- Posts: 7965
The Block
- Carlos.Martinez3
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12 Jul 2022 01:24 #369290
by Carlos.Martinez3
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
One of the JOY's of a place like this is the joy to be able to log on and catch up as soon as you like. You never really miss anything like that. Feel free to scroll though these as well, there's about 5 years worth of posts here, enjoy and May the Force be with you.
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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- Carlos.Martinez3
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- Posts: 7965
18 Jul 2022 12:17 #369382
by Carlos.Martinez3
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Good day and Time Zone Jedi everywhere
May the Force be with y'all
Jedi teaching 3
3. Jedi are aware of the future impacts of action and inaction and of the influence of the past, but live in and focus on the Now. We let ourselves flow like water through the events around us. We embrace the ever changing and fluid world, adapting and changing as it does.
Our doctrine for the Temple is taken from humanity (edited)
tuvaetasi — Today at 5:58 AM
[5:58 AM]
Ill admit it
Pastor Carlos — Today at 5:58 AM
[5:58 AM]
tuvaetasi — Today at 5:58 AM
sometimes I let life slip on by while, flowing like water
Pastor Carlos — Today at 5:58 AM
we got 2 minutes so I shall wait till then lol
[5:58 AM]
water is like that
tuvaetasi — Today at 5:58 AM
[5:58 AM]
Pastor Carlos — Today at 5:59 AM
you can slip and with just a tiny bit of water, you can move masses
[5:59 AM]
ohh your gunna get me started lol never a bad thing
[6:00 AM]
water is weird
[6:00 AM]
Water is the most oddest form we have I think (edited)
[6:00 AM]
It can represent all states LIQUID VAPOR and Solid
[6:01 AM]
it is in everything everywhere and everything finds ways to gain some from of life from it
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:01 AM
our bodyhalf water
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:01 AM
Nothing can stop it yet we can contain and attempt to control it
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:02 AM
mm im listening
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:02 AM
yea - Im not a science person but I dont understand that - I get it- but water is everywhere
[6:02 AM]
[6:02 AM]
it rains
[6:02 AM]
the lack of water has consequences
Tx_druid — Today at 6:02 AM
Good morning
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:03 AM
hey hey!
[6:03 AM]
We are chatting about Jedi teaching number 3
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:03 AM
I heard this life is a rude awakening.. (moments later everything turns into water except self)
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:03 AM
I have heard lifes a garden, dig it !
@Pastor Carlos
We are chatting about Jedi teaching number 3
Tx_druid — Today at 6:03 AM
yes, I backtracked the convo
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:03 AM
joking there friend
ChaotishRabe — Today at 6:04 AM
Morning all!
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:04 AM
one thing we can be certain of is WATER
[6:04 AM]
good morning !!
[6:04 AM]
and how fleeting NOW is
[6:05 AM]
Now is a very easy concept to say but a much more heavier idea to grasp
[6:05 AM]
[6:05 AM]
the Now
[6:05 AM]
there are many people who share ideas of the NOW and ideas about "The Now"
[6:05 AM]
Why focus on the NOW ?
[6:05 AM]
Why water?
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:06 AM
breathing is important!
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:06 AM
true ...why ?
@Pastor Carlos
Why focus on the NOW ?
ChaotishRabe — Today at 6:06 AM
The now is the only thing we can materially affect. We can influence the future with the focus on the now.
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:06 AM
do we forget?
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:06 AM
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:06 AM
nods at Chatoish
[6:06 AM]
We are encouraged and reminded about the NOW.
"The Now" is a different way of thinking as well
[6:27 AM]
There are hundreds of "NOW" ideas available but the reminder for Jedi is that we can have a mix of it
River — Today at 6:28 AM
It's a tricky balance sometimes: being in the now and also remembering the rent is due next week and acting accordingly
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:28 AM
mix meaning a schedule?
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:28 AM
We can live in the Now rigth ...now lol
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:28 AM
[6:28 AM]
for things like that, we remind others of water and the flow
[6:28 AM]
"We let ourselves flow like water through the events around us"
[6:29 AM]
We are the water at times too
[6:30 AM]
THAT can change things for some
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:30 AM
Water can turn hot or become ice as well. us becoming water, there may be ice burgs right in front of us
[6:30 AM]
in the way
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:30 AM
we can be like that too
[6:31 AM]
we can be hard when we need to or fluid or a spirit , mind body and spirit
[6:32 AM]
The teaching reminds us WE flow through things and life as well
[6:32 AM]
We embrace and flow through it
[6:32 AM]
What does that mean ?
[6:32 AM]
To embrace something and flow through it too ?
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:33 AM
acceptance is part of it
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:33 AM
nods- for many it is
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:35 AM
To accept while understanding knowing the self engaging or ignoring results thought before consequeces is the result
Tx_druid — Today at 6:35 AM
water changes its course around anything in its stream, yet can move or wear a path through if it focuses or take the time to do so. water accepts that there are both things that can be avoided, and things that can be dealt with
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:35 AM
To be a Jedi is to be Human, not some mythical creature with make believe rules - we all have a beginning and its the Humanity of things
[6:36 AM]
"We know"... these teaching should start with the phrase ---- "we know " - lol
[6:37 AM]
but the idea - one of them is that we find our humanity
[6:37 AM]
we remember we are all human and under that banner we can share with one another
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:38 AM
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:38 AM
"we know that "....the future impacts of action and inaction and of the influence of the past, but live in and focus on the Now.
[6:38 AM]
its a small reminder
[6:38 AM]
thats all the teachings in our Doctrine are for, just simple reminders of what WE choose
[6:39 AM]
we are humans and try to live in this world of reality
[6:39 AM]
we have pains and wins and we lose and we fall and we go up and down
[6:40 AM]
ANY Doctrine can help you
[6:40 AM]
having a place to go for reminders is healthy
[6:40 AM]
our Doctrine comes from our Humanity
[6:41 AM]
Teaching number three reminds us to ...be like water...
[6:41 AM]
What a HUMAN idea
May the Force be with you
Pastor Carlos
I leave you with this bad joke
There were these ants one day looking fro a good home
[6:18 AM]
they found green grass and rolling hills and decided to make the mound there
[6:19 AM]
Little did they know it was golf course to which the first ball landed into the newly made ant mound.
[6:19 AM]
The golfer hacked away spreading all the workers everywhere in a frenzy...
[6:20 AM]
Two ants looked back to the mound after being launched from it and said" Hey if we wanna survive, we better get on the ball..."
Time Flows and Ebbs- Live in the NOW as often as you can.
May the Force be with y'all
Jedi teaching 3
3. Jedi are aware of the future impacts of action and inaction and of the influence of the past, but live in and focus on the Now. We let ourselves flow like water through the events around us. We embrace the ever changing and fluid world, adapting and changing as it does.
Our doctrine for the Temple is taken from humanity (edited)
tuvaetasi — Today at 5:58 AM
[5:58 AM]
Ill admit it
Pastor Carlos — Today at 5:58 AM
[5:58 AM]
tuvaetasi — Today at 5:58 AM
sometimes I let life slip on by while, flowing like water
Pastor Carlos — Today at 5:58 AM
we got 2 minutes so I shall wait till then lol
[5:58 AM]
water is like that
tuvaetasi — Today at 5:58 AM
[5:58 AM]
Pastor Carlos — Today at 5:59 AM
you can slip and with just a tiny bit of water, you can move masses
[5:59 AM]
ohh your gunna get me started lol never a bad thing
[6:00 AM]
water is weird
[6:00 AM]
Water is the most oddest form we have I think (edited)
[6:00 AM]
It can represent all states LIQUID VAPOR and Solid
[6:01 AM]
it is in everything everywhere and everything finds ways to gain some from of life from it
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:01 AM
our bodyhalf water
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:01 AM
Nothing can stop it yet we can contain and attempt to control it
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:02 AM
mm im listening
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:02 AM
yea - Im not a science person but I dont understand that - I get it- but water is everywhere
[6:02 AM]
[6:02 AM]
it rains
[6:02 AM]
the lack of water has consequences
Tx_druid — Today at 6:02 AM
Good morning
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:03 AM
hey hey!
[6:03 AM]
We are chatting about Jedi teaching number 3
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:03 AM
I heard this life is a rude awakening.. (moments later everything turns into water except self)
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:03 AM
I have heard lifes a garden, dig it !
@Pastor Carlos
We are chatting about Jedi teaching number 3
Tx_druid — Today at 6:03 AM
yes, I backtracked the convo
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:03 AM
joking there friend
ChaotishRabe — Today at 6:04 AM
Morning all!
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:04 AM
one thing we can be certain of is WATER
[6:04 AM]
good morning !!
[6:04 AM]
and how fleeting NOW is
[6:05 AM]
Now is a very easy concept to say but a much more heavier idea to grasp
[6:05 AM]
[6:05 AM]
the Now
[6:05 AM]
there are many people who share ideas of the NOW and ideas about "The Now"
[6:05 AM]
Why focus on the NOW ?
[6:05 AM]
Why water?
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:06 AM
breathing is important!
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:06 AM
true ...why ?
@Pastor Carlos
Why focus on the NOW ?
ChaotishRabe — Today at 6:06 AM
The now is the only thing we can materially affect. We can influence the future with the focus on the now.
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:06 AM
do we forget?
