Sharing a Myth or two

23 Mar 2023 16:17 - 23 Mar 2023 16:18 #372026 by Carlos.Martinez3
In my seek, I hear stories and Myths. This one in particular took time to find in written form so, here is an excerpt from the book called "Folktales of the North American Indians" originally as "The Indian Fairy tale book" by Fredrick A. Stokes Company, New York. This is a fairytale of sort. It is about a character called Grasshopper. The exploits of grasshopper are worth looking into. Grasshopper takes on forms of a few animals and learns a few lessons in the process so each time he changes he dies and comes back as human. Here we pick up in between TWO of these transitions. Hope you enjoy and hope they can help you on your own path as Jedi.

" Having resumed his mortal shape, grasshopper found himself standing near a prairie. After walking a distance, he saw a herd of Elk eating. He admired their apparent ease and enjoyment of life and thought there could be nothing more pleasant than the liberty of running about and feeding on the prairies. He had been a water animal and now he wished to become a land animal, to learn what past in Elk's head as he roved about. So he asked them if they could turn him into one of themselves. Yes, they answered after a pause. Get down on your hand and feet. He obeyed their directions and forthwith found himself a Elk. I want big horns and big feet he said I wish to be very large for all the conceit and vein glory had not been knocked out of grasshopper, even by the sturdy thwacks of the hunters' clubs. Yes, yes, they answered. Excreting their power they asked, "Are you big enough?" That will do he replied for looking into a lake hard by, grasshopper saw that he was very large. The Elk spent their time in grazing and running to and fro: but what astonished grasshopper was that although he often lifted up his head and directed his eyes that way, he could never see the stars, which he had so admired as a human being. Being rather cold one day, grasshopper went into a thick wood for shelter, whether he was followed by most of the heard. They had not been long there when some Elks from behind, pass the others like a strong wind calling out: " The hunters ARE AFTER US!"
All took the alarm, and off they ran, grasshopper keeping with the rest. Keep out on the plains they said. But it was too late to profit from this advice, for they had already got tangled in the thick woods. Grasshopper soon scented the hunters, who were closely following his trail. For they had left the other Elk and were making after him in full cry. He jumped furiously, dashed thru the underwood and broke down groves of saplings in his flight. But this only made it harder for him to get on, such a HUGE and MUSTY Elk was he by his own request. Presently, as he dashed by a open space, he felt a arrow in his side. They could not well miss him, as he presented so wide a mark to the shot. He bounded over trees under the smart, but the shafts clattered thicker and thicker at his ribs, and at last one entered his heart. He fell to the ground and heard the WOPP of triumph by the hunters. On coming up, they looked on the carcass with astonishment, and with their hands u to their mouths, exclaimed: Tyau! Tyau! There were about sixty in the party, which had come out on a special hunt, as one of their number had observed the day before his large tracks on the plains. Now, they were highly elated at having caught this giant Elk, and immediately set on dividing the spoils. But as soon as the skin was removed, the flesh grew cold. His spirit took flight from the dead body, and grasshopper found himself in human shape with a bow and arrows. But his passion for adventure was not yet cooled; for on coming to a large lake with a sandy beach, he saw a large flock of BRANT. "

And this is where I end this part of the story.
It is my hope that by sharing and validation, we can remember that which we have been taught and have been given. Feel free to post similar stories and Myths and even where they can be found and shared. Every Myth and story has a beginning.

Happy seeking and May the Force be with y'all
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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Last edit: 23 Mar 2023 16:18 by Carlos.Martinez3.

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02 May 2023 22:23 #372437 by Carlos.Martinez3
This one hails from my own vault of Myths I share.
Not our platform nor our property and all rights belong to the owners and so forth and the link could expire at any time.

This was given to me for one of the reasons for the seasons and when Hoʻoponopono began for us.
This is taken from some talks by Serge King.

In this Myth, Maui and His brother (s) hold the sun so their mom can work.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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14 May 2023 14:31 #372588 by Carlos.Martinez3
Daughters of Haumea: Na kaikamahine o' Haumea. Women of Ancient Hawaii

A very old and expensive book I don't have.

Kaikamahine o Maui (Daughter of Maui)
Look at our daughter, gentle and soothing
A child who brings joy to all around her

A gentle rain that nourishes the land
And helps the seed of love spread in our hearts

Her voice is a sweet melody that lifts the spirit
Her strength is her gentle way

Oh child of the land
Allow the goodness in your heart to flourish

Take courage even as the tempests come
Knowing they too return to the gentle rain

May you grow to be a wise, joyful and creative woman
Infused with the love of your ‘ohana

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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