From time to time a poem

09 May 2012 06:05 - 13 Jan 2018 23:29 #59723 by Alexandre Orion
Twice Told Tales
In these two times two dark eyes

Looking through twenty thousand years,

Twice broken hearts harmonise

With the rolling rhythm of blood & tears,

And fallen angels compromise

The stigma of their fears ...

For these two times tales to tell

Of shining devils, hearts of joy,

Were angels well before they fell

And given up to that employ,

Though two times twenty turns through Hell

Finds a smiling, brown-hair'd boy.


One stands over morning and the Other o'er twilight,

The sunrise shines on memories obscurred by pale moonlight,

Two times two dark eyes with twice heart-broken sight,

Two lovers lost in darkness as when the New Moon gouverns Night.


For these two times a glass of wine

On the Eve of Judgement Day,

Two devils dancing on the vine

In a most seductive way,

Blood & tears to make him mine

And the New Moon to make him stay ...


One stands over morning and the Other o'er twilight,

The sunrise shines on memories obscurred by pale moonlight,

Two times two dark eyes with twice heart-broken sight,

Two lovers lost in darkness as when the New Moon gouverns Night.
Alexandre Orion

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
Last edit: 13 Jan 2018 23:29 by Alexandre Orion.

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12 May 2012 08:59 - 12 May 2012 09:01 #60203 by Alexandre Orion
Before the Storms :
The decline of the Auxiliari
Les quatre Auxiliarii servirent jadis l'Union
Assurant protection sous leur ardent fanion …
Winds whistled 'round the rocks the salty Siren Song
En Mare caelo confundere – when the gods could get along –
These winds had once filled full the sails of the shining, stately ships
Which for forty thousand generations made thrice-nightly trips,
Navigating through the stars the sombre Sea upon the waves,
Bearing bounty to all the borders in the ways a State behaves.

So, never knowing neither want nor war in civil peace-time sure,
Well tended by the communion of civic castes of conscience pure,
Of which were three, and these were we, were made to aid the Nine
For forty thousand generations in sidereal culture so refined
That the Fourth Order evanesced o'er some ten thousand years –
So that those shining, stately ships,
Making far less frequent trips,
Went unnoticed among our Spheres.
De moins en moins furent-ils, diminuant en nombre
Jusqu'à ce que cet Ordre ne fût plus rien qu'Ombre …
Thus, taken-time/space and peace as Natural law,
Such invalid conclusions as the Nine wouldn't draw
But for their coordination of our consciousness
Excluding that of even Peace there can be excess ;
When so slowly seasons change, hard is acclimation,
As winter winds of war blew down on the Nine times Ninety constellations !

And so it was and came to pass, in those days that were our last
The Academy, The Symposium & The Communion were recast
To try to understand a vice we had not ever known
In forty thousand generations of serenity to atone ;
No more Auxiliari, Eight of Nine were quarried prey,
But One that was on voyage,
The Third Aristos, and least in Courage,
Would not go down into the Piraeus – we jumped away.
La Paix, comme le soleil, la douceur de l'été
Les lunes se lèveront en armes à tempêter …
Prudence porte Providence, Imprudence pénurie
Tantôt faute de Courage, vous laisserait en Vie …
N'endiguez point l'ruisseau, pour pleurer qu'il ait tari,
Le jardin cultivé abrite Auxiliarii

Alexandre Orion
janvier 2012

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
Last edit: 12 May 2012 09:01 by Alexandre Orion. Reason: to fix it ... what else ?

