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peace, Ordained Minister Announcement and Ceremony December 16th at 20:00 UTC
16 Dec 2018 19:58 #331082
by RosalynJ
Replied by RosalynJ on topic peace, Ordained Minister Announcement and Ceremony December 9th,
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16 Dec 2018 21:12 #331088
by thomaswfaulkner
Right View ~ Right Intention ~ Right Speech ~ Right Action ~ Right Livelihood ~ Right Effort ~ Right Mindfulness ~ Right Concentration
Knight of the Order
Ordained Clergy Person
Teaching Master: Senan
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Replied by thomaswfaulkner on topic peace, Ordained Minister Announcement and Ceremony December 9th,
A transcript of the Ordination can be found below.
Warning: Spoiler!
(14:21:46) Rosalyn_J: Welcome one and all to this, the occasion of the Ordination of one of our members. Let us begin the ceremony in reflection :
(14:22:04) Rosalyn_J: We offer our thanks for the insight that springs from the Force as we seek to apply it to our lives.
(14:22:16) Rosalyn_J: As beings of light we connect with our brothers and sisters in the Universal Moment
and as beings of flesh and bone our footsteps walk this Earth and echo in time.
(14:22:35) Rosalyn_J: Grant us the focus, knowledge and wisdom to live each moment as best we can --
(14:22:49) Rosalyn_J: As mortal creatures,
(14:22:59) Rosalyn_J: As eternal souls,
(14:23:07) Rosalyn_J: As Jedi.
(14:23:17) Rosalyn_J: May the Force be with you all …
(14:23:28) thomaswfaulkner: And also with you, Pastor.
(14:23:57) peace: and also with you Pastor
(14:24:30) Rosalyn_J: The Force guides everyone to serve in their own particular way and some of these people are called to minister its truths and mysteries to others.
(14:24:49) Rosalyn_J: As servants of the people, Ministers are to shepherd them on their respective paths and to guide them to self-discovery and understanding.
(14:25:16) Rosalyn_J: With their fellow Ministers, they are to sustain the community of the faithful by the ministry of doctrine and guidance, that we all may grow into the fullness of the Force and better understand ourselves.
(14:25:33) Rosalyn_J: Will the candidate please step forward and announce himself.
(14:29:01) peace: Cameron Graziano, Commonly known as senior ]knight peace
(14:29:09) Rosalyn_J: thank you
(14:29:19) Rosalyn_J: Are you prepared to accept the responsibilities of the role of Ordained Minister of Jediism on this day?
(14:29:34) peace: Yes I am
(14:29:49) Rosalyn_J: Will the Presenting Minister please step forward and announce himself.
(14:30:05) thomaswfaulkner: I am Thomas W. Faulkner, Knight of Jediism and Ordained Clergy Person of the Temple of the Jedi Order.
(14:30:18) Rosalyn_J: Has the candidate completed all of the required Clerical training as prescribed by the Temple of the Jedi Order?
(14:30:33) thomaswfaulkner: Yes, he has.
(14:30:40) Rosalyn_J: Does the candidate fulfil the requirements according to their rank at the Temple of the Jedi Order, including all necessary Oaths or Vows?
(14:31:05) thomaswfaulkner: Yes, he does.
(14:31:15) Rosalyn_J: Has the candidate fulfilled all of the requirements for Ordination as prescribed by the Temple of the Jedi Order?
(14:31:34) thomaswfaulkner: Yes, he has.
(14:31:43) Rosalyn_J: Is the candidate under any judicial ban that would prevent this Ordination at this time?
(14:31:56) thomaswfaulkner: No, he is not.
(14:32:10) Rosalyn_J: And does this Ordination have the approval of the Council of the Temple of the Jedi Order?
(14:32:21) thomaswfaulkner: Yes, it does.
(14:32:47) Rosalyn_J: Thank you
(14:33:00) Rosalyn_J: Ministers are called to be servants among the people.
(14:33:33) Rosalyn_J: They are to be messengers, watchmen and stewards of the Church.
They are to teach and to admonish, to nourish and to support, and to guide the people through the confusions of life, that they may grow in knowledge and wisdom of the Force.