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:06 AM
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:06 AM
nods at Chatoish
[6:06 AM]
We are encouraged and reminded about the NOW.
"The Now" is a different way of thinking as well
[6:27 AM]
There are hundreds of "NOW" ideas available but the reminder for Jedi is that we can have a mix of it
River — Today at 6:28 AM
It's a tricky balance sometimes: being in the now and also remembering the rent is due next week and acting accordingly
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:28 AM
mix meaning a schedule?
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:28 AM
We can live in the Now rigth ...now lol
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:28 AM
[6:28 AM]
for things like that, we remind others of water and the flow
[6:28 AM]
"We let ourselves flow like water through the events around us"
[6:29 AM]
We are the water at times too
[6:30 AM]
THAT can change things for some
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:30 AM
Water can turn hot or become ice as well. us becoming water, there may be ice burgs right in front of us
[6:30 AM]
in the way
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:30 AM
we can be like that too
[6:31 AM]
we can be hard when we need to or fluid or a spirit , mind body and spirit
[6:32 AM]
The teaching reminds us WE flow through things and life as well
[6:32 AM]
We embrace and flow through it
[6:32 AM]
What does that mean ?
[6:32 AM]
To embrace something and flow through it too ?
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:33 AM
acceptance is part of it
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:33 AM
nods- for many it is
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:35 AM
To accept while understanding knowing the self engaging or ignoring results thought before consequeces is the result
Tx_druid — Today at 6:35 AM
water changes its course around anything in its stream, yet can move or wear a path through if it focuses or take the time to do so. water accepts that there are both things that can be avoided, and things that can be dealt with
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:35 AM
To be a Jedi is to be Human, not some mythical creature with make believe rules - we all have a beginning and its the Humanity of things
[6:36 AM]
"We know"... these teaching should start with the phrase ---- "we know " - lol
[6:37 AM]
but the idea - one of them is that we find our humanity
[6:37 AM]
we remember we are all human and under that banner we can share with one another
tuvaetasi — Today at 6:38 AM
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:38 AM
"we know that "....the future impacts of action and inaction and of the influence of the past, but live in and focus on the Now.
[6:38 AM]
its a small reminder
[6:38 AM]
thats all the teachings in our Doctrine are for, just simple reminders of what WE choose
[6:39 AM]
we are humans and try to live in this world of reality
[6:39 AM]
we have pains and wins and we lose and we fall and we go up and down
[6:40 AM]
ANY Doctrine can help you
[6:40 AM]
having a place to go for reminders is healthy
[6:40 AM]
our Doctrine comes from our Humanity
[6:41 AM]
Teaching number three reminds us to ...be like water...
[6:41 AM]
What a HUMAN idea
May the Force be with you
Pastor Carlos
I leave you with this bad joke
There were these ants one day looking fro a good home
[6:18 AM]
they found green grass and rolling hills and decided to make the mound there
[6:19 AM]
Little did they know it was golf course to which the first ball landed into the newly made ant mound.
[6:19 AM]
The golfer hacked away spreading all the workers everywhere in a frenzy...
[6:20 AM]
Two ants looked back to the mound after being launched from it and said" Hey if we wanna survive, we better get on the ball..."
Time Flows and Ebbs- Live in the NOW as often as you can.
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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- Carlos.Martinez3
Topic Author
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- Posts: 7965
01 Aug 2022 10:57 - 01 Aug 2022 11:44 #369681
by Carlos.Martinez3
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Prowess: To seek excellence in all endeavors expected of a Jedi.
A Jedi strives to acquire greater skill and expertise in what they do at all times so that it may be used in the service of the greater good, and not for personal profit. This requires discipline, patience and perfect practice.
skill or expertise in a particular activity or field:
bravery in battle:
The very FIRST Maxim is Prowess
Jedi have a specific set or type of skills.
Humans can master anything they try.
If we, as humans, do it long enough - anything- a certain number of times... it can become a habit or a routine. The very first piece of truth we hold and share with one another is a reminder that each of us as Jedi have a particular set of ideas and ways of doing things. Some of us have different backgrounds and we are at different levels in our paths as well. It is during this seek or this ebb and flow of life that, well, its where the rubber meets the road.
A maxim (MAKS-im) is a compact expression of a general truth or rule of conduct.
Now this Maxim states this "...in what they do at all times.."
This is a friendly reminder that you can do what you do, and you can do it how YOU do it. You as a human can master anything. If it is in the realm of human possibility, it can be done.
Perfect practice is the hardest thing to find a balance on. The idea is the mastery in the seek.
We as Jedi STRIVE, we try. In the try is where you will find me, and it is my hope that in the try is where I find you this morning. Our try's are different because that which we have mastered is different too and at different levels. Something to think about this week Jedi and friends.
"If no one tells you this week I will- I care about every one of y'all like O'Hana- like family. I love you for who you are today AND tomorrow."
Pastor Carlos
A Jedi strives to acquire greater skill and expertise in what they do at all times so that it may be used in the service of the greater good, and not for personal profit. This requires discipline, patience and perfect practice.
skill or expertise in a particular activity or field:
bravery in battle:
The very FIRST Maxim is Prowess
Jedi have a specific set or type of skills.
Humans can master anything they try.
If we, as humans, do it long enough - anything- a certain number of times... it can become a habit or a routine. The very first piece of truth we hold and share with one another is a reminder that each of us as Jedi have a particular set of ideas and ways of doing things. Some of us have different backgrounds and we are at different levels in our paths as well. It is during this seek or this ebb and flow of life that, well, its where the rubber meets the road.
A maxim (MAKS-im) is a compact expression of a general truth or rule of conduct.
Now this Maxim states this "...in what they do at all times.."
This is a friendly reminder that you can do what you do, and you can do it how YOU do it. You as a human can master anything. If it is in the realm of human possibility, it can be done.
Perfect practice is the hardest thing to find a balance on. The idea is the mastery in the seek.
We as Jedi STRIVE, we try. In the try is where you will find me, and it is my hope that in the try is where I find you this morning. Our try's are different because that which we have mastered is different too and at different levels. Something to think about this week Jedi and friends.
"If no one tells you this week I will- I care about every one of y'all like O'Hana- like family. I love you for who you are today AND tomorrow."
Pastor Carlos
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 01 Aug 2022 11:44 by Carlos.Martinez3.
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- Carlos.Martinez3
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- Posts: 7965
08 Aug 2022 10:48 #369787
by Carlos.Martinez3
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
What is your CAUSE?
Why are you here?
16. Jedi make a commitment to their cause and to humanity. Our ideals, philosophies, and practices define the belief of Jediism and we take action on this path for self-improvement and to help others. We are both the witnesses and protectors of the Jedi way by the practice of our convictions.
What is your cause, the whole reason why you are here? Every think about that? Why am I here and who am I?
How do you commit to humanity?
What are you practicing? Take some time this week to find out your own CAUSE and how you affect those around you. You will be amazed to see what you find when you take the time to reflect.
Know what your cause is as well. Not knowing is like not having a bearing or a direction to go in some days. Give yourself direction and cause.
This week , if you like, think about these things.
Your cause and affect...
May the Force be with you this week.
Pastor Carlos
Why are you here?
16. Jedi make a commitment to their cause and to humanity. Our ideals, philosophies, and practices define the belief of Jediism and we take action on this path for self-improvement and to help others. We are both the witnesses and protectors of the Jedi way by the practice of our convictions.
What is your cause, the whole reason why you are here? Every think about that? Why am I here and who am I?
How do you commit to humanity?
What are you practicing? Take some time this week to find out your own CAUSE and how you affect those around you. You will be amazed to see what you find when you take the time to reflect.
Know what your cause is as well. Not knowing is like not having a bearing or a direction to go in some days. Give yourself direction and cause.
This week , if you like, think about these things.
Your cause and affect...
May the Force be with you this week.
Pastor Carlos
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Please Log in to join the conversation.
- Carlos.Martinez3
Topic Author
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- Posts: 7965
15 Aug 2022 11:38 #369883
by Carlos.Martinez3
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Good day and beginning of the week Temple of the Jedi Order
[5:56 AM]
It is my hope that this week is clear of all distractions and drama and if its not, It is my hope you have a place or somewhere to find a bit of peace and time to do so.
There is a Creed we all unite under.
We can if we like
Good day and week Temple of the Jedi Order
May the Force be with y'all today where every y'all seek it.
I enjoy our Creed
There are MANY like it, but this one ...
is mine.
Our Creed states this
I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace;
Where there is hatred I shall bring love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
I am a Jedi.
I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
The Force is with me always, for I am a Jedi.
I would like to bring to light the last part of the Creed
We as Jedi can be those who console- those who understand- those who give- those who pardon -
By THESE- there is a very much possibility of what can be. The potential is amazing.
This is a HUGE potential for any person
To be the one you console to
To be the one you get understanding from
To be the one who gives the pardons
Jedi can be the ones who console and the ones who understand and give it ... and the examples of those who pardon
The Creeds focus is this- let us be "these" things or even better....
We can be these things
This IDEA of being one of these can take a life time of seek and find
We recommend keeping things like this, a focus like this, in a Creed or in a place where you can remind yourself of your own choices and passions.
It IS waaaaaaaaay easy to keep anger and upset all the time, it happens that ANY ONE can get upset and angry at any given time REGARDLESS of level or place in life or reflection.
