New Sith Lord has been chosen

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16 Mar 2013 22:22 #98147 by
Replied by on topic Re: New Sith Lord has been chosen
Well, there was interesting reactions to my last, which is really good but I think I edged us away from the initial humour of the post, so my apologies to all!!;)

So for all out there that are religious automatons and not of the Baaa! variety then please enjoy your faith and may your 'God go with you'

I could get in to the evolution thing, planets and science but i feel that's for another post. :blush:

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18 Mar 2013 03:39 #98327 by Adder
I think the/any Church should only speak of the nature of that particular faith, and not anything outside it eg; society at large, or any concept of physical reality (lol, no offense intended). For me the problems occur when people start attacking other people; non-participants - applying particular beliefs to people outside of those beliefs. Whether they be non-believers or automatons of any description.

The only thing wrong with the original picture was they missed a great opportunity to add a Royal Guard helmet to the guys behind the Pope!!!

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18 Mar 2013 03:45 #98330 by RyuJin
:woohoo: funny adder...the helmet bit that is....

Papal palpatine gets to retain all the benefits of being pope, with none of the responsibilities...instead the new guy gets to clean up the mess....figures a white guy makes a mess and makes the Hispanic clean it up...will they never learn? :laugh:

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