(14:33:46) Rosalyn_J: As Jedi they are to protect the peace and defend the weak.
(14:34:00) Rosalyn_J: As Ministers they are to uplift the spirit through the guidance of the Doctrine and the wisdom of the Force.
(14:34:14) Rosalyn_J: With the qualities of compassion, understanding, tolerance and acceptance, they are to open their arms to embrace the community and to provide counsel in times of need.
(14:34:37) Rosalyn_J: They are to minister to the sick and prepare those who are transitioning from this world and back to the Force, supporting all those who are affected by such changes.
(14:34:47) Rosalyn_J: Standing together with their brothers and sisters, they are to provide light through the darkness, that the whole Church may be built up in unity and faith.
(14:35:07) Rosalyn_J: In addition to this, Ordination is a commitment for life.
(14:35:28) Rosalyn_J: It can only be rescinded in the most severe of circumstances as this is a contract between the Minister and the Force, a dedication to serving the people through the Doctrine and the guidance of the Force.
(14:35:42) Rosalyn_J: This promise is written on the soul and strengthens every fiber of the spirit; as such it is not to be taken lightly and without due consideration.
(14:36:01) Rosalyn_J: Peace, Will you on this day devote yourself to the care and the needs of the people as an Ordained Minister of Jediism?
(14:36:11) peace: I will
(14:36:21) Rosalyn_J: Will you faithfully minister the Doctrine of this church, by which our community may flourish in their faith?
(14:36:29) peace: I will
(14:36:41) Rosalyn_J: Will you, reconciled to your eternal existence in the Force, strive to be an instrument of peace in the Temple and in the world?
(14:36:49) peace: I will
(14:36:56) Rosalyn_J: Will you stand shoulder to shoulder with your fellow Ministers in upholding the spirits of the people and guiding them to their highest potential?
(14:37:06) peace: I will
(14:37:12) Rosalyn_J: And will you strive to further your own self, to be the best that you can be and to allow your light to shine forth as inspiration to others that may follow?
(14:37:19) peace: I will
(14:38:02) Rosalyn_J: Thank you. Know that you will always be supported by your fellow Ministers, by the Temple itself and by your own faith in the guidance of the Force.
(14:39:08) Rosalyn_J: With this in mind, it is with great pleasure that I ordain you as a Ordained Minister of Jediism and state that you shall henceforth be known as Rev. Cameron Graziano OCP.
(14:39:20) Rosalyn_J: May the Force be with you !
(14:39:31) Rosalyn_J: Should any member wish to say anything, please feel free to do so now.
(14:39:36) Zenchi: Congratulations!
(14:39:48) Arisaig: Congrats!
(14:39:50) Rosalyn_J: Nicely done
(14:39:51) Locksley: Congratulations! Well deserved
(14:39:52) Karn: Congratulations!
(14:40:01) Euphy: Congratulations!
(14:40:28) thomaswfaulkner: Congratulations!
(14:40:28) peace: Thank you all!
(14:40:41) Rosalyn_J: I now ask the newly proclaimed Minister to lead us all in a Service …
(14:41:08) peace: I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace;
Where there is hatred I shall bring love ;
Where there is injury, pardon ;
Where there is doubt, faith ;
Where there is despair, hope ;
Where there is darkness, light ;
And where there is sadness, joy.
(14:41:15) Rosalyn_J: oops
(14:41:23) Zenchi: oO
(14:41:28) Rosalyn_J: did you have a sermon for us?
(14:41:39) peace: yeah
(14:41:54) Rosalyn_J: ok that first, and then the creed line by line
(14:41:57) Temple remote: Locksley has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:42:06) peace: ok.
(14:42:15) Rosalyn_J:
(14:42:43) peace: Together, we are here to celebrate a wonderful achievement in one of our brother's journey.
(14:43:31) peace: We all have gone through this. whether if its knighthood or apprenticeship
(14:43:56) peace: its a wonderful time in our lives
(14:45:03) Temple remote: Carlos.Martinez3 logs into the Chat.
