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22 Oct 2014 18:52 #165762 by
Replied by on topic Taoism
Me and Streen have had many discussions on quotes as such,

"The teacher does not give the answer but asks the question."

A quote that has a deep value to myself.

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06 Nov 2014 19:53 - 06 Nov 2014 19:54 #168468 by
Replied by on topic Taoism
I got this out of the "Dragon's Mouth" from The British Taoist Association

I found a lot of truth reading it

Ego becomes transparent
Transparent becomes truthful
Truthful becomes harmless
Harmless becomes peaceful
Peaceful becomes united with the world

Those who wish to attain it
Follow the path of Dao

But the self gets tired
Of peace and simplicity
And soon rejoins
The brotherhood of confusion

It makes further attempts
To step back on the path
But its' nerves crave
For a dose of argument
That can only lead it astray
Again and again and again

Those who wish to avoid it
Follow the path of Dao

Don't rely on your
Noisy companion
The self-righteous ego
That disdains your quiet walk
So eager so talk of goals
But unable to make a single step

Have a trust in Dao
And its path of no destination
Where peace is at hand

The Path that's not walked upon
Is not the real Path
Last edit: 06 Nov 2014 19:54 by .

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07 Nov 2014 16:24 #168610 by
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Awareness is an ongoing process of learning about one's self and world. After reconciling that with one's preconceptions, you can sense the slightest change in and around you. - Lao Fzu


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13 Nov 2014 15:14 #169588 by
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It is only natural to notice the faults of others, but what can you do about them? The sage understands that it is wiser to concentrate on your own where improvement is under your control. - Lao Fzu


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13 Nov 2014 15:32 #169589 by Alexandre Orion
Replied by Alexandre Orion on topic Taoism


Knowing others makes you smart,
but knowing yourself makes you wise.
To rule others, you must be powerful,
but to rule yourself, you must be strong.

If you have only what you need,
you have true wealth.
If you never give up,
you will find a way.
If you stay true to yourself,
you will never be lost.
If you live your entire life,
you've really lived.


Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
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13 Nov 2014 16:10 #169594 by Alexandre Orion
Replied by Alexandre Orion on topic Taoism


Listen up:
If you want to be a leader who's in touch with Tao,
never use violence to achieve your goals.
Every act of violence backfires.
An army on the move leaves a trail of tears,
and a military victory always lies in ruins.

The Masters do what needs doing
and that's all they do.
Do what you have to do without arrogance or pride.
Get the job done and don't brag about it afterwards.
Do what you have to do, not for your own benefit,
but because it needs to be done.
And don't do it the way you think it should be done,
do it the way it needs to be.

The mighty will always lose their power
and any connection they ever had to Tao.
They will not last long;
if you're not right with Tao,
you might as well be dead.


Weapons are terrible things.
If you want to get right with Tao, reject weapons.

The Master, knowing that all things came from Tao,
recognizes what he has in common with his enemies.
But when there is no other choice, he uses force reluctantly.
He does so with great restraint,
and never celebrates a victory;
to do so would be to rejoice in killing.
A person who would rejoice in killing
has lost touch completely with Tao.

When you win a war, you preside over a funeral.
Pay your respects to the dead.

We probably won't discuss these too much though, would we ? :pinch:

"Using violence" isn't merely beating someone bloody ... It is also the words we use and how we use them - in public or in private. Arrogance and pride, boastfully one-up'ing another or another "side". Being "right" and "winning" (winning what exactly ? :blink: )

Are we shown up here to learn to live in better alignment with the Force, or to show off how much we "know" about it already ?

Just curious ... ;)

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
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13 Nov 2014 17:03 - 13 Nov 2014 17:04 #169609 by
Replied by on topic Taoism

We probably won't discuss these too much though, would we ?

"Using violence" isn't merely beating someone bloody ... It is also the words we use and how we use them - in public or in private. ...

Or in our minds. I think the words we use inside ourselves are the cause of "violence" = internal strife?

Are we shown up here to learn to live in better alignment with the Force, or to show off how much we "know" about it already ? Just curious ... .

A very good question and difficult for one to answere about oneselves but a good question to ask oneself and reflect on. I would initially say if you think your know the force your wrong. If you are certain of the force you are wrong.
Last edit: 13 Nov 2014 17:04 by .

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17 Nov 2014 16:40 #170201 by
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I keep thinking about this

or to show off how much we "know" about it already ?

I don't think that can be done with words? May you be with the force. It's totally subjective. You can't show off anything like that, you can only live it. To" think" you could show off would be ostentatious and pretentious, clearly out of balance with the force?

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18 Nov 2014 17:34 #170403 by
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Compassion and understanding are the roots of your community. The sage focuses on the underlying similarities, and overlooks the oddities of others. In this way, everyone becomes acceptable. - Lao Fzu



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21 Nov 2014 16:04 #170936 by
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Many people would rather read and talk about spiritual growth than actually experience it. The sage understands this desire, and also its futility for change will come whether invited or not. - Lao Fzu




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