Acording to ''TheVigilantChristian'' We are a part of Illuminati Spirutiality

12 Mar 2015 00:24 #184088 by Hitira38

Connor L. wrote: I'm never offended by somebody who pokes fun at my faith or by people who persecute me (not that anybody has... but if they did).

So, let them call us Illuminati. It's kind of cool, anyway.

I agree, one who seeks a false answer will do just that.


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12 Mar 2015 00:32 - 12 Mar 2015 00:38 #184089 by J_Roz
My father and brothers are all Masons. My father likes to say that they don't rule the world and if they did they wouldn't tell you.... Lol

I could only take about two minutes, I'm wiping the tears from my eyes. I think I cracked a rib....breathe...,

"O Great Spirit, Help me always to speak the truth quietly, to listen with an open mind when others speak, and to remember the peace that may be found in silence"

Kaylee: How come you don't care where you're going?
Book: 'Cause how you get there is the worthier part.
Firefly Series

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Last edit: 12 Mar 2015 00:38 by J_Roz.
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12 Mar 2015 00:47 #184090 by
I had to chuckle when he says, in regards to the mind control jedi blah blah, "You can't make this stuff up!"

Well, obviously, you can make this stuff up. :woohoo:

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12 Mar 2015 01:00 #184092 by J_Roz
Master Alexandre is right though this could be a useful lesson for us to take away from.

"O Great Spirit, Help me always to speak the truth quietly, to listen with an open mind when others speak, and to remember the peace that may be found in silence"

Kaylee: How come you don't care where you're going?
Book: 'Cause how you get there is the worthier part.
Firefly Series

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12 Mar 2015 11:45 #184102 by
My father was a Mason and he said, "The Masons are not a secret organization, but an organization with secrets."

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13 Mar 2015 01:39 - 13 Mar 2015 01:43 #184156 by OB1Shinobi
theres this guy alex collier who wrote some books and did some talks on what he called the ALPHA DRACONAINS which he says are basically lizard men from another planet that eat humans - they prefer children - and range in size from seven to twenty two feet tall.

he say that thousands of children vanish every year and are eaten by these draconians

the explanation is that they were dumped here (here being our dimension not our planet) because theyre too tough to wipe out completely but they were a nusiance to the other groups because of their natural size strength intelligence psychic ability and desire to control and dominate others

if i understand correctly he claims that the pleadians originated on a planet called lyra and that we are the same species but we are much less evolved - i think his assertion is that we were transplanted here for some or other reason but that may not be correct -i distinctly remember him saying that we have genetic memories (within our dna) of many other species or races

our moon is an artificial moon which was made from the material of some other planet and put into its orbit for use as an observation base (to observe us)
im not sure who the observers are because he refers to more than twenty different alien races
some which he refers to are

greys (they have a more precise name thats like fifteen feet long to spell out)
ghesia intelligence
the orion group

the story he gives is that it was alien influence which was behind our entire caste system
that in their civilizations they have systems of royalty - priests - warriors - workers and that our adoption of this system was because of their interference

he also says that we are naturally vegetarian and that it was draconian (i think he said draconian) influence which led to us eating meat

he claims that alien races have negatively affected us in many ways, another of which was by selectively introducing advanced technology to us which we did/do not have the evolutionary maturity to use responsibly,

they are the reason, he says, that we have left behind our essentially agricultural nature for an emphasis on a techno-cratic lifesyle which is extremely unhealthy for us as a species
that had we been left alone, we would eventually come to understand these sciences on our own
but we would have done so in a way that is more organic and proportional to the maturity of our evolutionary development

the american government he claims was given these technologies in exchange for the right to abduct and experiment on humans without interference

he claims to know this as a result of direct interaction with an alien race who selected him as an intermediary or sort of commentator i guess who learns from the alien group and shares what he learns with the rest of us

now, besides being obviously crazy, you might be wondering what this guy collier and his alpha draconians ect has to do with the topic at hand

well, in the midst of all of this hoopla mr collier insists that our free will gives us a spiritual sovereignty which we do not fully appreciate

he says that love and fear are in an epic battle within the consciousness of the entire galaxy and this is the reason for the nefariousness of other species and ourselves

he says that humanities biggest enemies are not alien races but humans who sell out their own people for power or security or wealth and that the solution is for us all as humans to see each other as one race and to align with love in defiance of fear

first love of the self then love of the human race as a whole and then love of the planet

now.ive watched video footage of him in interview on this subject and in the course of figuring out what i think of him i had to consider that he really believed that he had been abducted or selected and communicated with alien races

the understanding which hit me when i did this was that if i stop looking at his ideas as being true or accurate or legitimate and instead i take it all as symbology, as a mythology, then i come to the realization that the mythology he is describing is quite sophisticated and functional

even eloquent in its own right

he touches on truths which are as ubiquitious as they are profound

and since we are a group who have made rather free with mythology ourselves i figure we could look at other mythologies in this spirit, even if they happen to put us in a place we know is silly

People are complicated.
Last edit: 13 Mar 2015 01:43 by OB1Shinobi.

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13 Mar 2015 01:47 #184157 by RyuJin


ah, cover's been blown...

initiating global mind wipe protocol :silly:

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J.L.Lawson,Master Knight, M.div, Eastern Studies S.I.G. Advisor (Formerly Known as the Buddhist Rite)
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13 Mar 2015 01:51 - 13 Mar 2015 02:34 #184158 by OB1Shinobi

i used to tease my wiccan friends by asking if babies were better with garlic or lemon pepper

People are complicated.
Last edit: 13 Mar 2015 02:34 by OB1Shinobi.
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23 Jun 2015 12:18 #195782 by
This is simultaneously hilarious, and extremely sad. I do believe my brain may have actually just imploded. :blink:

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24 Jun 2015 12:20 #195868 by

RyuJin wrote: zealots like this are why i view christianity with distrust

That's sort of the problem. People see stuff like this as think all Christians are like that. I'm a Christian and I still take offense to people calling Jediism evil or a cult.

Just as not all Muslims are terrorists, not all Christians are crazy conspiracy theorists that think Satan is in silly things like energy drinks and sci-fi movies.

It's just stupid...

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