(14:45:17) peace: Its the same thing with new friends and family. During my time here, I have grown from a shy, self-centered, egotistic person who cares nothing about nature and had horrible patience
(14:46:24) peace: But with the help of my master Karn, who I'm honored to have visited, Rosalyn J who has been my support throughout my journey during knighthood, senior knighting and now this one.
(14:47:59) peace: Being a member of the clergy, I understand now, that I must do the same for all you and those who will come in the future. These types of moments in any ones' life isn't something to be taken lightly. It's a moment of honor and responsibility, but also the moment that binds them closer to their second family
(14:48:48) peace: Nothing compares to the wonderful journey we all had, let alone the one I just achieved.
(14:50:15) Temple remote: Carlos.Martinez3 has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:51:09) peace: I will end with this. Today and everyday, as members of the clergy and members of the Temple, it is my pleasure to have served you all and contribute to a growing community. But also, as members of jediism, we must give us ourselves the hope to continue further because one wise person taught me that learning never stops, especially after any promotion. Thank you and may the force be with us all!!
(14:51:42) Rosalyn_J: wonderful
(14:52:22) Temple remote: Raxicorico logs into the Chat.
(14:52:25) peace: Please take the time to join me in reciting the Jedi Creed
(14:53:42) peace: I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace;
(14:53:49) Zenchi: I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace...
(14:53:50) Arisaig: I am a Jedi, and instrument of peace;
(14:53:59) thomaswfaulkner: I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace;
(14:54:04) Raxicorico: I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace
(14:54:05) Euphy: I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace;
(14:54:22) Rosalyn_J: I am a Jedi an instrument of peace
(14:54:34) Twigga: I would be an instrument of peace
(14:55:23) peace: Where there is hatred I shall bring love ;
(14:55:32) Zenchi: Where there is hatred I shall bring love...
(14:55:38) Rosalyn_J: Where there is hatred, I shall bring love
(14:55:39) Arisaig: Where there is hatred, I shall bring love;
(14:55:40) Euphy: Where there is hatred, I shall bring love;
(14:55:50) Raxicorico: Where there is hatred, I shall bring love
(14:55:54) Twigga: Where there is hatred, let me bring love
(14:55:54) thomaswfaulkner: Where there is hatred, I shall bring love;
(14:56:05) peace: Where there is injury, pardon ;
(14:56:12) Zenchi: Where there is injury, pardon...
(14:56:17) Euphy: Where there is injury, pardon;
(14:56:31) Twigga: Where there is injury, pardon
(14:56:34) Arisaig: Where there is injury, pardon;
(14:56:34) thomaswfaulkner: Where there is injury, pardon;
(14:56:53) Raxicorico: Where there is injury, pardon
(14:57:12) Rosalyn_J: where there is injury, pardon
(14:57:18) peace: Where there is doubt, faith ;
(14:57:23) Zenchi: Where there is doubt, faith...
(14:57:26) thomaswfaulkner: Where there is doubt, faith;
(14:57:27) Raxicorico: where there is doubt, faith
(14:57:29) Euphy: Where there is doubt, faith;
(14:57:35) Arisaig: Where there is doubt, faith;
(14:57:37) Twigga: Where there is doubt, faith
(14:57:43) Rosalyn_J: where there is doubt, faith;
(14:58:23) peace: Where there is despair, hope ;
(14:58:29) Zenchi: Where there is despair, hope...
(14:58:34) Arisaig: Where there is despair, hope;
(14:58:36) Euphy: Where there is despair, hope;
(14:58:39) thomaswfaulkner: Where there is despair, hope;
(14:58:49) Twigga: Where there is despair, hope
(14:58:50) Raxicorico: where there is despair, hope
(14:59:00) Rosalyn_J: where there is despair, hope;
(14:59:14) peace: Where there is darkness, light ;
(14:59:21) Zenchi: Where there is darkness, light...
(14:59:23) Raxicorico: where there is darkness, light
(14:59:23) Arisaig: Where there is darkness, light;
(14:59:26) Euphy: Where there is darkness, light;
(14:59:27) thomaswfaulkner: Where there is darkness, light;
(14:59:30) Twigga: Where there is darkness, light
(15:00:09) peace: And where there is sadness, joy.
