The Block

17 Apr 2023 12:50 - 17 Apr 2023 13:09 #372261 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Fearlessness: To have no self-imposed limits.

Fear is that which prevents a Jedi from accomplishing their duty. A Jedi learns to let go of their fears through their faith in the Force and has no shame. How does a Jedi get over their fear? AND and what type of fear is it that keeps us from doing things? What exactly does fear keep us from doing?

Good day and time zone Temple of the Jedi Order

Today's Monday morning Meditation is on fear; in admitting our shortfalls when they occur.

I guess fear prevents us from growing?

Does it?

That's the idea today

Does fear keep a Jedi...

and what does it keep us from really doing?

Frequency finds favor.

To be frequent with an idea or subject or even practice is what makes it favorable.

The more we frequent things the more at ease and calmer we are about them.

Frequency matters or how often we do things

So, what keeps a Jedi from growing?

What exactly keeps us from learning?

What is a duty of the Jedi?

"A Jedi learns to let go of their fears through their faith in the Force and has no shame in admitting their shortfalls when they occur"

If we make our faith frequent,

then that's the ticket.

whatever we do = do it frequently

One of the ways to rid yourself of fear is to identify it first.

What fear keeps you too long?

As Jedi - I have a problem with fear-

but I admit I am not as brave as I can be.

Most time, those present are considered brave for just showing up some days.

Presence helps rid fear.

***Feel free to ask questions or comment or add criticism or encouragement any time

one of the ways to rid yourself of fear is to identify it, first

A fear of disappointing others (or a fear of guilt) often holds me very far back from what I could be

I have had that fear friend

How does one rid our paths of this?

I guess you need to accept yourself for what you are on that one, but is that also the way of a Jedi?

One of the ways I did was I changed the focus.

Accepting yourself is a good and healthy thing

Living for others was often for me to what I thought someone else's path for me

it actually wasn't

I thought "well, I must live like this to be pleasing"

We can find our own BEING in us

I don't understand?

change the focus of pleasing others to ...What do I do now... not what others may think

That is very wise

Part of the Hero's Journey is self-identification and understanding what we find in our own journeys

if we can IDENTIFY where our fears are and where we got them....

this can help

are they OUR own fears?

Most of my own things I was afraid of were not real. They were what I thought others were thinking

isn't that odd?

Identification is key

in anything we do

being a Jedi is no exception to the rules and fears all humans have

just because we "robe up " dont mean its a shield and a cheat where we are free to run around and do as we please....

We have reminders

We have AID and guides

One of the freedoms we have as a Human but as Jedi as well is the fact that we can confess things and hold each other to our WORDS and hopes. No greater hope is the one that removes our own Ego and start thinking about others.

Sometimes our Ego can remind us of our fears

I know mine does often

" your not good enough " or " no one cares"


here we are

So remember this week - fear can keep you from doing things as a Jedi and as a human

become frequent

confront what needs confronting

know what need your attention and what does not

know we are not perfect and we never will be

Jedi ain't saints, just people

but we don't have to fall short when fear comes round

Now, If for any reason you need mental health or need to speak to any one of a professional manner- please do- I am no professional but I care enough to remind others it is HEALTHY to check yourself and adjust accordingly

Facing fears is a key Idea in Star Wars


indeed it is

Confrontation can come in many forms so do be smart

We can come to the spot where Luke and Rey decided they COULD be on the wrong side but that's not their choice and they really don't want to

It scared them

Novice Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:21 AM
Morning all


talking about fear today friend

Fearlessness: To have no self-imposed limits.

Fear is that which prevents a Jedi from accomplishing their duty. A Jedi learns to let go of their fears through their faith in the Force and has no shame in admitting their shortfalls when they occur.


you know we can ignore some fears?

Some people do at them moment of truth.

Some can not

The reminder and Ideas today are to help us and remind us we have fear

but we don't have to be a slave or even attached to it the same anymore

I know I am fearful , I can give you a list of the things I am fearful of

so can we all

but to get over a few of the not so healthy ones is my focus

I don't like that I don't read as much as I should

how do we know if a fear is healthy or unhealthy? Is it if it's warranted?

I found out some one SHAMED me for reading some time in my past and I have to break that.

you tell me friend, do you know what's healthy for you

I sat down and actually thought about my actual fears

I went into the caves lol

Guest :
I must admit I find it hard to differentiate between good fear and bad fear


frequency helps with this
the more we try and the more we act, the more we will be comfortable with ideas and ways

what keeps me from reading....a fear of being ridiculed for it

but in reality - I live with my wife and my 2 kids of 10... who's going to make fun of me really? I read myths to the kids every night and they love 'em and ask for more and the wife encourages it.

the fear for me, keeps me from seeking things out and participating

Here is a question for you to think about next time- can I ignore this fear and do others? how?

Some fears can be ignored

Guest :
how can I begin practicing this mindfulness of fears, and begin teaching myself to ignore them?

ever heard or read of stories of parents lifting up cars and running to the rescue for the AID of their children?

Do you know who Desmond Doss is?

this American Soldier was the first American solder to be a MEDIC and NOT have a gun officially.

He didn't believe he was there to kill but to save and as part of his actual faith he prayed and followed the ideas his faith had.

He saved so many people and even help win the fight. (USA Archives WWII Museum says 75 people)

His mantra or prayer was this..."just one more"

The fact that he had a prayer and a hope is what brought many solders down from a mountain top and eventually the Army taking it over.

We can find inspiration from those who have done it

Frequency finds favor

I hang out with people who are NOT like me sometimes because I don't want to act the same I want to actually learn from others.

