The Block

13 Nov 2023 13:08 - 13 Nov 2023 13:27 #374782 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
To understand and be understood

Good day and good time zone Jedi and May the Force be with you wherever you are at today.
Good morning to those who are here and to those who will be here later
For those who will be here "later later" there will be a Block post for Monday Morning Meditations.
For those tuning in LIVE here we go
Feel free to ask or add questions or comments as we go along.
today I want to touch a bit on the new teachings.
Number two to be exactly.
There is an understanding we can have and share.

Some days, I cannot lie, I wake up and share nothing with the world.
Some days, I wake and don't want to share anything.
In the morning is one of the most important times to think
Before you do anything, think about it.
Take the time to plan if you can.
As humans, we cannot plan for everything and it would be a huge bag or backpack -suitcase - if we took everything, we ever needed all the time. (edited)
I think there are even a few Training Masters here in the Temple of the Jedi Order who share a lesson or two on the "Jedi Utility Belt" or the resources we can take with us.
In the morning - think- I promise you and almost swear to you- if we as humans begin our days like this- with thought- things change. We notice more and can be better prepared.
The idea is to find the balance we need.
"To be in balance, the Jedi practice clarity of mind."
What brings clarity to your mind? Humans tend to have 3 parts of them, mind, body, soul-
Is your mind clear?
How about in the mornings?
My brain starts when the sun comes up and my eyes are open.
Let me share a few of the worries I wake with just for fun.
Who's getting which feed this morning? Did anyone die last night (as far as birds and farm status)? Someone has to wash dishes, (The island has a stack of dishes from a family of 5- pots included). It's cold so, the heaters need to be checked on and I can't seem to find the coffee every morning (in spite of it always being in the same place every morning). We just did laundry so there are half piles ready to be stowed. The cat keeps tearing up the toilet paper to shreds, I think she thinks it's fun. I have to reach out to a few people today and to a few places and I think I have enough feed for the week. Where is my morning book that I read?
There is an entire slew of things that are running in my mind right now.
I wake up an hour before everyone so I can do Monday morning meditations.
Now, If I did not have much of an understanding about my own responsibilities and order, I would be lost in the sauce, every day
What helps me as a Jedi and as a human is to start the day, I'm meditation. To start - in meditation
Meditation actually helps and aids me to clear my mind
I have a few different ways I meditate too;
Some mornings it's way too cold to go outside for a morning walk
Some days I haven't read anything for 2-3 days.
There are times I do just wake up and hit the floor running
Life happens
with or without our consent some days
It is wise to take the time to think
It is wise to take the time to prepare for the day
It is wise to prepare
It is recommended that you remember you can center yourself
You can center yourself
You can practice having a clear mind
For me, in the mornings IS NOT the time I have a clear mind
but that's where I work on it
I do this
I set time aside to study even when I don't want to or think I don't have the time
I have to make the time, or it will not get done some days.
To be in balance
What do you need to aid you in your balance Jedi?
How can you balance what you see as representations of the world that can cloud our understanding?
It sounds much more manageable when you type it out like that or say it out loud?
How do you balance what you - see hear touch smell and do?
Who is in charge of what you do?
Who is in charge of what you smell?
Who is in charge of what you see?
Who is in charge of what you hear?
Who is in charge of what you taste?
Who is in charge of what you touch?
When you ask like that, the answer is most obviously - you. (edited)
Where does your balance lay with these? These are just our senses. The basic ones too. (edited)
Thats not even including emotions.
Where do you center yourself
Where do you find your balance
Balance can be a daily thing
A clear mind is one of the hardest things to manage
Some people call it a type of mind that is restless or as a monkey- the Monkey Mind
Our representations or our idea of the world drive our focus some days.
Our perspectives can often overlap in good ways and in conflicting ways as well.
We can share perspectives as easily as we can create strife with them.
I want to encourage every Jedi- Keep meditation and good old fashion thinking as a way to balance out our everyday
Jedi Teaching 2 follows Teaching 1 in thought: To be in balance, the Jedi practice clarity of mind. Aware that representations of the world can cloud our understanding, the Jedi center their awareness through the practice of meditation and contemplation.
Be aware Jedi.
Be aware that we can strive for a clear mind.
We can have a balance.
Modern Psychology always reminds you to create in your own path schedules and moments or "time" to think and to pay attention.
We as Jedi say reflect (edited)
You have the ability.
To be in balance is to sometimes know you are off kilt.
Take the time to think
before you do anything
Do nothing
do what you
but do it Jedi
Begin a new everyday
Create a present balance with everything anew.
funny thing balance, it's always present and its always best fresh - like PIE
Yes I said it - our balance can be like pie
We can make it as easily or break it easily or, share it just as easily if we have it
We can also keep it to our self and not share, that's always  an option too
So today, I ask you Jedi everywhere, are you working on your balance? What's your center like Jedi? Where is it? Do you take time to STOP before you act, or can you begin to see where that time is important? What's up with your mornings and your beginnings Jedi? Have you chosen them yet? (edited)
Please please please
try as Jedi to start with thinking and meditation.
To be in balance, the Jedi practice clarity of mind. Aware that representations of the world can cloud our understanding, the Jedi center their awareness through the practice of meditation and contemplation.
Practice clarity of mind
We can have clarity of mind.
It can come automatically if we practice but we MUST practice, some people will receive it instantly, Its never instant and its never just because. There are always reasons for things happening in life. If you prepare, you will be aware. (edited)
Be prepared Jedi.
Be prepared for life and for your day and for your week (edited)
This week's Monday Morning Meditation is Jedi Teaching number 2
Share it with everybody.
give it away like candy 
It is the exact opposite of the old pirate saying, "Take what you can, give nothing back."
Keep to the code 
but it is the same idea " keep to the code" is like saying remember your "philosophy and doctrine. "
I had an old local boxing coach yell at me from his office all the time "Re- MEMBA  yo' CENTA!" Remember your center.
Remember your center Jedi.
Remember, you are the one who can choose what where and how we return.