(15:00:18) Raxicorico: And where there is sadness, joy
(15:00:19) Zenchi: And where there is sadness, joy.
(15:00:23) thomaswfaulkner: And where there is sadness, joy.
(15:00:25) Twigga: And where there is sadness, joy.
(15:00:27) Euphy: And where there is sadness, joy.
(15:00:29) Arisaig: And where there is sadness, joy.
(15:00:59) Temple remote: Carlos.Martinez3 logs into the Chat.
(15:01:05) Rosalyn_J: and where there is sadness, joy
(15:01:08) peace: I am a Jedi.
(15:01:11) Zenchi: I am a Jedi...
(15:01:16) Rosalyn_J: I am a Jedi
(15:01:17) Raxicorico: I am a Jedi
(15:01:17) thomaswfaulkner: I am a Jedi.
(15:01:18) Arisaig: I am a Jedi.
(15:01:43) peace: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console ;
(15:01:53) Zenchi: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console...
(15:01:56) Raxicorico: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console
(15:01:59) Arisaig: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console;
(15:02:03) Rosalyn_J: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console
(15:02:04) thomaswfaulkner: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console;
(15:02:09) Euphy: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console;
(15:02:11) Twigga: I shall not seek so much to be consoled as to console.
(15:02:16) peace: To be understood as to understand ;
(15:02:22) Zenchi: To be understood as to understand...
(15:02:27) Euphy: To be understood as to understand;
(15:02:30) Rosalyn_J: to be understood as to understand
(15:02:32) thomaswfaulkner: To be understood as to understand;
(15:02:33) Raxicorico: to be understood as to understand
(15:02:35) Twigga: To be understood as to understand
(15:02:49) Arisaig: To be understood as to understand;
(15:02:51) peace: To be loved as to love ;
(15:02:58) Arisaig: to be loved as to love;
(15:03:05) thomaswfaulkner: To be loved, as to love;
(15:03:07) Zenchi: To be loved as to love...
(15:03:07) Twigga: To be loved as to Love
(15:03:11) Raxicorico: to be loved as to love
(15:03:12) Euphy: To be loved, as to love;
(15:03:58) peace: For it is in giving that we receive ;
(15:04:05) Zenchi: For it is in giving that we receive...
(15:04:07) Raxicorico: For it is in giving that we receive
(15:04:07) Euphy: For it is in giving that we receive;
(15:04:10) Arisaig: For it is in giving that we receive;
(15:04:10) thomaswfaulkner: For it is in giving that we receive;
(15:04:12) Rosalyn_J: For it is in giving that we recieve
(15:04:23) Twigga: For it is in giving that we recieve.
(15:04:28) peace: It is in pardoning that we are pardoned ;
(15:04:37) Raxicorico: It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
(15:04:40) Rosalyn_J: It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
(15:04:44) Zenchi: It is in pardoning that we are pardoned...
(15:04:48) Twigga: In pardoning that we are pardoned
(15:04:51) thomaswfaulkner: It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
(15:04:51) Arisaig: It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
(15:05:09) peace: And it is in dying that we are born to eternal Life.
(15:05:18) Zenchi: And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life...
(15:05:22) Arisaig: And it is in dying that we are born into eternal life.
(15:05:24) Rosalyn_J: And it is dying that we are born to eternal life
(15:05:31) thomaswfaulkner: And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
(15:05:32) Raxicorico: And it is in dying that we are born into eternal life
(15:05:45) Twigga: And in dying that we are born to eternal life
(15:05:49) peace: The Force is always with me, for I am a Jedi.
(15:05:57) Zenchi: The Force is with me always, for I am a Jedi...
(15:06:06) Euphy: The Force is always with me, for I am a Jedi.
(15:06:07) Raxicorico: The Force is always with me, for I am a Jedi
(15:06:11) Rosalyn_J: The Force is with me always for I am a Jedi
(15:06:17) thomaswfaulkner: The Force is with me, always, for I am a Jedi.