That in itself keeps a huge fear in it

the fear of I CAN'T LEARN THAT

I wish I has a sword to slay that old saying " I can't "

the fact is the human potential is still alive as much as it was in the past

If it is in the realm of human possibility - it can be done

We can know which fear to keep and which to let go

if we begin IDENTIFYING them

Notice them when they show up and write them in a journal

Find out where it came from

whose fear is it- we learn our fears from some one

fear is taught as much as it can be developed as well

It is my hope we as Jedi realize we are Jedi and humans too and as a human we have human problems

we have fear

sometimes - some fears keep us from doing things

some fears keep Active Daily Living activities at bay

We can know who we are and our own fears

Identify them

Then think about where you got them from, where did you learn that fear?
Sometimes to see the SYMBOL can helps us

Do we have symbols of the KNIGHT?


life happens

there is a idea called the Wheel of fortune

Not the gameshow

in it...

we are coming and going

we are on top

or at the bottom

or in a process of being there soon

we go down in pits and get out

in out in out

up down up down

life has this flow

like a circle

Fear sometimes tells me I am getting singled out or picked on or the world is out to get me

in reality it is not, there is no sinister plot...

our choices come from how much we are aware of

to know that we will be in a pit or coming out helps to rid fears like "I'M GUNNA BE HERE FOREVER" or "there is no hope"

One of the key ideas to what we do here and the Hero's Journey is there is AID everywhere


there is help at every interval of the journey

someone has been there and done that and can help us on the journey

Find your Yoda's and Obi Wan's

find those who have no fear and who live like it and ask them, how do you do it

If they are Jedi, they will share every time

I solemnly promise lol

Guest :
That is very strong advice Pastor

Jedi are strong

Fearlessness: To have no self-imposed limits.

Fear is that which prevents a Jedi from accomplishing their duty. A Jedi learns to let go of their fears through their faith in the Force and has no shame in admitting their shortfalls when they occur.

take the cap off the self-imposed limits

That's all we share with each other

Wow that was a hour

yeah haha

time does fly when you're having fun hu lol

just one more....

thank you Pastor, I've been struggling recently, and your words have been very relevant to me at this time, and very comforting

Fearlessness isn't rid of fear it's a better way to manage it, fear never goes away just our tendencies to frequent them.

May the Force be with you
and may the Force be with you all for those who join in later!!!

May the Force be with y'all
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 17 Apr 2023 13:09 by Carlos.Martinez3.

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24 Apr 2023 11:52 - 24 Apr 2023 12:17 #372321 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Good morning and good day Jedi - I hope your Monday is off to a good start.

Today's topic is on Jedi and the Honor they can have.

What is Honor or honorable for a Jedi today?

The sword or the symbol of the sword is one of the most trusted and used symbols for honor.

In the Jedi world, we have the example and symbol of a Light Saber

I think the saying is ""Your father's lightsaber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. An elegant weapon, for a more civilized age."

There is a level of honor among the Jedi.

It is almost unsaid.

One of the ideas not said out loud is the idea of engaging in petty things.

As a Jedi we can come across many ideas that are worthy, but are they honorable? Do they represent that which we seek?

Does your faith bring you honor? Do your practices bring you honor?

These are questions we can all ask ourselves.

Where does our honor come from as Jedi? as Humans?

A movie?

A theme?

An idea?

Acting and carrying oneself with stature and distinction influences others, offering a compelling example of what can be achieved by those who follow Jediism

I used to be told growing up to "Act like [you] got some sense" but that's basically the idea here.

Choose to matter and choose to have a brand of honor.

Most brands of honor or the choices we display--- which lightsaber you "USE" come into play.

Each color and hilt represent an idea or a "WAY" we can cultivate.

So true and the same can be said for our own honor

In this day and age, it seems even the basics in development, human development, are rare. Be a keeper of the truth. Don't cheat. These two can make or break an idea or a pathway in life over-night.

What we BUILT and strived for can be lost in one fell swoop of choices

Our own honor can keep us or free us

Our DOCTORINE gives us reminder of our boons or focus

Does what you follow or believe in give you HONOR?

There is a difference and if we sit and think about it this week...where are the honorable ideas and where are the not so honorable ones? Who can be trusted and who cannot?

Where does your HONOR hail from Jedi ??? (edited)

To be noble is an old idea

Some days it does seem like HONOR is an idea that expired

The quality of how we act can be the value of our nobility as well

What we do here in the Temple is charge people. I don't mean money, I mean as a Jedi Knight, we trust and charge you with the ability and the honor of representing the Order

Thats a lot

Will you act as knightly as some need, or will you render the AID that is requested to one another with honor???

Will we just forget everything we study and hope for the best or do we decide to act differently?

Is how WE practice and do- does it have honor?

We are eventually one of few who can answer that directly and truthfully to its extent

"Nobility: To act with honour.

A Jedi does not engage in petty, mean or otherwise dubious activities. Acting with stature and distinction influences others, offering a compelling example of what can be achieved by those who follow Jediism."

I hope you act with honor

I hope your brand of honor is one to be worthy of return and cultivation

If you need some - look to the Doctrine. Feel free to take some from humanity and from each other.

That's what it is for and can do some days

Yea... they are old and ancient and even archaic but character and cultivation make HUGE differences in ones path

Have a mode or a brand or a idea of honor in your path. Stand for something friend.

Strive to be A Jedi

There IS honor in the choice and in the path

For those who self-reflect, there is no doubt of the task undertakes.