It matters.

It matters.

It matters.

I said it three time just for emphasis.
So May the Force be with y'all this week, and may you find that which you seek Jedi.
Pastor Carlos
I am here and on site if you have any need or concern or wish to challenge me to a  1on1 in some basketball hoops- first one to 5 wins.
Just joking, I would pull something the first few seconds we play!
So, this week- remember teaching 2.
pass it along if you like and May the Force be with y'all wherever y'all are.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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Last edit: 13 Nov 2023 13:27 by Carlos.Martinez3.
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20 Nov 2023 13:10 #374852 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Good day Jedi everywhere- May the Force be with you all wherever you may be today.

Jedi teaching number 3 comes from one and two: 3- Jedi maintain a clarity of awareness that all events are interconnected. The balance of the Force is a flowing continuum; it flows around us and through us, allowing us to adapt to change arising in its eternal cycles of creation and renewal.

Hello Jedi, everywhere.

Today's Monday morning Meditation is simply this: There is a flow all to "ITS" self.

The balance of the Force is a flowing continuum.

a coherent whole characterized as a collection, sequence, or progression of values or elements varying by minute degrees.

One idea is that the Force and we are made of many parts.

There are so many levels - presently.

One of the ideas and books Joseph Campbell is know for is the ever popular " The Hero with a thousand faces."

If you ever watch a Star Wars - you will notice one of the very beginning elements is the review or the showing of all the "Masks" in the movie or screenplay- they flash very quickly and are different colors for a reason.

This is a homage to this very idea.

In the Star Wars, it is in everything.


Why does this one element of development keep reoccurring?

All events are interconnected.

Our beginning as Jedi can be this very idea that as the main character or the Hero can be on any ANY part of this development in their own and in someone else's life.

At any given time, someone is beginning a new journey as someone is finishing one as someone is IN IT as someone is getting out of the proverbial IT.

There is a VASTNESS to life we can never fully control

We are connected by something much greater than those things we are connected to.

We as Jedi call it the Force.

If it connects us- it's the Force - if it separates- it is connected BY the Force
It's pretty easy when you use an idea like this, in this way.

The North Star stay constant to us by its inconsistency.

The North Star or Polaris is not a single thing. Did you know this? Well, now you do, and it is in the glow of a few heavily lights that we get ONE light.

We still sail with Polaris.

To understand the Force is to understand what it does- what it doesn't do and how others see it and use it. In that entire ball of answers, yea, our own ideas are just a small part of what IS..

This is the potential of life and of the human and of the Force.

The Force flows though us - how?

Where in our own life does this Force flow?

By our actions and intent

There is where we find the Force at times - behind our intent.

it is our intent that makes the "flavor" or the modes of what we do.

"...adapt to change arising in its eternal cycles of creation and renewal."

ADAPT Jedi adapt.
Change is constant.

The present is unknown.

Till you apply the present, even then, some will not know your intentions.

If I may go out on a limb here and say ...Our intention as Jedi can be the awareness that we ARE connected.

This in itself, changes lifes - I have seen it firsthand.

The more we are aware - things change.

So, this is a reminder this week Jedi everywhere: We are connected.

We are connected to one another.

We are NOT all on the same path presently.

Some of us share focus and understanding.

It is in this flow of things that we seek that which we call the Force.

Here we find each other.

Be aware of the Force's flow of things.

It is there.

Remember that things renew.

Things restart as does journeys we take in life.

Old ways turn into new ways and old friends make way for new ones. It is the flow of change that keeps a Jedi fresh.

In the journey of life, we develop, or we grow stag. It is up to us as Jedi where we get our doctrine and philosophies.

Be very careful where you get your myth and who your yoked with.

Your actions matter to the world and your actions matter to those you are in contact with every day.

I still have friends that are bad for me in my own path - I have not gotten rid of all of them. Some of the people in my own path were part of my own culture and life so sometimes making new friends was a task bigger than I could handle.

Start Jedi.

Start something.

You do not have to start perfect, just start.

Start noticing we are connected.

Write it down and see where the Force actually dwells or if you dwell with it.

Check yourself.

AID one another but check yourself often.

Today is the only flow that's fresh - What was yesterday is no longer today?

Today is fresh from the oven.

Please know that as Pastor, I want to encourage Jedi to remember these things. Write them in your Mind - heart- soul or on your wall - paper or screen.

Our memories are amazing.

There is a magic in remembering we are connected

It can change the way you view others.

It can change the way you view the world.