(15:07:02) Arisaig: The Force is with me, always, for I am a Jedi.
(15:07:22) Rosalyn_J: I now declare this ceremony complete. May the Force be with you all!!
(14:22:04) Rosalyn_J: We offer our thanks for the insight that springs from the Force as we seek to apply it to our lives.
(14:22:16) Rosalyn_J: As beings of light we connect with our brothers and sisters in the Universal Moment
and as beings of flesh and bone our footsteps walk this Earth and echo in time.
(14:22:35) Rosalyn_J: Grant us the focus, knowledge and wisdom to live each moment as best we can --
(14:22:49) Rosalyn_J: As mortal creatures,
(14:22:59) Rosalyn_J: As eternal souls,
(14:23:07) Rosalyn_J: As Jedi.
(14:23:17) Rosalyn_J: May the Force be with you all …
(14:23:28) thomaswfaulkner: And also with you, Pastor.
(14:23:57) peace: and also with you Pastor
(14:24:30) Rosalyn_J: The Force guides everyone to serve in their own particular way and some of these people are called to minister its truths and mysteries to others.
(14:24:49) Rosalyn_J: As servants of the people, Ministers are to shepherd them on their respective paths and to guide them to self-discovery and understanding.
(14:25:16) Rosalyn_J: With their fellow Ministers, they are to sustain the community of the faithful by the ministry of doctrine and guidance, that we all may grow into the fullness of the Force and better understand ourselves.
(14:25:33) Rosalyn_J: Will the candidate please step forward and announce himself.
(14:29:01) peace: Cameron Graziano, Commonly known as senior ]knight peace
(14:29:09) Rosalyn_J: thank you
(14:29:19) Rosalyn_J: Are you prepared to accept the responsibilities of the role of Ordained Minister of Jediism on this day?
(14:29:34) peace: Yes I am
(14:29:49) Rosalyn_J: Will the Presenting Minister please step forward and announce himself.
(14:30:05) thomaswfaulkner: I am Thomas W. Faulkner, Knight of Jediism and Ordained Clergy Person of the Temple of the Jedi Order.
(14:30:18) Rosalyn_J: Has the candidate completed all of the required Clerical training as prescribed by the Temple of the Jedi Order?
(14:30:33) thomaswfaulkner: Yes, he has.
(14:30:40) Rosalyn_J: Does the candidate fulfil the requirements according to their rank at the Temple of the Jedi Order, including all necessary Oaths or Vows?
(14:31:05) thomaswfaulkner: Yes, he does.
(14:31:15) Rosalyn_J: Has the candidate fulfilled all of the requirements for Ordination as prescribed by the Temple of the Jedi Order?
(14:31:34) thomaswfaulkner: Yes, he has.
(14:31:43) Rosalyn_J: Is the candidate under any judicial ban that would prevent this Ordination at this time?
(14:31:56) thomaswfaulkner: No, he is not.
(14:32:10) Rosalyn_J: And does this Ordination have the approval of the Council of the Temple of the Jedi Order?
(14:32:21) thomaswfaulkner: Yes, it does.
(14:32:47) Rosalyn_J: Thank you
(14:33:00) Rosalyn_J: Ministers are called to be servants among the people.
(14:33:33) Rosalyn_J: They are to be messengers, watchmen and stewards of the Church.
They are to teach and to admonish, to nourish and to support, and to guide the people through the confusions of life, that they may grow in knowledge and wisdom of the Force.
(14:33:46) Rosalyn_J: As Jedi they are to protect the peace and defend the weak.
(14:34:00) Rosalyn_J: As Ministers they are to uplift the spirit through the guidance of the Doctrine and the wisdom of the Force.
(14:34:14) Rosalyn_J: With the qualities of compassion, understanding, tolerance and acceptance, they are to open their arms to embrace the community and to provide counsel in times of need.
(14:34:37) Rosalyn_J: They are to minister to the sick and prepare those who are transitioning from this world and back to the Force, supporting all those who are affected by such changes.
(14:34:47) Rosalyn_J: Standing together with their brothers and sisters, they are to provide light through the darkness, that the whole Church may be built up in unity and faith.
