Jedi Holiday Commitee

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17 Jun 2008 01:30 #16207 by
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SidAnDunn wrote:

how about Festivus? lol, but i disagree with the whole SW celebrations like Lucas day and what not that for LARPS but what about Holiday months like Muslims like with Ramadan and such or like catholics and Lutherans the Church year , the whole year broken up (Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Pentecost) and then separate major days celebrated within them.
Like the Jedi Year
I wouldnt know exactly how to set it up but im sure someone would have an Idea

Well, I mentioned a Holy Month for May - like it or not, Star Wars IS a major influence on the Jedi faith, so it's only right to recognize the release of the films (all of which occur in May).

I'm not quite comfortable with recognizing the birthdays of individuals, but I think if we count Life Day to be someplace in December, it could coincide with Christmas and we won't hafta seem Christo-centric (or however you say it for a \"bias towards Christianity\"). After all, if we do that, we'd hafta add in all other Pagan holidays turned to the will of other religions which then became degraded by secularism. :D

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17 Jun 2008 01:37 #16208 by
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true but geez have you seen some of the holidays/festivals and feasts are in the christian church year? there are alot i mean alot, so we could go over which ones are the most relevant to Jediism and then put those in the church year and voila a list of \"holidays\" to be recognized and feasts and prayer days of individuals etc. Im talking like a catechism like Luther wrote the small Catechism of the Lutheran church and it explains the code creed and beliefs and practices of the church and then has a list of certain holidays and festivals that arent widely known for the church year like did you know Sept. 29th is All Angels Day?

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17 Jun 2008 08:12 #16213 by
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Well.. if a time must be recognised then I too say May

but is not every single day special in its own right?

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23 Jun 2008 13:55 #16441 by
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It's pretty clear that this discussion is far from, over, here is a little more imput from

I don't think we should call it christmas, but we should definately have something that is christmas in everything but name and y'know the baby jesus part. my suggestion, is Love day. after Life day, which would be around thanksgiving...
and simply for the purpose of having more days to celebrate, influential names in the formation of Jediism's birthday's should be celebrated.
someone should definately look into the date the site was founded.... ok keep those ideas and opinions going people, I'll check back next week

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23 Jun 2008 14:10 #16443 by
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I seem to remember the site being founded on 25th December, which rings a bell in itself ;)

however, think of this, could not 'celebrating' a Jedi festival not be seen as self aggrandisement?

Just a flip side thouhgt,

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23 Jun 2008 14:18 #16444 by
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Christmas has been around much longer than the christian religion. Christmas was actually taken from a pagan holiday. As were many other holidays celebrated by christians. To me the founding date of our temple is symbolic for the beginning of a life ie: bearer of gifts hence life.

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24 Jun 2008 00:31 #16461 by
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I'd rather not dip into the \"Tagging Along With Christmas\" ideas. You can call it Yule or Mithra's Day, or the Festival of Dionysus, or whatever, but everybody will still say \"Merry Christmas,\" and any attempt to change that to \"HAPPY LIGHTS DAY!\" will probably get you laughed at.

I think, if our main holidays are in May, then we don't really need anything major through the rest of the year - just smaller, minor things. If there are Christian Jedi (and I know there are), they should feel free to celebrate Christmas as they wish. Any Jewish Jedi can celebrate Hanukkah if they wish. We can shift Life Day up to November 30 or December 1 to avoid Thanksgiving directly, too.

To be honest - since Jediism itself is a very flexible religion, I think our observances, too, can be flexible depending on the individual. I mean, we can all agree that May 25th is an important date for Jedi (and May altogether), but we don't REALLY have to consider it a \"holy day\" or \"holy month.\" I actually use the terms jokingly. Particularly if any of it gets in the way of other holidays, we can shift dates for observances, or ignore them in favor for more important ones, or simply take a small portion of our time out of the day to reflect upon the Force.

Then again, much like Rich said, we should be doing that last one anyway. Though I think he said making every day like a holiday, but... still, we should be meditating daily. :laugh:

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24 Jun 2008 02:05 #16463 by
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i tend to agree with Xiam.
i actually like the name \"light day\" rather than life day as it doens't seem to pull up painful images of wookies named lumpy and bea arthur (shudder).

just a thought- what about leave christmas alone and just leave it up to the individual to celebrate christmas or not. officially it is a national holiday anyway and it's been capitalized on enought by everyone. we can list it among our holidays as xmas if we like.

we can have a major holiday in may and then leave the rest to the greeting card companies. maybe a few important peoples b-day but i would see that more as like presidents day or (in utah) the 24th of july.

what about just having light or life or qui-gon day be may 6th. there were 6 SW films and it's much easier than a whole month. but arguably it could be a bad idea as we may all be hung over from cinco de mayo....

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24 Jun 2008 09:13 #16473 by
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Well... here is my thoughts on existing feast days, now then those of the various rites will already have their own feast days anyway (depending upon their religion.

So the easy answer if one insists on 'celebrating' a day is to find one, say in May that doesn't clash with anything in May.

Personally, every day comes n goes for me whatever so I'd more than likely forget the day anyway.

As with everything, each to their own ;)

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24 Jun 2008 13:41 #16485 by
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stevef wrote:

i tend to agree with Xiam.
i actually like the name \"light day\" rather than life day as it doens't seem to pull up painful images of wookies named lumpy and bea arthur (shudder).

just a thought- what about leave christmas alone and just leave it up to the individual to celebrate christmas or not. officially it is a national holiday anyway and it's been capitalized on enought by everyone. we can list it among our holidays as xmas if we like.

we can have a major holiday in may and then leave the rest to the greeting card companies. maybe a few important peoples b-day but i would see that more as like presidents day or (in utah) the 24th of july.

what about just having light or life or qui-gon day be may 6th. there were 6 SW films and it's much easier than a whole month. but arguably it could be a bad idea as we may all be hung over from cinco de mayo....

Well, I didn't actually intend the similarities between Life Day and \"Light Day.\" I actually meant \"Light Day\" as a joke, because various holidays in and around December tend to be festivals of lights, haha.

But yes, that's what I was saying. Christmas should be left to be Christmas, for whoever wants to celebrate it (I personally enjoy the secular form of the holiday, though I do sometimes go to Midnight Mass, despite never having been, not now being, nor ever planning to be Catholic).

And I still hold that the 25th of May is the best date. Althought Spain celebrates Nerd Pride Day on that day (for much the same reason Star Wars fans and Jedi celebrate it as a holiday), and Hitchhiker's Guide fans celebrate it as Towel Day (in honor of Douglas Adams, who I believe died a week prior to the 25th - why they don't just celebrate his birthday is beyond me, but I can handle a towel AND a lightsaber, so it's not too big of a deal).

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