The balance we aim for is "present. "

It is there for the taking.

Receive and seek understanding.

Try to understand why awareness changes things and how it can.

Know that as soon as you grasp the present moment - it's gone and what is in its place is what can be filled with everything current.

This still blows my mind.

"Jedi maintain a clarity of awareness that all events are interconnected. The balance of the Force is a flowing continuum; it flows around us and through us, allowing us to adapt to change arising in its eternal cycles of creation and renewal.  "

Any questions?

Please know that as life happens - so does our path. They are attached as we are attached as I am attached to everything IN the Force. This is my choice, and it happens with or without me.

Life can happen with or without you.

You can be reluctant to most everything in life.

You can.

There is a flow that breaks dams in our stagnated paths.

It is remembering we are not the only ones in this world.

We are not.


We are all connected.

To understand this is to understand a bit more in life and I am ok with that as well.

This is a basic in the Jedi way.

We, as Jedi believe In the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it.

This in itself changes everything.

The idea that we are equal.

That we are subject to the Force equally

That we are all human first then whatever else next.

It is in the human factor and the human possibility that we find todays gift of the Force.

I think of it as a gift to understand the Force in this way.

It can create a glow all on its own and it does.

So, I leave those present and those who will be with this, know there's a difference and know that we are the same. In knowing this, your world will change. Knowing we draw from the same fountain but different cups or vessels is an age old idea.

You thought being a Jedi and the Jedi way was new?


Nothing we as Jedi do is special or exclusive by handshake or permission only - nope - wrong again!!!

Everything that is possible is available.

This is the human potential.

We can do just as good = bad or we can do just the same as someone else who has done it.

If it is in the realm of human possibility, it can be done.

You can be more aware.

You can live - study and teach that there is a inherent worth for all.

May the Force be with every Jedi.

Thank you, Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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27 Nov 2023 13:06 #374912 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
CHeeeeee WHOOOOOO Jedi everywhere and good morning

I wish we were LIVE and you could have a cup of tea or coffee or even a cold soda today.

Today is a fairly simple idea and yet complex.

There is an idea we share with the world.

Every idea we have here on site as Jedi- everything we do or seek or strive for, is not anything new.

If anything, what we do is old.

To give one another the "equal" mark as inherent worth is not a movie thing or even a thing of fantasy.

What we do here is develop the human.

There is something Jedi share with the world and those around us. 

We live in the ordinary world.

We do.

We do not live in the cinema world. 

We do not live in the land of make-believe.

What we have are a set of ideas or ethos we hope for.

One of these ideas is the teaching that we - as humans- attach "US" to everything.

It is human nature to want to be in EVERYTHING.

To want to be a part.

As humans, we often attach to things we frequent.

Nonattachment is not the passive or apathetic quality.

Nonattachment is practiced by everyone.

There is quite possibly, equally, if not more ways to unplug or unattached to things than you think.

But why is it an order of importance?

As life happens, there is an ebb and a flow to things.

The Force has its own ebb and flow of things.

Things happen in life, expect them to happen.

Expect things to break down or things to need replacement or even expect change.

It is in this flow of change or in flow that is important to know.

Things will move and change and grow and be torn down or fall apart or just readjust one way or another.

By knowing all this, things change often, we remind one another to practice not to attach to too much.

I remind others that things will change.


and they do

it's the grip or the attachment to things that gets us.

Funny thing- nonattachment does not require you to go into a cave or find an island to disappear to.

This is our secret- you don't need a cave.

to practice nonattachment, I thought you had to cut yourself off of everything and go cold turkey when it comes to noncatchment.

Now, I remind others that life is full.

Don't get stuck.

We as humans often get stuck on things.

If you are anything like me, and we are inherently equal so, you are- I often forget.

One of the best things I want to pass to one another as Jedi is the idea and the reminder " The Hero often forgets."

It is in this idea that we can forget our ways and paths.

Even in the seek of development, we can become too attached to things.

We can become dependent on one-to-many things and our attention can be lost

Here are a few ways others practice nonattachment.

For those who fall under the Abrahamic faith- you pray- early in the morning

There are many people who "give their cares" to their deity or their chosen place. Some people lay burdens down in different ways.

It is the burden of the worry and stress that can cause us to lose focus or even joy - bliss and direction.

Our own worry can ware things out or even tear them down.

Where does that worry, and stress go as Jedi?

It goes into our circles of attachment.

Too much is too much and too much can create strife and worry and harm 

"Far from being a detached state, nonattachment is something that arises when we are truly present and not caught up in the automatic process of fixating on things being better or worse than what they are at any given moment. Nonattachment is aligned with psychological maturity and insight into the ever-changing nature of experience and the futility of trying to control it." Richard Whitehead Ph.D.

We are reminded as Jedi that these things exist, and we all are subject to them.

Practice nonattachment.

Recognize or identify your own attachments.

Some attachments are needed and some are natural and some keep us in a state that can be harmful.

" Only you know what can be harmful and only you know the level at which you operate."

1 - Identify for yourself where your attention and ZEAL goes - who has your saber Jedi and what draws it out?

Complete tasks

Find things you can do and complete

Make a habit of closing up the loop or tie things up or finishing things and completing them.

3 - have a set or a way or practicing moderation

Oh, I know -  the "M" word !

