New Sith Lord has been chosen

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15 Mar 2013 16:30 #97985 by
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Akkarin wrote: On the topic of Gay Marriage:

(Gay marriage is totally legal in Argentina where he hails from.)


There is an enourmous problem with accepting homosexuality in the Catholic Church; even though Catholics are supposed to respect every single living being, there were (and still are) Scripture-based conflicts and hatred. With homosexuality it is even more complicated, because it was condemned by St. Paul, and while that should not become superior to the Two Commandments of Love, it is used to justify opinions like the one above. I believe that is not the problem of Catholic Church in general, but rather that believers of many religions based on compassion and love follow simple rules and restrictions which are easier to live by.

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15 Mar 2013 19:03 #98000 by Angelus
I don't see what there is to be tolerant of.

This man possesses tremendous influence, and he knows it. He uses that power to advocate for inequality and intolerance.

It's a medieval mindset that taints such a powerful and widespread religion.

Jedi Knight
Former Masters: Mark Anjuu, Zanthan Storm, Br. John, Grom Fett

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15 Mar 2013 19:27 - 15 Mar 2013 19:56 #98006 by
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I can't argue with the points already made........lets face it the the Catholic Church along with the Muslim religion is full of hypocracy and frankly archaic practices that very obviously serve to frustrate the peaceful and indeed logical progression of the human race.

I find it diabolical that in this day an age, with all our factual science and drive for diversity and free spirit, that we still have so many sheep who staunchly follow these false profits living daily with the diluded hope that they are making a 'blind bit of difference'.

I can only hope that one day when evelution allows and common sense prevails, such archaic practices and institutions such as popes and Immans etc. etc. will cease to exist, and notwithstanding a healthy degree of dicipline which is needed withing society, we can all live without unproven religious interference.
Last edit: 15 Mar 2013 19:56 by .

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15 Mar 2013 21:40 #98026 by
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Arkda Asterma wrote: I can't argue with the points already made........lets face it the the Catholic Church along with the Muslim religion is full of hypocracy and frankly archaic practices that very obviously serve to frustrate the peaceful and indeed logical progression of the human race.

I find it diabolical that in this day an age, with all our factual science and drive for diversity and free spirit, that we still have so many sheep who staunchly follow these false profits living daily with the diluded hope that they are making a 'blind bit of difference'.

I can only hope that one day when evelution allows and common sense prevails, such archaic practices and institutions such as popes and Immans etc. etc. will cease to exist, and notwithstanding a healthy degree of dicipline which is needed withing society, we can all live without unproven religious interference.

What i find as diabolical is the need to belittle billions of people who find solace in Islam and Christianity.. not to mention Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Wicca, Baha'i etc etc...

And let us be honest. While many High School Science Teachers and College Science Professors would like you to think different.. Science is far from being proven. Most of Science is Hypothetical Theory that relies just as much on faith as does religion. In fact interestingly many things that were accepted as scientific fact just 20 years ago have been put into question. What is interesting is that there are even well known scientist who still follow a religious path.

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15 Mar 2013 22:03 #98032 by ren
Difference with science is that "theory" means 99.99% sure. And when they get it wrong, they say so, and move on.

Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.
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15 Mar 2013 22:08 - 15 Mar 2013 22:09 #98033 by
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Rav, I agree with most of what you say in your post but I see this:

Rav Adam wrote: Science is far from being proven. Most of Science is Hypothetical Theory that relies just as much on faith as does religion. In fact interestingly many things that were accepted as scientific fact just 20 years ago have been put into question.

Science is the process of applying the scientific method to various fields of study. The scientific method is not faith based there is no 'belief' involved.

Scientific theories are those ideas that are the best explanation we have at a particular time to explain a particular aspect of nature (anything in the universe). If another idea explains a particular aspect of nature better than the current one then that idea is replaced and the new one becomes the scientific theory.

If in 20 years time we aren't questioning what we know now then we either know everything already or scientists no longer exist...