(14:35:07) Rosalyn_J: In addition to this, Ordination is a commitment for life.
(14:35:28) Rosalyn_J: It can only be rescinded in the most severe of circumstances as this is a contract between the Minister and the Force, a dedication to serving the people through the Doctrine and the guidance of the Force.
(14:35:42) Rosalyn_J: This promise is written on the soul and strengthens every fiber of the spirit; as such it is not to be taken lightly and without due consideration.
(14:36:01) Rosalyn_J: Peace, Will you on this day devote yourself to the care and the needs of the people as an Ordained Minister of Jediism?
(14:36:11) peace: I will
(14:36:21) Rosalyn_J: Will you faithfully minister the Doctrine of this church, by which our community may flourish in their faith?
(14:36:29) peace: I will
(14:36:41) Rosalyn_J: Will you, reconciled to your eternal existence in the Force, strive to be an instrument of peace in the Temple and in the world?
(14:36:49) peace: I will
(14:36:56) Rosalyn_J: Will you stand shoulder to shoulder with your fellow Ministers in upholding the spirits of the people and guiding them to their highest potential?
(14:37:06) peace: I will
(14:37:12) Rosalyn_J: And will you strive to further your own self, to be the best that you can be and to allow your light to shine forth as inspiration to others that may follow?
(14:37:19) peace: I will
(14:38:02) Rosalyn_J: Thank you. Know that you will always be supported by your fellow Ministers, by the Temple itself and by your own faith in the guidance of the Force.
(14:39:08) Rosalyn_J: With this in mind, it is with great pleasure that I ordain you as a Ordained Minister of Jediism and state that you shall henceforth be known as Rev. Cameron Graziano OCP.
(14:39:20) Rosalyn_J: May the Force be with you !
(14:39:31) Rosalyn_J: Should any member wish to say anything, please feel free to do so now.
(14:39:36) Zenchi: Congratulations!
(14:39:48) Arisaig: Congrats!
(14:39:50) Rosalyn_J: Nicely done
(14:39:51) Locksley: Congratulations! Well deserved
(14:39:52) Karn: Congratulations!
(14:40:01) Euphy: Congratulations!
(14:40:28) thomaswfaulkner: Congratulations!
(14:40:28) peace: Thank you all!
(14:40:41) Rosalyn_J: I now ask the newly proclaimed Minister to lead us all in a Service …
(14:41:08) peace: I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace;
Where there is hatred I shall bring love ;
Where there is injury, pardon ;
Where there is doubt, faith ;
Where there is despair, hope ;
Where there is darkness, light ;
And where there is sadness, joy.
(14:41:15) Rosalyn_J: oops
(14:41:23) Zenchi: oO
(14:41:28) Rosalyn_J: did you have a sermon for us?
(14:41:39) peace: yeah
(14:41:54) Rosalyn_J: ok that first, and then the creed line by line
(14:41:57) Temple remote: Locksley has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:42:06) peace: ok.
(14:42:15) Rosalyn_J:
(14:42:43) peace: Together, we are here to celebrate a wonderful achievement in one of our brother's journey.
(14:43:31) peace: We all have gone through this. whether if its knighthood or apprenticeship
(14:43:56) peace: its a wonderful time in our lives
(14:45:03) Temple remote: Carlos.Martinez3 logs into the Chat.
(14:45:17) peace: Its the same thing with new friends and family. During my time here, I have grown from a shy, self-centered, egotistic person who cares nothing about nature and had horrible patience
(14:46:24) peace: But with the help of my master Karn, who I'm honored to have visited, Rosalyn J who has been my support throughout my journey during knighthood, senior knighting and now this one.
(14:47:59) peace: Being a member of the clergy, I understand now, that I must do the same for all you and those who will come in the future. These types of moments in any ones' life isn't something to be taken lightly. It's a moment of honor and responsibility, but also the moment that binds them closer to their second family
(14:48:48) peace: Nothing compares to the wonderful journey we all had, let alone the one I just achieved.