There is no doubt in the difficulty or managing and navigation of our own human development.

So be it know and use this Maxim as a reminder of our own HONOR

We develop our own honor by our own seek and find - it is in the active engagement of the adjustment and identification of our own principles that holds the honor

it's the idea or the "hue" of our saber color that is filled FILLED with honor

So today on a Monday Jedi - pick your flavor of honor

Is it in the quest for knowledge? The seek of character? or is it in the choice of reflection?

Where do Jedi get their honor from??

Something to think about this week Jedi

Nobility: To act with honor.

A Jedi does not engage in petty, mean or otherwise dubious activities. Acting with stature and distinction influences others, offering a compelling example of what can be achieved by those who follow Jediism.

What and where does your honor come from?

May the Force be with y'all this week and with every decision you make
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 24 Apr 2023 12:17 by Carlos.Martinez3.

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01 May 2023 10:56 #372416 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Honesty: To avoid lies.

A Jedi is honest with themselves and seeks to always go beyond appearances. There can be no honest self without the knowledge and wisdom to see truth.

One of the things we do in the Temple of the Jedi Order is self-reflect.

There IS a level of truthfulness that is needed when we reflect.

A journal can be a great tool to help along ones path of life and path of cultivation.

A journal can introduce you to yourself and even be a AID in one's journey of self-reflection and self-discovery.

Everything we do here is on honor. We take your word for it. We give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

There can arise a time when a story calls for a bit of a addition or we think that this is where MORE needs to happen when telling or sharing.

There is a magic in the truth. There is a magic in seeking it and keeping it. I think this is a glow ALL JEDI possess. This is why we seek it often and from any angle we can. The truth is out there. We have it in many forms. Here in the Temple of the Jedi Order we keep truth in our Doctrine. Our Maxims are full of truths we all seek.

I grew up in lies.

They became first nature and a way of life. It was not until I met someone new who told me, " You know that's wrong right?" that I began to reflect on the value and principals I held.

Something happened when I began to pay attention to the things in my own path and when I began taking responsibility for my own actions. I wanted to know more and find out more.

It was at points like this, I couldn't tell the truth from the likes. Reflection will AID in noticing things. I kept noticing that there were holes and even MISSING ideas I had. I did notice what I was keeping and how I was keeping it in my own path. I found lies ruled most of my paths. So I decided to change all that.

I began to tell the truth and seek it. The honest truth not some version of some SIDE I wanted but truth. It became a focus. All of a sudden - I saw it everywhere. It was in trees and in the air and in books and in people and in life. TRUTH exist in so many forms. Can and will we notice it when we see it or come face to face with it?

So here is my encoragmnet to all Jedi everywhere...
Tell the truth, First to yourself.
Then about what you want.
Tell the truth about what you have and where its from.
Validate it.
Keep that which you need and discard what is not for you for later. I will tell you a secret. If you find truth and hide it in your brain and in your thinker, it comes out in its time. You WILL Rember it when you need it, that's how it works.
Keep the truth and seek it out.
Honesty: To avoid lies.

A Jedi is honest with themselves and seeks to always go beyond appearances. There can be no honest self without the knowledge and wisdom to see truth.

Tell the truth and stand for it. Be the symbol. Don't understand it or even do not know where to start? Ask a mentor or some one you can trust. Thats where you can begin with truth.

May the Force be with y'all this week
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova

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15 May 2023 12:04 #372615 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Thank y'all and may it be with yall as well - Todays reflection is on the idea of well, reflection.

Discipline: To let the self be sole master of the self.

A Jedi’s mind is structured, peaceful, unencumbered by emotions, physical state or external stimuli.

There are a few things that can keep us from things.

External stimuli

Our present physical state

and our emotions.

This morning's Maxim is on Discipline

Discipline: To let the self be sole master of the self.

A Jedi’s mind is structured, peaceful, unencumbered by emotions, physical state or external stimuli.

What we REALLY do is reflect here

In the Star Wars movies, we can be LIKE the Skywalkers and we can be LIKE others we see and know of.

We have a reminder and a good one too.

We have our minds body and soul

our mind can be structured or trained to do things

One of these ideas is Self Reflection

It is easy to ask questions about things but of YOURSELF?

Thats where we can not lie or fake our way

I want to encourage every Jedi present and not currently present to think for themselves

have a structure in mind when thinking of thought or meditations or even actions.

Most want meditation to be a switch then its "let it take over"

It is this but at certain points it has to be developed

Things can be developed.

Things can be cultivated.

BUUUUUUT by what means do we actually do this in?

What's the form or the flow of a idea that tells you its up to you to decide?

How do we do it?


Self refection is powerful

Reflection is EVEN used in therapy for the mind and soul and body

To reflect is to think... to think on the reasons why we act the way we do and to find the explanations for these questions.

Why do I do what I do and where did IT come from are the questions that can be answered.

It is up to use to choose our actions relationships and principals.

So today, here are a few tips on reflection.

There are questions one can ask themselves and deepening on the severity of the result or its answers, you can gauge which direction you can take your thoughts or let them go.

One of the most common questions is WHO AM I

Your identity is very important.

Identity plays an important role in empowering individuals to exercise their rights and responsibilities fairly and equitably in a modern society. It is imperative for social, economic and digital inclusion as it provides access to basic human rights

Another good one is WHAT OF OTHERS?

What of your own relationships?

What is the value of war to you? Peace?

What is the value you have on certain topics like :

LOVE war REVENGE betrayal GOOD vs Evil

REDEMTION friendship Family

DEATH what is the value of death to you?

