My experience with Astral Experimentation

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07 Jul 2019 16:40 - 07 Jul 2019 16:53 #340299 by
Since we've had this discussion quite a bit here, and I don't stop through enough to keep up with it as I'd like to (a lot going on right now I guess) I'm going to actually describe the experiment I did regarding astral/ethereal energy.. To the best of my ability..

This was back in the summer of 2011. To give some context to my personal situation at the time. I had been studying occult knowledge for at least five years up to that point. A practice that still continues. In the early years I kept a steady meditation routine, as well. Though by the time of this experiment. I had all but officially ended the routine. However, I still hadn't lost the ability to have deep meditative sessions. I was much more "plugged in" than I would consider myself to be these days... I've also mentioned my experience with Astral Projection. That experiment was years before I ever started to actually study occult knowledge in high school. So by the time of this experiment. I had become pretty adept in my practice. Though in a lot of ways I'd still consider myself a novice. I guess you could say I was a orange belt about ready to test for green lol..

Before I get into the experiment itself. I'd have to be honest. I didn't really think it would turn out the way it did, but I was pleasantly astounded lol.. I would've loved to continue with it..

One day I was at a homegirl's house that use to braid my hair. By this time it was late, already dark outside. She had finished my braids a while back and we were just smoking and watching TV. After while, she decided to go lay down and smoke by herself a little. I stayed in the living room and continued watching TV. After sitting there for about 15 minutes, I got annoyed by the signal acting up every few minutes. This wasn't too long after everyone switched to converter boxes in the United States. Something clicked in my mind as I sat there. I wondered to myself, "Since your body can disrupt signal waves just because of its conductivity. I wonder if I can selectively block or influence the signal using something similar." So I began to set up the experiment in my mind..

I choose the environment itself and the signal as my constant. It was late, so there was little to no movement around. Neither would I be changing the channel. Also, my body and its position relative to the converter box would remain fixed. I chose direct contact with the receiver to have the strongest chance of affecting the signal. My friend was still laying in her bed at this time and wouldn't be back and forth. I figured since the above apartment was vacant. The signal wouldn't be disturbed much by other random factors between the roof and the tv. The position of the apartment was also in a low traffic area. In regards to people and motor traffic..

My variable was me. More specifically though, my energetic fields were the variables. The plan was to use my ethereal energy to create a field to redirect the signal going into the receiver. I broke it down into four phases, or commands; Clear, Scramble, Freeze, and Off..

Clear, should funnel or focus the signal.
Scramble, should scatter the signal while funneling.
Freeze, should hold the signal in place, but allow it to still be received.
Off, should cut the receiver off from all input.

Coming up with each command was easy enough. What I had studied about ethereal alluded to there being a certain level of "natural physics" inherent in ethereal dynamics. This is especially true for the "frequencies" just "outside" of the material frequency. Which was sort of the basis for the experiment. The material and next closest frequency sharing characteristics and influencing each other.. also, being the variable in my own experiment was a.. different experience.. to say the least lol


I began the experiment by discharging whatever static might be on my person. Then had to get a sense and visualization of the radiowaves I was targeting. I walked over to the tv and receiver, then gently put my left hand on the box. I closed my eyes and began to clear my mind by focusing on my breathing.

Feeling my diaphragm softly fill my lungs with air. I began to stretch out with my feelings. Starting with the toes and feet. Feeling the sensations across the top of my skin starting from the soles of my feet. I continued slowly up the legs, visualizing as I went. Feeling the weight of the clothes and the texture of the fabric on the hairs. The more I felt, the more intense the sensation. By the time I reached my waist I had keyed in on the feeling of my aura itself. It was the sensing itself, distinct from my body.

The sensation then began to flow up my spine to my head then down my right arm. Then I let the feeling creep down to my left hand. Once there, I made a bubble around my hand. At that moment, I intuited a need for an adjustment. Instead of making my energy like an air bubble. It had to be more like a drop of liquid crystal with many inner lattices and faces.

Once completed, my awareness spread back out enough to watch the screen. I then gave the first command that shifted the faces of my energy bubble into a cone-like arrangement. The signal became steady and clear. I was surprised, to say the least. I couldn't let that excitement disrupt my focus, though. So I continued on..

I gave the next command, "scramble". I then shifted the faces to face in random directions while maintaining the cone shape. The picture on the screen began to chop up and the audio stuttered. Another successful shift. My confidence and comfortability with my energy allowed me to lock on to it all the way.

That extra bit in focus came in handy with the third command. As freezing was the most difficult command. Requiring a unique sort of shift. The faces had to become flat and parallel to each other. Yet somewhat permeable. Making that wavelength pass through at a rate so slow it was nearly in stasis. The trick worked, and the screen froze on command..

The next command was the simplest and a natural transition from the previous. The faces became solid as I let the wavelength that was held pass through. Blocking anything coming behind it. My energy bubble became like a rock. Turning the screen black, with the "no signal" pop up. A clear indication lol..

I continued with these commands, in that order, for another 3 to 4 cycles. Taking a moment to pause and settle in each phase to get a good feel for them. Each one having its success. Further solidifying my comfortability with the technique. Eventually, after those few cycles, I wanted to give it a real exercise. So I started to give the commands randomly, and at a quicker pace. Other than not repeating commands, they were truly random. I gave another 12 to 16 commands this way. Still, the same success..


Needless to say I was astounded with my results as I backed away from the experiment. Allowing my focus to take its natural state. I could hardly believe that it was actually successful. Up until that point, all I thought on these types of things were generally theory. There were other, small field tests before this.. but nothing that was this comprehensive. I haven't done another one like it. Mostly due to circumstance as lack of access to the right materials is a limitation of mine.. but it should be repeatable. It could also be recorded for further study and evidence. Though I would still advise that it stay amongst the order.. there are plenty of mysteries to reality that we haven't understood yet. The objective truth may actually be stranger than fiction..