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19 May 2012 10:16 #61007 by Alexandre Orion
Une seule chandelle
Dans les minutes avant que le Jour
Ne mette au repos la Nuit,
La douce lueur d’avant l’aube vient ;
Une placide vision me bénit :
Ta forme paisible, intemporelle,
Dans la lumière d’une seule chandelle…
Je grave ton image sur mon âme—
La Plus belle de toute la Vie—
Ta tête posée sur mon épaule ;
Mon cœur va à sa fantaisie :
La notre saison confidentielle
Dans la lumière d’une seule chandelle…
D’où un cortège de brefs instants
Paradent devant mes humides yeux :
Notre promenade dans le Jardin
Au soir, dans le lustre de l’heure bleue :
Et bien tels moments m’interpellent
Dans la lumière d’une seule chandelle…
Comme des enfants, légers & libres,
Prenant ma main, nous fîmes détour ;
Un chemin plus long mais plus beau
En passant par une jolie cour :
Là, ton innocence essentielle,
Dans la lumière d’une seule chandelle…
Tu me ramènes de mes mémoires
Comme contre moi tu te pelotonnes,
Tirant mon bras autour de toi ;
Emu, épris, je te pouponne :
Pour ta sûreté existentielle
Dans la lumière d’une seule chandelle…
A l’Est, le bleu ciel s’éclaircit
Or, le soleil pleinement levé
Met au repos la Nuit, et nous,
Tous deux, dormons à la clarté :
Voici ma Passion immortelle,
Voilà s’éteint la seule chandelle.

-- Alexandre Orion

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson

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19 May 2012 15:11 #61023 by
Replied by on topic From time to time a poem
I should have payed far more attention those two years I took French..

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19 May 2012 15:14 #61024 by Alexandre Orion
Get ren to help you Reliah, or me ... I'd love to ....

Or has a good translator ... but just go a word at a time, otherwise it will baffle the text.

How can I help ?

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson

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19 May 2012 15:18 #61025 by Alexandre Orion
Three Moons
O'er savage seas rain-blown tears fly
Through garden walks three seasons high,
This helpless heart still wonders why
All the angels had to die
In shining lies to sanctify
Three moons that cross the sky.
The time for cherry blossoms nigh,
Humid zephyrs satisfy
Our hopeful hearts which pacify
Those shining lies where angels die,
Their broken wings borne on a sigh
As three moons cross the sky.

...but the cherry blossoms all went dry...
Watching crying stars go by,
An echoed image stings my eye :
A tired sun, where you and I
Saw three moons cross the sky.
Now under one moon's cold reply
To whispered prayers the gods deny,
In oceans of stars too tired to cry
The sounds of forgotten songs defy
Our garden walks, where you and I
Saw three moons cross the sky.

...and the cherry blossoms all went dry...
Rain-blown tears on storm winds fly,
An echoed image stings my eye :
That shining lie, where you and I
Saw three moons cross the sky.

-- Alexandre Orion

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
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25 May 2012 12:49 #61783 by Alexandre Orion
From Wishes to Wisdom
(for Maître Perris)

“I greet you at the beginning of a great career, which must yet have had a long foreground somewhere, for such a start. I rubbed my eyes a little to see if this sunbeam were no illusion; but the solid sense of the book is a sober certainty. It has the best merits, namely, of fortifying and encouraging.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Falling tides under Moonlight sigh songs to the Night ;
In clear skies, the stars of Home shine distantly Bright,
Our Lady of Springtime whispers prayers to the Winds,
Out of Time, out of Place, out of Means, out of Ends …

She prays toward those stars of Home that we barely knew,
Some Prehistory's myth carries chronicles true ;
Turning Worlds, told as 'heavens', trace orbits around
Setting Suns, changing Seasons, where Old Life abounds …
Her eyes gleam with Starlight therein amplified thrice,
Her Hope takes to Flight, in the Night of the Void,
With the Power of her Love and Silent Sacrifice,
Wishes turn into Wisdom, the Fates overjoyed !
For seconds to Centuries she gazes above,
Out of Time, Out of Place, to All Beauty and Love,
Our Lady of Summer, in gown of Garden Green,
Sighs softly her hymn to space where Angels convene …

She prays toward those stars of home that we know so well,
As bright, fertile valleys where Life-giving rains fell ;
Prehistory's poems dance sprightly in Today
As future Eclipses sooth all of her Fear away …
Her Soul gleams with Starlight therein amplified thrice,
Memories of motherhood meld with maiden's desire :
The Force as her ally in Silent Sacrifice
Wishes turn into Wisdom, which doth Dreams inspire !
Rising tides in the Sunrise return to the Shore,
And the Old stars of Home shine yet on as before ;
Our Lady of Winter sleeps sure in her arbour
Under the cover of white wishes she harbours …