What are my own prejudice's and where did I learn them from, who taught me to be grouchy ?

Who taught me to be happy?

In every THEME in literature and the MYTH there is a level of availability to make it your ow

We can personalize our ideas when we reflect, that's kind of the idea as well

So there can be a flow to things as we reflect and as we find out about US as we ask US the good stuff !!

We are and can be the SOLE masters of our own life's, direction and fate

Structured....Peaceful and encumbered can be The ultimate goal is

to get there, give some time to our emotions

our physical state

and what's stimulates us

When we reflect on these 3 sections of our development, we can find much and enougth to keep us busy fro a lifetime

our emotions and what generates them

what our physical state is in

and what gets us going or our own motivation

What truly motivates us to act. Where are our REAL BUTTONS ???

Take the time to find a path or a mode or a way to do things that isnt a all day fight or taxing to the point of exhaustion or AID. They exist.

Take some time to relax OUR emotions today and this week so we can truly see a bit more of whats present.

...and dont drink so much coffee...

or tea

or what have you

too much is still too much so do remember that as well

Discipline: To let the self be sole master of the self.

A Jedi’s mind is structured, peaceful, unencumbered by emotions, physical state or external stimuli.

These choices are yours and yours alone

Others CAN make them for us and have in the past but today is the time to act!

Take charge of your own path

let it go

Worrying will make you old fast and in a hurry
[6:34 AM]
Instead of worrying, try reflection

there is a healthy benefit from reflection not worry or upset

there is a freeing mode after time you MUST experience for yourself Jedi

Peace can be said to be a lie by those who dont know it or recognize it

It takes DISIPLINE to reflect.

let YOU and the BEING who you are, be the one who guides the way

So, I will be here and post this today, say a good word for me today as well, still feeling icky today

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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22 May 2023 12:21 - 22 May 2023 13:01 #372743 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Focus: To select what matters most.

A Jedi focuses in the task at hand. Although a Jedi is aware of the past, and wary of the present's impact on the future, through discipline they know how to select and concentrate on priorities.

(Master) Pastor Carlos — Today at 5:57 AM
Good Time zone Temple of the Jedi Order

May the Force be with you were ever you may be.

Today Monday Morning reflection comes from the Maxim - Focus
We are reminded that we can choose our focus.

One of the most needed ideas is how to be present.

Human and Jedi alike will somehow tend to trail off into the past or the future and there is hardly any time at all IN the actual presence.

We have the freedom, no matter what country we live in or where we reside, to choose.

I know some places are more strict than others but in the whole world, there is a freedom in choice when we think about it.

It is up to us to choose where our mind wonders some days.

We encourage one another to find that which matters the most to them.

There are some proprieties we have that need adjusting or a better understanding of time and effort but for the most part, life isn't that difficult to understand when we realize we can become more aware of today and what we are going through now.

Identification is key.

SO, what ARE the things you choose to focus on?

What do YOU choose to focus on?

be Present Jedi

The more present we can be, the more we can understand and the more it won't be HID from us.

Here is a list of words that may help us understand or even get into the space we need to be more present.



come out






pop up


show up


turn out

These are ideas that can help remind us we can be much more present that we normally are.

Its ok to think.

It is OK to think.

please please please please please

Do not stop thinking.

the idea here is to understand we can more.

We can choose what we focus on as well.

Some mornings I pick things that take me quite some time to return from

Thats ok too

The idea is to be aware.

Be wary.

How do you know what's what when dealing with our own focus?

Not everything is ok for us to apply to try and not everything is for us individually.

so how do we know the difference?

We strive to understand our own proprieties.

Have you taken tome to understand the person present today?

Are you present today? Its Monday -

Can you be more present that yesterday?

I want to give caution where it is needed as well.

We can always have to much of one thing or too much of something.

The ONLY PERSON who knows that balance and that keeps that idea is YOU?

We have the opportunity to reflect as often as we like and remember.

As we reflect, keep in mind we are in charge of US.

WE reflect and we ask US what we find.

it is our seek or our goal or a focus we have and to be quite honest, its a seek we all share as Jedi.

Each of us can take time to better understand where we are in life and where we want to be.

We choose our focus.

Whatever is on your plate today, it was your choice?

I know there are times and situations that happen, and LIFE has a tendency to be unpredictable and upsetting at "often" intervals.

But in the grand scheme of things, I have found there is no LARGE sinister plot to get me or to make me trip up and catch me doing wrong or even to bring me to justice.

If we can choose the color of our pants and socks, among other things, we can certainly change our music, literature and Myth, not to mention our own principals. We can certainly find new ways and ideas we can adapt and adjust.

It is TRULY up to us where OUR focus lays.

" Focus is the art of pruning the irrelevant and pouring the best of your mind into what you are doing."

Who chooses which is irrelevant and which is worth keeping?

Prune YOU... Prune yours, not someone else's garden.

How would it work if when I began to plant my garden, STRANGERS and people I am unaware of began gardening in MY garden space?

What will that accomplish?

We will get a garden of wild and unscheduled yields.

To each their own I say but that's the idea, water YOUR yard or YOUR seeds Sow your own ideas and plant what YOU need.

I don't eat most of what I have found in some "freedom gardens."

Liberty garden - freedom gardens - community gardens

We have many ideas out their friends.

THIS IS 2023

Live in the NOW.

Pick what you choose to look at.

Pick what you choose to listen to

Who... you listen to

It is your right and your liberty to choose your focus and or focus's.

