01 Apr 2010 17:01 #29497
Replied by on topic Re:update
Home is where the heart is as they say - id always say go for the property you love the most, not the one thats the nearest to work.
Look at it this way, you may change job and get work nearer to home sometime in the future
Its only ten minutes - not like an extra hour
Dont forget the spare room for all your jedi acquaintances to come and visit you
Look at it this way, you may change job and get work nearer to home sometime in the future

Its only ten minutes - not like an extra hour

Dont forget the spare room for all your jedi acquaintances to come and visit you

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13 Apr 2010 17:53 - 13 Apr 2010 17:54 #29633
by Garm
We are still looking, we were an hour away from closing the deal on the house beside the river and the lake but is was not to be so. Prior bidders who had a conditional offer that was expiring decided that knowing we were going to take the property...they would risk carrying two mortgages rather than let me have it. Oh well back to the search, I have upped my search to 250k range, it opens up so many more properties, its on the upper end of my comfort zone but there is really not much out there under 200k.
My wife and I will be looking at a century-old victorian home, 469 feet of river frontage on five acres, brick three stories four bedrooms, and in the rear two one-bedroom appartments currently rented (five or six onths left on the larger lease). Asking 249,900
On Thursday we will be visiting a 34 acre home three bedrooms lots of land but it may be too close to the highway...I will have to listen very carefully when we're there. Asking 259,900
Wish us luck!!
My wife and I will be looking at a century-old victorian home, 469 feet of river frontage on five acres, brick three stories four bedrooms, and in the rear two one-bedroom appartments currently rented (five or six onths left on the larger lease). Asking 249,900
On Thursday we will be visiting a 34 acre home three bedrooms lots of land but it may be too close to the highway...I will have to listen very carefully when we're there. Asking 259,900
Wish us luck!!

Last edit: 13 Apr 2010 17:54 by Garm.
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13 Apr 2010 18:09 #29635
Replied by on topic Re:update
tell you what - i'll squat outside in a tin shack - make tonnes of mess n noise
then you can haggle for a large discount - pay me in food n coffee for the 'work' and the jobs a goodun
or plan B - keep looking
Im sure the right place is out there somewhere for you all - as you said - it just wasnt to be
Probably had termites or squirrels anyway
then you can haggle for a large discount - pay me in food n coffee for the 'work' and the jobs a goodun

or plan B - keep looking

Im sure the right place is out there somewhere for you all - as you said - it just wasnt to be

Probably had termites or squirrels anyway

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04 May 2010 18:40 - 04 May 2010 19:21 #30385
by Garm
After the sooo many weeks of excitement and dissipointment, I am very pleased to say that we have found and closed the deal for our new home.
We decided and purchased a home on 32 pine wooded acres complete with a stream boasting an eight foot water fall. *very Zen*
I apologize for being away for so long, but with the realty, financial, insurance and laywer meetings behind, I am looking forward be getting back to Temple business this weekend.
We decided and purchased a home on 32 pine wooded acres complete with a stream boasting an eight foot water fall. *very Zen*

I apologize for being away for so long, but with the realty, financial, insurance and laywer meetings behind, I am looking forward be getting back to Temple business this weekend.
Last edit: 04 May 2010 19:21 by Garm. Reason: added the zen comment
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04 May 2010 19:12 #30387
by Grom Fett
Rank: Senior Knight Of Jediism
Former Master:Br John
Rite:Jediism Rite
Former Apprentice: Knight Apprentice OwenShea 11/08, Angelus 11/09
Current Apprentice:
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it
We all have our heroes. And when we watch them fall, we die inside.
Thats great news.
Glad to have you back.
Glad to have you back.
Rank: Senior Knight Of Jediism
Former Master:Br John
Rite:Jediism Rite
Former Apprentice: Knight Apprentice OwenShea 11/08, Angelus 11/09
Current Apprentice:
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it
We all have our heroes. And when we watch them fall, we die inside.
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04 May 2010 19:55 #30391
by RyuJin
Out of darkness, he brings light. Out of hatred, love. Out of dishonor, honor-james allen-
He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure-james allen-
The sword is the key to heaven and hell-Mahomet-
The best won victory is that obtained without shedding blood-Count Katsu-
All men's souls are immortal, only the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine -Socrates-
I'm the best at what I do, what I do ain't pretty-wolverine
J.L.Lawson,Master Knight, M.div, Eastern Studies S.I.G. Advisor (Formerly Known as the Buddhist Rite)
Former Masters: GM Kana Seiko Haruki , Br.John
Current Apprentices: Baru
Former Apprentices:Adhara(knight), Zenchi (knight)
nice....lots of property to have wheeled fun on and a waterfall...can't beat that
Warning: Spoiler!
There is passion, yet there is peace
Through passion I gain strength and knowledge
Through strength and knowledge I gain victory
Through victory I gain peace and harmony
Through peace and harmony my chains are broken
There is no death, there is the force and it shall free me
Through passion I gain strength and knowledge
Through strength and knowledge I gain victory
Through victory I gain peace and harmony
Through peace and harmony my chains are broken
There is no death, there is the force and it shall free me
Warning: Spoiler!
Out of darkness, he brings light. Out of hatred, love. Out of dishonor, honor-james allen-
He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure-james allen-
The sword is the key to heaven and hell-Mahomet-
The best won victory is that obtained without shedding blood-Count Katsu-
All men's souls are immortal, only the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine -Socrates-
I'm the best at what I do, what I do ain't pretty-wolverine
J.L.Lawson,Master Knight, M.div, Eastern Studies S.I.G. Advisor (Formerly Known as the Buddhist Rite)
Former Masters: GM Kana Seiko Haruki , Br.John
Current Apprentices: Baru
Former Apprentices:Adhara(knight), Zenchi (knight)
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12 Jul 2010 12:27 - 12 Jul 2010 12:30 #32027
by Garm
So, we are now in the house, and are still living out of the boxes. It took almost a week to get the cable (sat) up and running, but when the tech was done he said he wasn't the guy for the internet...go figure, same company, different tech...now I have to set up another visit for the internet. Betcha they ding me with another service call bill