How does one Console?
How does one LOVE ?
How and what does ONE GIVE?
How does one Pardon?
These ideas are HUGE if you can grasp them in any part of your path in life
The HONING or the cultivation of character and skill is a thing a human can do at any given time.
Learn to console
Learn to give
Learn to pardon
It's funny but no one can officially tell you how to do these things either in your own path
No one will here
We will share what we have learned and can pass to one another.
But the bulk of what we do here is SHARE
How do you learn to console?
How do you learn to pardon? What the heck are you pardoning?
What are ya giving?
Some times it DOES help when you review your path and think on it.
[6:12 AM]
Reflection is one of the KEYS to being HUMAN and to understanding US as Jedi
Something to think about this week Jedi
Understand Love Give Pardon
For these things there is reflection
When your lost - look at a map
When you get lost in your path - look at your path (edited)
Identification is the "match" or the spark that can starts the fire of reflection (edited)
Being able to identify things in ONES path is key for any human and any Jedi
We choose to be Jedi
We also choose to be
By our ways
What do we understand- give- love -and pardon? THOSE are the million dollar questions that can keep us in a seek or a slump
Pastor Carlos
Temple of the Jedi Order
Any questions or comments or encouragements?!!!
[5:56 AM]
It is my hope that this week is clear of all distractions and drama and if its not, It is my hope you have a place or somewhere to find a bit of peace and time to do so.
There is a Creed we all unite under.
We can if we like
Good day and week Temple of the Jedi Order
May the Force be with y'all today where every y'all seek it.
I enjoy our Creed
There are MANY like it, but this one ...
is mine.
Our Creed states this
I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace;
Where there is hatred I shall bring love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
I am a Jedi.
I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
The Force is with me always, for I am a Jedi.
I would like to bring to light the last part of the Creed
We as Jedi can be those who console- those who understand- those who give- those who pardon -
By THESE- there is a very much possibility of what can be. The potential is amazing.
This is a HUGE potential for any person
To be the one you console to
To be the one you get understanding from
To be the one who gives the pardons
Jedi can be the ones who console and the ones who understand and give it ... and the examples of those who pardon
The Creeds focus is this- let us be "these" things or even better....
We can be these things
This IDEA of being one of these can take a life time of seek and find
We recommend keeping things like this, a focus like this, in a Creed or in a place where you can remind yourself of your own choices and passions.
It IS waaaaaaaaay easy to keep anger and upset all the time, it happens that ANY ONE can get upset and angry at any given time REGARDLESS of level or place in life or reflection.
How does one Console?
How does one LOVE ?
How and what does ONE GIVE?
How does one Pardon?
These ideas are HUGE if you can grasp them in any part of your path in life
The HONING or the cultivation of character and skill is a thing a human can do at any given time.
Learn to console
Learn to give
Learn to pardon
It's funny but no one can officially tell you how to do these things either in your own path
No one will here
We will share what we have learned and can pass to one another.
But the bulk of what we do here is SHARE
How do you learn to console?
How do you learn to pardon? What the heck are you pardoning?
What are ya giving?
Some times it DOES help when you review your path and think on it.
[6:12 AM]
Reflection is one of the KEYS to being HUMAN and to understanding US as Jedi
Something to think about this week Jedi
Understand Love Give Pardon
For these things there is reflection
When your lost - look at a map
When you get lost in your path - look at your path (edited)
Identification is the "match" or the spark that can starts the fire of reflection (edited)
Being able to identify things in ONES path is key for any human and any Jedi
We choose to be Jedi
We also choose to be
By our ways
What do we understand- give- love -and pardon? THOSE are the million dollar questions that can keep us in a seek or a slump
Pastor Carlos
Temple of the Jedi Order
Any questions or comments or encouragements?!!!
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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- Carlos.Martinez3
Topic Author
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- Senior Ordained Clergy Person
- Posts: 7965
22 Aug 2022 11:57 #369962
by Carlos.Martinez3
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
A Jedi is unencumbered by bias or personal interest. Justice is a double-edged sword, one that protects the weak, yet also passes judgements according to a set of values. A Jedi tolerates that which is not Jedi and does not pass judgement on that which causes no harm for it is just.
What is NOT Jedi ?
Ask yourself, does it harm?
We did have a good chat and I will not post it for the sake of inviting y'all to the Monday morning chats LIVE!!!
Something to think about this week Jedi
May the Force be with y'all
Pastor Carlos
What is NOT Jedi ?
Ask yourself, does it harm?
We did have a good chat and I will not post it for the sake of inviting y'all to the Monday morning chats LIVE!!!
Something to think about this week Jedi
May the Force be with y'all
Pastor Carlos
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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- Carlos.Martinez3
Topic Author
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- Senior Ordained Clergy Person
- Posts: 7965
29 Aug 2022 11:43 #370039
by Carlos.Martinez3
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Today is a good day and a Monday at that
[6:00 AM]
Good day and May the Force be with you where ever you or Y'all are today
[6:01 AM]
We here at the Temple of the Jedi Order have a code
[6:01 AM]
its super eaasy
[6:01 AM]
The Jedi Code comes in two versions which are different ways of understanding the same teaching.
Emotion, yet Peace. There is no Emotion, there is Peace.
Ignorance, yet Knowledge. There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge.
Passion, yet Serenity. There is no Passion, there is Serenity.
Chaos, yet Harmony. There is no Chaos, there is Harmony.
Death, yet the Force. There is no Death, there is the Force.
by Greg Costikyan
[6:01 AM]
5 lines
[6:01 AM]
10 ideas
[6:01 AM]
emotion Peace
[6:01 AM]
idnorance and knowladge
[6:02 AM]
passion and serenity
[6:02 AM]
chaos and harmony
[6:02 AM]
death and the Force
[6:03 AM]
A code or Codes are used to resemble ideas or thoughts we choose
[6:03 AM]
Here we choose this code and it comes it two forms for what ever you like
[6:04 AM]
the ideas are fairly easy to understand too
[6:04 AM]
During times of emotional stress-
[6:04 AM]
we seek peace
[6:04 AM]
when we know we are ignorant of things....
[6:04 AM]
knowledge is the key (edited)
[6:05 AM]
would we rather have serenity rather than passion?
[6:05 AM]
harmony is much more than chaos
[6:05 AM]
and life and death is very much a thing we all are faced with
[6:06 AM]
A code is important to have
[6:06 AM]
it can help remind us of our choices
[6:06 AM]
it can help us HONE our path in ways we never thought possible
[6:07 AM]
how do we focus on Emotion not passion or even better ... we use the word YET
[6:08 AM]
these things are present - EMOTIONS IGNORANCE PASSION CHAOS AND DEATH-YET we can have or we can keep Peace Serenity harmony and the Force
[6:08 AM]
In this world of what is present , we can have that which we seek.
[6:08 AM]
The old adage is "Seek and you will find."
[6:09 AM]
That still rings true today regardless of your lot in life or where you give glory to
[6:09 AM]
Sometimes when we seek, we find things that are not what we were directly looking for
[6:09 AM]
but we find things in the "seek"
[6:10 AM]
When we "load" or we give our focus a bearing- when we make a choice to follow a path ... Journal it
[6:11 AM]
Journal it.
[6:11 AM]
I can not stress how important Journaling is as humans
[6:11 AM]
when we log or journal things we see what WE were thinking
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:11 AM
Morning all.
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:11 AM
at that specific time
[6:12 AM]
heya !!!! morning Bru-he
[6:12 AM]
We are chatting about codes and our Jedi code in particular
[6:12 AM]
our Code can remind us of our own choices and decisions
[6:13 AM]
in life there is Emotion there is ignorance and passion chaos and death - these things are a given and they fear and take orders from no one
[6:13 AM]
they exist
[6:14 AM]
as a Code , they remind us that we are not subject to them
[6:14 AM]
If anything , and I say this half in jest and half in honesty, the Code states that we live here but we dont have to be OF it
[6:15 AM]
We see and experience these things but they dont have to hold you
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:15 AM
Good Morning Bru-He WiEph!
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:16 AM
if we have and keep peace here is the million dollar question, do emotions rule those who keep peace?
[6:16 AM]
those who give it?
[6:17 AM]
does Ignorance run knowledge and does it keep it?
[6:17 AM]
is there serenity in passion ?
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:17 AM
I love the code and I'm glad it is today's meditation
[6:17 AM]
Hello @Logan Laser Castle
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:17 AM
is there really some from of harmony in all THIS Chaos
[6:18 AM]
is the Force real or is all just death?
[6:18 AM]
The answers to these questions are in your reflections
[6:19 AM]
How do you keep or hold or seek Peace Knowledge Serenity harmony and thee Force
[6:19 AM]
thats today Idea and Meditation for this week if you like.... the how to is up to you .
[6:20 AM]
The "how to" is up to you.
[6:20 AM]
...and when I think about that, thats really the best place fro YOU and YOUR path to be, in your own hands
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:20 AM
*Personal Choice.
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:20 AM
[6:20 AM]
is that so bad?
[6:20 AM]
to make choices ?