(14:50:15) Temple remote: Carlos.Martinez3 has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:51:09) peace: I will end with this. Today and everyday, as members of the clergy and members of the Temple, it is my pleasure to have served you all and contribute to a growing community. But also, as members of jediism, we must give us ourselves the hope to continue further because one wise person taught me that learning never stops, especially after any promotion. Thank you and may the force be with us all!!
(14:51:42) Rosalyn_J: wonderful
(14:52:22) Temple remote: Raxicorico logs into the Chat.
(14:52:25) peace: Please take the time to join me in reciting the Jedi Creed
(14:53:42) peace: I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace;
(14:53:49) Zenchi: I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace...
(14:53:50) Arisaig: I am a Jedi, and instrument of peace;
(14:53:59) thomaswfaulkner: I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace;
(14:54:04) Raxicorico: I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace
(14:54:05) Euphy: I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace;
(14:54:22) Rosalyn_J: I am a Jedi an instrument of peace
(14:54:34) Twigga: I would be an instrument of peace
(14:55:23) peace: Where there is hatred I shall bring love ;
(14:55:32) Zenchi: Where there is hatred I shall bring love...
(14:55:38) Rosalyn_J: Where there is hatred, I shall bring love
(14:55:39) Arisaig: Where there is hatred, I shall bring love;
(14:55:40) Euphy: Where there is hatred, I shall bring love;
(14:55:50) Raxicorico: Where there is hatred, I shall bring love
(14:55:54) Twigga: Where there is hatred, let me bring love
(14:55:54) thomaswfaulkner: Where there is hatred, I shall bring love;
(14:56:05) peace: Where there is injury, pardon ;
(14:56:12) Zenchi: Where there is injury, pardon...
(14:56:17) Euphy: Where there is injury, pardon;
(14:56:31) Twigga: Where there is injury, pardon
(14:56:34) Arisaig: Where there is injury, pardon;
(14:56:34) thomaswfaulkner: Where there is injury, pardon;
(14:56:53) Raxicorico: Where there is injury, pardon
(14:57:12) Rosalyn_J: where there is injury, pardon
(14:57:18) peace: Where there is doubt, faith ;
(14:57:23) Zenchi: Where there is doubt, faith...
(14:57:26) thomaswfaulkner: Where there is doubt, faith;
(14:57:27) Raxicorico: where there is doubt, faith
(14:57:29) Euphy: Where there is doubt, faith;
(14:57:35) Arisaig: Where there is doubt, faith;
(14:57:37) Twigga: Where there is doubt, faith
(14:57:43) Rosalyn_J: where there is doubt, faith;
(14:58:23) peace: Where there is despair, hope ;
(14:58:29) Zenchi: Where there is despair, hope...
(14:58:34) Arisaig: Where there is despair, hope;
(14:58:36) Euphy: Where there is despair, hope;
(14:58:39) thomaswfaulkner: Where there is despair, hope;
(14:58:49) Twigga: Where there is despair, hope
(14:58:50) Raxicorico: where there is despair, hope
(14:59:00) Rosalyn_J: where there is despair, hope;
(14:59:14) peace: Where there is darkness, light ;
(14:59:21) Zenchi: Where there is darkness, light...
(14:59:23) Raxicorico: where there is darkness, light
(14:59:23) Arisaig: Where there is darkness, light;
(14:59:26) Euphy: Where there is darkness, light;
(14:59:27) thomaswfaulkner: Where there is darkness, light;
(14:59:30) Twigga: Where there is darkness, light
(15:00:09) peace: And where there is sadness, joy.
(15:00:18) Raxicorico: And where there is sadness, joy
(15:00:19) Zenchi: And where there is sadness, joy.
(15:00:23) thomaswfaulkner: And where there is sadness, joy.
(15:00:25) Twigga: And where there is sadness, joy.
(15:00:27) Euphy: And where there is sadness, joy.
(15:00:29) Arisaig: And where there is sadness, joy.
(15:00:59) Temple remote: Carlos.Martinez3 logs into the Chat.
(15:01:05) Rosalyn_J: and where there is sadness, joy
(15:01:08) peace: I am a Jedi.
