LIVE TONIGHT! 22nd March Huffington Post Live: Star Wars Is a Religion

23 Mar 2013 04:39 #99389 by Br. John
I was impressed. The producers were great and I had an extensive pre-show interview with one of them. That's how the Joseph Campbell segment got on there. It's a very good deal for us.

Founder of The Order

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23 Mar 2013 04:53 #99390 by
Congratulations Br. John, you made every point clear and that is important. Now get prepared to get hordes of newcomers.

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23 Mar 2013 05:32 #99393 by steamboat28
This was an amazing interview all the way 'round, and each one of you had something educational to say. I think that Alexandra was well-spoken and had a lot of interesting things to say, and Patrick made a few good points (especially in regard to the story of wearing of hoods), but I think that Br. John brought the most (and most varied) information to the discussion.

It was an amazing interview, and I learned a lot about other perspectives, and I'm sharing it with other friends, because it was a very informative interview all around. Good job!

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23 Mar 2013 05:43 #99394 by

steamboat28 wrote: This was an amazing interview all the way 'round, and each one of you had something educational to say. I think that Alexandra was well-spoken and had a lot of interesting things to say, and Patrick made a few good points (especially in regard to the story of wearing of hoods), but I think that Br. John brought the most (and most varied) information to the discussion.

It was an amazing interview, and I learned a lot about other perspectives, and I'm sharing it with other friends, because it was a very informative interview all around. Good job!


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23 Mar 2013 06:27 #99396 by
I have to say a job well done. Br. John, you were amazing and think you brought the entire idea and faith to light in a way others could not only understand, but appreciate our thoughts and beliefs.

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23 Mar 2013 06:40 #99397 by
Absolutely wonderful. Though, I do wish they had let John chime in after Alexandra took his "jedi heaven" crack too literally. I don't think she understood that was just a part to his story retelling and not an actual belief. It even looked like John kind of shook his head a little, lol. Could be wrong, though :P

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23 Mar 2013 07:46 #99400 by Alexandre Orion
That was quite well delivered ...

I listened to it again this morning. If there was some intention to ridicule or berate, Br. John made these eventual intentions much more difficult to execute.

Something which I felt particularly well done was the explanation of how we do not promote "believe this and not that" in the TotJO - that one can be a Jedi of ANY other faith.

The Campbell-Watts basis, and not simply Star Wars, for Jediism was well emphasised also. Bravo ...

Over all, very well done.

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson

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23 Mar 2013 08:05 #99402 by Alethea Thompson
"before 1999" *tear to eye* Br. John, I could kiss you for that- thank you for making it clear that we aren't a group that came about because of that darned 2001 census. And thank you for pointing out that ToTJO and CoJ aren't the only groups. *hugs*

Gather at the River,
Setanaoko Oceana

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23 Mar 2013 09:12 #99407 by MCSH
First a BBC article, and then this great interview. People are starting to know TotJO!

The sad thing is... look at those [urk=]comments[/url], for example this one:

Yes Star Wars is a religion. George Lucas is its god. Think about it. He has created an entire universe filled with worlds, characters, Philosophy and scenarios with himself as absolute creator.

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23 Mar 2013 10:55 #99409 by
There will always be things like that though...

There are a few more media things being talked about, details will be released when they are published :)

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