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:21 AM
It's Part of The Way
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:21 AM
to choose to find a way to pass and keep peace
[6:21 AM]
to choose knowing and keep the idea that ignorance exist isnt Jedi
[6:22 AM]
Jedi are nothing special, we are never space cowboys or fly through the air- we are human
[6:22 AM]
as humans, we come together under this banner or under this ROBE
[6:23 AM]
we choose to be Jedi
[6:23 AM]
by that , we choose to be human
[6:23 AM]
no one will ever tell you HOW to find peace here
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:23 AM
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:23 AM
we can share how I found and where I find it and what things I do to keep and pass but in the end ....
[6:24 AM]
What and how you do it ... is to you, the Jedi themselves
[6:24 AM]
Further more, what type of peace are you passing and sharing and bringing?
[6:24 AM]
We can reflect on what we are passing as well
[6:25 AM]
I know and remember there was a time I got up in the mornings and had plans to ruin some ones day
[6:25 AM]
I am un balanced and upset- so shall every one else !!
[6:25 AM]
I am not that person any longer
[6:26 AM]
the choice was made to FOWARD my thinking and continue to share REAL ideas and REAL ways
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:26 AM
I never woke up being malicious, but I did tend (and still can) respond badly or defensively and be angry.
[6:26 AM]
And I don't like that feeling
[6:26 AM]
this is why I am pursuing Jediism.
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:26 AM
only we as the Jedi can understand this - how WE work
[6:27 AM]
reflection is the bread and butter of the human
[6:27 AM]
it can help any human at any time in any path do pretty much anything
[6:28 AM]
The Star Wars sagas remind us as well as any Epic you have read or seen that life with or without us, happens
[6:28 AM]
it doesnt ask us for directions or ask Siri whats next
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:28 AM
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:28 AM
life happens
[6:29 AM]
at any given time the "Wheel of fortune" can be in any direction for US
[6:29 AM]
We could be UP on life
[6:29 AM]
or DOWN in a pit
[6:29 AM]
or on our way in or out of one
[6:30 AM]
our Codes and Doctrine can be what helps us during those times of life
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:31 AM
That's a LIFE Lesson I've learned, over the last years.
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:31 AM
Do share !
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:32 AM
*Some Way, in the Course of 20 YEARS, most people I knew, passed on, or left my path
[6:32 AM]
including Relatives,
[6:33 AM]
Life is Full of Changes, like the Seasons! NOTHING IS PERMANENT!
[6:33 AM]
Only the Way
[6:33 AM]
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:33 AM
152.78 KB
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:34 AM
and the Life Force
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:34 AM
[6:34 AM]
Codes are used to help remind us of our choices
[6:34 AM]
I hope this week we can remember why we choose the codes we do ... Why those codes?
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:35 AM
To Abide by A Standard!
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:35 AM
What is it making ?
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:35 AM
I hope I can stand by the Code always
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:35 AM
as do I
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:35 AM
I better get to work. Have a great day all, thanks @Pastor Carlos and my the Force be with us all.
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:36 AM
The JEDI Code
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:36 AM
and that makes me feel good knowing that there ARE people like you AND me out there
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:36 AM
Bye Bru, have a good day!
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:36 AM
you have the right to understand and create your own peace
[6:36 AM]
May the Force be with you today and this week !
[6:37 AM]
so today the Code
[6:37 AM]
rather than one obvious NATURAL emotion you can have THIS one .. but how.....
[6:37 AM]
the how is to you today
[6:38 AM]
How do you keep and use and pass the Jedi idea of Peace Knowledge Serenity harmony and the Force . How do we see and seek peace rather than emotions
[6:39 AM]
the way we find and peruse knowledge is up to us, as is the way we find serenity and display Harmony.
[6:39 AM]
well, thats up to us too
[6:00 AM]
Good day and May the Force be with you where ever you or Y'all are today
[6:01 AM]
We here at the Temple of the Jedi Order have a code
[6:01 AM]
its super eaasy
[6:01 AM]
The Jedi Code comes in two versions which are different ways of understanding the same teaching.
Emotion, yet Peace. There is no Emotion, there is Peace.
Ignorance, yet Knowledge. There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge.
Passion, yet Serenity. There is no Passion, there is Serenity.
Chaos, yet Harmony. There is no Chaos, there is Harmony.
Death, yet the Force. There is no Death, there is the Force.
by Greg Costikyan
[6:01 AM]
5 lines
[6:01 AM]
10 ideas
[6:01 AM]
emotion Peace
[6:01 AM]
idnorance and knowladge
[6:02 AM]
passion and serenity
[6:02 AM]
chaos and harmony
[6:02 AM]
death and the Force
[6:03 AM]
A code or Codes are used to resemble ideas or thoughts we choose
[6:03 AM]
Here we choose this code and it comes it two forms for what ever you like
[6:04 AM]
the ideas are fairly easy to understand too
[6:04 AM]
During times of emotional stress-
[6:04 AM]
we seek peace
[6:04 AM]
when we know we are ignorant of things....
[6:04 AM]
knowledge is the key (edited)
[6:05 AM]
would we rather have serenity rather than passion?
[6:05 AM]
harmony is much more than chaos
[6:05 AM]
and life and death is very much a thing we all are faced with
[6:06 AM]
A code is important to have
[6:06 AM]
it can help remind us of our choices
[6:06 AM]
it can help us HONE our path in ways we never thought possible
[6:07 AM]
how do we focus on Emotion not passion or even better ... we use the word YET
[6:08 AM]
these things are present - EMOTIONS IGNORANCE PASSION CHAOS AND DEATH-YET we can have or we can keep Peace Serenity harmony and the Force
[6:08 AM]
In this world of what is present , we can have that which we seek.
[6:08 AM]
The old adage is "Seek and you will find."
[6:09 AM]
That still rings true today regardless of your lot in life or where you give glory to
[6:09 AM]
Sometimes when we seek, we find things that are not what we were directly looking for
[6:09 AM]
but we find things in the "seek"
[6:10 AM]
When we "load" or we give our focus a bearing- when we make a choice to follow a path ... Journal it
[6:11 AM]
Journal it.
[6:11 AM]
I can not stress how important Journaling is as humans
[6:11 AM]
when we log or journal things we see what WE were thinking
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:11 AM
Morning all.
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:11 AM
at that specific time
[6:12 AM]
heya !!!! morning Bru-he
[6:12 AM]
We are chatting about codes and our Jedi code in particular
[6:12 AM]
our Code can remind us of our own choices and decisions
[6:13 AM]
in life there is Emotion there is ignorance and passion chaos and death - these things are a given and they fear and take orders from no one
[6:13 AM]
they exist
[6:14 AM]
as a Code , they remind us that we are not subject to them
[6:14 AM]
If anything , and I say this half in jest and half in honesty, the Code states that we live here but we dont have to be OF it
[6:15 AM]
We see and experience these things but they dont have to hold you
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:15 AM
Good Morning Bru-He WiEph!
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:16 AM
if we have and keep peace here is the million dollar question, do emotions rule those who keep peace?
[6:16 AM]
those who give it?
[6:17 AM]
does Ignorance run knowledge and does it keep it?
[6:17 AM]
is there serenity in passion ?
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:17 AM
I love the code and I'm glad it is today's meditation
[6:17 AM]
Hello @Logan Laser Castle
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:17 AM
is there really some from of harmony in all THIS Chaos
[6:18 AM]
is the Force real or is all just death?
[6:18 AM]
The answers to these questions are in your reflections
[6:19 AM]
How do you keep or hold or seek Peace Knowledge Serenity harmony and thee Force
[6:19 AM]
thats today Idea and Meditation for this week if you like.... the how to is up to you .
[6:20 AM]
The "how to" is up to you.
[6:20 AM]
...and when I think about that, thats really the best place fro YOU and YOUR path to be, in your own hands
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:20 AM
*Personal Choice.
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:20 AM
[6:20 AM]
is that so bad?
[6:20 AM]
to make choices ?
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:21 AM
It's Part of The Way
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:21 AM
to choose to find a way to pass and keep peace
[6:21 AM]
to choose knowing and keep the idea that ignorance exist isnt Jedi
[6:22 AM]
Jedi are nothing special, we are never space cowboys or fly through the air- we are human
[6:22 AM]
as humans, we come together under this banner or under this ROBE
[6:23 AM]
we choose to be Jedi
[6:23 AM]
by that , we choose to be human
[6:23 AM]
no one will ever tell you HOW to find peace here
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:23 AM
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:23 AM
we can share how I found and where I find it and what things I do to keep and pass but in the end ....
[6:24 AM]
What and how you do it ... is to you, the Jedi themselves
[6:24 AM]
Further more, what type of peace are you passing and sharing and bringing?
[6:24 AM]
We can reflect on what we are passing as well
[6:25 AM]
I know and remember there was a time I got up in the mornings and had plans to ruin some ones day
[6:25 AM]
I am un balanced and upset- so shall every one else !!
[6:25 AM]
I am not that person any longer
[6:26 AM]
the choice was made to FOWARD my thinking and continue to share REAL ideas and REAL ways
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:26 AM
I never woke up being malicious, but I did tend (and still can) respond badly or defensively and be angry.
[6:26 AM]
And I don't like that feeling
[6:26 AM]
this is why I am pursuing Jediism.