As Jedi and as HUMAN

So, this week, please be aware that our own focus and focuses can be chosen and even reset.

Yea, we can reset a few.

If we so choose to

Identification is key in reflection so, take some time to pay attention to YOU.

What we focus on is just as important as where we get it from and whose telling us and why (edited)
INTENTIONS are some days like pure precious metals.

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Where does your focus lay and what is PRECIOUS to us?

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What does your ZEAL drive you to do?

Where are your principals at Jedi?

I hope this doesn't scare us as much as remind us that we have the ability to choose where our focus goes and if we are not careful, we may lose a few principals we never thought possible.

Focus: To select what matters most.

A Jedi focuses on the task at hand. Although a Jedi is aware of the past, and wary of the present's impact on the future, through discipline they know how to select and concentrate on priorities.

May the Force be with Y'all wherever you may be this week?

I am available all day for comment questions gripe complains and tips on how to make better carrot cake...
May the Force be with Y'all
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 22 May 2023 13:01 by Carlos.Martinez3.
The following user(s) said Thank You: RosalynJ

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29 May 2023 12:29 - 30 May 2023 02:25 #372811 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
"Discretion: To become invisible.

A Jedi knows there is a time and place for all things. They do not actively interfere in worldly affairs and refrain from overtly supporting or opposing other individuals or organizations."

Good time zone and good day Jedi. May the Force be with y'all wherever you may be today.

To be invisible-

Good day and time zone Temple of the Jedi Order

Today is a good one,

May the Force be with you wherever you hail from and are on the way to today.

May the Force be with y'all

now, today I stated is a good one

Be invisible

What does it mean to be invisible today, right now in 2023???

There is an OLD saying made famous in my path by Bruce Lee and others.

Be like ...



Even in "The Book Of Change; The Tao Te Ching" in verse 8 it reminds us to remember that there IS a FLOW of things

One version puts it like this ..

Tao Te Ching – Verse 8 "The supreme good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to. It is content with the low places that people disdain. Thus it is like the Tao."

but being like water, isn't water....everywhere ?

Is not water in some shape or form in everything we dwell with?

It is in our air,

Water is in the ground.

It- water- is all around us.

There is nothing we can do to get away from it some days.

it is not invisible... or is it?

As Akiko Busch writes, “Invisibility can be about finding a sense of fit with the immediate landscape, be it social, cultural or environmental. It can be about adaptability and the recognition that assertiveness may not always be in our best interest. Most of all, it can reflect a sense of vigilance, a sensitivity to and respect for external conditions.”

I so do like that explanation best. There are more and by much more experienced people but this one seems to be where my own focus is at lately.

Water IS present, yet not

Water is a part of everything we know in some way shape or form.

you could say WATER is invisible

Why be a part of everything ?

As humans, we are part of the world

We live in the ordinary world

the NOW

right now - right now (edited)

Can we really be invisible ?

Now, for the sake of the ordinary world, invisibility is science fiction today.

The idea I am trying to pass isn't about becoming not able to be seen visually but to become a part of the world we LIVE in

There is a photo on the internet that gets me

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Most of the time we want the world or our environment to be contained and neat and calm and controlled.

It will never be like this

So, how do we disappear when the entire world seems to be ACTIVE and not dormant and alive and run NOT on our control?

We become a part

Become a part of the world

be a part

of a whole

Which whole?

your WHOLE being

Become a part of the Force


What type of DISCRETION do you use Jedi ?

Where do your discretions HAIL from?

I hope I spelled that right (edited)

Become a part of your life and flow.

Become a part of the ebb and flow of the Force

I mean, when you make a change like that, you let in the possibilities.

We become the Force by entering into it

Some days it a choice

Some days it's a strive and some days it does happen all on ITS own

The idea is that we can get to a point where we are ONE with what we seek

Being INVISIBLE or the idea of it also creates a glow about you that can reflect our surrounding and moments as well as goals and strives.

It is kind of the OPPOSITE of seeking the LIME-light


One of the ideas we share as well, is not only the selfless path we choose but some of the methods and ideas we return to are similar.

Discretion: To become invisible.

"A Jedi knows there is a time and place for all things. They do not actively interfere in worldly affairs and refrain from overtly supporting or opposing other individuals or organizations."

Can you, as a Jedi, have discretion?

Will it be the same as mine?



Here we are
United under ONE banner

The same but different yet the same

so today, this Monday I hope this Maxim we share, we really do

I hope there is a level of HUBRIS in each of us

I hope we see the world as something to be a part of

not something to LORD

Who LORDs over the Force?

Who's in charge really of it, NO ONE

The idea is our own discretion

we are allowed it

I am telling every Jedi I know, - use your own discretion

...and if you can't, build it to something you can.

take some time to understand these types of things

DO it
( insert any motivational photo here)

take the time to ask yourself these questions

I swear to it - if- slash when you do...

you will STIR your own pot

You MAY let in new flow

you may UN- lodge a few things.

remember YOU HAVE your own discretion

use it or build it Jedi


become a PART of the whole

Your whole. Pastor Carlos


Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 30 May 2023 02:25 by Carlos.Martinez3.

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29 May 2023 15:42 #372816 by Alexandre Orion
Replied by Alexandre Orion on topic The Block
There will undoubtedly be some hubris, but I fail to see how this could be a benefit.
Indeed, hubris is categorically followed by nemisis ; hence, I suppose, the lesson from it.


Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
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05 Jun 2023 12:41 #372902 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Good time Zone Jedi and May the Force be with you wherever you are today. (edited)

Today's lesson is taken from our Maxims.


