Why Is God Still Involved In American Politics?

12 years 6 months ago #43734 by Br. John
It's 2011 -- Why Is God Still Involved In American Politics?
By Amanda Marcotte, AlterNet
Posted on October 12, 2011, Printed on October 19, 2011

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Amanda Marcotte co-writes the blog Pandagon. She is the author of It's a Jungle Out There: The Feminist Survival Guide to Politically Inhospitable Environments.

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12 years 6 months ago #43735 by
It's things like this that frustrate me to no end when it comes to politics.

That and the fact that politicians rarely actually seem to care about their people, but would like to make them think they do...

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12 years 6 months ago - 12 years 6 months ago #43736 by RyuJin
short answer....because chrisianity is still the main stream moral majority...in order to ensure a strong backing politicians will lie and twist words to appeal to the largest group possible...

it's sad but true....even though the founding fathers weren't all christians and set up the constitution to keep religion out of politics, religion is still a major component in gathering the votes needed to gain office...appealing to the masses, that's a politicians goal...few if any have any views of their own....

i'm begining to think that maybe all politicians should be required to be atheist, that way religion isn't a factor in politics...but then the christians would pitch a fit calling everyone heathens etc...they'd probably whine about discrimination too....

politicians try to please everyone, the problem is not everyone can be pleased....my goal isn't to please anyone...i simply do what is needed, when it's needed...even if it makes me unpopular

as albert einstein said: what is popular isn't always right, what is right isn't always popular

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Last edit: 12 years 6 months ago by RyuJin.

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12 years 6 months ago #43738 by ren
It's a RyuJin says. god is in american politics because god is in americans. Solution? You can either get rid of americans, god, or politics.

as albert einstein said: what is popular isn't always right, what is right isn't always popular

This [strike]devil worshipper [/strike] democrat invented relativity for the sole purpose of indoctrinating our children into darwinism, I do not believe we can trust anything he ever said. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ. Vote republican.

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12 years 6 months ago #43742 by Adder
I'm ok with keeping traditions alive for their cultural value so long as they don't interfere with the proceedings. It's a shame people are being discriminated against because of their spiritual beliefs (or lack of) but its a predictable result when it becomes socially acceptable to insult other peoples religious identities for some reason.

If people stopped insulting other peoples religions (irregardless of the reasons for wanting to do it), then it might reduce the segregation which seems to be creating battle lines, which leads to each group exagerating themselves and building up walls and hype in an effort to counter attacks and rally supporters under a clearly delinated identity. This is what seems to be happening in the US.

I think 'the' issue needs to be that government processes are secular and non-discriminatory to everyone, and so mentioning particular religions is just helping to make the problem into something bigger. As I said initially though secular shouldn't mean stripping all mention of religion because it can have a non-functional cultural role - having traditions can connect people to history and represent a culture and having a culture doesnt mean you cannot create new history which is additional and leads to a bigger and more indepth culture. At the moment the culture is hate, division and discrimination from aspects of both sides of the argument.

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12 years 6 months ago #43744 by Br. John
We're stuck with either the demon-crat lie-berals or the hypocritical republicans who, though they claim Je$u$ as their personal savior, would never dream of having him as their personal shopper.


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12 years 6 months ago #43745 by ren

It's a shame people are being discriminated against because of their spiritual beliefs (or lack of) but its a predictable result when it becomes socially acceptable to insult other peoples religious identities for some reason.

That reason would be freedom of thought/conscience and speech/expression. To dislike others (their beliefs, way of life, etc) is a right. To rule over them, not so much. This means it should be possible to insult them, but not prevent them from going about their business. The reason why people now want to prevent others from going about their business is because they are losing their right to "hate". Even doing some hatin' on facebook is now a crime (in the UK anyway). You can be sure the guy who got months of prison for that will be voting nationalist at the next elections.

Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.

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12 years 6 months ago #43751 by
I'm going to run for presidency, the first thing I'm going to do on national T.V is burn a bible and call Busch an idiot and Woodrow Wilson a nazi and profess that the government we cherish today as a society is collapsing under it's own capitalist, dogmatic belt of ignorance.

so I win.

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12 years 6 months ago #43752 by Adder

ren wrote:

It's a shame people are being discriminated against because of their spiritual beliefs (or lack of) but its a predictable result when it becomes socially acceptable to insult other peoples religious identities for some reason.

That reason would be freedom of thought/conscience and speech/expression. To dislike others (their beliefs, way of life, etc) is a right. To rule over them, not so much. This means it should be possible to insult them, but not prevent them from going about their business. The reason why people now want to prevent others from going about their business is because they are losing their right to "hate". Even doing some hatin' on facebook is now a crime (in the UK anyway). You can be sure the guy who got months of prison for that will be voting nationalist at the next elections.

I'm not saying it should be illegal, just that I think its counterproductive.

Knight ~ introverted extropian, mechatronic neurothealogizing, technogaian buddhist. Likes integration, visualization, elucidation and transformation.
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12 years 6 months ago #43754 by
Haha love it br. John. The liberals and the republicans are both backwards in the way they approach matters, and the hypocrisy of the "christian" republicans is great. They say screw the poor and lower classes, although they claim to follow a man who commanded his followers to love and serve the poor and needy without condition!

I've talked about this before, but at the end of the day God and religion is going to be involved in every day life as long as people follow religions that encourage their members to believe this idea that only their religion is right and anyone following any other religion is wrong and should be converted. That is the problem right there in a nut shell.

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