The Force be with you all..
Last edit: 07 Jul 2019 16:53 by . Reason: Rough draft lol

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07 Jul 2019 18:26 - 07 Jul 2019 18:27 #340302 by Gisteron

Uzima Moto wrote: Before I get into the experiment itself. I'd have to be honest.

Let's hope you stay honest when you get to it, too...

I began the experiment by discharging whatever static might be on my person.

Considering what you go on to say, I have to be thorough here. I ask for patience. I'm not sure why you bring this part up anyway, but since you deem it important, so shall I. How exactly did you discharge? Did you make any attempt at confirming your static charge afterward?

Then had to get a sense and visualization of the radiowaves I was targeting.

What kind of visualization? Do you have any recording of the visualization, or of the original, raw unaltered signal itself? In case you don't, what was the radio frequency you were targeting, and where and when did this all take place? I'm asking so we can verify what station was broadcasting what at that time in that region.

Feeling my diaphragm softly fill my lungs with air. I began to stretch out with my feelings. Starting with the toes and feet. Feeling the sensations across the top of my skin starting from the soles of my feet. I continued slowly up the legs, visualizing as I went. Feeling the weight of the clothes and the texture of the fabric on the hairs. The more I felt, the more intense the sensation. By the time I reached my waist I had keyed in on the feeling of my aura itself. It was the sensing itself, distinct from my body.

How do you know that what you came to sense starting out with focusing on sensations from your skin ended up being your aura itself? How did you demonstrate that there is such a thing and that it can be sensed by this exercise? How have you ruled out other sources of what ever sensation you experienced, like ghosts, foreign sorcery from either another individual or from the universe itself? How do you know it was not due to some other natural influence either, perhaps airflow, temperature, humidity, or pressure changes, perhaps even electromagnetic interaction with your equipment?

The sensation then began to flow up my spine to my head then down my right arm. Then I let the feeling creep down to my left hand. Once there, I made a bubble around my hand. At that moment, I intuited a need for an adjustment. Instead of making my energy like an air bubble. It had to be more like a drop of liquid crystal with many inner lattices and faces.

Did you make any effort to test that intuition? Also, aside from the phase, what would be another difference between an air-bubble-like energy and a liquid-crystal-like energy? Also, did you take any measurements of those bubble or liquid crystal energy concentrations? What amounts of energy are we talking about here?

Once completed, my awareness spread back out enough to watch the screen. I then gave the first command that shifted the faces of my energy bubble into a cone-like arrangement.

Wait, so you intuited it shouldn't be bubble-like but you kept it bubble-like anyway? Also, what faces are we talking about here? What mechanism is used to manipulate their arrangement?

The signal became steady and clear. I was surprised, to say the least. I couldn't let that excitement disrupt my focus, though. So I continued on..

I'm glad your experimentalist mindset allowed you to remain sober and focused despite such surprising results. However, why exactly were you surprised? Did you have a well working theory that predicted an unsteady or unclear, or at most unaffected signal as a consequence of that particular energy bubble face arrangement? Please, elaborate.

I gave the next command, "scramble". I then shifted the faces to face in random directions while maintaining the cone shape.

Wait, hang on, I thought the cone shape was itself the arrangement of the faces... How do you keep the arrangement of the faces but also shift the faces to not have the arrangement that was the shape?

The picture on the screen began to chop up and the audio stuttered. Another successful shift. My confidence and comfortability with my energy allowed me to lock on to it all the way.

It seems like you had achieved yet another desired result. After the first time of it happening you resolved to remain vigilant, but now you were growing confident and comfortable. I hope you didn't let your guard down too much, any number of mistakes can creep in that way.

That extra bit in focus came in handy with the third command. As freezing was the most difficult command. Requiring a unique sort of shift. The faces had to become flat and parallel to each other. Yet somewhat permeable. Making that wavelength pass through at a rate so slow it was nearly in stasis. The trick worked, and the screen froze on command..

So just what wavelength are we talking about here? In order to get a static image you have to capture one frame's worth of the radio signal and have it repeat until release, or do the same with the receiver's output toward the TV. So it cannot be the radio signal that is being slowed down, and it cannot be the video signal either... Just what are you manipulating exactly?

The next command was the simplest and a natural transition from the previous. The faces became solid as I let the wavelength that was held pass through. Blocking anything coming behind it. My energy bubble became like a rock. Turning the screen black, with the "no signal" pop up. A clear indication lol..

Yes, it is very clear, that what ever you were trying to manipulate was not inside the TV, since then you wouldn't be seeing the pop up. You wouldn't be seeing it if the receiver was taking up a dark signal either, since it would just transmit the black image and the TV would be none the wiser... A very odd observation indeed. Have you done any further experiments to pinpoint what it is you were dealing with that day?

Needless to say I was astounded with my results as I backed away from the experiment. Allowing my focus to take its natural state. I could hardly believe that it was actually successful. Up until that point, all I thought on these types of things were generally theory. There were other, small field tests before this.. but nothing that was this comprehensive. I haven't done another one like it. Mostly due to circumstance as lack of access to the right materials is a limitation of mine.. but it should be repeatable.

What happened? Did you lose the receiver, broadcasting station or the TV that same night, never to recover anything equivalent again in the eight years since then?

It could also be recorded for further study and evidence.

Yes, it should be. I would have set up a number of oscillographs for an experiment like that before even commencing it, especially seeing as there were theories ahead of time predicting such results in part or in full. I certainly would have made some effort to gain access to the devices involved or equivalent ones sometime in the eight years that passed since then in order to make records of an experiment of this sort. Why didn't you?