To exercise the mind
What is meditation and why???

Why meditate?

And as always, the big question is ....HOW do Jedi meditate ?

Off screen, we have no chamber or special spaces designed for such a time.

Two things I WISH were real off-screen that are purely on-screen ideas is a BACTA-Tank and a Meditation Chamber

As off-screen Jedi, we are encouraged to meditate.

As fellow human beings, we are encouraged to meditate

There are many ways but according to the people who "shrink" or study things like this, there are two types of meditation

Concentrative techniques involve focusing on a particular object that's generally outside of oneself such as a candle's flame, the sound of an instrument, or a mantra.

Non-concentrative meditation, on the other hand, can include a broader focus such as the sounds in your environment, internal body states, and even your own breathing.

There are MANY reasons we can choose to meditate as well

Health reasons

Individual reasons

Spiritual reasons

Religious reasons

Meditation can do A LOT for a person

We are reminded that it is with meditation that we can examine our own motives

Meditation can even AID in the understanding of things like Emotions - peace Ignorance Passion Serenity Chaos harmony and even ....Death

See what I did there ?

Meditation can help with understanding

now, this is 2023, we have information GALORE

With the use of the internet, we have access to almost anything we need as far as information.

We can look up anything we need today, that's not the problem or landscape.

We have access to much.

But it is our meditations that can be the "brush" or the "paint" that we use


or create it

There is a HOPE to meditation we all have as HUMANS

I hope it works and I hope I AM out of the way when it does (edited)

I remember trying meditation for the first time and thinking, "Nothing is happening." (edited)

I quit the first few times because I was bored

Someone told me that it wasn't fair to try things with a empty "try"

Then it happened - there was a connection made.

Like thunder and lightning but inside my soul

By HAVING a state to return to ... by having something you can count on... HELPS

Meditation is like this.

We as humans know WHY we want to meditate.

We have our own reasons

Understanding is key to a Jedi

But... understanding come with application and effort and sometime form.

I know everyone WANTS to meditate and reach a state where its automatic and easy. For some, THIS IS POSSIBLE FROM DAY ONE.

It DOES happen like that.

Over time, we can catch patterns and even recognize patters.

Humans catch things

We notice

Most time, it is our mind body or soul that can have a understanding of things as well. A good balance can be had

It does (understanding) and can come from all three places in the human being. Mind Body Soul

So we have a reminder that by meditation, we can improve mindfulness

We can give our focus the attention it needs

...and we can learn some ...P .. P ...P.......Patience !!!

Contrary to popular belief, patience is a virtue and virtues can be learned or adjusted and even MADE

Acceptance Authenticity Compassion Curiosity Forgiveness Courage and Detachment are but a few ideas we can work on when we decide to with meditation. These are virtues I wish everybody was wary of

Be mindful Jedi


Try Patience

These are three ideas we can keep together when we think of meditation.

Now, me personally- I am all about the concentrative meditation

But even thinkers want to stop thinking to a point where thinking can be according to what's inside. Some meditation can guided.

(Master) Pastor Carlos —
But the goal can be to do it with more ease and practice till it can become a new nature or a new practice

WORKING on meditation for me is like trying to build a house with invisible brick some days.

or a bridge at night - it's possible but it does take a bit more focus than I am prone to is all.

Over the years, WHAT I have studied has come out in my own reflections. That is how it works. Put in, get out.

The old aphorism "As we think, so shall we do" can come into play here as well

HOW and why we meditate can be a matter of focus as well.

There are THOUSANDS of ways to meditate and many MORE reason to ..

but what are yours?

YOU are the reason this place exists.

It can be up to you to begin meditation

What style - is up to you

What actual practice ... that's on you (edited)

So I want to encourage every Jedi to make it a part of your everyday

There are so many benefits to meditation

(Master) Pastor Carlos —
It is not fair to give ONLY a HOUR to the idea so, please please please... Put this in your Mind or your heart or your soul. Anywhere you like, apply liberally.

I practice with candles and mantras myself (edited)

There is a magic in a good RETURN

Meditation is a great return

There are styles and techniques out there

Any questions?


Shares ?

Invitations to parties or a club.

If you lose your way, meditate.

If you're having focus issues


If you would like to be more MINDFUL of things

Med - I - tate !

Initiate Khwang —
If I often use meditation as a way to get guidance and answers, how can I know if those are the right ones?

(Master) Pastor Carlos —
good day

Initiate Khwang —
hello Pastor Carlos, glad I made it today

(Master) Pastor Carlos —
me too

Who can tell another what to do?

Who has that right?

Initiate Khwang —
for me, i'd say nobody (edited)

only urself

(Master) Pastor Carlos —
We can instruct and AID but in the grand scheme of things, you are correct

This WAS the hardest person to trust for me

I had ZERO understanding of the idea or my original self

I didn't know or recognize who ME was

One of the BEST things you can do is learn who you are so you can forget them. It sounds counter active but its truly not in this case

Initiate Khwang —
im trying to understand

to learn who i am to forget the different parts of me?

(Master) Pastor Carlos —
can you ever forget who you are?

Initiate Khwang —
not really

(Master) Pastor Carlos —
There is a knowing we can have or an understanding

Who are you ... is one of those big big questions that can take people YEARS to define and come to a understand with

We use the CAVE as an example but there are moments to grow and develop that we can be reminded of

We have the tools as humans to better understand ourselves

and each other

Initiate Khwang —
Am I right in understanding that in order to use meditation as guidance and answers for ourselves, the pre-requisite is to understand our true self first?