And she dreams in those myths of Prehistory's Song
Recounting the adventure sung on for so Long
On those Worlds, told as 'heavens', in orbits around
Rising Suns in green Seasons, our New Life resounds …
Her Heart beats with Starlight therein amplified thrice,
Whilst gods dream existence from Centre to Centre –
With Power of the Crystal, her Silent Sacrifice
Wishes turn into Wisdom, therewith the Maître ...

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
The following user(s) said Thank You: Lycaenion, Wescli Wardest,

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14 Jun 2012 11:59 - 14 Jun 2012 12:03 #63841 by Alexandre Orion
La Valse des Sirènes
L'été de notre Amour fut la même année que la Grande Guerre devint pleinement démente ;
En août dix-neuf cent quinze le paquebot 'Ganymède' quitta vers Athènes le joli port de Sète.
On se promenait toute la journée au soleil main en main sur la Méditerranée,
Au soir, les reflets de la pleine lune nous enchantaient gaiement lorsque l'on dansait.

Rassurés par le pinard
Et si enivrés par le regard,
Inspirés par clarté lunaire
Lors d'une soirée en mer hors pair,
Comme les cordes et l'accordéon
Jouaient cette valse que nous dansions
La valse des Sirènes …

Au jour, la matinée, on lisait des poèmes d'Amoureux illustrés par des blancs nuages ;
L'après-midi on prenait du thé au lait à l'anglaise et puis, je te proposai le mariage.
Toi, ravie, tu répondis «oui», et nous nous serrâmes dans les bras, unis pour toujours où que l'on aille,
Au soir, dans le hall, le capitaine nous félicita au champagne pour fêter nos fiançailles.

Transportés par émotion
Immortalisé par dévotion,
Inspirés par clarté lunaire
Nos cœurs des lieues du monde en Guerre
Comme les cordes et l'accordéon
Jouaient cette valse que nous dansions
La valse des Sirènes …

Cette nuit d'immense Joie on faisait l'Amour, nos corps et âmes fusionnés pour éternité,
La Grèce au lendemain accueillerait des amants à vieil Athènes comme au temps des dieux passés ;
Ces moments-là furent Paradis pur, ta tête sur mon épaule, nos êtres lumineux de plénitude,
Ainsi avançait le Ganymède, vers nos demains, cours sûr, au droit port, fort de la certitude.

En anticipant l'aurore,
Mon âme toute puissante par notr'Amour
Jamais je ne vis une plus belle image
Que celle de toi, endormie, sans âge …

Soudain, un choc brisa ma rêverie,
Puis un autre t'eut réveillé,
La cabine penchait,
Les gens dehors couraient ;
Le Ganymède avait été attaqué,
Par deux grenouilles éventré
Et allait rapidement couler –
Toutefois, tellement on s'aimait,
L'Amour plus fort que la Mort ;
Je glissai sur ton doigt une bague
Comme Ganymède glissa sous les vagues.

Accueillis par les Sirènes,
Dans leur demeure sereine,
Le moment où nous nous enlacions
Conservé car nous nous aimions.
Toujours les cordes et l'accordéon
Jouent cette valse que nous dansions
La valse des Sirènes.
-- Alexandre Orion, février-mars 2012

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
Last edit: 14 Jun 2012 12:03 by Alexandre Orion.