Though I would still advise that it stay amongst the order..

Why? Do you wish mankind at large to not come to benefit from the understanding obtained through your experiment? I wouldn't want to get moralistic about it, but this is so profoundly selfish, I'm not sure how to sympathize with it...

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned
Last edit: 07 Jul 2019 18:27 by Gisteron.

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08 Jul 2019 04:21 #340309 by Adder
If you can repeat it, then the first thing I'd do is get a random number generator for choosing the states to be applied, and record doing it so it demonstrates to others that it works. Then the next step I'd do would be to use verified untampered gear...... and by then you'd have others paying to do proper tests and explorations into it.

Any reason this is in the Abrahamic section?

Introverted extropian, mechatronic neurothealogizing, technogaian buddhist.
Likes integration, visualization, elucidation and transformation.
Jou ~ Deg ~ Vlo ~ Sem ~ Mod ~ Med ~ Dis
TM: Grand Master Mark Anjuu

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08 Jul 2019 11:30 #340314 by

Gisteron wrote: Considering what you go on to say, I have to be thorough here. I ask for patience. I'm not sure why you bring this part up anyway, but since you deem it important, so shall I. How exactly did you discharge? Did you make any attempt at confirming your static charge afterward?

Well, of course I want get rid of any static that might interfere. I just touched a doorknob lol

What kind of visualization? Do you have any recording of the visualization, or of the original, raw unaltered signal itself? In case you don't, what was the radio frequency you were targeting, and where and when did this all take place? I'm asking so we can verify what station was broadcasting what at that time in that region.

Um, not sure how you record a mental visualization.. but ok.. I'm not sure as to why the content of the signal matters. What was important was the visualization of how they operate. I couldn't tell you the show. Somehow that escapes my memory lol

How do you know that what you came to sense starting out with focusing on sensations from your skin ended up being your aura itself? How did you demonstrate that there is such a thing and that it can be sensed by this exercise? How have you ruled out other sources of what ever sensation you experienced, like ghosts, foreign sorcery from either another individual or from the universe itself? How do you know it was not due to some other natural influence either, perhaps airflow, temperature, humidity, or pressure changes, perhaps even electromagnetic interaction with your equipment?

This is serious now. Don't be facetious lol "ghosts".. such subtle changes in things like air temperature or pressure would be difficult to feel I imagine. Also, I wouldn't feel much from a tv either lol

Did you make any effort to test that intuition? Also, aside from the phase, what would be another difference between an air-bubble-like energy and a liquid-crystal-like energy? Also, did you take any measurements of those bubble or liquid crystal energy concentrations? What amounts of energy are we talking about here?

Seeing as it was ethereal. I doubt I would've been able to measure it with non-ethereal methods lol.. As I've said before, nearly impossible as far as I know.. couldn't tell you amount either lol.. The intuition came from feeling that having my energy resemble wouldn't be dense enough to have the desired affect. It was immediate when I first made my energy bubble..

Wait, so you intuited it shouldn't be bubble-like but you kept it bubble-like anyway? Also, what faces are we talking about here? What mechanism is used to manipulate their arrangement?

I intuited that it shouldn't be air like, but it remained in a bubble like shape. Faces like that of the inside of a Chrystal. Thought is how they were controlled. No different from a limb or digit that receives signals from the brain.. Do try to keep up, please..

I'm glad your experimentalist mindset allowed you to remain sober and focused despite such surprising results. However, why exactly were you surprised? Did you have a well working theory that predicted an unsteady or unclear, or at most unaffected signal as a consequence of that particular energy bubble face arrangement? Please, elaborate.

Seeing as there are folks like you in the world. I had a sort of preprogrammed bias that this was just all fantastical anyway..

Wait, hang on, I thought the cone shape was itself the arrangement of the faces... How do you keep the arrangement of the faces but also shift the faces to not have the arrangement that was the shape?

They're faces, they had the same general position yet shifted to face multiple directions instead having the uniformity of the previous phase. I probably should have made visual aid lol

It seems like you had achieved yet another desired result. After the first time of it happening you resolved to remain vigilant, but now you were growing confident and comfortable. I hope you didn't let your guard down too much, any number of mistakes can creep in that way.

No, because it wasn't pride. Just a sense of being the variable becoming easier as the experiment went on..

So just what wavelength are we talking about here? In order to get a static image you have to capture one frame's worth of the radio signal and have it repeat until release, or do the same with the receiver's output toward the TV. So it cannot be the radio signal that is being slowed down, and it cannot be the video signal either... Just what are you manipulating exactly?

Or you can just hold one frame's worth indefinitely.. but wait, why couldn't you slow it down? That's what I did by manipulating my energy..

Yes, it is very clear, that what ever you were trying to manipulate was not inside the TV, since then you wouldn't be seeing the pop up. You wouldn't be seeing it if the receiver was taking up a dark signal either, since it would just transmit the black image and the TV would be none the wiser... A very odd observation indeed. Have you done any further experiments to pinpoint what it is you were dealing with that day?

No, I have not. Due to the circumstances

What happened? Did you lose the receiver, broadcasting station or the TV that same night, never to recover anything equivalent again in the eight years since then?

Essentially, it was just a spontaneous opportunity to test it. I wouldn't have wanted to just be weird and ask, "Hey, can I use your tv for a psychic experiment, again?" Awkward lol

Yes, it should be. I would have set up a number of oscillographs for an experiment like that before even commencing it, especially seeing as there were theories ahead of time predicting such results in part or in full. I certainly would have made some effort to gain access to the devices involved or equivalent ones sometime in the eight years that passed since then in order to make records of an experiment of this sort. Why didn't you?

