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  • "...The momentum of the universe is the power of the Force..."
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  • J. K. Barger is now following kevlar
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  • kevlar is now friends with J. K. Barger
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  • J. K. Barger is now following Serenity Amyntas
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  • Serenity Amyntas is now friends with J. K. Barger
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  • J. K. Barger is now following Benjamin Edward
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  •   Serenity Amyntas reacted to this post about 6 months ago
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  • I swear I’m not emo anymore, it’s just a #Banger!!!
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  •   Bran-Dan Gerr commented on this post about 8 months ago
    Welcome new folks! Theres not many of us here, but we DO exist!

    Where is everyone from in our highest and squarest state?
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  •   Davi-Kar reacted to this post about 8 months ago
    Been working on something like this for Jedi.. now all I need is a metal smith to make little fire-pits 😎
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