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24 Jul 2012 03:05 #67964 by Alexandre Orion
Nigh on the Night the Knightly is Knighted

Alexandre Orion
3 juillet 2012
à Chalon-sur-Saône

From Burgundy's heart to the Heart of the Star
The part pledged in Faith pledges Faith to the far
Far side of the Ocean, in Sunlight, In Rain,
In Storm and in Calme, in Joy or in Pain …

His crystal shines Hope, his Heart bears his Art,
His blade flashes Courage, his Arms a Rampart ;
His Soul lights the Lamp that leads out of Night,
That leads out of Shadow, that leads out of Plight …

On Mid-summer's Day, when the Council agree,
A new Knight swears duty upon bended knee,
His humble hand held, holds the sabre aloft
Pronouncing his pledge per vox sure and soft …

So therewith the Warrior as therewith the Man,
As therewith the Soul of the Knight where he stands
In the Satisfied Sun of Mid-summer's Day
Where no shadow touches the ground by his way …

And we sing the Event, we sing of the Quest,
We sing of the East united in West –
In the State of the Star, where his legends are,
Sung true by the plume singing with his guitar …

Now here is the Life that is he, that is All
In tremors of truth-telling, singing the call
Of the Wild, of the Tame, of the Strange, of the Same –
Of the Knight who is Wescli Wardest by name !

In the Mid-summer's Night, full of Moon fully bright
O'er the State of the Star where resides this bold Knight,
Shines a candle apart – from the End to the Start –
By a helping hand held out of Burgundy's Heart.

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
The following user(s) said Thank You: Wescli Wardest, Reacher

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30 Jul 2012 16:58 #68639 by
Replied by on topic From time to time a poem
Born of dying noble blood,
Raised to sew the wheat and hay.
Taken on a dragons back,
To fight the man in shadows,
In the land of Durza.
To see the crystal doors,
In the blood of the enemy.

In mountain towns of dwarven make,
Trained he was to by elves and the last drake,
Made a sword with bare hands,
To kill the foe in Durza,
Enshrouded in the shadows.
Through the crystal doors,
To bathe in blood of the devil.

Adoring a womans crystal eyes,
Her raven hair hath hypnotize,
But hurt he was in rejection,
For he must kill the foe in shadows,
In the land of Durza.
He must cross the golden floors,
To breake the spirits mind.

He goes to Durza on dragon back,
With blade and magic he fights with,
To get the foe in Durza,
Enshrouded in the shadows.
The Spirit's blad crosses back,
And blood has flowed from him.

Then dragon fire fells the spirit,
And sword prepared to kill,
His foe in shadow,
In the land of Durza.
But he has mercy and curses him,
To stay in the land of night.

He marries that which matters much,
The woman in the mountains.
And learns to fear the foe in Durza,
Enshrouded in the shadows.
Children made of Rider - Elf,
Keep the peace in his world.

200 years of age,
Death having been accepted,
He learns to love the man in Durza,
Silhouetted in the light.
Carrying a scythe,
He dies and goes to heaven.

Natus moriendi nobilis sanguine,
Suscitavit consuendi triticum et fenum.
Capta in dracones retro,
Bellum in tenebris
In terra Durza.
Ad cristallum ostia,
Sanguine inimici.

In montem oppida Nanorum facere,
Monstra docti et novissimi a erat draculus
Fecit gladio cum peperit manus,
Occidere hostem in Durza,
Enshrouded in umbras.
Per cristallum ostia,
Sanguinem perfundi diaboli.

Adorantes mulieris cristallum oculis,
Eius corvus capillos habet hypnotize,
Sed damnum erat repudium
Oportet occidere hostem in tenebris
In terra Durza.
Aurea mauris oportet transire,
Ad frangere spiritus mentis.

Vadit ad Durza in draco retro,
Cum lamina et magicae pugnat cum,
Ut hostem in Durza,
Enshrouded in umbras.
Spiritus blad occurrat retro,
Inde fluxit sanguis.

Ergo draco ignis fells spiritus,
Et gladio paratus ad occidere,
Hostem in umbra,
In terra Durza.
Sed misericordia et maledictus,
Noctis moram in terra.

Ipse duxerit quod refert,
Mulier in montes.
Et discit timere hostem in Durza,
Enshrouded in umbras.
Filii de Rider - Elf,
Pacem in terris.

CC annos,
Mortem acceptum,
Discit amare homo in Durza,
Silhouetted in lucem.
Portans falce,
It caelo moritur.

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