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:26 AM
only we as the Jedi can understand this - how WE work
[6:27 AM]
reflection is the bread and butter of the human
[6:27 AM]
it can help any human at any time in any path do pretty much anything
[6:28 AM]
The Star Wars sagas remind us as well as any Epic you have read or seen that life with or without us, happens
[6:28 AM]
it doesnt ask us for directions or ask Siri whats next
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:28 AM
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:28 AM
life happens
[6:29 AM]
at any given time the "Wheel of fortune" can be in any direction for US
[6:29 AM]
We could be UP on life
[6:29 AM]
or DOWN in a pit
[6:29 AM]
or on our way in or out of one
[6:30 AM]
our Codes and Doctrine can be what helps us during those times of life
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:31 AM
That's a LIFE Lesson I've learned, over the last years.
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:31 AM
Do share !
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:32 AM
*Some Way, in the Course of 20 YEARS, most people I knew, passed on, or left my path
[6:32 AM]
including Relatives,
[6:33 AM]
Life is Full of Changes, like the Seasons! NOTHING IS PERMANENT!
[6:33 AM]
Only the Way
[6:33 AM]
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:33 AM
152.78 KB
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:34 AM
and the Life Force
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:34 AM
[6:34 AM]
Codes are used to help remind us of our choices
[6:34 AM]
I hope this week we can remember why we choose the codes we do ... Why those codes?
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:35 AM
To Abide by A Standard!
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:35 AM
What is it making ?
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:35 AM
I hope I can stand by the Code always
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:35 AM
as do I
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:35 AM
I better get to work. Have a great day all, thanks @Pastor Carlos and my the Force be with us all.
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:36 AM
The JEDI Code
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:36 AM
and that makes me feel good knowing that there ARE people like you AND me out there
Logan Laser Castle — Today at 6:36 AM
Bye Bru, have a good day!
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:36 AM
you have the right to understand and create your own peace
[6:36 AM]
May the Force be with you today and this week !
[6:37 AM]
so today the Code
[6:37 AM]
rather than one obvious NATURAL emotion you can have THIS one .. but how.....
[6:37 AM]
the how is to you today
[6:38 AM]
How do you keep and use and pass the Jedi idea of Peace Knowledge Serenity harmony and the Force . How do we see and seek peace rather than emotions
[6:39 AM]
the way we find and peruse knowledge is up to us, as is the way we find serenity and display Harmony.
[6:39 AM]
well, thats up to us too
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Please Log in to join the conversation.
- Carlos.Martinez3
Topic Author
- Offline
- Master
- Council Member
- Senior Ordained Clergy Person
- Posts: 7965
12 Sep 2022 11:53 #370210
by Carlos.Martinez3
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Jedi teaching number Twelve
12. Jedi believe that love and compassion are central to their lives. We must love and care for each other as we must love and care for ourselves; by doing this we envelop all life in the positivity of our actions and thoughts. We are providers and beacons of hope.
Good morning, Temple of the Jedi Order
[6:00 AM]
May the Force be with y'all this week
[6:00 AM]
Jedi teaching number 12 says - Jedi believe that love and compassion are central to their lives. We must love and care for each other as we must love and care for ourselves; by doing this we envelop all life in the positivity of our actions and thoughts. We are providers and beacons of hope.
[6:01 AM]
We have two reminders here today
[6:01 AM]
To be a beacon of hope, love each other and yourself
[6:02 AM]
When these happen, there is a balance that can begin
[6:02 AM]
What is love then ?When we chat about teaching 12?
[6:03 AM]
12 reminds us we must have about the same time on "US" as others as well
[6:04 AM]
It is a balance that can be had by the effort
[6:04 AM]
A promise really if you really wanna call em those, the 16 promises !
[6:05 AM]
The teachings do have that potentiality to them
[6:06 AM]
I often think on the teaching like promises , if you can figure this out- you can get this.
[6:07 AM]
12 says we can be the beacons of hope where they are needed by choosing to love each other no matter what
[6:08 AM]
If we put love central for us and others, we envelope life
[6:08 AM]
What are we enveloping ?
[6:08 AM]
What does your love call to it?
[6:09 AM]
Does it shine or does it show? Is it a light of hope or so bright it can be blinding too
When things are down to it, where does your heart go?
Where does a Jedi 's heart go when we think of compassion ?
[6:12 AM]
It is my hope that by remembering Jedi teaching number 12 - our minds and hearts go to our CENTRAL place
[6:12 AM]
to our hub
[6:12 AM]
to where our hearts congregate
[6:13 AM]
By keeping or trying to, ...by trying to keep compassion and love for one another and us... THATS where the magic is.... "Compassion is encouraged."
[6:13 AM]
There is a magic in being human
[6:13 AM]
There is a potential that exist that has never died (edited)
[6:14 AM]
Humans love - it so strange but even if we as humans are hated and scorned even, the human potential will find LOVE somewhere
We even have cases where love existed in hope only
[6:15 AM]
Jedi teaching 12 states and reminds us to love one another and US
[6:16 AM]
By those two reminders, we can have the idea of being a beacon
[6:16 AM]
We say "Jedi are a beacon of hope"
[6:16 AM]
Here is how
[6:16 AM]
One way - NEVER the only way
[6:17 AM]
12. Jedi believe that love and compassion are central to their lives. We must love and care for each other as we must love and care for ourselves; by doing this we envelop all life in the positivity of our actions and thoughts. We are providers and beacons of hope.
[6:17 AM]
Jedi are providers of hope
[6:17 AM]
Can a Jedi provide hope?
[6:18 AM]
Every path is different but in the grand scheme of things, we all learn to develop our minds and body's and hearts
[6:18 AM]
In this quest- we are one
[6:18 AM]
We are connected
[6:18 AM]
We are on the same path as any other Jedi , and human for that matter
[6:19 AM]
We will NEVER teach any one how to float or FORCE CHOKE some one . Thats for Cinema
[6:19 AM]
What we will encourage one another to do is reflect
[6:20 AM]
[6:20 AM]
On your development
[6:20 AM]
and those around you
[6:20 AM]
This IS a secret to life
[6:20 AM]
NEVER the only one with Jedi, but it is one
[6:21 AM]
If we keep love and compassion a focus and central, even for us, THATS THE MAGIC
[6:21 AM]
To give one another the hope
[6:21 AM]
To plant it
[6:21 AM]
To plant hope
[6:21 AM]
Have you planted hope lately?
[6:22 AM]
It is my hope, we as Jedi plant hope everywhere we go
[6:22 AM]
in every thing we do
[6:22 AM]
ESPECIALLY our own reflection
[6:22 AM]
its a 50/50 thing if you think about it
[6:23 AM]
Its you and others...
[6:23 AM]
Love yourself today Jedi and others
[6:23 AM]
Give away compassion like its candy and its going out of style friend
[6:24 AM]
Compassion IS going out of style
[6:24 AM]
Bring it back
[6:24 AM]
For YOU and for others
[6:24 AM]
Jedi teaching 12 reminds us we can and by doing this, THERES THAT PROMISE - we can envelope all life.
[6:25 AM]
Jedi are smart
[6:25 AM]
If you need to hear it or read it or it needs to be in your brain or heart this week then there it is. Be smart this week. I know y'all are
[6:26 AM]
Jedi ARE smart- this is my hope and reminder for this week - Jedi teaching number 12 - love and compassion can be central for a Jedi
[6:26 AM]
any time
[6:27 AM]
especially on Mondays at 6 am
May the Force be with y'all this week and every other week.
Pastor Carlos
12. Jedi believe that love and compassion are central to their lives. We must love and care for each other as we must love and care for ourselves; by doing this we envelop all life in the positivity of our actions and thoughts. We are providers and beacons of hope.
Good morning, Temple of the Jedi Order
[6:00 AM]
May the Force be with y'all this week
[6:00 AM]
Jedi teaching number 12 says - Jedi believe that love and compassion are central to their lives. We must love and care for each other as we must love and care for ourselves; by doing this we envelop all life in the positivity of our actions and thoughts. We are providers and beacons of hope.
[6:01 AM]
We have two reminders here today
[6:01 AM]
To be a beacon of hope, love each other and yourself
[6:02 AM]
When these happen, there is a balance that can begin
[6:02 AM]
What is love then ?When we chat about teaching 12?
[6:03 AM]
12 reminds us we must have about the same time on "US" as others as well
[6:04 AM]
It is a balance that can be had by the effort
[6:04 AM]
A promise really if you really wanna call em those, the 16 promises !
[6:05 AM]
The teachings do have that potentiality to them
[6:06 AM]
I often think on the teaching like promises , if you can figure this out- you can get this.
[6:07 AM]
12 says we can be the beacons of hope where they are needed by choosing to love each other no matter what
[6:08 AM]
If we put love central for us and others, we envelope life
[6:08 AM]
What are we enveloping ?
[6:08 AM]
What does your love call to it?
[6:09 AM]
Does it shine or does it show? Is it a light of hope or so bright it can be blinding too
When things are down to it, where does your heart go?
Where does a Jedi 's heart go when we think of compassion ?
[6:12 AM]
It is my hope that by remembering Jedi teaching number 12 - our minds and hearts go to our CENTRAL place
[6:12 AM]
to our hub
[6:12 AM]
to where our hearts congregate
[6:13 AM]
By keeping or trying to, ...by trying to keep compassion and love for one another and us... THATS where the magic is.... "Compassion is encouraged."
