Lightsaber Combat Training - the way of the Warrior

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16 Jan 2016 15:29 - 16 Jan 2016 15:40 #222080 by


I am Joshua - aka Jake Sato. I would like to start a thread for Lightsaber Velocity and training.

When beginning as a Jedi - the most important thing to remember - control your saber at ALL times. You must never strike to KILL but WOUND. Know your target zones. But above all remember. It is not practice that makes perfect. It is perfect practice that makes perfect action.

The target zones are as follows: 1, head, 2, left arm, 3, right arm, 4, back, 5, left leg, 6, right leg

I shall start with the most essential Form to all Jedi. Ranging from scholar, to consular, from sentinel to guardian.

Form 1 -

Form I: Shii-Cho

Form I, also called "The Way of the Sarlacc," is the most basic form of lightsaber combat -- and the most ancient. For this reason, it is the first form of lightsaber combat that most Jedi learn. It was developed as the Jedi transitioned from using traditional swords to using lightsabers.

The moves of Form I focus on disarming one's opponent without hurting him. Its wide, sweeping motions are useful when facing multiple enemies, but do not work well against lightsaber-wielding opponents.

Notable Practitioners: Luke Skywalker, Yoda

Here is an AMAZING video - not myself - of this form in practice - it's viable defenses - as well as the KEY TARGET ZONES. that apply to all lightsaber combat.

Remember "if you can wield a saber, you CAN master form 1." Master Noah...

thank you - and May the force be with you - Always.

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Last edit: 16 Jan 2016 15:40 by .

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16 Jan 2016 15:32 #222082 by
Form II: Makashi

Form II, also called "The Way of the Ysalamiri," developed when the Jedi began fighting Sith and other lightsaber wielders. It emphasizes precision, simple footwork, and preventing disarmament, and thus is a strong defense against Form I. Curved-hilt lightsabers made it easier to control the one-handed fighting style.

After the Sith were all but destroyed around 1,000 BBY, lightsaber duels became uncommon once again, and few Jedi studied Form II. Those who did admired it as the most elegant form of lightsaber combat.

Notable Practitioners: Count Dooku, Darth Vader


May the force be with you - Always

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16 Jan 2016 15:33 #222084 by
Form III: Soresu

Form III, also called "The Way of the Mynock," was developed to defend against blasters. It is characterized by tight, efficient movements that shield the Jedi's body, using the lightsaber primarily as a defensive weapon to deflect blaster bolts.

The practice of Form III is an important reflection of Jedi philosophy, as it emphasizes the Jedi belief in calmness and non-aggression. A Jedi using Form III must center herself in the Force in order to anticipate her opponents' movements and successfully block blaster fire.

Notable Practitioners: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker


Special thanks to Master Noah from Force Storm.

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16 Jan 2016 15:34 #222085 by
You mentioned in a pm that it is essential to know the target zones, do you have a diagram or information on this. It would be helpful for me to have a "target" to aim for, just like in firearms training.

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16 Jan 2016 15:38 - 16 Jan 2016 15:42 #222086 by
Yes Master - I shall included what i can find from the Book "the Jedi Path" - as well as create a bit better representation for us to use in the future.

REMEMBER - be calm, and in control at ALL times, only then can you strike in the name of justice.

The target zones are as follows: 1, head, 2, left arm, 3, right arm, 4, back, 5, left leg, 6, right leg

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Last edit: 16 Jan 2016 15:42 by .

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16 Jan 2016 20:34 #222157 by OB1Shinobi
ive learned - or gotten a glimpse at least - of something important, from this thread
i hope i dont forget it
my thanks to the both of you

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16 Jan 2016 21:05 #222166 by

For these first 3 forms, are the videos a depiction of the Kata to be performed in training, and if it is, what is the diagram for the footwork?

I can see the sword work but the vid is kind of dark and masks the foot work some.

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16 Jan 2016 22:32 #222190 by

Phortis Nespin wrote: Jake_Sato,

For these first 3 forms, are the videos a depiction of the Kata to be performed in training, and if it is, what is the diagram for the footwork?

I can see the sword work but the vid is kind of dark and masks the foot work some.

Yes Master you should practice the Offensive as separate portions as to be able to switch between offensive and defensive modes of combat. Footwork is very simple, you want to keep your feet at shoulder width at all times and never put them on the same line. Like a rail road track you are walking on, you always want to be ready - to jump off ;) - and always to the side. As falling front or back vs a train will... not work well for one.

Here is basic Footwork -

Here is a brief video on Makashi Footwork -

Makashi Advanced Footwork -

and many more here on this channel :)
Saber Academy -

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16 Jan 2016 23:18 #222216 by
Thank you for this Knowledge, i shall combine it with my current practice routine.

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17 Jan 2016 02:51 #222297 by

Please see this video for a quick tutorial on how to hold your light-saber for Makashi and Shii-Cho

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