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  • What seeks to shrink
    must first have grown;
    what seeks weakness
    surely was strong.
    What seeks its ruin
    must first have risen;
    what seeks to take
    has surely given.

    This is called the small dark light:
    the soft, the weak prevail
    over the hard, the strong.

    Chapter 36 of the Tao Te Ching (Le Guin Version)
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  •   Andreas Starlight reacted to this post about 2 months ago
    We must learn the hardest lesson: to fight what needs to be fought without hating those against whom we fight.
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  • Locksley is now following Zeth Windwrecker
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  • Zeth Windwrecker is now friends with Locksley
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  • Violence in any form, for any reason, must not be glorified. There can be reasons to fight, from various perspectives these will be legitimate. Sometimes, fighting is necessary to protect those who are helpless. But fighting, harm, pain, and death should always be considered failures.
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  • Locksley is now following Carlos.Martinez3
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  • Locksley is now friends with Carlos.Martinez3
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