I will visiting when I can from work until my home can be brought on-line and into the 1990's
it's like the friggin' dark ages right now :laugh:
Been very busy since the move, some reno's that couldn't be left - I didn't see the need when I was buying but now living in the house 24/7 they just couldn't be postponed; smelly stinky carpet now being replaced with laminate flooring, not as nice as hardwood but looks close and I can install it fairly easily over my evenings.
I purchased a snowplow for my blazer (the driveway is about 300 hundred feet long) and that needs to be connected to the vehicle (tinker tinker - weld weld)...and as if I need another item to add to my to do list, the previous owners took all the firewood, so I'm out cutting and splitting as much dead fall I can find at the moment, I may still have to buy 10 chords of wood to get us through the first winter just the same. Seems a shame, 32 acres of woods and I have to buy firewood :laugh:
We have another addition to our household - we adopted a 2 month old King Sheppard Puppy. The kids named her Poncho and all is well with the whole family, puppy, dogs, cats and humans alike.
Anyhoo...I'm still here and I will post some pictures and I hope to be back soon. I feel the need for an apprentice
brewing...someone I can assignment torture through the winter months while I warm my feet by the fire wink wink nudge nudge.

I will visiting when I can from work until my home can be brought on-line and into the 1990's

Been very busy since the move, some reno's that couldn't be left - I didn't see the need when I was buying but now living in the house 24/7 they just couldn't be postponed; smelly stinky carpet now being replaced with laminate flooring, not as nice as hardwood but looks close and I can install it fairly easily over my evenings.
I purchased a snowplow for my blazer (the driveway is about 300 hundred feet long) and that needs to be connected to the vehicle (tinker tinker - weld weld)...and as if I need another item to add to my to do list, the previous owners took all the firewood, so I'm out cutting and splitting as much dead fall I can find at the moment, I may still have to buy 10 chords of wood to get us through the first winter just the same. Seems a shame, 32 acres of woods and I have to buy firewood :laugh:
We have another addition to our household - we adopted a 2 month old King Sheppard Puppy. The kids named her Poncho and all is well with the whole family, puppy, dogs, cats and humans alike.

Anyhoo...I'm still here and I will post some pictures and I hope to be back soon. I feel the need for an apprentice
brewing...someone I can assignment torture through the winter months while I warm my feet by the fire wink wink nudge nudge.

Last edit: 12 Jul 2010 12:30 by Garm.
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12 Jul 2010 12:40 #32028
Replied by on topic Re:update
Greeting Master Garm,
Not that I'm appling for the job but I'm sure whom ever desides to become your apprentiice will be throughly schooled in the way of the path. It sounds like your in a wonderful home.
Sammy Jay
Long life, good health
Not that I'm appling for the job but I'm sure whom ever desides to become your apprentiice will be throughly schooled in the way of the path. It sounds like your in a wonderful home.
Sammy Jay
Long life, good health
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12 Jul 2010 14:53 #32035
by RyuJin
Out of darkness, he brings light. Out of hatred, love. Out of dishonor, honor-james allen-
He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure-james allen-
The sword is the key to heaven and hell-Mahomet-
The best won victory is that obtained without shedding blood-Count Katsu-
All men's souls are immortal, only the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine -Socrates-
I'm the best at what I do, what I do ain't pretty-wolverine
J.L.Lawson,Master Knight, M.div, Eastern Studies S.I.G. Advisor (Formerly Known as the Buddhist Rite)
Former Masters: GM Kana Seiko Haruki , Br.John
Current Apprentices: Baru
Former Apprentices:Adhara(knight), Zenchi (knight)
you would think they'd train all their service techs to cover all aspects of an install/setup that way they could work more efficiently....when i worked for the cable company i was shown how to set up both cable and internet...even the verizon techs know how to work the cable/internet/phone stuff....
that's kind of ironic to have all that wooded property and still have to buy wood, it's like living on a lake and having to buy water....sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun on a chunk of property that size....must be nice...here in florida all the good property has been bought up and forclosed :laugh:
that's kind of ironic to have all that wooded property and still have to buy wood, it's like living on a lake and having to buy water....sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun on a chunk of property that size....must be nice...here in florida all the good property has been bought up and forclosed :laugh:
Warning: Spoiler!
There is passion, yet there is peace
Through passion I gain strength and knowledge
Through strength and knowledge I gain victory
Through victory I gain peace and harmony
Through peace and harmony my chains are broken
There is no death, there is the force and it shall free me
Through passion I gain strength and knowledge
Through strength and knowledge I gain victory
Through victory I gain peace and harmony
Through peace and harmony my chains are broken
There is no death, there is the force and it shall free me
Warning: Spoiler!
Out of darkness, he brings light. Out of hatred, love. Out of dishonor, honor-james allen-
He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure-james allen-
The sword is the key to heaven and hell-Mahomet-
The best won victory is that obtained without shedding blood-Count Katsu-
All men's souls are immortal, only the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine -Socrates-
I'm the best at what I do, what I do ain't pretty-wolverine
J.L.Lawson,Master Knight, M.div, Eastern Studies S.I.G. Advisor (Formerly Known as the Buddhist Rite)
Former Masters: GM Kana Seiko Haruki , Br.John
Current Apprentices: Baru
Former Apprentices:Adhara(knight), Zenchi (knight)
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