[6:13 AM]
There is a magic in being human
[6:13 AM]
There is a potential that exist that has never died (edited)
[6:14 AM]
Humans love - it so strange but even if we as humans are hated and scorned even, the human potential will find LOVE somewhere
We even have cases where love existed in hope only
[6:15 AM]
Jedi teaching 12 states and reminds us to love one another and US
[6:16 AM]
By those two reminders, we can have the idea of being a beacon
[6:16 AM]
We say "Jedi are a beacon of hope"
[6:16 AM]
Here is how
[6:16 AM]
One way - NEVER the only way
[6:17 AM]
12. Jedi believe that love and compassion are central to their lives. We must love and care for each other as we must love and care for ourselves; by doing this we envelop all life in the positivity of our actions and thoughts. We are providers and beacons of hope.
[6:17 AM]
Jedi are providers of hope
[6:17 AM]
Can a Jedi provide hope?
[6:18 AM]
Every path is different but in the grand scheme of things, we all learn to develop our minds and body's and hearts
[6:18 AM]
In this quest- we are one
[6:18 AM]
We are connected
[6:18 AM]
We are on the same path as any other Jedi , and human for that matter
[6:19 AM]
We will NEVER teach any one how to float or FORCE CHOKE some one . Thats for Cinema
[6:19 AM]
What we will encourage one another to do is reflect
[6:20 AM]
[6:20 AM]
On your development
[6:20 AM]
and those around you
[6:20 AM]
This IS a secret to life
[6:20 AM]
NEVER the only one with Jedi, but it is one
[6:21 AM]
If we keep love and compassion a focus and central, even for us, THATS THE MAGIC
[6:21 AM]
To give one another the hope
[6:21 AM]
To plant it
[6:21 AM]
To plant hope
[6:21 AM]
Have you planted hope lately?
[6:22 AM]
It is my hope, we as Jedi plant hope everywhere we go
[6:22 AM]
in every thing we do
[6:22 AM]
ESPECIALLY our own reflection
[6:22 AM]
its a 50/50 thing if you think about it
[6:23 AM]
Its you and others...
[6:23 AM]
Love yourself today Jedi and others
[6:23 AM]
Give away compassion like its candy and its going out of style friend
[6:24 AM]
Compassion IS going out of style
[6:24 AM]
Bring it back
[6:24 AM]
For YOU and for others
[6:24 AM]
Jedi teaching 12 reminds us we can and by doing this, THERES THAT PROMISE - we can envelope all life.
[6:25 AM]
Jedi are smart
[6:25 AM]
If you need to hear it or read it or it needs to be in your brain or heart this week then there it is. Be smart this week. I know y'all are
[6:26 AM]
Jedi ARE smart- this is my hope and reminder for this week - Jedi teaching number 12 - love and compassion can be central for a Jedi
[6:26 AM]
any time
[6:27 AM]
especially on Mondays at 6 am
May the Force be with y'all this week and every other week.
Pastor Carlos
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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- Carlos.Martinez3
Topic Author
- Offline
- Master
- Council Member
- Senior Ordained Clergy Person
- Posts: 7965
19 Sep 2022 11:36 #370249
by Carlos.Martinez3
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
From the Discord channel
May the Force be with y'all everywhere you will be today
[6:01 AM]
Today's Monday Morning reflection or Meditation can be found in Jedi teaching Number 16
[6:01 AM]
16. Jedi make a commitment to their cause and to humanity. Our ideals, philosophies, and practices define the belief of Jediism and we take action on this path for self-improvement and to help others. We are both the witnesses and protectors of the Jedi way by the practice of our convictions.
[6:02 AM]
What is OUR CAUSE?
[6:02 AM]
How do we commit to HUMANITY?
[6:03 AM]
We are both the witnesses and protectors of the Jedi way by the practice of our convictions.
[6:03 AM]
By OUR collective and Individual practices of our Jedi way
[6:04 AM]
By our focus toward the Force together we can find it - the Force
[6:04 AM]
by trying we find it but my trying to define it we set it free
[6:05 AM]
That doesn't seem fair some days but the word "fair" can be used do many ways for each or us as well
[6:05 AM]
so there is a ..seek ... that we all have on at times
[6:06 AM]
We as Jedi have a SEEK
[6:06 AM]
a desire
[6:06 AM]
a draw
[6:06 AM]
a calling
[6:06 AM]
a mission
[6:06 AM]
we call it many things but we can choose our own purpose
[6:07 AM]
We as Jedi MAKE a commitment to our causes AND to our own limits and humanity
[6:07 AM]
Are our causes the same? Are they ever VERBATUM what other Jedi have?
[6:07 AM]
*shakes my head
[6:07 AM]
[6:08 AM]
Each of us has our own causes
[6:09 AM]
we are "allowed" - I am not sure if thats the right word but it helped me to start a path of findings that has not stopped yet
[6:09 AM]
We are allowed causes and our own humanity
[6:09 AM]
We choose them too
[6:09 AM]
Jedi 16 does say that we can be defined by those very decisions.
[6:10 AM]
"...Our ideals, philosophies, and practices define the belief of Jediism."
[6:10 AM]
What is Jediism but just that
[6:10 AM]
OUR chosen Beliefs ideal and philosophies
[6:12 AM]
and by our choice and practice of them ...we BECOME the witness to it AND Protectors of it. The Jedi way
[6:12 AM]
By our trying it out - we create it and LOOSE the possibilities (edited)
[6:13 AM]
16. Jedi make a commitment to their cause and to humanity. Our ideals, philosophies, and practices define the belief of Jediism and we take action on this path for self-improvement and to help others. We are both the witnesses and protectors of the Jedi way by the practice of our convictions.
[6:14 AM]
By the "practice" of our convictions
[6:14 AM]
I do like that
[6:15 AM]
There is a room or a space for application there. There is application portions for almost everyone in the Doctrine
[6:15 AM]
As a Pastor- I encourage every Jedi I meet to .......make a commitment to their cause and to humanity.
[6:16 AM]
What is YOUR CAUSE Jedi This week
[6:16 AM]
Whats this weeks commitment?
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:17 AM
Well, we have a huge event coming up that basically my wife and I organized together.
[6:17 AM]
And we disagree a lot whenever we work on stuff
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:17 AM
Take teaching 16 this week with what ya like in your heart mind and soul this week and see if that can't change a few ideas and actions and at least, thoughts
[6:18 AM]
good morning Bru He
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:18 AM
So it has been really trying and I really need to learn to listen to her and respect how she wants the stuff done
[6:18 AM]
And i mean, I need to do that every day anyway
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:18 AM
May you find GRACE with your project this week
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:18 AM
Yes, thank you
[6:18 AM]
I cannot wait until Saturday is over
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:18 AM
one of the BEST things I do is work with my MATE on things in life
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:18 AM
In addition, I need to have a serious convo with my boss today and I'm not looking forward to it.
[6:19 AM]
I really need to learn patience, I've been saying that forever, and a lot since I have joined TOTJO
[6:19 AM]
My cause this week will be in improving my communication with people
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:20 AM
People who take time with their LOVERS and loved ones for projects and things make so much headway in their relationships, its almost like magic to get to know some one, some times if you work a project with them you find things out you never knew
[6:21 AM]
I recommend it for couples who want a deeper relationship with others, work a project with them
[6:21 AM]
It does reveal much
[6:22 AM]
but to give time to our loved ones and our own circle is important too
[6:22 AM]
it is and CAN be one of our own causes
[6:23 AM]
I am all about my family focus some days a bit too much as my own Jedi focus too
[6:23 AM]
Between our own causes and humanity- you can have pretty much your hands full all the time
[6:24 AM]
I will always recommend Doctrine and Philosophy to any one who ever says in their mind heart or soul, Im lost.
[6:25 AM]
Make the commitment to you and to humanity
[6:25 AM]
There IS a magic in it
[6:26 AM]
The connection and relationshios we have are amazing and IN THE FORCE they are much more, well MORE
[6:26 AM]
Wanna change the world ? Your life/ View Ideas ----Add the Force to it lol
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:26 AM
I appreciate this and every Monday Meditation. Thank you @Pastor Carlos. I need to get to work.
[6:26 AM]
May the Force be with all of us today and always.
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:26 AM
thank you fro joining !!!
[6:27 AM]
And may the Force be with you
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:27 AM
but first...coffee....
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:28 AM
I swear to you all - If you add the Force to any and the equation, Expect things to never be the same and expect things to change.
[6:28 AM]
expect "change" to be the only constant thing
[6:28 AM]
make the commitment
[6:29 AM]
tiss your right and gift to be called a Jedi in todays world
[6:30 AM]
16. Jedi make a commitment to their cause and to humanity. Our ideals, philosophies, and practices define the belief of Jediism and we take action on this path for self-improvement and to help others. We are both the witnesses and protectors of the Jedi way by the practice of our convictions.
[6:30 AM]
...and thats good to know.
[6:30 AM]
any questions or comments or encouragements or PARTY INVITATIONS???
May the Force be with y'all this week.
Pastor Carlos
May the Force be with y'all everywhere you will be today
[6:01 AM]
Today's Monday Morning reflection or Meditation can be found in Jedi teaching Number 16
[6:01 AM]
16. Jedi make a commitment to their cause and to humanity. Our ideals, philosophies, and practices define the belief of Jediism and we take action on this path for self-improvement and to help others. We are both the witnesses and protectors of the Jedi way by the practice of our convictions.