Again, circumstances.. your privilege is starting to show..

Why? Do you wish mankind at large to not come to benefit from the understanding obtained through your experiment? I wouldn't want to get moralistic about it, but this is so profoundly selfish, I'm not sure how to sympathize with it...

Well, folks only keep this type of innovative information private for either greed or safety.. Guess which one I'm thinking of lol..
You and the other lady seem to share this naivety and underestimate the evilness of human nature.. or at least your world's potential to be controlled by such people..

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08 Jul 2019 11:33 #340315 by

Adder wrote: If you can repeat it, then the first thing I'd do is get a random number generator for choosing the states to be applied, and record doing it so it demonstrates to others that it works. Then the next step I'd do would be to use verified untampered gear...... and by then you'd have others paying to do proper tests and explorations into it.

Any reason this is in the Abrahamic section?

Could you explain further?..

Also, I didn't know if I wanted this in the general discussion section..

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08 Jul 2019 13:15 #340316 by Gisteron

Uzima Moto wrote:

Gisteron wrote: How do you know that what you came to sense starting out with focusing on sensations from your skin ended up being your aura itself? How did you demonstrate that there is such a thing and that it can be sensed by this exercise? How have you ruled out other sources of what ever sensation you experienced, like ghosts, foreign sorcery from either another individual or from the universe itself? How do you know it was not due to some other natural influence either, perhaps airflow, temperature, humidity, or pressure changes, perhaps even electromagnetic interaction with your equipment?

This is serious now. Don't be facetious lol "ghosts".. such subtle changes in things like air temperature or pressure would be difficult to feel I imagine. Also, I wouldn't feel much from a tv either lol

Okay, so the reason you know it wasn't a ghost amounts to "lol don't be silly" and the reason you know it wasn't some physically induced sensation is that you "imagine" any such stimulus would have been too weak for your detection. I'm not sure this argumentation is quite strong enough to warrant my believing in your having sensed your aura thusly, but then I haven't been in your shoes, so perhaps you are justified in that belief, for now.

Seeing as [the energy] was ethereal. I [sic] doubt I would've been able to measure it with non-ethereal methods lol.. As I've said before, nearly impossible as far as I know.. couldn't tell you amount either lol..

What is ethereal energy? Is it anything like regular energy? How do you know that the energy you have been accumulating at your hand was ethereal energy as opposed to regular non-ethereal energy? Did you make any attempt to test which one it is, or to employ either ethereal or non-ethereal methods to measure anything at all about it?

Wait, hang on, I thought the cone shape was itself the arrangement of the faces... How do you keep the arrangement of the faces but also shift the faces to not have the arrangement that was the shape?

They're faces, they had the same general position yet shifted to face multiple directions instead having the uniformity of the previous phase. I probably should have made visual aid lol

But the individual... I guess lattice cells... were arranged in the bubble as before, except the faces were arranged so as to form the cone. Now the orientations are all scrambled, but the location never was cone-like anyway, so where is the cone-like shape retained, if its neither the orientation of the faces nor the positions of the cells?

So just what wavelength are we talking about here? In order to get a static image you have to capture one frame's worth of the radio signal and have it repeat until release, or do the same with the receiver's output toward the TV. So it cannot be the radio signal that is being slowed down, and it cannot be the video signal either... Just what are you manipulating exactly?

Or you can just hold one frame's worth indefinitely..

Yes, that's what I said. capture the portion of the signal that produced the frame, and repeat it. The image is encoded in the signal, it is not a part of it. It is constructed on the screen, no earlier. So in order to "hold" it, the receiver must keep sending that same signal segment to the TV over and over, every time the TV is rendering the frame.

but wait, why couldn't you slow it down? That's what I did by manipulating my energy..

It's not that you literally wouldn't be able to slow it down, it's that slowing it down wouldn't result in the TV holding the frame. It would distort, desync, and disintegrate instead. The display device, after all, doesn't wait for the rest of the signal segment to come in before rendering the frame, it'll attempt to render at its refresh rate no matter what data it has received. If it's a CRT monitor, there's a good chance it could suffer permanent damage from a signal slowed down without safety concerns... Forgive me for sounding rude again, but have you read up on how graphical displays or radio data transmissions work before or since your experiment? I have no means of judging how much you understand of ethereal energy, but you don't sound like you know what to expect from a TV anyway, even if you know full well what you are doing to the signal.

What happened? Did you lose the receiver, broadcasting station or the TV that same night, never to recover anything equivalent again in the eight years since then?

Essentially, it was just a spontaneous opportunity to test it. I wouldn't have wanted to just be weird and ask, "Hey, can I use your tv for a psychic experiment, again?" Awkward lol

Yes, it should be. I would have set up a number of oscillographs for an experiment like that before even commencing it, especially seeing as there were theories ahead of time predicting such results in part or in full. I certainly would have made some effort to gain access to the devices involved or equivalent ones sometime in the eight years that passed since then in order to make records of an experiment of this sort. Why didn't you?

Again, circumstances.. your privilege is starting to show..

And what privilege is that exactly, pray tell? The privilege of being firm enough not to be kept from a profoundly interesting experiment by something as banal as not wanting to sound weird or awkward? Yes, I guess my curiosity is stronger than such sensibilities. A privilege, perhaps at times. A curse, perhaps at others. Envy me not, if you can help it. I wish I could share my unwavering inquisitiveness. Alas, to express it is all I can do, for now.

Why? Do you wish mankind at large to not come to benefit from the understanding obtained through your experiment? I wouldn't want to get moralistic about it, but this is so profoundly selfish, I'm not sure how to sympathize with it...

