at Goken's expense, but he knows I'm just messing around. :)
Last edit: 22 Jun 2016 19:11 by .

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22 Jun 2016 19:12 #245996 by rugadd
(Senan, I love your avatar, by the way. Always makes me smile!)

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22 Jun 2016 19:13 #245997 by
Replied by on topic Atheism: Belief or not a belief?
I do really apologize for my initial response. I've been expecting to eventually be run out of here for my atheism because that's how religious sorts of communities tend to go for me. I thought it was time.

I do actually appreciate the reasonable voice people have used in this thread. This is the first time people have talked about atheism where it didn't end like a Salem witch trial.

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22 Jun 2016 19:16 #245998 by rugadd
Heh...I had faith in my people...and that includes you, Snowy!

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22 Jun 2016 19:17 #245999 by
Replied by on topic Atheism: Belief or not a belief?

Snowy Aftermath wrote: I do really apologize for my initial response. I've been expecting to eventually be run out of here for my atheism because that's how religious sorts of communities tend to go for me. I thought it was time.

I do actually appreciate the reasonable voice people have used in this thread. This is the first time people have talked about atheism where it didn't end like a Salem witch trial.

If that were true, I'd have been run out of here a long while ago. Kickin' and screamin', no less. I like this place and the people in it.

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22 Jun 2016 19:25 - 22 Jun 2016 19:50 #246001 by OB1Shinobi

wow this conversation has moved way too fast lol

the following post is slightly "outdated"

Snowy Aftermath wrote:

Miss_Leah wrote: I'm assuming here, but I think that the thread is not to discuss if atheism is valid or not, but whether it can be called a "belief" or not, seeing as strictly speaking, it means an absence of belief in God.

I personally think it's irrelevant, because everyone has beliefs, whether they have a name for the dogma, or a deity, or prophet, etc.

Either way, I don't think it's meant to be a dig at atheists.

Christians say that atheism is a "belief" or "religion" all of the time to discredit us and claim that there are no real atheists. I can not understand why supposedly intelligent human beings cannot wrap their minds around this one and ONLY simple identifying feature.

Atheism is a belief as much as bald is a hair color.

well, bald is a hair condition

by definition, atheism is the position of not being convinced that there is a god/are gods, or supernatural forces


there are atheists who believe that there definitely is not and cannot be any god or gods, nor any kind of "divine" or supernatural reality or supernatural beings whatsoever, and that is legitimate atheism too

also, there is a portion of the atheist community that is as zealous and ideological in their promotion of atheism (and demotion of religion) as any other religious fanatic

when a person has decided that they know what "the truth" of reality is, even if that truth is that there is no truth, or there is no god, they have crossed into the realm of taking a religious position, and imo, are religious, even if in a non-traditional way

my personal opinion is that it is almost impossible not to be religious, because of what "religious" is; the main function of religion, or one of the main functions of religion, is to provide the individual with a contextual map of reality, so that he or she can have some confidence of his or her place within reality, existence, life, ect

religion helps us orient ourselves within the world, by giving us a set of suppositions about what the world is

that is (one of) religions primary purpose(es)

once a person has "filled in the blanks" in this kind of questioning, he or she has crafted or accepted religious propositions, in my view at least

but many atheists are attached to the idea that they are not religious, and so theres resistance when this point comes up in this way

i agree that there are plenty of Christians who try to discredit atheism, usually misrepresenting it in the process

i understand that this can leave an atheist feeling touchy, that is totally understandable

i dont think that was the intention here

about mahogany; she wasnt "run off," she left

she could have found and still could find friendship and acceptance here, just as everyone else does, but she didnt see that

she left because she faced resistance to her ideas and especially to her methods

she was presented with viewpoints different from her own, and critical of her own, just as everyone else here faces at some time or another, and that was something that she was not willing to accept

i can see why she felt that this was not the place for her; at the time, i myself felt like she was trolling and if i did not challenge her outright, i certainly was going to on a couple of her points, had the conversation continued

now i rather wish she had stuck it out, i know that she would have received support from a sizable share of the community (as well as challenge)

she didnt stick it out though, and that was her decision

People are complicated.
Last edit: 22 Jun 2016 19:50 by OB1Shinobi.
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22 Jun 2016 19:28 #246002 by TheDude
Atheism is a belief.
Doubt exists only when there is a subject to be doubted and a doubter willing to doubt. When a subject, in this case God/Gods, is doubted, it is made subject to inquiry. Agnostics stop at doubting, and don't go into further inquiry to determine whether the claim "God(s) exist" is true or false. Atheists, however, pursue inquiry until they come to the conclusion that there are no Gods, erasing previously held beliefs and doubts and replacing them with a new belief.
And by belief I'm referring to any piece of information which is not verifiable to absolute certainty. For example, it is a fact that something exists (cogito ergo sum) but almost everything else is a belief. I believe that there is a lamp in this room with me, since I see it and have interacted with it, but I may be subject to an illusion or some other deception, and so the existence of the lamp is not absolutely certain. As a result, I can only say that I believe the lamp is there or that I believe there is no lamp there. If someone is atheist, it is because they have followed the pattern from belief to doubt to inquiry and back to belief. So I think atheism is a belief.
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22 Jun 2016 19:29 - 22 Jun 2016 19:44 #246003 by OB1Shinobi

Snowy Aftermath wrote: I do really apologize for my initial response. I've been expecting to eventually be run out of here for my atheism because that's how religious sorts of communities tend to go for me. I thought it was time.

I do actually appreciate the reasonable voice people have used in this thread. This is the first time people have talked about atheism where it didn't end like a Salem witch trial.

i know for certainty that there are people who would love to see me go, but i dont care

i like this place and i value the people in it, even the ones i disagree with, (even the ones who would like to get rid of me lol) and i am staying (or if i leave it will not be because anyone "runs me off")

i hope you do too

ignore the torches and pitchforks if you see them lol they cant hurt you

People are complicated.
Last edit: 22 Jun 2016 19:44 by OB1Shinobi.
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22 Jun 2016 19:39 - 22 Jun 2016 19:47 #246005 by
Replied by on topic Atheism: Belief or not a belief?

OB1Shinobi wrote: well, bald is a hair condition

I think that was her point. lol

Perhaps it isn't doubt, but a conclusion about something. OB1 made a great point about those in the Atheist community that there are those who vehemently oppose religion so much that it has become an extreme religion in that regard.

I would further say that there is a sort of spectrum about it, too. I consider myself an agnostic atheist, or one who doesn't know, but also doesn't live as if a god exists. I don't give it thought and I don't feel there is anything there to doubt. The idea, maybe, but no thing. Explaining it the way people do is like me stating that there is a tiny teapot in orbit between the Earth and Venus. I put the idea out there, but you doubt its existence. You wouldn't necessarily say that you believe there isn't a teapot in that orbit, nor would you give it any thought outside the conversation, nor would you live life constantly rejecting the idea of a teapot being in that certain orbit. You would most likely say that you have no belief in the teapot and that the idea is rather silly to you.
Last edit: 22 Jun 2016 19:47 by .

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