Have a level of which you agree with, and you can grow with.

Know the limits at which you operate.

4- Remember - allow your feeling and your emotion to exist and know what they are as often as you can identify them

It is no fair to do anything blindly.

Blindly doing anything is dangerous.

even LOVE

especially love, look what it did for Anakin

This is the idea.

We do not want others or us, to be controlled or LORD 'ed over by these type of things.

Jedi are amazing.

The warning - heed- and decree is this - be careful and know what you are getting into. Concentrate and think and know where and what you are Jedi.

Know your limits and know that in life we can take time for the important things.

We can think everything is important.

It can be.

and the focus of this very thing can become a obsession as quickly as it can be found

So, Jedi everywhere, be careful who and what you attach yourself to.

Know where your myth comes from.

Know what you seek.

Take the time to know.

" Jedi practise non-attachment, maintaining an awareness that the cycles of creativity and renewal in the Force give rise to phenomena as others pass away.  "

There is a flow of life and of the Force, but it does not belong to us.

Knowing this, that we can attach and unplug at any given time can change the things we hold tight and too tight.

Pay attention to where and what and who -we yoke up with.

It matters.

Jedi matter and so does your path

It matters to the world and to the circles you influence by your very presence.                                                                                                                                                                                                 

It is the circles we interact with or the people we frequent that are our own circles of life.

So, this week Jedi, practice nonattachment some way shape or form but be careful to not get to attached - even to the method of observation.

I will be here on Discord for those who need, and I will be on site.

May the Force be with you

Pastor Carlos

Any questions?

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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04 Dec 2023 13:17 - 04 Dec 2023 13:28 #374991 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
The audio reading of this teaching is located in the Discord room called Pastors Room.

"Jedi feel the Force. We are aware of its omnipresence and its flow. We endeavor to live in balance with it as it manifests in all worldly phenomena, the dynamic equilibrium of its flow which transcends space-time from the smallest quark to the greatest expanse of the cosmos. Living in balance with The Force is the core value of a Jedi."

Good morning and happy week Jedi everywhere -We, as Jedi, Believe: In the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it.

Jedi teaching one states this ...

"Jedi feel the Force. We are aware of its omnipresence and its flow. We endeavor to live in balance with it as it manifests in all worldly phenomena, the dynamic equilibrium of its flow which transcends space-time from the smallest quark to the greatest expanse of the cosmos. Living in balance with The Force is the core value of a Jedi."

The Force binds us.

If it binds us, it is of the Force.

If it separates, it is bound by the Force.

One of the ideas we have a Jedi is balance and the Force.

I offer these three questions as meditation for today.

What does your life revolve around? What and where are the actual "cotter pins" of life for you in your own path?  What keeps it together? 

That's the first question, I do know it has a few parts, but the idea is; where does your life revolve around in actuality? Where are the hubs and centers of your path?

Second question is this, is the Force anywhere near those sections or crossroads?
Does the Force flow or are we aware of it. Does the Force have a place in this flow? The second question is this, do the hubs of life cross and what we believe - cross?

Are we aware of the Flow of the Force? Can we see it in our own paths?


The last question is this - Do we want what we seek and find?

Question number one- Where does your balance focus on? Where does your life revolve around? Where is that center idea? 

Second question- Do the connections or crossroads of what we believe, cross?

Does what we believe in the Force and where we connect to life the same?

Do they coincide?

Are they the same?

The last question is this - What is a core value of your own? 

Do you know your own core values?

"Jedi feel the Force. We are aware of its omnipresence and its flow. We endeavor to live in balance with it as it manifests in all worldly phenomena, the dynamic equilibrium of its flow which transcends space-time from the smallest quark to the greatest expanse of the cosmos. Living in balance with The Force is the core value of a Jedi."

This is Jedi teaching number one.
If you like, take some time to think about these things. Three easy questions for you to think about. 

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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Last edit: 04 Dec 2023 13:28 by Carlos.Martinez3.
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11 Dec 2023 12:50 - 11 Dec 2023 13:37 #375052 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
A reading of the Teaching is available in the Discord space Pastors room if you like.

Good morning and good day Jedi - today's three questions are for Jedi teaching 2.

Teaching two reminds us as Jedi to maintain a clear mind.

I am reminded by my own mentor and mentors that a clear mind is not one that is empty or has nothing in it.

A clear mind is not an empty one.

The idea is not to impede perception.

SO - as you read or listen to these teachings - here are three questions to ask yourself as you spend this designated time - if you like.

Questions one is simple enough but needs a truthful answer to be effective.

Question one: How do I reach a clear state of mind?

Questions two: Does perception change our state of mind?

Questions three: How do I clear my mind?

The reminder to practice clarity of mind is present but at the same time, please understand what it is. 

It is often said that a clear mind is best and that the opposite is a stressed - packed- full mind with no way to operate.

The idea this week Jedi is to remind you, as you live and study, our minds can get full.

We fill them.

What do we fill our own minds with Jedi?

A clear mind can be a mind ready.

There are things that keep us in a state of confusion and disarray.

If our minds are like paintbrushes when it comes to a clear mind, then lean and present means you're ready for today or what is at hand. Thats all. 

The ability to concentrate or give time for things is one that is worth its weight in gold.