Well, folks only keep this type of innovative information private for either greed or safety.. Guess which one I'm thinking of lol..

Please, enlighten me. Why do you wish to keep this private? I suppose toying around with electronics one doesn't understand isn't exactly a safe passtime, so there is a case to be made to keep this private lest some follow your lead and harm themselves or their equipment. Is that your worry? But why build no records of the procedure and the results? Surely, the safer option is when people know of the risks than if they do not, wouldn't you agree?

You and the other lady seem to share this naivety and underestimate the evilness of human nature.. or at least your world's potential to be controlled by such people..

I try not to attribute to wickedness what can more parsimoniously be accounted for through incompetence. A charitable approach, by all means, but my experience thus far has not disappointed me in this. What "the other lady", by the way?

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned

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08 Jul 2019 16:11 #340321 by Carlos.Martinez3

Uzima Moto wrote: Since we've had this discussion quite a bit here, and I don't stop through enough to keep up with it as I'd like to (a lot going on right now I guess) I'm going to actually describe the experiment I did regarding astral/ethereal energy.. To the best of my ability..

This was back in the summer of 2011. To give some context to my personal situation at the time. I had been studying occult knowledge for at least five years up to that point. A practice that still continues. In the early years I kept a steady meditation routine, as well. Though by the time of this experiment. I had all but officially ended the routine. However, I still hadn't lost the ability to have deep meditative sessions. I was much more "plugged in" than I would consider myself to be these days... I've also mentioned my experience with Astral Projection. That experiment was years before I ever started to actually study occult knowledge in high school. So by the time of this experiment. I had become pretty adept in my practice. Though in a lot of ways I'd still consider myself a novice. I guess you could say I was a orange belt about ready to test for green lol..

Before I get into the experiment itself. I'd have to be honest. I didn't really think it would turn out the way it did, but I was pleasantly astounded lol.. I would've loved to continue with it..

One day I was at a homegirl's house that use to braid my hair. By this time it was late, already dark outside. She had finished my braids a while back and we were just smoking and watching TV. After while, she decided to go lay down and smoke by herself a little. I stayed in the living room and continued watching TV. After sitting there for about 15 minutes, I got annoyed by the signal acting up every few minutes. This wasn't too long after everyone switched to converter boxes in the United States. Something clicked in my mind as I sat there. I wondered to myself, "Since your body can disrupt signal waves just because of its conductivity. I wonder if I can selectively block or influence the signal using something similar." So I began to set up the experiment in my mind..

I choose the environment itself and the signal as my constant. It was late, so there was little to no movement around. Neither would I be changing the channel. Also, my body and its position relative to the converter box would remain fixed. I chose direct contact with the receiver to have the strongest chance of affecting the signal. My friend was still laying in her bed at this time and wouldn't be back and forth. I figured since the above apartment was vacant. The signal wouldn't be disturbed much by other random factors between the roof and the tv. The position of the apartment was also in a low traffic area. In regards to people and motor traffic..

My variable was me. More specifically though, my energetic fields were the variables. The plan was to use my ethereal energy to create a field to redirect the signal going into the receiver. I broke it down into four phases, or commands; Clear, Scramble, Freeze, and Off..

Clear, should funnel or focus the signal.
Scramble, should scatter the signal while funneling.
Freeze, should hold the signal in place, but allow it to still be received.
Off, should cut the receiver off from all input.

Coming up with each command was easy enough. What I had studied about ethereal alluded to there being a certain level of "natural physics" inherent in ethereal dynamics. This is especially true for the "frequencies" just "outside" of the material frequency. Which was sort of the basis for the experiment. The material and next closest frequency sharing characteristics and influencing each other.. also, being the variable in my own experiment was a.. different experience.. to say the least lol


I began the experiment by discharging whatever static might be on my person. Then had to get a sense and visualization of the radiowaves I was targeting. I walked over to the tv and receiver, then gently put my left hand on the box. I closed my eyes and began to clear my mind by focusing on my breathing.

Feeling my diaphragm softly fill my lungs with air. I began to stretch out with my feelings. Starting with the toes and feet. Feeling the sensations across the top of my skin starting from the soles of my feet. I continued slowly up the legs, visualizing as I went. Feeling the weight of the clothes and the texture of the fabric on the hairs. The more I felt, the more intense the sensation. By the time I reached my waist I had keyed in on the feeling of my aura itself. It was the sensing itself, distinct from my body.

The sensation then began to flow up my spine to my head then down my right arm. Then I let the feeling creep down to my left hand. Once there, I made a bubble around my hand. At that moment, I intuited a need for an adjustment. Instead of making my energy like an air bubble. It had to be more like a drop of liquid crystal with many inner lattices and faces.

Once completed, my awareness spread back out enough to watch the screen. I then gave the first command that shifted the faces of my energy bubble into a cone-like arrangement. The signal became steady and clear. I was surprised, to say the least. I couldn't let that excitement disrupt my focus, though. So I continued on..

I gave the next command, "scramble". I then shifted the faces to face in random directions while maintaining the cone shape. The picture on the screen began to chop up and the audio stuttered. Another successful shift. My confidence and comfortability with my energy allowed me to lock on to it all the way.

That extra bit in focus came in handy with the third command. As freezing was the most difficult command. Requiring a unique sort of shift. The faces had to become flat and parallel to each other. Yet somewhat permeable. Making that wavelength pass through at a rate so slow it was nearly in stasis. The trick worked, and the screen froze on command..

The next command was the simplest and a natural transition from the previous. The faces became solid as I let the wavelength that was held pass through. Blocking anything coming behind it. My energy bubble became like a rock. Turning the screen black, with the "no signal" pop up. A clear indication lol..

