who is this man?

11 Sep 2013 12:12 - 11 Sep 2013 12:13 #117973 by Wescli Wardest
Replied by Wescli Wardest on topic who is this man?
I really leave that up to the individual and their personal beliefs which will generate from their experiences and what they have learnt.

And the reason I say that is there are several philosophical view pints which could justify or rationalize Jesus’ status one way or the other. IE: We are all part of the divine. If you are a part of it you can’t be separated from it therefore are it. That said, by the same logic Muhammad is God.

What I don’t think people realize is that when someone from another religion comes and points out the “errors” or confusion inherent in their beliefs, it is seen as an assault and generally not received well. I am not Christian or Islam or Druid or Satanist or Atheist or any of that… I am a Jedi and so take little offence. But others will.

The best way to win over people’s hearts and minds is to lead by example. I will not tell you the flaws and inconsistencies I have found in Islam, I will be a Jedi and we can discuss the pros of an idea. Or it’s own cons. I have no desire to tell people they are confused in their beliefs (I am not that arrogant to think I know best) or convince them otherwise.

For the record, some Christian denominations view Jesus as the Son of God and separate. The Catholic church claims the divinity of the three in one trinity. Applying what you believe to the correct denomination will give your argument more credibility then making broad generalizations.

Monastic Order of Knights
Last edit: 11 Sep 2013 12:13 by Wescli Wardest.

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11 Sep 2013 16:38 #118002 by ren
Replied by ren on topic who is this man?

What I don’t think people realize is that when someone from another religion comes and points out the “errors” or confusion inherent in their beliefs, it is seen as an assault and generally not received well.

"Few people have the wisdom to prefer the criticism that would do them good, to the praise that deceives them."
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things."
Winston Churchill

Also there is nothing un-jedi about criticism.

Conflict: To know when to fight.

A Jedi knows the conflicting nature of the Force but they also know its peace and serenity. A Jedi never blindly enters conflict and always does so for the greater good.

Pure Motive: To act with motive and purpose.

Without a sound motive and purpose, action has no meaning, no destination and lacks a foundation. A Jedi moves with the Force, trusts in its ways. A Jedi’s actions are firmly based upon a deep motivation to be as their path dictates.

Also, wescli, this is the faiths forum, the place to discuss faiths that aren't Jediism.

The problem here isn't criticism, it's criticism by a muslim of christianity on a jedi forum. Provided it is ,as you claim, criticism. It is in my eyes, an empty act: no-one really seems apt or interested in engaging in a discussion...

Yasoooo you'd be much better off putting this on a christian or religious studies website....

Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.
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11 Sep 2013 16:47 #118005 by Wescli Wardest
Replied by Wescli Wardest on topic who is this man?

For the greater good.

I would love to discuss Islam and learn more about it from one who practices it. I’m not particularly interested in a Christian’s view of Islam anymore than I am of an Islam view of Christianity.

Criticism is not a bad thing. I am pointing out that it may very well be taken offense to by some. I find criticism to be very constructive when it is analyzed for what it is and acted upon.

Think of the benefit we would all gain if we focused on sharing what we believed and not what we perceive of others. That could be pretty awesome. :D

Monastic Order of Knights

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11 Sep 2013 17:00 #118009 by Gisteron
Replied by Gisteron on topic who is this man?
I'm not sure you can criticise any disbeliever of Islam, really. After all, according to your scripture its Allah himself who 'sealed their hearing and their hearts' (Quran 2:6-7), made them deaf (2:25) and covered their hearts (18:57). I agree that the Christian opinion on Jesus (pre-supposing he ever walked the earth in the first place) stands on shaky ground but its not that Islam makes a better case in the slightest, really. Seriously, if you criticize a doctrine, better point out what's wrong about what it says and not how it isn't consistent with a different one.

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned

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14 Sep 2013 09:49 - 14 Sep 2013 09:57 #118267 by Gisteron
Replied by Gisteron on topic who is this man?
I apologize if I'm wrong and maybe indeed this is just me, but...

To me it seems that this gentleman is not interested in discussion or exchange for he has not adressed a word anyone else said but instead keeps preaching to the boards with no intent of conversation or at least conversion. It seems to be of no relevance to him wether his posts are even read, considered, accepted or contradicted or for that matter responded to in the first place.

