would you kill one person to save five?

16 Mar 2023 13:41 #371955 by Gisteron
Thanks for the link, Test Account. Is there anything in particular you are asking for responses to? Is there any take you yourself have on the link or the content it links to? I assume charitably that the answers given so far are not going to feed some text generator to produce a homework assignment for you or that this will be the last we hear of you. Still, in lieu of an actual statement made, question posed, or participation shown by the OP since initial posting, I'm struggling to understand what there is to do with this, aside from having an admittedly lively chat with everyone else to whom such minimal (if existent at all) prompting sufficed to engage with this admittedly delightful philosophical dilemma.

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned

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16 Mar 2023 14:47 #371956 by Leor Hal
I ve to shamefully admit that i actually havent looked at the link before answering, to be honest the question sounded just like one of those "quora" questions. So after reading the link ... i m not any more impressed either or interested by the subject, i do not believe that there are needs to talk about extreme situations that are actually not happening or maybe even never, no one can really tell what they will be able or capable to do then and anyway there re no philosophy or anything actually interesting out of such a scenario.

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16 Mar 2023 18:41 #371961 by Br. John
I needed to be able to login as a Guest to see how the site looks in that mode and to make sure things that should be visible are visible.

I decided to post something instead of just Test.

If we know more about the persons involved does it change things? What if the one is your child or parent or spouse? And the five are convicted murders with death sentences.

What I'd especially like to know is the answer to The Ship of Theseus.

Founder of The Order
The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3, Serenity Amyntas

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17 Mar 2023 02:49 #371964 by Diana W
Only as a last resort after yelling for everyone to run including the single worker. But there's no way I would be able to stay ahead of it to keep warning people along it's way until it stops.

. IP . Apprentice . Personal . Healing . Degree . Seminary

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Life is a sum of all your choices; So, what are you doing today?
― Albert Camus
The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3, Serenity Amyntas

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18 Mar 2023 20:33 - 18 Mar 2023 20:33 #371971 by Wraith

of course, if the outcome is one or the other, it would be cruel to drag it out.
Last edit: 18 Mar 2023 20:33 by Wraith.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Serenity Amyntas

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19 Mar 2023 20:30 #371979 by REBender
Concerning the Trolly Dilemma, I have the luxury of making my decision from outside of the scenario itself. I may take as much or as little time as I need to contemplate the moral ramifications of each choice. If this dilemma were to present itself in my actual life experience, I seriously doubt I would have time to think about my reaction. My belief is that when one reacts without thought one is acting in harmony with the Force. My choice now would be the correct one because the Force wills it.

Concerning the organ donor scenario, killing a healthy person to save five is an affront to the natural flow of this reality. If the Force willed for the healthy man to sacrifice himself to save the others he would feel a deep compulsion to make the sacrifice. Or perhaps a series of perfectly logical circumstances would occur that would allow for the healthy man to enter a state of impending death. To everyone involved in the scenario, the way in which the healthy man came to the position to offer his organs to save the others would make perfect logical sense.

However, if an outside perspective were to become involved (a doctor, a nurse, a relative) and state that the healthy man must die, this is an individual attempting to take control of the natural flow of events. It is hubris. The role of the doctor in this scenario is to keep all bodies as healthy as possible until they expire, nothing more. If events occur that bring the once healthy man’s organs into play, then the doctor may act on that. However, instigating that circumstance is outside his ethical realm of influence.

We all serve something, an ideal, a force of nature, our desires...

We are meant to outgrow the concepts we serve. Whether you're an ant, a slave, an emperor or a god the only difference is the scale of complexity.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3, Serenity Amyntas

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04 Apr 2023 18:17 #372167 by Mij Mongo
I think to compound upon your point in the Incredibles comparison is that I would rather save that man's life and risk being faced with endless litigation my whole life than not save his life. The things one can do with their life.

In terms of saving 5 lives by taking 1 I believe you are right in saying there are not many black and white areas. There are always alternatives and it is not only our duty as Jedi to find those alternate solutions, it's also a character trait in our way, to be able to see things through a multitude of perspectives.


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