Our teaching reminds us of our goals.

One of those common goals is to find a healthy - better - balance.



Designate time to do it.

Become a part of what exist today.

We often- as humans- dwell in the past or the future, rarely in the moment that exist now.

One of the best balances I have found is that of the present.

If you need some encouragement- be present as often as you can.

This idea comes with the teaching.

Find your center.

Build it, by giving it attention.

To dwell in the present is to build now.

To fear the future or the past can leave us in a state we don't want to be in.

It can create doubt and even undo much.

We know this.

So, this week - think about it of you like.

3 questions to think about if you like as you remember the Teaching we share.

* Question one: How do I reach a clear state of mind?

* Questions two: Does perception change our state of mind?

* Questions three: How do I clear my mind?

If we reflect, do we recognize our own current state of mind?

What's it at Jedi? May the Force be with you. I am available here all day for those who have need or wish to chat.

If you have any comments or concerns or wish to chat about today's teaching - feel free here
Pastor Carlos 

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 11 Dec 2023 13:37 by Carlos.Martinez3.
The following user(s) said Thank You: The Coyote

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18 Dec 2023 13:01 - 18 Dec 2023 13:23 #375100 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Let us begin!

Teaching number four- Jedi practice non-attachment, maintaining an awareness that the cycles of creativity and renewal in the Force give rise to phenomena as others pass away.

I have three questions to ask in meditation or in thought.

I will ask like this- What is nonattachment?

What are we attaching ourselves to? 

Once we find our own attachments, can we live without them? 

As humans, we have this practice of thinking about things in the future or in the past.

It is one practice I have had to learn to "UN LEARN."

There are days I become so in a mode of preparation, I no longer live in the moment or the present. 

There is a level of "On guard" that can become the offensive or even the aggressor.

Some of the things that can keep us from development or even the present moment is that of worry and fear.

Worry and fear are what we as Jedi are all subject to.

It is this state, which, we remind others does not have to exist.

As Jedi, we are given the idea - be aware of your attachments and even further is to practice selflessness and non-attachment.

If we look around us, we will see plants, trees and animals. There is very little care or attention to future or worry like that of the human.

There is fear and worry present, but I will tell you this, not like we do it.

There is a state that can keep you almost, hopeless.

I read this the other day and I hope it helps to relay the message. "Our attachments and our disease with the present moment are so ubiquitous, that almost all self-focused thinking involves wanting things to be better, or worrying about things that have happened or will happen. Rarely are they focused on the appreciation of the present moment." Richard Whitehead Ph.D.

Enter into the present.

There are benefits.

What can you do with a perspective shift in your life about suffering and worry and fear? What does a life look like without it or less attached?

There will always be fear and worry.

Anxiety can come from the past or the future.

It can be ... heightened by our attention and perspectives.

The inner voice we often have is fear or worry.

The biggest and most influential idea given to me is this, anxiety can be overcome.

By understanding who we are and how our brain actually works, I hope we can create a better and bigger understanding of things and our world around us.

The present moment is important and fleeting.

The benefits of non-attachment are literally less stress and more communication. More understanding but a different type of understanding.

Are you ready for it?

Is there a different perspective than that of our own? Can it help or harm us?

Feel free to think about these things and then... as they say - let it go.

There are some days I get frustrated with non-attachment.

Recently- chatting with my own mentor I told him - find things is like, just catch the concepts then release them.

Return to a place you can let go.

This is my recommendation,

As a Jedi - I personally have times to unplug.

I have to some days.

Consuming media and the "vibe" of things has created a direction I no longer return to.

There can be things we return to and things we no longer return to.

It is my hope we frequent less things like worry, fret and fear. They are Jedi slayers.

Practice nonattachment.

Find someone who practices it.

Could you identify it if it was right in front of you?

So here are a few ideas this week if you like from our Jedi teachings.

The Force binds.

If it does not bind, it is bound by the Force.

Practice nonattachment

Find those who do.

When attached, that's when we see or notice the "sick" or the area of our path that needs attention or- non attention.

I leave you with this old saying...

Acknowledge your feelings and attachments then, let them go.

Let              it                    go

May the Force be with you,
Pastor Carlos 

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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01 Jan 2024 13:09 - 01 Jan 2024 13:12 #375216 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
A reading of the teaching is located in the Discord room "Pastor's room" if you like.

Jedi teaching Number Five says this." Jedi comprehend that we are beings of thought, feeling, and will, who flourish within the Force through self-aware action and lifelong learning. "

Good morning, Jedi everywhere.

Today is Start of the New year! 

Happy holidays and May the Force be with you all, wherever you may be.

Today's teaching is Teaching number 5.

Good day Jedi.

Jedi teaching 5

There are 3 parts to it if you like to think about it as such.

Now, as a human we have parts.

When I say parts, I mean we are beings of thought, feeling and will.

So, my encouragement today is this...

Do you know your own thoughts and where they come from? Do you know how humans think and why? Do you know how you do it?

Have you ever over-thought something? 

Do you know your own feelings, and which are which? Have you taken time to take a course or a study on the development of your own feelings? Have you had the time you need with them? Do you understand them?

Do you understand your will and the will of other humans? Where does the will come from? Where does your will come from?