(Master) Pastor Carlos —
Maxims are truths we ALL know and keep in one way shape or form

We share them as HUMANS

POP Culture THRIVES on them and so does modern day story telling

There is a understanding and a peace that comes from knowing who you are and what your own Philosophies and Doctrine are.


There is a draw to those who have it. It "begets" itself

"Virtues Beget themselves"

One of the symbols we use as Jedi and as HUMANS is the Knight

What better idea to keep of HONOR and courage and focus knowledge and wisdom than with the idea of Jedi

It is not the only

It never will be

but its a start !

If you like, call Jedi ism a elementary course in being human.

As one of my friends called it , Star Wars a entry level saga to a introduction to being human ...( I added this part) - with much more to follow.

I want to encourage every Jedi to meditate (edited)

If it is not automatic, then your gunna have to work on it like the rest of us. (edited)

Welcome to the human race

To be a human is not too bad

Not to shabby if you ask me but I AM bias as I am a human myself.

As humans, we have what is called the HUMAN POTENTIAL in which if it is in the realm of human possibility, it can be done.

So this week I want to only remind others of the abilty we have to meditate


Initiate Khwang — Today at 7:07 AM
thank you, Pastor Carlos, lots to meditate on haha

(Master) Pastor Carlos — Today at 7:09 AM
Ha see - you get it! Dad joke for the week, this is just a joke- Vader has Luke as a child in a seat by the table.. Luke has spaghetti all over the place, its just floating and wiggling around and Vader states, "THE FORK Luke, I said use the , never mind..."
[7:09 AM]
Thank you Khwag for attending and joining in today.
[7:09 AM]
May the Force be with you

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova

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12 Jun 2023 13:51 - 12 Jun 2023 14:17 #372966 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Monday Meditations

Training: To know one's ignorance

A Jedi knows there is always something more to learn and seeks new lessons every day.

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Today's meditation is on the Maxim "Training"

"Training: To know one's ignorance."

A Jedi knows there is always something more to learn and seeks new lessons every day.

We have a symbol as Jedi.

We have many but this one is kind of special.

It is our hair, or our idea of the Jedi braid.

In fandom, the braid represents the symbol of the learner or the student.

There were those who didn't have hair.

They were given braids to hold and keep.

I am not THAT familiar with the Fandom ( So if you know a bit more, please share)

The idea is to have a symbol we can use, to remind us that we can still learn.

As Humans, our brains will never stop working.

Our minds will race to the future or the past until it quits.

One of the most difficult things for a human being to do, is to live in the present moment.

One of the aids we can use is that of the idea that no matter where we go or do, we will never know it all (edited)

As Jedi, we remind ourselves and each other we can have that forever student glow about us.

"A Jedi knows there is always something more to learn and seeks new lessons every day."

Do we really know this?

Do we acknowledge that we seek?

It is in the "Seek" that we learn and grow.

It is in the path of us looking for things and sharing things that we actually find information and understanding.

Validation, validates.

So, this week, I would like to remind every Jedi- we are learners.

As humans, we can be as Initiates.

Interminable Initiates

There is a "forever student" in the world that keeps the curiosity alive (edited)

We can keep the "student" wonder and seek alive.

Every day

It can be our choice.

It can be our choice to be the life student or the trainee or the one who learns today.

Give me a room full of people willing and I will show you a room full of people who will find things to accomplish.

If we can remember no matter how much we find or know we will never know it all.

We will never amass all the necessary things and information and lessons and ways of life.

Part of life is the ability to receive new things.

Metaphor Monday: You can tell when the study or the braid of a Jedi is missing....

There are some who have no focus of being a student or to learn anything.

You can tell, I am not saying we are intuitive at times, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist or mathematician to figure out someone doesn't want to learn anything.

Surrounding our self with people we want to be like is a good way of saying "I tuck my toes with the Elders."

Where do you get new lessons every day from?

From one another and life.

It can be up to us to notice them.

There is always something to learn.

One of the things I gladly accept, rather than tolerate, is the learn Jedi have.

I love the way Jedi just....want to know or learn.

It is an old fire that has been burning since the dawn of time

We have the ability to remind us, we can learn. We can always learn.

Here is an intentional double positive...

Alway be learning.

In the Jedi setting there is the braid

I wear one.

I know many do.

There are many symbols.

One, I hope we have in our everyday life is to keep the glow of the student on.

We have this treasure as a symbol we can touch, Use a braid of string- yarn or knots.

HAVE something to remind you of your choices.

Have a lightsaber handy.

Identify as whatever you like in any fashion but have the idea of "Never not learning."

no capes...

Just hoods and cloaks but use what you have.

What are some symbols of forever students or forever learners?

Besides the braid?

Students have archives.

What do you archive?

A archive is a place to store ideas- ways- Documents - maps - items - about what we care about.

It's a place of things we care about.

Every Jedi has a archive.

Look at your domicile.


Students have books.


Do you have a stack of books somewhere?

Do you have a list of things?

DO you have folders or ...spiral notebooks?

Do you have a digital space to journal? (edited)

This morning, it is my hope that we remind each other of our own commitments and choices.

One of those commitments is the ability to keep learning no matter the level we are on in life.

As Pastor, I still get lessons from others, and I share them. Most time it's One lesson for one lesson.

but there is a mode of study and questions and wonder that can still exist.

If it is our choice then, let us unite under the same banner or the same idea of padawan or the student who learns from others.

Training: To know one's ignorance.

A Jedi knows there is always something more to learn and seeks new lessons every day.