[6:02 AM]
What is OUR CAUSE?
[6:02 AM]
How do we commit to HUMANITY?
[6:03 AM]
We are both the witnesses and protectors of the Jedi way by the practice of our convictions.
[6:03 AM]
By OUR collective and Individual practices of our Jedi way
[6:04 AM]
By our focus toward the Force together we can find it - the Force
[6:04 AM]
by trying we find it but my trying to define it we set it free
[6:05 AM]
That doesn't seem fair some days but the word "fair" can be used do many ways for each or us as well
[6:05 AM]
so there is a ..seek ... that we all have on at times
[6:06 AM]
We as Jedi have a SEEK
[6:06 AM]
a desire
[6:06 AM]
a draw
[6:06 AM]
a calling
[6:06 AM]
a mission
[6:06 AM]
we call it many things but we can choose our own purpose
[6:07 AM]
We as Jedi MAKE a commitment to our causes AND to our own limits and humanity
[6:07 AM]
Are our causes the same? Are they ever VERBATUM what other Jedi have?
[6:07 AM]
*shakes my head
[6:07 AM]
[6:08 AM]
Each of us has our own causes
[6:09 AM]
we are "allowed" - I am not sure if thats the right word but it helped me to start a path of findings that has not stopped yet
[6:09 AM]
We are allowed causes and our own humanity
[6:09 AM]
We choose them too
[6:09 AM]
Jedi 16 does say that we can be defined by those very decisions.
[6:10 AM]
"...Our ideals, philosophies, and practices define the belief of Jediism."
[6:10 AM]
What is Jediism but just that
[6:10 AM]
OUR chosen Beliefs ideal and philosophies
[6:12 AM]
and by our choice and practice of them ...we BECOME the witness to it AND Protectors of it. The Jedi way
[6:12 AM]
By our trying it out - we create it and LOOSE the possibilities (edited)
[6:13 AM]
16. Jedi make a commitment to their cause and to humanity. Our ideals, philosophies, and practices define the belief of Jediism and we take action on this path for self-improvement and to help others. We are both the witnesses and protectors of the Jedi way by the practice of our convictions.
[6:14 AM]
By the "practice" of our convictions
[6:14 AM]
I do like that
[6:15 AM]
There is a room or a space for application there. There is application portions for almost everyone in the Doctrine
[6:15 AM]
As a Pastor- I encourage every Jedi I meet to .......make a commitment to their cause and to humanity.
[6:16 AM]
What is YOUR CAUSE Jedi This week
[6:16 AM]
Whats this weeks commitment?
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:17 AM
Well, we have a huge event coming up that basically my wife and I organized together.
[6:17 AM]
And we disagree a lot whenever we work on stuff
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:17 AM
Take teaching 16 this week with what ya like in your heart mind and soul this week and see if that can't change a few ideas and actions and at least, thoughts
[6:18 AM]
good morning Bru He
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:18 AM
So it has been really trying and I really need to learn to listen to her and respect how she wants the stuff done
[6:18 AM]
And i mean, I need to do that every day anyway
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:18 AM
May you find GRACE with your project this week
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:18 AM
Yes, thank you
[6:18 AM]
I cannot wait until Saturday is over
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:18 AM
one of the BEST things I do is work with my MATE on things in life
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:18 AM
In addition, I need to have a serious convo with my boss today and I'm not looking forward to it.
[6:19 AM]
I really need to learn patience, I've been saying that forever, and a lot since I have joined TOTJO
[6:19 AM]
My cause this week will be in improving my communication with people
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:20 AM
People who take time with their LOVERS and loved ones for projects and things make so much headway in their relationships, its almost like magic to get to know some one, some times if you work a project with them you find things out you never knew
[6:21 AM]
I recommend it for couples who want a deeper relationship with others, work a project with them
[6:21 AM]
It does reveal much
[6:22 AM]
but to give time to our loved ones and our own circle is important too
[6:22 AM]
it is and CAN be one of our own causes
[6:23 AM]
I am all about my family focus some days a bit too much as my own Jedi focus too
[6:23 AM]
Between our own causes and humanity- you can have pretty much your hands full all the time
[6:24 AM]
I will always recommend Doctrine and Philosophy to any one who ever says in their mind heart or soul, Im lost.
[6:25 AM]
Make the commitment to you and to humanity
[6:25 AM]
There IS a magic in it
[6:26 AM]
The connection and relationshios we have are amazing and IN THE FORCE they are much more, well MORE
[6:26 AM]
Wanna change the world ? Your life/ View Ideas ----Add the Force to it lol
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:26 AM
I appreciate this and every Monday Meditation. Thank you @Pastor Carlos. I need to get to work.
[6:26 AM]
May the Force be with all of us today and always.
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:26 AM
thank you fro joining !!!
[6:27 AM]
And may the Force be with you
Bru-He WiEph — Today at 6:27 AM
but first...coffee....
Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:28 AM
I swear to you all - If you add the Force to any and the equation, Expect things to never be the same and expect things to change.
[6:28 AM]
expect "change" to be the only constant thing
[6:28 AM]
make the commitment
[6:29 AM]
tiss your right and gift to be called a Jedi in todays world
[6:30 AM]
16. Jedi make a commitment to their cause and to humanity. Our ideals, philosophies, and practices define the belief of Jediism and we take action on this path for self-improvement and to help others. We are both the witnesses and protectors of the Jedi way by the practice of our convictions.
[6:30 AM]
...and thats good to know.
[6:30 AM]
any questions or comments or encouragements or PARTY INVITATIONS???
May the Force be with y'all this week.
Pastor Carlos
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Please Log in to join the conversation.
- Carlos.Martinez3
Topic Author
- Offline
- Master
- Council Member
- Senior Ordained Clergy Person
- Posts: 7965
10 Oct 2022 11:52 #370434
by Carlos.Martinez3
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Do you
6. Jedi use their skills to the best of their ability. We do not use our knowledge and skill to boast or be prideful. We are mindful of the ego and mindful of our actions, exercising wisdom and humility.
The term Jedi use is Hubris.
Look the term up and find more than one definition from more than one source or place. Ask a few Jedi as well and they will tell you it is a balance that takes work and constant focus.
I will say this, Jedi are amazing. There are many types of people in the world, and I have not found quite a band of people who come together the way Jedi do.
If YOU, as a person realized the potential of each of us, then you can realize the same potential in YOU. Imagine if every Jedi did what they were trained to do? Think about that for a second. Some of us are ALREADY trained to do things by the world and by our own jobs and careers.
6. Jedi use their skills to the best of their ability. We do not use our knowledge and skill to boast or be prideful. We are mindful of the ego and mindful of our actions, exercising wisdom and humility.
[5:44 AM]
Today is called "Do you"
Pastor Carlos
[6:00 AM]
Good morning, Jedi everywhere
[6:00 AM]
May the Force be with you
[6:00 AM]
Today is Monday and it feels like a beginning to new things
[6:01 AM]
Jedi are amazing
[6:01 AM]
I just want to throw that out there
[6:01 AM]
I have met a lot of Jedi in my small time here and I will tell you by first hand experience that there is no one quite like a Jedi
[6:02 AM]
There is a glow about them
[6:02 AM]
its this "glow" I want to chat about today
[6:02 AM]
In each of us is work. We live in 2022 and one way or another we all work at some JOB or Career or at some task we do for pay or compensation.
[6:03 AM]
Jedi get up in the morning with every one else - we drink coffee and scratch our feet and everything else in between the possibilities
[6:03 AM]
First and for most, Jedi are human
[6:04 AM]
We are human
[6:04 AM]
We are not space cowboy's or rebel pilots with one idea on our mind... WIN at any cost...
[6:05 AM]
We dont have magic powers or even levitation skills of any kind.
[6:05 AM]
We count and read and do things we were trained to do as humans.
[6:06 AM]
I have had MANY jobs and Careers in my life. I have DONE a lot. Many Jedi have as well. This does not make the Jedi - what you do or where you go.
[6:07 AM]
Your job or work can define parts of you and its those parts I would love to remind Jedi that they have.
[6:07 AM]
6. Jedi use their skills to the best of their ability. We do not use our knowledge and skill to boast or be prideful. We are mindful of the ego and mindful of our actions, exercising wisdom and humility.
[6:07 AM]
Some of us are flat out really good at what we do
[6:08 AM]
Some Jedi I have met can write and read waaaaaay better than me. This is not the focus- the focus is TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY
[6:08 AM]
What is it that YOU do?
[6:09 AM]
Most of us have had some type of training or instruction from work or a job and we as Jedi have skills we have received from the world.
[6:09 AM]
[6:09 AM]
Be that which you art...
[6:10 AM]
[6:10 AM]
Do remember Hubris
[6:11 AM]
In the Star Wars films and Cinema world it is a constant thing and theme to remember that YES YOU ARE TRAINED and YES you do take EXTRA Time to study and care... YES YOU ARE AMAZING but at the same time...
[6:12 AM]
Some of us as Jedi have found things and reflections no one will ever dare to ask themselves.
[6:13 AM]
I have seen people "called" and grown in to beautiful things all by THEIR focus on the Force.
[6:13 AM]
Each of us has MASTER potential every day
[6:13 AM]
We can master anything as Humans
[6:14 AM]
If it is in the realm of human potential, it can be done.
