The Block

26 Apr 2021 12:28 #359759 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block

Not my video or content nor am I responsible for link expiring or the platform it is on.

Its the IDEA I do so think about often, SYNCRITISM.
The idea here is motion and application in THAT context, but what of PEOPLE? Do we sync like that as well on the same...well.. platform or base or core? Does it happen like that for us? Can it? Does it?
Something to think about this week Modern day Jedi.

Can we make or cause the SYNC or does it have to happen naturally? Can the effect come from both?

May the Force we share be with yall!
Pastor Carlos

*Mike drop Monday!

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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02 May 2021 12:49 #359858 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Sunday Morning Refection

I woke up in a hotel with the family today. No time to meditate or sit and grab a chunk of morning before everything starts, we all start the same time. Walking meditation and morning chit chat makes the need for organization evident. After time, things can begin to focus on what's in hand. Its like watching things settle in tanks and in water. Over time, my path settle and un settles. Some moments are voluntary and some are un-. To see the results of my local area from THIS point is really neat. We got to see the kids double dutch jump rope competition yesterday. It was fun and we still did not compromise our beliefs and practices. Jedi are in the world, not on screen. We are every where. May the Force we share, we seek, and serve be with y'all.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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03 May 2021 12:13 #359885 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
From this morning in the Discord part of the Temple.
Before Star Wars... THERE WAS!!!

The Modern day Jedi is born in THIS world. What is built is from what is present. This takes work. Think about that this week. As much as we enjoy a good story and a great point of view, OUR ELDERS are from OUR tribe. The human TRIBE. So, that being said, what's the style or flavor or way you practice what you have learned ... This IS THE WAY.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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10 May 2021 11:49 #360077 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block

Karfried Graf Durckheim " When your on a Journey and the end keeps getting further and further away, Then you realize that the real end, IS THE JOUNRNEY "

The MOMENT is present. A friendly reminder that in the PERSUIT of things, its easy to forget a few things. THIS moment is a gift and is fleeting. Sometimes its the ones right in front of us that are the cast of our experience. Looking FOWARD is never wrong, its wise, but as the OL Jedi say, NOT at the EXPENSE of the PRESENT.

What keeps me and most is normally what ISNT present.

SO I said all that to say this... " Tell me Modern day Jedi, what do your Jedi eyes see..."
May the Force be with y'all as we all seek it.
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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24 May 2021 13:32 #360384 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
In the silence,shhhhhhhhhhh! Can you hear it? Silence is one of the BEST teachers, or so they say. Every time I make room for silence, I find only myself on this part of my Journey. I can not lie when there is no one else around me. When I find myself needing to talk to myself, the inside person, I keep silent. What first happens is my brain gets LOUD. Apparently that's common. It can take people years to find the hush in silence. There is a PEACE in silence anyone can find. IF peace is a lie then quiet down and see if you can find... the hush. There, will you find the gems and the treasure you may be seeking that can last over time and sound itself. Think about that this week Modern day Jedi. Get past the noise and bustle and find, the secret place in your path. Call it a place you can use when you need it or a room of ...requirement, but use it when you need. Jedi Meditate. See how those two go together....???????????
Some even make a Journal of SILENCE for a week to a months at times.*HINT HINT
May the FORCE we share be with y'all this week.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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08 Jun 2021 14:41 #360716 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
"...but it mattered to me."

In my own path, this is one of the strongest statments I can think of. For all we do in our paths, there is a magic that can only be understood by those who experience it first hand. As much as I have studied and learned, the words, "I'm Sorry"-" Thank You" -and "It mattered to me," cut through time, space, and sometimes pain.

Let me share with you...

This place, I cannot express how much it means to me. By this place I mean the Temple Of The Jedi Order. I can see the things I learn here in real life and in practice.
The Temple.
It matters to me.
The things that matter to you... (pause for time to think) ...
Thats where the magics at. That is also where it is for others as well.

Something to think about this week friends and Modern day Jedi.

"...but it mattered to me.." Truly a magic in the FORCE we share.
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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14 Jun 2021 12:20 - 14 Jun 2021 12:25 #360878 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
I forgot what I came to forget!
I remembered what I had forgotten!

There is a time in reflection when we can remember things we forgot. It's true. I was clearing out some things and found some old games and pieces left for forgotten. We brought 'em in and dusted 'em off and took a few things, tokens, the board and money from it and added it to our collection of playable things and archived items.

Some things in life need to be remembered. There is a time before action I was taught and trained called TRIAGE. It is a time before time to think and make ready. To be able to be utilize it, it must be in place.

What does your TRIAGE time or think time or pause time or refrence momnets or breaks or what ever you call it.... What does it look like or do you have one? I can't emphasize to every Modern day Jedi how important it to make the time if you do not, to review or Triage or even just give yourself time. There IS benefit in time. Give it to yourself.
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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Last edit: 14 Jun 2021 12:25 by Carlos.Martinez3.
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05 Jul 2021 12:30 #361273 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Good morning where ever you are!!!

One of the secrets to being a Jedi today is that you can find your Yoda. Now, think about it, Yoda hit Luke in the head and even had him carry him him. In the Hero's Journey, there is a time when we meet our Elders and when we are intrduced to them. Watch the movies again and notice how every time the young is with the old, they touch. It's a presence thing or interaction that needs to happen. Now, I am not talking sexual by any means, it's a contact thing. Like a hug or a hit on the head. When Luke meets Obi - he had to go through him to find Yoda.
Stories first, people later. Good idea.

You can find our Yoda. You will. There comes a point when we need the actual example. Sometimes we need to be hit in the head a few times to understand. Not always, but it helps. To have that person right there next to ya is the point. To have them. You will find them and you may have to be told sometimes by others.
When I self-reflected on my own love, I found it was short. I found a guy Mr Keller who loved his wife like I wanted to. He was the guy in church who dropped off the offering to the bank. That guy. His example of love lets me understand its POSSIBLE and it WORKS.
Like Vincent said, "the old school stuff". Get to the old school stuff. Find your Yoda. Those examples are out there. More times they are waiting for you. Its like that in every level of learning. I learn from those who can teach me. Find thee the old schoolers. Find the examples that work. Sit with them. Let them hit you in the head. Mr Keller used to make me wash his car every day till I understood I can keep it clean better by maintaining things. Love too! Books and ideas are the beginning. Find inspiration AND someone who can be there with you, it matters. FIND YOUR YODA. They await you. Promise.
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Alexandre Orion, Zeth Windwrecker, Diana W, Vincent Causse, Serenity Amyntas

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05 Jul 2021 12:47 #361274 by River
Replied by River on topic The Block
I don't really believe in one Yoda, one mentor. I think mentors come into our lives when we need them, for a certain time or a certain topic, and then often our paths diverge. I think that's generally how it works in the real world.

It's a really important distinction for me. I used to very much believe in one mentor, one closest friend forever, one friend group... I believed the movie and tv tropes were realistic. It was so disappointing for me that I didn't have those things. I thought that's how it was supposed to be and that since I couldn't make it happen I must be terribly broken in some way.

If this confusion happened for me, it probably happens for others. So just in case one of those others reads this: it's ok not to have one be all end all mentor. Or friend. Or social circle. Or even significant other. People come and go in our lives and that's ok. That's good. That's healthy.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3, Diana W, Serenity Amyntas

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05 Jul 2021 13:41 #361275 by Alexandre Orion
Replied by Alexandre Orion on topic The Block

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
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