On a side note, I found the text of his latest post at 'The Religion of Islam' and the post before that at 'One Reason' , both in exactly the same form as presented here, suggesting that yasoooo is not the author of the text and not honest enough to cite his sources. I cannot go so far as to accuse him of being a bot, but the evidence suggests not only that he is uninterested in intellectual theological exchange on the topic, but that he is probably not versed enough in it to provide arguemnts of his own for the cause he is representing. This is detrimental to our motivation to be responding in the first place and the lack of response to our posts from yasoooo is but testifying for his lack of expectation or interest in our answers as well.

Since this is a basis on which no interesting conversation can emerge I suggest this topic be locked or denied the user 'yasoooo'. Should he start a new thread for the purpose of preaching, on his own or by the magic of copy'n'paste, I also suggest that the user be removed from the boards.

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned
Last edit: 14 Sep 2013 09:57 by Gisteron.

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16 Sep 2013 10:21 #118468 by Gisteron
Replied by Gisteron on topic who is this man?
This post, too, I have found countless times with different nicknames (I didn't bother looking through all the google findings, but I found one with the very same nickname and an eni-something was banned on multiple forums giving the exact same text, too). I'm afraid you have a spammer on the boards.

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned

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16 Sep 2013 11:45 - 16 Sep 2013 11:46 #118472 by Jestor
Replied by Jestor on topic who is this man?

Ren wrote: It is in my eyes, an empty act: no-one really seems apt or interested in engaging in a discussion...

And I quite agree...

It isnt harming anyone...

Sorta like the street preacher, spouting his convictions in the air...

Only this guy isnt reacting to ANY of the passerbys... :unsure:

Seems like a waste of his time... But, it is his time... Maybe he will help someone find what it is they might be looking for...

It doesnt have to be interactive, the bible, like any other book, isnt very interactive... lol...

Gisteron wrote: Since this is a basis on which no interesting conversation can emerge I suggest this topic be locked or denied the user 'yasoooo'. Should he start a new thread for the purpose of preaching, on his own or by the magic of copy'n'paste, I also suggest that the user be removed from the boards.

So, to be clear, you are suggesting a proactive approach to a person who hasnt done anything wrong, correct?

I am just comparing to the reason you redacted your membership, when a member of Council reacted to provable spamming threats, and attacks, on our TOTJO boards from a hostile website?

Threats and spammings that you, yourself, were witness to?


On walk-about...

Sith ain't Evil...
Jedi ain't Saints....

"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching

Rite: PureLand
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Master: Jasper_Ward
Current Apprentices: Viskhard, DanWerts, Llama Su, Trisskar
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Last edit: 16 Sep 2013 11:46 by Jestor.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Wescli Wardest

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16 Sep 2013 12:52 #118475 by Kohadre
Replied by Kohadre on topic who is this man?

ren wrote: Heretics who refused to prostrate themselves before the only true trinity: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. :whistle:

Two things.

I read Brahma as Brenna

And because of this thought the other two were forum members.

Then I re-read it and hid my shame.

So long and thanks for all the fish
The following user(s) said Thank You: Adder, Alexandre Orion

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16 Sep 2013 13:05 #118478 by Jestor
Replied by Jestor on topic who is this man?

Kohadre wrote:

ren wrote: Heretics who refused to prostrate themselves before the only true trinity: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. :whistle:

Two things.

I read Brahma as Brenna

And because of this thought the other two were forum members.

Then I re-read it and hid my shame.


On walk-about...

Sith ain't Evil...
Jedi ain't Saints....

"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching

Rite: PureLand
Former Memeber of the TOTJO Council
Master: Jasper_Ward
Current Apprentices: Viskhard, DanWerts, Llama Su, Trisskar
Former Apprentices: Knight Learn_To_Know, Knight Edan, Knight Brenna, Knight Madhatter

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16 Sep 2013 16:30 #118510 by ren
Replied by ren on topic who is this man?

Kohadre wrote:

ren wrote: Heretics who refused to prostrate themselves before the only true trinity: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. :whistle:

Two things.

I read Brahma as Brenna

And because of this thought the other two were forum members.

Then I re-read it and hid my shame.

It's my hope that for the future IP religion exercise, people will be tempted to investigate Hinduism. It's an amazing religion with all sorts of different beliefs, ranging from atheistic, to monothesitic, a trinity, to polytheistic... And plenty of philosophy to go with it. Really amazing.

Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.

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