I continued with these commands, in that order, for another 3 to 4 cycles. Taking a moment to pause and settle in each phase to get a good feel for them. Each one having its success. Further solidifying my comfortability with the technique. Eventually, after those few cycles, I wanted to give it a real exercise. So I started to give the commands randomly, and at a quicker pace. Other than not repeating commands, they were truly random. I gave another 12 to 16 commands this way. Still, the same success..


Needless to say I was astounded with my results as I backed away from the experiment. Allowing my focus to take its natural state. I could hardly believe that it was actually successful. Up until that point, all I thought on these types of things were generally theory. There were other, small field tests before this.. but nothing that was this comprehensive. I haven't done another one like it. Mostly due to circumstance as lack of access to the right materials is a limitation of mine.. but it should be repeatable. It could also be recorded for further study and evidence. Though I would still advise that it stay amongst the order.. there are plenty of mysteries to reality that we haven't understood yet. The objective truth may actually be stranger than fiction..

The Force be with you all..

The human potential is amazing. Truthfully - the most amazing thing about it is this small thing called a Testimony. Every one has one. No one will deny a testimony’s ... power but many do. That’s ok too.
This place is created to share with others our paths and practices and findings and seeking ... thank you for sharing.
Reminds me of this place I used to visit with my step dad- South West Research Center in San Antonio Texas. I was 8-10 and during those few years he cooked for the scientific area in there. He would bring a cart and cook it up to order for each of them as requested. Great life. I would tag along often. I saw a man with a helmet hooked up to a huge screen. His brain waves were controlling the roll and pitch of his seat. They had a lot of problems with it - totally experiments and nothing solid but in this case ... they were having problems with banking .... the seat. Turning quickly then returning it upright. Don’t get me lying on which blue cord was what and what machine but I know for sure . The mind is a un opened and un tried thing. Potentially the greatest thing we got minus bread. Lol .

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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16 Jul 2019 02:29 #340421 by

Carlos.Martinez3 wrote: The human potential is amazing. Truthfully - the most amazing thing about it is this small thing called a Testimony. Every one has one. No one will deny a testimony’s ... power but many do. That’s ok too.
This place is created to share with others our paths and practices and findings and seeking ... thank you for sharing.
Reminds me of this place I used to visit with my step dad- South West Research Center in San Antonio Texas. I was 8-10 and during those few years he cooked for the scientific area in there. He would bring a cart and cook it up to order for each of them as requested. Great life. I would tag along often. I saw a man with a helmet hooked up to a huge screen. His brain waves were controlling the roll and pitch of his seat. They had a lot of problems with it - totally experiments and nothing solid but in this case ... they were having problems with banking .... the seat. Turning quickly then returning it upright. Don’t get me lying on which blue cord was what and what machine but I know for sure . The mind is a un opened and un tried thing. Potentially the greatest thing we got minus bread. Lol .

Yes, I do believe whatever living energy that is the basis of our consciousness is truly an untapped reservoir of potential and literal power.. it's not something figurative, but something potent. Something very real. Like a reality just beyond our mundane earthly senses. We are a part of that level of reality just as much as this one. I believe that there is a difference of sensitivity to it that most don't cultivate though.. because it's truly a matter of openness. In my humble but observant opinion lol denial is irrelevant at this point for me lol

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25 Jul 2019 23:52 - 25 Jul 2019 23:57 #340635 by

Gisteron wrote: Okay, so the reason you know it wasn't a ghost amounts to "lol don't be silly" and the reason you know it wasn't some physically induced sensation is that you "imagine" any such stimulus would have been too weak for your detection. I'm not sure this argumentation is quite strong enough to warrant my believing in your having sensed your aura thusly, but then I haven't been in your shoes, so perhaps you are justified in that belief, for now.

Lol I just didn't take your ghost comment seriously, that's all. That's not why it wouldn't have been that, or any of the other factors you mentioned, that I would've mistaken for the feeling of my energy.

For starters, from what I knew then and know now, typically a disembodied soul cannot be controlled in the way I was attempting to exert it.. not without some ritual that I'm not aware of.. contacting a ghost is much easier, BY FAR. Even cleansing them would still be easier than trying to take control IMO.. If it is possible, it's not a simple feat..

As for another individual casting their will on me. I find that unlikely. Mainly due to the near zero amount of people who knew I would be into anything close to that stuff. As well as the spontaneity of the experiment. It wasn't at all pre-planned. Who would've, and could've, had
time to waste following me around just to cast a spell that would confirm my suspicions through a spontaneous experiment?

Now, as far as those natural possibilities go. Nothing had changed in my physical environment that would account for all the sensations in and outside of my body happening in simultaneous synchronicity (just to emphasize the point).. the process partially involves outward stimuli.. but only so you can sense you sensing. If that makes sense lol also, remember when I said I tried to get rid of any static charge before I started. I didn't want any kind of electromagnetic reaction to be the determiner of my results..

What is ethereal energy? Is it anything like regular energy? How do you know that the energy you have been accumulating at your hand was ethereal energy as opposed to regular non-ethereal energy? Did you make any attempt to test which one it is, or to employ either ethereal or non-ethereal methods to measure anything at all about it?

The question isn't "what is it?" Truthfully, it's better to ask what is it not.. because essentially everything is ethereal. Even matter is Ethereal.. or better to say Ethereal takes on a form, of many, we call matter.. so regular, or "not regular", it's all Ethereal. You can't necessarily directly measure the movement and interaction of energy beyond the material frequency with material instruments.. but you can measure the impact of their movement on the material level..

