TOTJO Circle... Lets get this decided...
steamboat28 wrote: Well, seems you're right. Apparently the Coca-Cola logo is always, always, always, white-on-red and never, ever changes. Ever.
Thanks for the sarcasm, but the Coca-Cola logo is a trademark. Since you seem to feel like you are the only expert here, let me be clear.
A trademark, trade mark, or trade-mark[1] is a recognizable sign, design or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. The trademark owner can be an individual, business organization, or any legal entity. A trademark may be located on a package, a label, a voucher or on the product itself. For the sake of corporate identity trademarks are also being displayed on company buildings.
As someone who works in a marketing capacity for a worldwide media company with more lawyers than anything else, I can assure you that these things are taken very seriously. You can "graphic design" anything to death, but the trademark is specifically what is legally registered by an entity to separate it from competition.
If you want to see viciously guarded trademarks and copyrights, you only need to look to the National Football League in the U.S.
When TOTJO decides to trademark a logo, that will be the only official one whether we use it exclusively or not. It will be the only legally protected mark in the eyes of the law. Until then, it will remain a point of contention.
Coca-Cola can change the colors and designs in it's marketing, but that doesn't make the entire design a trademarked Coca-Cola logo.
When in doubt, look for the ®
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Senan wrote: ...long post...
Which is why, if you check the other thread I linked earlier, I requested TotJO to register the circle-less logo for trademark purposes as well as the "official" one. To provide them with versatility. #jussayin'
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steamboat28 wrote:
Senan wrote: ...long post...
Which is why, if you check the other thread I linked earlier, I requested TotJO to register the circle-less logo for trademark purposes as well as the "official" one. To provide them with versatility. #jussayin'
Our current trademark isn't registered.
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Br. John wrote: The US trademark filing fee is $800.00.
I'm putting that in my "Things to Donate Toward" list.
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steamboat28 wrote:
Br. John wrote: The US trademark filing fee is $800.00.
I'm putting that in my "Things to Donate Toward" list.
We can and will honor specified donations and account for them. The only proviso is that if we were in danger of losing our domain or internet service special funds could be used if nothing else is available.
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I personally find both symbols valid with their own intended purpose, and to use both would be appropriate considering the art of the Ecards and the unity they express and display... The nature of the force is expressed in the art of Ecards because the unity is in the art, the border of nature itself... We have the main symbol, with the circle, it is like the formal symbol, and then we have the informal symbol, E cards (art), etc... I would say they are both official... The one with the circle defines the group, the wholeness, completeness, etc... The one without, defines the individual, The relation of the subjective art and the interconnection of the symbol, and order...
Symbols always get misrepresented, or used and changed to fit a certain agenda... The cross for example, has been abused by Nazi Germany, the "iron cross" as it is called, and then christian groups began using it, unknown how it was affiliated... :woohoo: :sick:
That is my opinion, as I am no authority over the symbol, this is simply how I see it, and understand the symbol.
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Llama Su wrote: Symbols always get misrepresented, or used and changed to fit a certain agenda... The cross for example, has been abused by Nazi Germany, the "iron cross" as it is called, and then christian groups began using it, unknown how it was affiliated... :woohoo: :sick:
The Iron Cross is a military decoration of honor or valor. You can find it in medieval heraldry all over the place. It is not a symbol that earned its origins in Nazi Germany nor do I think it was Christian in origin as crosses were used before Christianity. As (if I remember right) the swastika isn't Nazi in origin either. Nazi Germany used the Iron Cross as it was intended.
But to keep this more on topic: I like the logo. I like it in the black-and-white. It's simple, it's recognizable, and it's meaningful. I'd say keep the circle. It's a symbol found in many religions in a meaningful way. I think it's a great device to contain the black.
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Kamizu wrote: The Iron Cross is a military decoration of honor or valor. You can find it in medieval heraldry all over the place. It is not a symbol that earned its origins in Nazi Germany nor do I think it was Christian in origin as crosses were used before Christianity. As (if I remember right) the swastika isn't Nazi in origin either. Nazi Germany used the Iron Cross as it was intended.
Absolutely correct. Even if I only look at Germany, the Iron cross was in use long before Nazism in the German military. It's origins lie with the Teutonic Knights of medieval times. The only addition the Nazis added was putting a swastika in the middle but even that isn't the case with all versions of that time period.
The swastika by the way is an ancient symbol in many cultures and represents the sun or the circle of life. It can still be found today for example in a lot of Buddhist temples (for example in Tibet). It's darkly ironic that Hitler used a symbol of light to bring so much death and destruction into the world.
(Sorry for the off-topic)
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I also am impressed with and agree with Master Akkarin`s point out this unity being further demonstrated by the bars having the same coloured symbol. This is not about esthetics but about unity and what we represent. I whole heartedly disagree with changing it and agree that this symbol be unified in the bars.
The author of the TOTJO simple and solemn oath, the liturgy book, holy days, the FAQ and the Canon Law. Ordinant of GM Mark and Master Jestor.
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