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03 Sep 2014 14:38 #158287 by
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Gisteron wrote:

Revan Falton wrote: In every instance in the bible, Jesus taught peace.

In every instance...

Except in
- Matthew 10:34
- Luke 12:49-53
- Luke 22:35-38
- The infamous Cleansing of the Temple in
- Mark 11
- Matthew 21
- Luke 19:45-48 and 20:1-8 (right after a parable wherein he told of his second coming when he would order for all those who will not follow him to be slain - my personal favourite - 19:27)
- John 2:13-16

Read your bible. It is a very long and boring book. But you just might find it somewhat enlightening.

Gisteron, thank you for the reply. I however feel I must further elaborate on this subject with the following verses you brought issue to. By taking bits and pieces of scripture from almost a 2000 page Holy Book, there are ways to be able to make any untrue belief seem truthful. It has been done numerous times, even with people saying the bible forbids inter-racial marriages. I ask only that instead of dwelling on one particular verse you read more, and look and the previous verses as a whole, to fully get a true understanding of the word of God.

I will not be doing this for all of the verses you posted. This is but one example of what I was referring to.

Let's take a look at the first one, Mathew 10:34.

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

Also, keep in mind that there are many different translations of the Bible, and the wording might be a tad different between different editions and such.

Anyways, back on track here. Now, to the undeveloped eye, that would make the Christ appear to be a War Mongering Tyrant, who came to cast the world in war, turmoil and conflict. That is not true. Please remember that throughout the bible, the speech was not as cut and dry as it is today. There were a lot of symbolism, analogizes, and such.

Now, here is an exert from John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible. Basically what it does, it takes misinterpreted passages, and corrects the myths about them.

I came, not to send peace, but a sword. By the "sword" may be meant the Gospel, which is the means of dividing and separating the people of Christ from the men of the world, and from their principles and practices, and one relation from another; as also of divisions, discords, and persecutions arising from it: not that it was the intention and design of Christ, in coming into the world, to foment and encourage such things; but this, through the malice and wickedness of men, was eventually the effect and consequence of his coming; see Luke 12:51 where, instead of a "sword", it is "division"; because the sword divides asunder, as does the sword of the Spirit, the word of God.

Now, with keeping the above in mind, the original verse becomes must more clearer as to the true meaning. It was not that he came to the world, to use a sword and make war. Simply that through the malice of men, persecution would arise and follow his disciples and followers, for at that time, and even today, the teaching of Jesus Christ are considered controversial.

Again, I'm not going to post more expansions of those verses on here, for I am sure that there are size limits on posts, and doing so one would make a length post. lol. However, if you would be interested in discussing those verses more, you can always message me, and I would be more then happy to discuss them further with you.

Again, thank you for the reply Gisteron, and May the Force be with you.

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26 Apr 2016 14:12 #239288 by
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:) Thank you for the answer, I consider myself a Christian, from ancient Christianity, it makes no sense to me Christ believers made separations between them, by personal relationships. I search for being better, win over my failures. I feel peace in Church connecting with God, in silence. Sometimes I am too hard with myself, I get tense with that. I question the words spoken at church, as the Bible was altered by man, it is not pure. The most important is to love God with all heart and soul and your neighbour as yourself. Take care.

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26 Nov 2016 21:21 #266071 by
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Pedroky wrote: I'm a Catholic, I pray everyday, I feel sorry for those who doesn't. I meditate also. I've heard that pray is speaking to God, meditating is listening God. I'm interested in the Jedi path because I don't feel satisfied with tha Catholic faith, it's rare seeing really commited people, devoted to God. I don't know if I can be a Jedi Christian, because of the violence associated to Jedi. One thing I'm shure, I want to be better everyday, I'm observing people and listen some conversations, in search of partners of this goal.

Jedi violence is self defence.

Compare that to a genocidal son murderer like Yahweh, who can just as easily take the moral high ground and cure those afflicted but instead takes the satanic low moral ground and always kills.

Who is more violent?


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26 Nov 2016 21:27 #266073 by
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Analyze wrote: Jedi Christian,
We have no god only the Force to bind us all, we respect all Gods,


How do you justify respecting Gods like Yahweh and Allah when they basically demand that their followers be homophobic and misogynous?

Jedi ism, as far as I know, believe in the equality under the law of all people yet Christianity and Islam do not.

Why do you respect religions that do not really deserve your respect and goes directly against Jedi ism?


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26 Nov 2016 21:35 #266075 by
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EEJim wrote:
At the risk of possibly alienating people whom I consider to be friends, brothers, and sisters. I would like to say that it is not our place to judge the Catholic church,

AI find your comment of not judging rather odd since scriptures tell us to do just that.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.

I think ( all ), in that quote would include judging the church just as Jesus did.

Do you agree?

If not, how can you find that God is good without judging him to be so?


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26 Nov 2016 21:42 #266076 by
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RFCplayer wrote: I myself am a Catholic, along with being a Jedi. I have for years thought about leaving the Catholic Church, and very well might do so once I get my own place (for my own reasons). Though as Christ said, and in the nature of the Jedi, we are not to judge one for his past, present or future sins/mistakes.

What a horrible saying.

Are you saying that if you saw a crime happening near you, you would not judge it as evil and would just walk on by?

What wold a Jedi judge and do if the Death Star was powering up to destroy a planet?

Would he just hyper drive out of the way or go for the reactor?


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26 Nov 2016 21:47 #266078 by
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Revan Falton wrote: I have been a Catholic all of my life, raised Catholic, my parents were originally Baptist and Nazarene converts. During my teen years I lost my faith, going honestly down a very dark path, including spiritually. I was very angry, even when it was not justified. I eventually found God again, through my own path (Before it was mostly religion being forced down my throat). In the end we all have to find our path in life. My personal beliefs though, I do not see why the Jediism and Catholicism can not co-exist. I personally find most of the teachings go hand in hand. guided humans. In every instance in the bible, Jesus Now, to the Catholic violence in the past. We must keep in mind that yes, there was terrible violence done by the Church, in the name of God. However, as Catholics we must closely look and study the teachings of God, as humans are very flawed creatures. That is why the violent acts took place, it was the leadership and the obedience of miss taught peace. Even when he was being taken before Pontius Pilate from the garden, his disciples were ready to fight. He could have easily used to disciples, or even his Angels in heaven to quickly end the threat to his life. However, he was true to his teachings, and again used peace.

So you think a Jedi could co-exist beside the type of God that is correctly described by this quote.

If so, why would you want to be a Jedi?

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion


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27 Nov 2016 00:58 #266089 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic Catholic Church
Here u will find you can choose to be anything . welcome to the Temple

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova

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27 Nov 2016 16:54 #266237 by
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carlos.martinez3 wrote: Here u will find you can choose to be anything . welcome to the Temple

Yet so many are saying I should not be as I am.

I do get that a lot though. Jesus went through the same type of thing. Do not take that as a direct comparison though the way some will. Remember that Jesus said he came to pit those who though they could think against each other.


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