Discussion: TotJO Culture Problems

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30 Dec 2017 00:05 #310325 by
*sigh* Assuming makes an... well, we all know how this goes.

We all know of what I speak. It has been a long dead heart, but new life is being breathed into it. This is what happens when thrones become too comfy, people don't want to leave their seats. Now that we have new blood in the mix, I'm sure that will change.

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30 Dec 2017 00:15 #310328 by steamboat28
To be fair, I've been told "we're working on it" for nearly 6 years, and we still have the same problems. You can't really blame people for getting frustrated at hearing it.
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30 Dec 2017 01:07 - 30 Dec 2017 01:10 #310330 by Kit
I know we've all heard this same song before. It's the whole reason we're at this point in the conversation. "Things will change" Leadership says. And they never seem to on a permanent basis.

I can't tell you not to keep this line going like the chorus of "this is the song that never ends" because of the experience we've had here for years. And the one thing that can smooth your feathers at this point in time is the one thing we've lost. Trust.

Trust is going to take time and effort from both sides to rebuild. Trust is a community effort. We as leaders need to prove ourselves worthy of your trust, but we also rely on you to communicate with us and keep us accountable.

All I can say at this moment is I hear you. I've felt it too. I almost left the temple several times over the feeling that nothing will change. I'm going to fight to make this the temple we're dreaming of but I need your help. Be patient with me, with all of us. But also keep me accountable. If you find I'm doing something in an official capacity as a Councillor, shoot even as Knight or Jedi, official or not, that you feel goes against the spirit of things here, open up a dialog, public or private. I promise I will listen. I may not always agree and there may be things that keep me from making you happy, but I will at least explain myself and do my best to allay your fears.

Many of you have known me for a while now. You've seen me struggle, you've seen me make mistakes. If you haven't I promise they're around ;) I have had the chance to earn the personal trust and respect from some of you. Give me the chance I need to earn that trust as a leader. I have a lot of experience in the military and done a lot of learning on leadership, but my practical experience isn't nearly as vast as my theory. I know I'll make mistakes but I can't learn from them without your help.

You are important to me. This Temple is important to me. So in turn, being the best leader I can be for you is important to me.

Please, help me to grow as we all work to make this Temple grow.
Last edit: 30 Dec 2017 01:10 by Kit. Reason: oy, don't post on no sleep without proof-reading lol
The following user(s) said Thank You: steamboat28, Manu, Lykeios Little Raven

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30 Dec 2017 01:10 #310331 by RosalynJ

Atticus wrote:

Stephen wrote: A suggestion..
There is a contact clergy button for religious matters.
Why don't we put a contact a mediator for disputes or perceived insults.
That way instead of people responding emotionally, they can get someone to look at it without bias.
It will stop things from escalating and calm can replace anger.
This seems better than laying down the law.

TBH, I've started thinking that when you contact the Clergy, you maybe should get a mediator when the situation warrants.

The form can be updated and changed to "Contact us" and a representative from clergy, mods, council, can respond accordingly. Would that be useful?

Pax Per Ministerium

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30 Dec 2017 01:25 #310335 by RosalynJ
Also, I like the idea of the "mediator". I am talking about it with Synod now

Pax Per Ministerium

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30 Dec 2017 13:05 #310381 by
Fellow Jedi,
In the very short time I've been part of the TotJO, I have seen an us and them mentality.
I don't understand it, we are all Jedi after all.
It could be that I haven't been here long enough to be drawn in to it.
Surely, that brings a new perspective or one that's been forgotten.
The problem as I see it..
The Council try to implement change but it takes time
The Jedi ranks want to see it happen or know something is really being done.
The Councils reassurances are doubted due to past experience.
Why not make a Knight ( someone not on the council ) a representative of the Jedi not in office.
Let the representative see what is going on behind the curtain. So that he/she can inform everyone that promises are being honoured.
But, the representative position would have to be chosen by the members and the council could not have any say on the person selected.
The council would have to work with them.
I think it would help regain the trust.
Then again I am new here and still have much to learn...

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30 Dec 2017 13:32 - 30 Dec 2017 13:43 #310389 by Zenchi

Stephen wrote: Fellow Jedi,
In the very short time I've been part of the TotJO, I have seen an us and them mentality.
I don't understand it, we are all Jedi after all.
It could be that I haven't been here long enough to be drawn in to it.
Surely, that brings a new perspective or one that's been forgotten.
The problem as I see it..
The Council try to implement change but it takes time
The Jedi ranks want to see it happen or know something is really being done.
The Councils reassurances are doubted due to past experience.
Why not make a Knight ( someone not on the council ) a representative of the Jedi not in office.
Let the representative see what is going on behind the curtain. So that he/she can inform everyone that promises are being honoured.
But, the representative position would have to be chosen by the members and the council could not have any say on the person selected.
The council would have to work with them.
I think it would help regain the trust.
Then again I am new here and still have much to learn...

We tried that actually, a couple of us stepped down for reasons already stated. I was notified a couple of weeks ago I was up for Advisor again, I replied I was OK with it, nothing happened, I have to be OK with that too...

The Temple is alot like a disfunfunctional family, give it time, it'll all make sense soon enough...

Truth be known, that may be my biggest challenge, I am realizing I myself can no longer treat the TOTJO like a disfunfunctional family, it's grown far too big for that now... :(

My Word is my Honor, and my Honor is my Life ~ Sturm Brightblade
Passion, yet Serenity
Knighted Apprentice Arisaig
TM- RyuJin
Last edit: 30 Dec 2017 13:43 by Zenchi.
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30 Dec 2017 13:50 #310390 by
Jedi Zenchi,
As an advisor you were still with the council to a degree.
I was thinking more of a council monitor. No input with council matters, but someone to ensure that the Council Honourable.
What if you had been in that position instead.
You would be someone both sides, so to speak, would trust.

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30 Dec 2017 13:56 #310393 by Zenchi

Stephen wrote: Jedi Zenchi,
As an advisor you were still with the council to a degree.
I was thinking more of a council monitor. No input with council matters, but someone to ensure that the Council Honourable.
What if you had been in that position instead.
You would be someone both sides, so to speak, would trust.

Again, short of being council secretary I'd be down with it, however it's not up to me, and contrary to what the site used to say, I'm not the most popular individual here...

My Word is my Honor, and my Honor is my Life ~ Sturm Brightblade
Passion, yet Serenity
Knighted Apprentice Arisaig
TM- RyuJin

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30 Dec 2017 14:11 #310395 by
Jedi Zenchi
It's about being trustworthy.
I think all would agree, you want the best for the Temple.
You would be for the members.
If the Council and other offices truly want transparency...
Building trust and stopping the endless " Nothing is done and never changes "
We talk of accountability.

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