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Training Masters are those holding the rank of Knight and above. They help Novices through the Initiate Programme (IP) and take on Initiates as Apprentices. Knights have taken the Solemn Vow. A History of Training at The Temple can be found here: Legacy.

Knights at Temple of the Jedi Order

Adder (Master)

Alethea Thompson (Knight)

Alexandre Orion (Master)

Angelus (Knight)

Archon (Knight)

Ashria (Knight)

Atania Kenobi (Knight)

Atticus (Knight)

Brenna (Knight)

Br. John (Grand Master)

Cyan Sarden (Knight)

carlos.martinez3 (Master)

Damion_Storm (Master)

Edan (Senior Knight)

Eleven (Knight)

JazzyJedi (Knight)

Jhannuzs Ian (Knight)

J. K. Barger (Knight)

J_Roz (Knight)

Kit (Knight)

Locksley (Knight)

Loudzoo (Master)

MadHatter (Knight)

Nakis (Knight)

Nairys (Knight)

Neaj Pa Bol (Grand Master)

Nicole Judge (Knight)

Proteus (Knight)

Raxicorico (Knight)

Reacher (Knight)

Rex (Knight)

River (Senior Knight)

Rosalyn J (Master)

Ryujin (Master)

Serenity Amyntas (Knight)

Silenus (Knight)

Silvermane (Knight)

Skryym (Knight)

Tannis Yarl (Knight)

Tellahane (Knight)

TheDude (Master)

Tobias (Knight)

Vampiric Conure (Knight)

Verheilen (Knight)

Wescli Wardest (Knight)

Zanthan Storm (Master)

Zero (Master)

Zeth Windwrecker (Knight)

The following are Knights of TOTJO who have died, in body, and now live through The Force:

Senan (Knight)

These Knights are considered to be Errant Knights and  are currently inactive on the forum

666 (Knight)

Adhara (Knight) 

Akkarin (Knight)

Alan (Knight)

Ben (Senior Knight)

Breeze El Tierno (Senior Knight)

Brian (Knight) 

Cynthia (Knight)

Darren (Knight) 

Daniel L. (Master)

Desolous (Knight) 

Elemental Harmony (Knight)

Firewolf (Senior Knight)

Garm (Senior Knight)

Grom Fett (Senior Knight)

Jasper Ward (Master)

Jeffery Williams (Knight) 

Jestor (Knight)

JLSpinner (Knight)

Justice (Master)

Kana Seiko Haruki (Grand Master)

Karn (Knight)

Keiryn Saiku (Knight)

Leandros Von (Knight)

LTK (Knight)

Mark Anjuu (Senior Knight)

MCSH (Knight)

Phortis Nespin (Knight)

Reliah (Knight)

Slydogstags (Knight)

Sarus (Senior Knight)

Tiamat (Master)

tzb (Senior Knight)