[6:15 AM]
Jedi - Jedi today- off screen Jedi are teachers and lawyers and politicians and Moms and Dads and friends and brothers and sisters.
[6:15 AM]
We are human
[6:15 AM]
6. Jedi use their skills to the best of their ability. We do not use our knowledge and skill to boast or be prideful. We are mindful of the ego and mindful of our actions, exercising wisdom and humility.
[6:15 AM]
Being mindful helps Hubris.
[6:16 AM]
So Jedi, what do you do....
[6:16 AM]
Do it
[6:16 AM]
Do you and do it like only YOU can.
[6:16 AM]
We have training already in things.
[6:17 AM]
Some of us have GOBBS and OODLES of certifications and degrees, JEESH, Jedi have degrees in everything now a days. Thats the human parts of us, we can DO ANYTHING, if some one else has done it.
[6:17 AM]
We as humans, can even do something new (edited)
[6:18 AM]
People do new things every day.
[6:20 AM]
It is up to the Jedi or the person to choose what the focus is for them and their own path, who better to know you than ... you and what YOU really need
[6:20 AM]
Reflection is healthy- as is healthy Hubris.
[6:22 AM]
The human potential is AMAZING- in it, dwells every experience possible. TERRIBLE things can have impacts as well as amazing. Even some terrible things are amazing at times.
[6:22 AM]
It can all depend some day on the ABILITY we have
[6:23 AM]
What are YOUR abilities?
[6:25 AM]
May the Force be with us all
Today at 6:25 AM
Remember, Jedi are smart and awesome and also po·ten·tial·ly powerful.
[6:26 AM]
Each Jedi have a unique skill set and each Jedi can learn ...anything
We can train" US" to do pretty much anything now a days- ya know.
[6:28 AM]
Be vigilant to what you train in and who you train with.
[6:28 AM]
if Jedi are smart- be wise
Doctrine can be reminders of our focus and paths
[6:29 AM]
Do you
[6:30 AM]
Train the "you"
[6:30 AM]
If you choose to be Jedi then ....DO IT
[6:31 AM]
Do YOU because there is no one quite like you. Even your Hubris... it is all yours.
[6:33 AM]
Have a balance because only YOU can know what is healthy and for you. Only YOU know what is good and what is not for your own path and mental garden... DIG IT? lol
Find your own mental garden and realize some of us have trees and forest full of skills and knowledge that has been there for years.
[6:35 AM]
It is amazing to reflect on what is present some times but do remember Hubris
[6:36 AM]
It can be up to us to organize and display our "skills" or our "training" in ways that don't blind or harm or even "HACK" or take hands off...
[6:37 AM]
It is up to us to find the HONOR in which we keep
[6:37 AM]
Doctrine and codes work
Be smart and remember that we are Jedi AND Human
[6:38 AM]
Human first
[6:39 AM]
I hope this helps a bit this week
[6:43 AM]
Happy Monday and may the Force be with Y'ALL this week
Pastor Carlos
6. Jedi use their skills to the best of their ability. We do not use our knowledge and skill to boast or be prideful. We are mindful of the ego and mindful of our actions, exercising wisdom and humility.
The term Jedi use is Hubris.
Look the term up and find more than one definition from more than one source or place. Ask a few Jedi as well and they will tell you it is a balance that takes work and constant focus.
I will say this, Jedi are amazing. There are many types of people in the world, and I have not found quite a band of people who come together the way Jedi do.
If YOU, as a person realized the potential of each of us, then you can realize the same potential in YOU. Imagine if every Jedi did what they were trained to do? Think about that for a second. Some of us are ALREADY trained to do things by the world and by our own jobs and careers.
6. Jedi use their skills to the best of their ability. We do not use our knowledge and skill to boast or be prideful. We are mindful of the ego and mindful of our actions, exercising wisdom and humility.
[5:44 AM]
Today is called "Do you"
Pastor Carlos
[6:00 AM]
Good morning, Jedi everywhere
[6:00 AM]
May the Force be with you
[6:00 AM]
Today is Monday and it feels like a beginning to new things
[6:01 AM]
Jedi are amazing
[6:01 AM]
I just want to throw that out there
[6:01 AM]
I have met a lot of Jedi in my small time here and I will tell you by first hand experience that there is no one quite like a Jedi
[6:02 AM]
There is a glow about them
[6:02 AM]
its this "glow" I want to chat about today
[6:02 AM]
In each of us is work. We live in 2022 and one way or another we all work at some JOB or Career or at some task we do for pay or compensation.
[6:03 AM]
Jedi get up in the morning with every one else - we drink coffee and scratch our feet and everything else in between the possibilities
[6:03 AM]
First and for most, Jedi are human
[6:04 AM]
We are human
[6:04 AM]
We are not space cowboy's or rebel pilots with one idea on our mind... WIN at any cost...
[6:05 AM]
We dont have magic powers or even levitation skills of any kind.
[6:05 AM]
We count and read and do things we were trained to do as humans.
[6:06 AM]
I have had MANY jobs and Careers in my life. I have DONE a lot. Many Jedi have as well. This does not make the Jedi - what you do or where you go.
[6:07 AM]
Your job or work can define parts of you and its those parts I would love to remind Jedi that they have.
[6:07 AM]
6. Jedi use their skills to the best of their ability. We do not use our knowledge and skill to boast or be prideful. We are mindful of the ego and mindful of our actions, exercising wisdom and humility.
[6:07 AM]
Some of us are flat out really good at what we do
[6:08 AM]
Some Jedi I have met can write and read waaaaaay better than me. This is not the focus- the focus is TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY
[6:08 AM]
What is it that YOU do?
[6:09 AM]
Most of us have had some type of training or instruction from work or a job and we as Jedi have skills we have received from the world.
[6:09 AM]
[6:09 AM]
Be that which you art...
[6:10 AM]
[6:10 AM]
Do remember Hubris
[6:11 AM]
In the Star Wars films and Cinema world it is a constant thing and theme to remember that YES YOU ARE TRAINED and YES you do take EXTRA Time to study and care... YES YOU ARE AMAZING but at the same time...
[6:12 AM]
Some of us as Jedi have found things and reflections no one will ever dare to ask themselves.
[6:13 AM]
I have seen people "called" and grown in to beautiful things all by THEIR focus on the Force.
[6:13 AM]
Each of us has MASTER potential every day
[6:13 AM]
We can master anything as Humans
[6:14 AM]
If it is in the realm of human potential, it can be done.
[6:15 AM]
Jedi - Jedi today- off screen Jedi are teachers and lawyers and politicians and Moms and Dads and friends and brothers and sisters.
[6:15 AM]
We are human
[6:15 AM]
6. Jedi use their skills to the best of their ability. We do not use our knowledge and skill to boast or be prideful. We are mindful of the ego and mindful of our actions, exercising wisdom and humility.
[6:15 AM]
Being mindful helps Hubris.
[6:16 AM]
So Jedi, what do you do....
[6:16 AM]
Do it
[6:16 AM]
Do you and do it like only YOU can.
[6:16 AM]
We have training already in things.
[6:17 AM]
Some of us have GOBBS and OODLES of certifications and degrees, JEESH, Jedi have degrees in everything now a days. Thats the human parts of us, we can DO ANYTHING, if some one else has done it.
[6:17 AM]
We as humans, can even do something new (edited)
[6:18 AM]
People do new things every day.
[6:20 AM]
It is up to the Jedi or the person to choose what the focus is for them and their own path, who better to know you than ... you and what YOU really need
[6:20 AM]
Reflection is healthy- as is healthy Hubris.
[6:22 AM]
The human potential is AMAZING- in it, dwells every experience possible. TERRIBLE things can have impacts as well as amazing. Even some terrible things are amazing at times.
[6:22 AM]
It can all depend some day on the ABILITY we have
[6:23 AM]
What are YOUR abilities?
[6:25 AM]
May the Force be with us all
Today at 6:25 AM
Remember, Jedi are smart and awesome and also po·ten·tial·ly powerful.
[6:26 AM]
Each Jedi have a unique skill set and each Jedi can learn ...anything
We can train" US" to do pretty much anything now a days- ya know.
[6:28 AM]
Be vigilant to what you train in and who you train with.
[6:28 AM]
if Jedi are smart- be wise
Doctrine can be reminders of our focus and paths
[6:29 AM]
Do you
[6:30 AM]
Train the "you"
[6:30 AM]
If you choose to be Jedi then ....DO IT
[6:31 AM]
Do YOU because there is no one quite like you. Even your Hubris... it is all yours.
[6:33 AM]
Have a balance because only YOU can know what is healthy and for you. Only YOU know what is good and what is not for your own path and mental garden... DIG IT? lol
Find your own mental garden and realize some of us have trees and forest full of skills and knowledge that has been there for years.
[6:35 AM]
It is amazing to reflect on what is present some times but do remember Hubris
[6:36 AM]
It can be up to us to organize and display our "skills" or our "training" in ways that don't blind or harm or even "HACK" or take hands off...
[6:37 AM]
It is up to us to find the HONOR in which we keep
[6:37 AM]
Doctrine and codes work
Be smart and remember that we are Jedi AND Human
[6:38 AM]
Human first
[6:39 AM]
I hope this helps a bit this week
[6:43 AM]
Happy Monday and may the Force be with Y'ALL this week
Pastor Carlos
Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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