Learning this and more changed my perspective on what exactly I was doing that day. I set out to manipulate my energy with that experiment. Due to my intent, I do not think I manipulated my own conductivity. However, I didn't affect the wave directly either. What happened was an interaction beyond the material frequency. My etheric energy affected the etheric energy of the carrier wave without distorting the imprint on the wave itself. To the nonparticipant observer there would have been no measurable evidence of energy movement until he observed my control over the image on the screen.

But the individual... I guess lattice cells... were arranged in the bubble as before, except the faces were arranged so as to form the cone. Now the orientations are all scrambled, but the location never was cone-like anyway, so where is the cone-like shape retained, if its neither the orientation of the faces nor the positions of the cells?

The term bubble would be interchangeable with field in this instance. The inner dynamics of which wouldn't necessarily effect the the shape of the field itself. It is what I determine it to be.. whether that's a bubble with reflecting faces arranged in a funnel or making those same faces semipermeable.. as I did with the "freeze" command..

Yes, that's what I said. capture the portion of the signal that produced the frame, and repeat it. The image is encoded in the signal, it is not a part of it. It is constructed on the screen, no earlier. So in order to "hold" it, the receiver must keep sending that same signal segment to the TV over and over, every time the TV is rendering the frame.

It's not that you literally wouldn't be able to slow it down, it's that slowing it down wouldn't result in the TV holding the frame. It would distort, desync, and disintegrate instead. The display device, after all, doesn't wait for the rest of the signal segment to come in before rendering the frame, it'll attempt to render at its refresh rate no matter what data it has received. If it's a CRT monitor, there's a good chance it could suffer permanent damage from a signal slowed down without safety concerns... Forgive me for sounding rude again, but have you read up on how graphical displays or radio data transmissions work before or since your experiment? I have no means of judging how much you understand of ethereal energy, but you don't sound like you know what to expect from a TV anyway, even if you know full well what you are doing to the signal.

Since the code is imprinted as a fluctuation on a electromagnetic wave. If a certain section is held, allowing the receiver to read only that segment. What would that do? Admittedly it might not have been a total stop.. but maybe that's just how it felt. It felt like how the stasis technique looks in the recent movies.. like a buzzing of sorts.. being the variable in this experiment was a weird experience lol

And what privilege is that exactly, pray tell? The privilege of being firm enough not to be kept from a profoundly interesting experiment by something as banal as not wanting to sound weird or awkward? Yes, I guess my curiosity is stronger than such sensibilities. A privilege, perhaps at times. A curse, perhaps at others. Envy me not, if you can help it. I wish I could share my unwavering inquisitiveness. Alas, to express it is all I can do, for now.

You presume much indeed.. please, tell me the cost of getting all the proper equipment. They might qualify as a luxury. Which everyone doesn't have.. especially not at such short notice.. Because being awkward was actually a small concern by comparison. Given the resources and opportunity, a fully equipped experiment would've been preferred.. Don't worry, I have no reason to envy your curiosity lol

Please, enlighten me. Why do you wish to keep this private? I suppose toying around with electronics one doesn't understand isn't exactly a safe passtime, so there is a case to be made to keep this private lest some follow your lead and harm themselves or their equipment. Is that your worry? But why build no records of the procedure and the results? Surely, the safer option is when people know of the risks than if they do not, wouldn't you agree?

We're not talking about any high voltage experimentation. The worse that would happen maybe is damage to the receiver, if that. Being something not too different from everyday occurrences of signal distortion.

I'll say it directly, whether you'll take me seriously or not. There are other, secret orders that take these type of phenomena seriously.. some of which I doubt are very altruistically motivated in their practice or perception of it. Among the great number of secret societies out there, THOSE are the most dangerous IMO.. due to the great honor I've seen them addressed with by original leaders of the so called "New Age", Ledbetter, Blavatsky, and the like.. so, I think their potential real world influence can be deduced from there.. not to mention the interests that would love to dissect someone to see what makes them tick.. or others who would consider them an abomination.. then those that would look to convert some to their cause. Tempting them with the power to create a "better" world.. there are quite a few threats.. mostly from an attempt to control the knowledge of it.. as always

Besides, if Edgar Casey's experience was any indication. There would be a number of the common folk just looking to exploit them for some personal advantage in life.. like you say, it's very important that folks understand the risks involved and respond accordingly..
Last edit: 25 Jul 2019 23:57 by .

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26 Jul 2019 09:01 #340639 by Gisteron

Uzima Moto wrote: For starters, from what I knew then and know now, typically a disembodied soul cannot be controlled in the way I was attempting to exert it.. not without some ritual that I'm not aware of.. contacting a ghost is much easier, BY FAR. Even cleansing them would still be easier than trying to take control IMO.. If it is possible, it's not a simple feat..

The question is not whether you were controlling or contacting a ghost or not, nor whether any such interaction would have been intentional. You reported sensing something and you identified the source of what ever that was as your aura. I'm asking how you ruled out it being anything else. No claim is made about the ease or difficulty of controlling a ghost. But you already admit you believe they exist and can interact with us. How do you know that what you felt was your aura and not any such interaction?

As for another individual casting their will on me. I find that unlikely. Mainly due to the near zero amount of people who knew I would be into anything close to that stuff. As well as the spontaneity of the experiment. It wasn't at all pre-planned. Who would've, and could've, had time to waste following me around just to cast a spell that would confirm my suspicions through a spontaneous experiment?