(15:01:11) Zenchi: I am a Jedi...
(15:01:16) Rosalyn_J: I am a Jedi
(15:01:17) Raxicorico: I am a Jedi
(15:01:17) thomaswfaulkner: I am a Jedi.
(15:01:18) Arisaig: I am a Jedi.
(15:01:43) peace: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console ;
(15:01:53) Zenchi: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console...
(15:01:56) Raxicorico: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console
(15:01:59) Arisaig: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console;
(15:02:03) Rosalyn_J: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console
(15:02:04) thomaswfaulkner: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console;
(15:02:09) Euphy: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console;
(15:02:11) Twigga: I shall not seek so much to be consoled as to console.
(15:02:16) peace: To be understood as to understand ;
(15:02:22) Zenchi: To be understood as to understand...
(15:02:27) Euphy: To be understood as to understand;
(15:02:30) Rosalyn_J: to be understood as to understand
(15:02:32) thomaswfaulkner: To be understood as to understand;
(15:02:33) Raxicorico: to be understood as to understand
(15:02:35) Twigga: To be understood as to understand
(15:02:49) Arisaig: To be understood as to understand;
(15:02:51) peace: To be loved as to love ;
(15:02:58) Arisaig: to be loved as to love;
(15:03:05) thomaswfaulkner: To be loved, as to love;
(15:03:07) Zenchi: To be loved as to love...
(15:03:07) Twigga: To be loved as to Love
(15:03:11) Raxicorico: to be loved as to love
(15:03:12) Euphy: To be loved, as to love;
(15:03:58) peace: For it is in giving that we receive ;
(15:04:05) Zenchi: For it is in giving that we receive...
(15:04:07) Raxicorico: For it is in giving that we receive
(15:04:07) Euphy: For it is in giving that we receive;
(15:04:10) Arisaig: For it is in giving that we receive;
(15:04:10) thomaswfaulkner: For it is in giving that we receive;
(15:04:12) Rosalyn_J: For it is in giving that we recieve
(15:04:23) Twigga: For it is in giving that we recieve.
(15:04:28) peace: It is in pardoning that we are pardoned ;
(15:04:37) Raxicorico: It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
(15:04:40) Rosalyn_J: It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
(15:04:44) Zenchi: It is in pardoning that we are pardoned...
(15:04:48) Twigga: In pardoning that we are pardoned
(15:04:51) thomaswfaulkner: It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
(15:04:51) Arisaig: It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
(15:05:09) peace: And it is in dying that we are born to eternal Life.
(15:05:18) Zenchi: And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life...
(15:05:22) Arisaig: And it is in dying that we are born into eternal life.
(15:05:24) Rosalyn_J: And it is dying that we are born to eternal life
(15:05:31) thomaswfaulkner: And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
(15:05:32) Raxicorico: And it is in dying that we are born into eternal life
(15:05:45) Twigga: And in dying that we are born to eternal life
(15:05:49) peace: The Force is always with me, for I am a Jedi.
(15:05:57) Zenchi: The Force is with me always, for I am a Jedi...
(15:06:06) Euphy: The Force is always with me, for I am a Jedi.
(15:06:07) Raxicorico: The Force is always with me, for I am a Jedi
(15:06:11) Rosalyn_J: The Force is with me always for I am a Jedi
(15:06:17) thomaswfaulkner: The Force is with me, always, for I am a Jedi.
(15:07:02) Arisaig: The Force is with me, always, for I am a Jedi.
(15:07:22) Rosalyn_J: I now declare this ceremony complete. May the Force be with you all!!
Right View ~ Right Intention ~ Right Speech ~ Right Action ~ Right Livelihood ~ Right Effort ~ Right Mindfulness ~ Right Concentration
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Ordained Clergy Person
Teaching Master: Senan
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May all beings be happy and free and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute
in some way to the happiness and freedom for all.
in some way to the happiness and freedom for all.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3
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16 Dec 2018 21:13 #331089
Replied by on topic peace, Ordained Minister Announcement and Ceremony December 9th,
Great Ceremony! Thanks for all who came to Ajax again!!!
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