These 3 ideas are not small.

We as humans are thought, feelings and will.

It can take some time to understand these ideas and even more time to get to a place of balance.

Knowing who we are and what we are can help.

We are humans.

Jedi are humans.

This human thing is the tightest and most connection we have with one another. We are bound by this one thing. We are inherently equal.

We are human.

By this, we are more than just one part.

Do remember this Jedi, in the week to come. We are parts. We are complex. We need time to understand even ourselves.

Take some time to understand this.

You will be more aware and flourish in the Force.

What could you do if you were more aware of things? 

Would anyone ever think or ask for more understanding? I hope so.

I hope THIS is one of our collective goals as Jedi.

I hope you want to understand more in life and in your own circles of life.

Jedi teaching 5 does this very thing.

Jedi teaching Number Five says this." Jedi comprehend that we are beings of thought, feeling, and will, who flourish within the Force through self-aware action and lifelong learning.  "

We are beings of thought.

We are beings of feelings. 

We are beings of will.

Train yourself to understand more.

The balance we have is where our attention goes sometimes.

Edification is not easy.

It takes work and effort but mostly understanding.

We can focus on most anything we like.

Start this year with YOU and knowing what needs attention.

May the Force be with you.

Pastor Carlos 


Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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Last edit: 01 Jan 2024 13:12 by Carlos.Martinez3.
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08 Jan 2024 15:00 #375276 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
The Vanishing Virtue
A reading of Jedi teaching 6 is available in the Discord room Pastors room.

Jedi teaching number 6 states: The Jedi practise humility. Jedi know that we are processes in The Force and exist within its cycles of creativity and renewal. The more we practise humility, the more open we become to insights of wisdom which come to us through our feeling of the Force.

Good day Jedi- one of the things we as Jedi share is the idea that we can return to ideas like humility.

Humility is often called the" Vanishing Virtue. "

So today- this morning- the vanishing virtue is here!

As Jedi, there can be a spirit about us.

When we reflect or meditate, we can often fall into the pit of the ego or the selfish if we are not carful.

The joke, " Look at what I did " or " look what I can do ..." comes into mind.

But it is perfectly natural to want the attention for things. 

It is human.

So, we are reminded that this exists.

In short, as Jedi, we are reminded to practice humility.

As Jedi, do Jedi get haughty and prideful??


This one does.

If we are not careful, the ego can get the best of us Jedi any old day.

It is amazing the things we do and share here.

In that, we can tend to get a bit too much or a bit too far out there with our own " at-a- boys" or our own achievements.

There are healthy ways to express achievements and even zeal.

Zeal is a real thing.

It can often be leading in our own development as humans.

So, Jedi are reminded to have humility.

There is a renewal and a refreshing flow or ebb that exist in things like this.

Bt it's not common.

To be present, can be a goal every Jedi has.

To even understand humility- it helps to be present. 

Some say humility is about you, not yourself. 

C s Lewis said humility isnt thinking less of yourself, its thinking of yourself, less.

Modern psychology reminds us that this particular virtue is one that's not easy but is very healthy for us.

Humility is the quality of being humble, which means being free from pride or arrogance.

It entails not taking our desires, successes, or failings too seriously.

In this, we find what we seek.

I leave you with these 3 questions.

How do I develop myself without thinking of myself? 
Do you put your interest above others?
How do I develop this trait?

How does one do this? How do we become humble without being haughty?

This is the idea that within this cycle or this flow... dwells the secret.

In our strive, we can locate.

It is good that we make the effort.

It is good we reflect.

Some days, my own meditations take me to places I already am. The best place they can take me is the present moment.

NOW is the moment that matters.

It is the "now" that is the idea and the game changer.

Where do I stand, now or today?

Want a fresh perspective on things and on life?

Practice humility.

That means find out what it is by doing it.

Seek out those who know about it and are willing to share.

This is where mentors come in to play and this is where we...ask others.

Making the ever famous " humble pie" is the one thing I know I can never truly make but only be with.

It is the most frustrating thing, but you can never BE HUMBLE - it must be free flowing and untouched by humans most time.

If it has intentions, it's not humbled or humility.

So, we ask that you let the balance and the flow...exist.

Know it's there.

We are processes in the Force.

We are the containers of what's inside.

We simply describe the same thing differently. 

It is our perspective that often creates the motion of our zeal.

If we practice a few things...

We can get the hang of things.

Jedi are smart.

There are no two ways about it.

Yet, we tend to know this.

Jedi feel the Force yet, we tend to know this.

There is a statement from the movies I do like to keep around....

Yoda states and reminds others " Too sure of themselves..."

"Even the older, more experienced ones."

This is not far from the truth or reality.

As we get older, we do more. We find out more. We as Jedi validate our paths and our information.

In this flow and ebb...

We can get a bit full of our own self's.

Be careful Jedi.

Know that this happens.

The opposite of humility is often... pride.

The opposite spectrum of humility is taking all the credit for everything.

The more we practice ideas like this, the more we can understand more.

There is so much more out there than just being selfish.

We can find the wisdom we seek in the virtues we develop.

Being "open" is a secret to humility.

So, being closed is the common default.

Open yourself to humility.

Open yourself to the Force.

The more we practice, the more we notice, then the more aware we are.