Again, you are assuming I'm suggesting any kind of intentional interference. I'm not. I'm asking how you know auras exist and that you were sensing your own and not anything else. And now here we are, with even intentional will casting from third parties being not out of the question, just "unlikely" because there wasn't zero but only "near zero" individuals of whom you can say that they'd know and an unknown albeit probably small to zero amount of people who may well have had time to waste following you around. So how likely is it then, exactly, and how did you compute that likelihood, if you only ever performed the experiment this once and did nothing to store the data gathered? And what about all of the conceivable magical interferences, not just the intentional ones? How unlikely are they, and what did you do to estimate that likelihood before judging it negligible compared to the likelihood that you were sensing your aura instead? Just how likely is sensing an aura, anyway?

Now, as far as those natural possibilities go. Nothing had changed in my physical environment that would account for all the sensations in and outside of my body happening in simultaneous synchronicity (just to emphasize the point).. the process partially involves outward stimuli.. but only so you can sense you sensing. If that makes sense lol also, remember when I said I tried to get rid of any static charge before I started. I didn't want any kind of electromagnetic reaction to be the determiner of my results..

Yea, I remember you said you touched a door knob. I don't remember you saying how you measured how much static charge you or any other part of the experiment had afterwads, although I do remember asking "Did you make any attempt at confirming your static charge afterward?" But before we get bogged down with electrostatic forces here and neglect all others, just like earlier it looked like we were only looking at only the subset of intentional ghost and magical interferences rather than all: How much did your physical environmental qualities change during the course of the experiment, roughly? And how much would have been the minimal amount (again, no exact numbers needed, just give me some rough estimate if you can, please) to account for all the sensations in and outside of your body, in your opinion?

What happened was an interaction beyond the material frequency. My etheric energy affected the etheric energy of the carrier wave without distorting the imprint on the wave itself. To the nonparticipant observer there would have been no measurable evidence of energy movement until he observed my control over the image on the screen.

It's not that I actually hate to break it to you but... TV screens didn't just fall from the sky, you know. People built them. People before them invented them, and people yet before those discovered and mapped the natural effects that such technology exploits. TV screens are not witchcraft. The image doesn't just spawn out of some magic soup of reality to suddenly appear on it. You can hook up electrodes to any part of the device and actually measure the changes in voltage that accompany what ever changes on the screen itself.
You can't have it both ways. Either the "energy movement" is measurable well ahead of where the image appears (possibly even well ahead of the entire TV device) or no control over the image on the screen is exerted. I'm sorry, but physics just isn't this whimsical. If nature could arbitrarily choose to behave entirely unlike how she does at any moment, we wouldn't have any understanding of it at all, and nothing like that TV you keep portraying as a magic image box would even exist...

Since the code is imprinted as a fluctuation on a electromagnetic wave. If a certain section is held, allowing the receiver to read only that segment. What [sic] would that do? Admittedly it might not have been a total stop.. but maybe that's just how it felt. It felt like how the stasis technique looks in the recent movies.. like a buzzing of sorts.. being the variable in this experiment was a weird experience lol

*sigh* You cannot "hold" an electromagnetic wave. You can get it pretty bloody near to a stop, all the while sacrificing any way a regular receiving antenna could capture it. Nor, for that matter, can you force the receiver to only read one section of your wave unless you keep sending it that segment. Everything else depends on the specific electronics and segment involved. Does the signal contain hblank and vblank markers and does the receiver need/interpret or even construct any itself? What are the values transmitted during vblank and hblank times, if any are, and - again, does the receiver do anything with them before forwarding the end result to the display device? Does the display device require vblank and hblank markers, what values can it tolerate in those times and what happens if wrong ones are forwarded instead?
In a way I'm glad you ask what would happen, ill-equipped though I am to answer, seeing as I know almost nothing of electronics in general and less still about the specific devices you were using eight years ago. What confuses me is why you didn't ask them before setting out to toying with the equipment, or at any point since that day? What kind of experimental inquiry is it, where you go in learning nothing about the parts involved beforehand, jump to conclusions you held well before anyway, and based on spurious indication if any, never make any attempt to record the experiment for later review or to repeat it, and never make any attempt at learning what could have happened since, let alone what did happen (assuming you are being remotely honest and reliable in your recollection - an amount of charity I was evidently unworthy of when I asked about ghosts).

... please, tell me the cost of getting all the proper equipment. They might qualify as a luxury. Which everyone doesn't have.. especially not at such short notice.. Because being awkward was actually a small concern by comparison. Given the resources and opportunity, a fully equipped experiment would've been preferred..

Well, it appears you were using someone else's receiver and TV. I don't know how much you paid them, but I'm sure borrowing equivalent devices can be as cheap as no amount at all, if you are friendly with anyone who owns such a thing. I imagine even any local school or library would have them collecting dust and might just grant you access for the high price of asking nicely. An oscillograph is a bit harder to come by. Here is a cheap DIY digital oscilloscope construction kit at some two and a half dollars. Alternatively, if you cannot afford such luxuries but happen to already own a computing device with a signal jack and an internet connection on any other machine, you can learn about how to read out electrical signals and write the few lines of code it takes to read signals from a pin on that signal jack and store them in memory (or on the hard drive if it happens to be a computer that has one). You'll probably need a signal cable to match that jack as well. A torn one preferably, since they are easier to come by, nobody needs them, and since you need the raw connections on one side anyway. Considering this would be very low level programming, you're probably better off with something like a C family language rather than Python or so. You'll also need that readout speed, of course, but even Windows console applications with graphical outputs have loop rates of several kHz on even outdated processors, so you'll probably be just fine even if your computing device is a literal twenty year old cell phone.
I admit, there is some sort of barrier to entry to perform this sort of experiment. We're looking possibly at some ten or twenty dollars' worth of expenses, and that is indeed a luxury far from all can afford, especially on such a short notice as the eight years that have passed by now. I for one count myself blessed to have saved up this much in such a short time but I understand not everybody can and I apologize for presuming you might...

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned

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