To say that most of science is hypothetical well that is accurate. We have a long set of explanations behind countless thousands and thousands of things... at any one time there may be up to half a dozen competing ideas that are trying to explain the same aspect of nature in a better way...

The fact that a lot of science is hypothetical just shows how much work is put into researching new scientific methods and ideas... it is an example of how great science is not how poor...

(also you meant hypothetical hypotheses - theory is often used by people in a colloquial and incorrect way. 'Theory' doesn't mean 'idea' as some think it does. A theory is the most accurate way of describing an aspect of nature according to all the evidence presented)
Last edit: 15 Mar 2013 22:09 by .

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15 Mar 2013 22:14 #98036 by
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I would disagree with that. Evolution is one such "Scientific Theory" that is taught as fact which in reality is not.

I am not saying there is not some truth to evolution at the same time.. there is estimated to be at least two evolutionary steps that separate humans from primates the so called "Missing Link"

I am not arguing that if Humans came from primates but it is not proven that Humans did in fact come from primates it is based on faith that IF the missing links were discovered that they would prove that humans did come from primates.. but, these missing links do not exist.

And lets look at the Science of Medicine. Which is mostly guess work as we see in Medical trials after medical trials.

Not to mention that science has brought us thousand apon thousands of diets and exercise plans that do not work and in many cases after they have been scientifically proven to be a benefit to us have turned out after later review to be detrimental to our health.

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15 Mar 2013 22:40 #98044 by
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Rav Adam wrote: I would disagree with that. Evolution is one such "Scientific Theory" that is taught as fact which in reality is not.

I am not saying there is not some truth to evolution at the same time.. there is estimated to be at least two evolutionary steps that separate humans from primates the so called "Missing Link"

I am not arguing that if Humans came from primates but it is not proven that Humans did in fact come from primates it is based on faith that IF the missing links were discovered that they would prove that humans did come from primates.. but, these missing links do not exist.

Evolution is taught because it is the best explanation we have in explaining the way in which animals adapt and have come to be the creatures we know today...

It has its limitations...

General Relativity is taught as fact, because it is the best explanation we have in explaining the way in which objects are affected by gravity...

It has it's limitations... general relativity is absolutely and utterly rubbish in some instances at explaining how things work...

Fact: There are 8 planets in our solar system - that was until Pluto was discovered...

Fact: There are 9 planets in our solar system...

Facts change all the time. They are facts because they are currently the most accurately true statements in any given moment...

Rav Adam wrote: And lets look at the Science of Medicine. Which is mostly guess work as we see in Medical trials after medical trials.

That would be why they are 'trials' :blink:

When a new physics hypothesis is proposed... we go out and test to see if it's true... if it isn't we try something else. That is how research works... ;)

Rav Adam wrote: Not to mention that science has brought us thousand apon thousands of diets and exercise plans that do not work and in many cases after they have been scientifically proven to be a benefit to us have turned out after later review to be detrimental to our health.

Personally when there is something wrong with me I go to a good old blood letting clinic. That clears me right up. No nonsense about bacterial microbiology in that place!

Your argument against science seems to be that it isn't always perfect all of the time...

Well science never says that it is...

Science is the application of the greatest, most objective and unbiased method ever invented to help explain the way our world works...

Scientists are actually the most vocal about admitting what they don't know...

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15 Mar 2013 22:43 - 15 Mar 2013 22:52 #98045 by Angelus
Humans are primates. But we did not come from monkeys. We share common non human ancestors with them.

Evolutionary theory is the culmination of centuries of scientific inquiry and brilliant minds attempting to verify our origins. Merely because theories are supposition does not mean they are not true.

Which medical trials are you referring to? Placing your faith in something that might not exist is tantamount to guesswork. Science may begin with speculation, but concludes with proof.

Jedi Knight
Former Masters: Mark Anjuu, Zanthan Storm, Br. John, Grom Fett
Last edit: 15 Mar 2013 22:52 by Angelus.
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15 Mar 2013 23:00 #98048 by
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This thread is hardly humour anymore :D

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