How do we know we are ignorant of things or of information? How do find that which we are missing?


Think and choose.

it is our liberty as humans to think about our own path's ways and life.

Take your liberty and remember that we grow.

We always grow (edited)

We are the forever student or...

we know it all.

And if you do, well, if you know everything, please share it with me, I'm lacking.

There is always something to learn.

And, if there is always something to learn, there is always something to share.

I do not know everything.

Neither do you.

I have not met a Jedi who did.

Even with the magic phones or boxes we have information and communication at our fingertips.

Yet, we still don't know everything.

It's there.

It is available.

So today- Monday- just a reminder - you do not know everything.

Count on it.

Know you don't

I do not.

I know.

Do you?

Do we as Jedi know we don't and won't know everything?

Can we remember to be the student or turn on the study light in our mind body and spirit?

We can?

We do.
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 12 Jun 2023 14:17 by Carlos.Martinez3.
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19 Jun 2023 13:20 - 19 Jun 2023 13:25 #373061 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Monday Morning Meditations here at the top of the hour @here

Integrity: To be consistent.

A Jedi lives as a Jedi at all times. Hypocrisy is their worst enemy.

(Master) Pastor Carlos —
2 minutes !@here

Integrity and Hypocrisy

Good morning and Time Zone wherever you may be this morning and what every time it is- hello there


What a great morning to be alive

I have had the worst holiday I have had yet;

yesterday we, as a family, observed Father's day

My son from my first marriage is just now reaching out in contact and we are creating a new relationship everyday

He has had some trouble with the law this last few years,

well, he got picked up from a wedding shower for a warrant that did not exist or was forgotten to be taken care of

In Texas, warrants are a big and serious thing.

So for Father's day I spent the entire day speaking to bail bondsman and attorneys to find out that he is actually not doing anything wrong.

Now, Integrity is key to my own life. I have made it a point to --have integrity where I need it.

I would encourage every Jedi to train and work on their own definitions but especially on our own Integrity.

As Jedi, it is one of our focuses

(Master) Pastor Carlos —
You cannot build or live off of each-others pain or suffering for too long.

So, I want to encourage every Jedi to have a brand of integrity.

What is your band of integrity?

What's your definition?

How do you display it or show it or even seek it out?

The doctrine reminds us "to be constant"

In this world of ordinary, there is a very crazy idea out there

be constant

Be you

all the time

Know who you are

and if you do not, then take some steps to understand more


Integrity exists usually when no one is around

It is sometimes a very elusive thing in that no one will know

As Jedi, our integrity is all we have.

Lies do not become us very well

as Jedi

or as humans, for that matter

but the idea is to know that you can have a level or two of integrity as a Jedi

figure out who you are or who you want to be and peruse it

Be truthful

Be someone the Force can count on

Do we as Jedi have a level of integrity that is active and ready?

...or are we hypocrites?

(Master) Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:11 AM
What is the difference between believing what one does not and having hope for some virtue you have yet to learn?

It is up to each of us to reflect on our own values and levels of life.

One of the things we can "spit shine" or give some time to is our own integrity as Jedi and as humans is our own integrity.

There are ways of building integrity

One of the ways is to be honest

Stand for something

Make your choice and know at any time you can change or even stop it.

But make a choice

Then, after you have made your decision on your own level of integrity, apply it.

Find or create your own purpose in life and stick with it

So many Jedi stand for things the Jedi themselves don't even understand

I want to encourage every Jedi to check your own papers and standards

Check yourself....

before you wreck ...yourself

(Master) Pastor Carlos —
Thats is really the only way this- reflection and self-reflection truly work

with integrity

everything we do here is on your own merit

Stand for what you believe in

If you do not know, validate it

Check it out (edited)

Hypocrisy is harsh (edited)

There are contradictions all over the world

To know who we are and to stand on our own words is something I hope for every Jedi

tell the truth as often as you can

even if it may cause trouble

As Jedi, Try to have a better level of truth in your path

To believe, what we don't actually believe is the most dastardly thing we could do to ourselves.

Why lie to you

so I want to encourage every Jedi to check yourself


choose to grow or train your own integrity

Pick people who have it

There is a old saying I have and its "If you sleep with dogs, you may wake with fleas."

Our integrity can draw others or turn them away forever (edited)

It all depends on us some days hu?

(Master) Pastor Carlos —
So this week, a small reminder ...

Integrity: To be consistent.

A Jedi lives as a Jedi at all times. Hypocrisy is their worst enemy.

be constant in a inconstant world (edited)

by being Jedi

By choosing to be Jedi , you can create your own brand or level of things like integrity



things like that

Live as thou wilt

do not hurt one another or at least make a effort to be more aware of things

these are simple yet universal ideas we all share as Jedi and humans

We as Jedi are bound not my some great law or way but by our own light

We are led by others who have been there and done that

and have elixirs to life and time and humanity

We unite under the banner Jedi

I do hope this week and morning, your integrity is intact and if it is not.... (edited)

I hope you know what to do (edited)

Jedi have integrity

Hypocrisy is our worst enemy somedays

and truly, it's just us

It is my hope we unite as often as possible under the banner Jedi

In that, we can develop and grow into what and who we are and choose to be

Stand for you

Who you choose to be

Be Jedi

Know what you stand for

It does make it easier to defend that which we know.

Don't defend that which you do not or that which is not yours.

I will be here all day for comments concerns invitations or blank checks

May the Force be with ya'll this week

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 19 Jun 2023 13:25 by Carlos.Martinez3.
The following user(s) said Thank You: The Coyote

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