How do Jedi do this? Be open to the Force?

The Force exist within its cycles of creativity and renewal.

It has a flow all in itself.

The Force has a return of its own.

We enter into it.

We remember it.

We become aware of it.

To the Force and to knowledge.

The more we are aware of, the better we can have understanding.

It is the understanding we seek.

It is hard to understand that you tell Jedi - go and seek and find that which you look for and then tell them to be humble about it.

It does work.

Reminders and teaching are here to AID us in our Jedi path.

Seek out humility.

It is a Jedi's defense against, well, themselves.

Jedi teaching 6 : The Jedi practise humility. Jedi know that we are processes in The Force and exist within its cycles of creativity and renewal. The more we practise humility, the more open we become to insights of wisdom which come to us through our feeling of the Force.

The Force is amazing, always.

The Force is terrible, amazing yet, terrible in ways we cannot understand.

The potential is this...

If it is in the realm of human possibility, it can be done.

This means we can become as Icarus and fly too high or too low at any given moment.

There is a balance that exist you cannot create.

I can not

We can only live in it,

or dwell in the moment

To be present, is a gift.

it is a gift we can develop.

and we can remind others that they can be present as well.

Want more bang for your buck this year or need a reminder to get back to it?

Jedi practice humility 

Practice it. Find those who are examples.

By doing this, you enter into the present moment and the present flow or ebb of the Force.

Become a part of the Ebb and Flow of the Force and remove the "Carlos" from the equation or the "you" from it.


Thats all we really ask and remind others.

Practice by NOT practicing.

Sounds counterproductive but for this vanishing virtue, it's not.

Understand we have our own thought, feelings, and will...

we can release those and become one with what is present.

The Force is always present.

Be present and you will find it.
Be humble and you will find it.

Try too hard and you will lose it - that easy.

So, wow, today this week-

Practice humility.

Find those who do and sit in that circle for bit.

See what you can pick up.

Thank you to and for those who are live.

Thank you for sharing a Monday morning with me.
Pastor Carlos 
May the Force be with you all

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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15 Jan 2024 12:41 - 15 Jan 2024 12:53 #375319 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Good day Jedi everywhere. May the Force be with you wherever you may be today.

A recording of the teaching can be found in the "Pastor's room" in our Discord section.

The Jedi foster an acceptance of limitations. To change the world is to change our perceptions of and perspectives towards it. Indeed, we are capable of amazing acts, especially when we rely on the flow of the Force. Yet, as incarnated, organic beings we must understand that the power is that of the Force, without which we are mere matter.

(83) How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge - YouTube

*Here is a short video which does not belong to us so all rights and such are reserved for those who own it and it can expire at any time. Do remember this is not our video, not our rules nor our platform.*

Good day and morning Jedi everywhere.

May the Force be with you, wherever you may be today.

Today's meditation is on Jedi teaching number seven.

Today's three questions are as follows ...

* Do you embrace change?

* Do you compare yourself to others?

* Do you hold a grudge?

We as Jedi are human and live in the ordinary world.

To change the world, we change our perceptions and perspectives.

There is only one thing we can change as humans. Perception is what we make of the world based on our experience.

And perspective is how we look at the world after reflecting on our perception.

So, the perception of your reality controls your perspective. A person’s perceptions are their own and may or may not be accurate, but that doesn’t matter because it influences their perspective.
There is a "magic" or an ebb and flow to things.

How we see things matters.

How do you see things friends and Jedi?

It is my hope that today, you see the limits but also the abilities and possibilities.

Our perspective is as a small fire.

It can be used to pilot many fires and many ideas.

It can be used to create or destroy.

Things can be used to build up or tear down. 

In our reflections, we ask, how does our perception and/or perspectives change; how do we gain control of them? Do we ever gain control of our perspective?

"The process of perspective taking may be the most crucial communication process to an organization’s success." A Center for Effective Organizations study by Richard J. Boland Jr. Psychology Today

HOW - we see things matters. 

It changes everything. 

So today and every day, know your limits.

Understand them.

Have a fresh perspective.

That is the only thing you can change.

But do be careful how you do it.

Changing perspectives, changes everything.

We are able to do this. People do it all the time.

It is my hope that as you continue to study and learn, you find that which you seek. If it is the Force you seek, I hope you realize or understand that it is "Indeed, we are capable of amazing acts, especially when we rely on the flow of the Force. Yet, as incarnated, organic beings we must understand that the power is that of the Force, without which we are mere matter."

Indeed, we are capable of amazing acts.

As Jedi, we try to give it back or understand that there is a flow about things we have no control over. There is a connection that binds us ever closer than ever could ever claim to.

So, I ask these three questions for reflection.
What is your perception change?

What is your perspective about yourself?

What is your perspective on those who you deem "deserving?" (When holding a grudge)

Where do these ideas come from and how do they shape you as a Jedi?

We are amazing. Jedi still amaze me.

I am here all day for questions or comments.

Jedi teaching number 7

"The Jedi foster an acceptance of limitations. To change the world is to change our perceptions of and perspectives towards it. Indeed, we are capable of amazing acts, especially when we rely on the flow of the Force. Yet, as incarnated, organic beings we must understand that the power is that of the Force, without which we are mere matter."

Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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Last edit: 15 Jan 2024 12:53 by Carlos.Martinez3.
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22 Jan 2024 14:39 - 22 Jan 2024 14:57 #375373 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Today is Jedi teaching number 8

"The Jedi practise patience. All creation and renewal in the flow of the Force, all the wonder and terror of its processes, arise and dissolve in eternity – the present moment, the now. With the practice of acceptance and patience, Jedi have the tenacity to attend with curiosity to the phenomena in our experience which proceed one from another, ad infinitum."

Jedi practice patience.

The now is amazing.

The now is almost "terrible" in some ways.

The way life moves is large and vast.

Life has a way of happening without our consent.

But this is part of life, its vastness and its huge possibility.

Life is amazing.

Worry, will get you.

Fear, will get you.

They can and they will. Life has no regard for whether you are Jedi or not.

We do not get a special pass during life. Jedi live in the ordinary world.

Now, I would love to teach every Jedi I know, about patience.

It's one of those things you cannot teach but is best if you experience it. Patience only comes from practicing it, when it is needed. Be ready to use it, when its time. To practice patience, it must be ready to be given away or used.

How to be more patient:

Here are a few ways that you can practice patience.

Listen more.

Improve your listening skills. Repeat what was said in conformation during your communication.

I cannot tell you how many times I have practiced this. It tends to bring new light or new attention to things that can matter at the current moment. Knowing what is recent and acknowledging it, can help to identify things, much more.

Listen more, talk less.

We tend to notice our impatience when we are the one doing ALL the talking or the ego takes over.

It happens.

There are things you cannot change in life. Accept them as that.

Not everything in life can be changed or needs to change. Take some time to realize which is which. Ask.

This is where it helps to have mentors and Training Masters.

Find people you trust and can confirm things with. Some things you will not be able to change.

I cannot change who my parents are, nor can I change where I was born and what was available to me at the time of my birth.

What I can change is where I go to get my aid, or guidance.

Here are a few things you cannot change.

-Not everyone will be pleased with you
-The past
-Our mortality
-The weather

These things are run by, well, not me.

I have no say in these types of things, most time. No one really does.

Accept them.

I know I used to get "bent out of shape" during reflection when I came to a time when I thought everyone just ignored me and left me on my own. Some of the things you find in reflection can be upsetting. 

I often tell others; there are things like location and availability that we cannot control, until we can.

There will come a time when you can change these things.

Practice mindfulness.

Live in the present moment as often and as frequently as you can.

Life has a tendency to create worry about the future or the past.

We, as humans, can often think - what about tomorrow or yesterday and we are no longer in the present moment. I am just as human as you are.

Choose to pick what you add to yourself.

Choose your books and your study. Make a point to pay attention to what goes into your mind, body and spirit.

Be mindful of you.

Slow down.

Jedi, I will tell you this, I have a tendency to want to rush things.

I may be the only one.

I want to encourage you as Jedi to slow down.

We practice patience and that takes time and time to practice it. That takes being in moments when its needed. Give or use what you know.

Make it a point to try it.

Slow down some days. Not in everything but do know what and where you could benefit from this reminder.

Now, we get to the meat and potatoes.

What makes you impatient? Do you know where your limits are, and your triggers?

Call it ugly if you like but when does impatience rear its ugly head in your path and story? Does it LORD over you or control you to a point you know it needs attention?

Do you know what pushes your buttons? Do you know when you run out of grace?

Where is that location of your " wits end?"

Know it exists.

As we read and try to understand each teaching, I do hope this one "sings" to our inside.

"With the practice of acceptance and patience, Jedi have the tenacity to attend with curiosity..."

Let it flow and let some things go.

I have to work at patience.

I am not a naturally patient person but THAT is how I was initially brought up. It was not till later in life I understood the value of patience in a different way.

I am naturally a reactive person, ready and willing to say, "Put me in coach, I am ready now," but I have found that some days and most days I get and experience much more from being patient.

I can share it too.

Seek thee out those who ARE patient.

How do we learn patience from someone who never has time or is rarely patient in real life? It does make it impossible at times.

And, to top it off, we cannot teach something we do not know ourselves. 

With patience, it is kind of obvious, huh?

Learn from those who have it.

I promise you, those who display and nurture these types of ideas will give them away in an instant.

They always tend to say yes and make the time.

So today, this Monday ....

Practice patience.

Here are three questions for reflection about it, if you like or choose.

Am I a patient person?

Do I live in the NOW?

Do I practice patience?

For reflection you can add the "How" to those as well.

Keep a journal.

Use your journal to write things like this down.

It can be digital or old school.

There is a power and a presence in writing things down.

"The Jedi practise patience. All creation and renewal in the flow of the Force, all the wonder and terror of its processes, arise and dissolve in eternity – the present moment, the now. With the practice of acceptance and patience, Jedi have the tenacity to attend with curiosity to the phenomena in our experience which proceed one from another, ad infinitum."

Practice / get in it.

My grandmother used to sing me this song:
"Have patience, have patience, don't be in such a hurry. When you get impatient, you only start to worry. Remember, remember, that Gods are patient too... and think of all the times when others had to wait for you."

May the Force be with you all.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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Last edit: 22 Jan 2024 14:57 by Carlos.Martinez3.
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