Taking Part in the Process...As an experienced Jedi
As a man who's been following the Jedi path for roughly 18 years, if I were to truly join TOTJO, follow the rules, rise through the ranks, where in the world would I begin? I can prove my experience, specifically with all my writings and my history, with references, etc. Not that I'm trying to take the easy route by skipping past certain assignments or whatever, but I felt that some things would be redundant or even a waste of time. I may be making assumptions on this, but I wouldn't really know.
So, can anyone give me some advice?
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All I have to say is this: You lose nothing by participating.
Some very new groups are popping up without any care or second thoughts as to what they effect on others. They just want their fingers in the pie and instead of participating and sharing the pie, they stole it all.
There are many many MANY Things here at TOTJO that I am not in favor with or think could be done better. However....I lose nothing by showing my support and participating.
Yea...I've been around since 1998-ish
Yea... I have gone through the whole > Initiate > Apprentice > Knight and even Council Member role several times in my days.
Dosn't mean I can't humble myself to do it again and support the groups that are still active an alive.
A Jedi Seeks Knowledge and Training.
Whats your next move?
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Someone could graduate from Harvard Law School with Honors. They could practice law for 20 years in New York then serve as a judge on the state supreme court there for 10 years. They decide to move to Texas and want to open a law practice. To get a licence to be a lawyer in Texas they still have to pass the Texas Bar Exam (which unfortunately does not cover how to make a perfect vodka martini).
I have a feeling things will work out much better than what you're imagining. Much better.
Founder of The Order
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Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned
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Br. John wrote: This is not a perfect system. It's improved over time and with the input of many thoughtful and dedicated people. I'm confident it will continue to improve. I look forward to you being a part of this.
Someone could graduate from Harvard Law School with Honors. They could practice law for 20 years in New York then serve as a judge on the state supreme court there for 10 years. They decide to move to Texas and want to open a law practice. To get a licence to be a lawyer in Texas they still have to pass the Texas Bar Exam (which unfortunately does not cover how to make a perfect vodka martini).
I have a feeling things will work out much better than what you're imagining. Much better.
Dear master John, I have told it before, a good wile back. I find this system a pearl of the internet.

The temple using only words brings a community together, with a strong leadership ofcource. This temple is able to have open discussions without much trouble, I have seen communities with only trouble.. communities that only cry and bring hard words on even the lightest discussion. Even if this is not a 'perfect' system, I would not have it otherwise. This site and system is a piece of art that is able to do what it is intended to do. I find that near perfect eh?
streen wrote: As a man who's been following the Jedi path for roughly 18 years, if I were to truly join TOTJO, follow the rules, rise through the ranks, where in the world would I begin? I can prove my experience, specifically with all my writings and my history, with references, etc. Not that I'm trying to take the easy route
To say that every master will always be a student, no person is to old or to young to learn. If I may give my opinion, master John, learning is not only about Jediism, it also learns about and with the community in doing so.
I find it important that high ranked members are well known in the community. We learn from each other, The fact that all Jedi Knights have been trough a lot to learn about Jediism and the community improves their quality of teaching as well. Improved learning will result in a healthy temple.
Jediism at the temple in my eyes is equal important as the community itself. If not, who would teach Jediism?
I am thankful that TOTJO will be improved, may the force guide you all,
~ Aqua :blush:
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Ditch the care about ranks.
Discard the concern for proving experience.
Asses the real reason you are here. What is it you care about most regarding your path.
Go from there.
“For it is easy to criticize and break down the spirit of others, but to know yourself takes a lifetime.”
― Bruce Lee |
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TM: Alexandre Orion | Apprentice: Loudzoo (Knight)
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Nothing is ever perfect you can eather help and make it better or you can sit and watch, eather way it will happen. Which part do you wish to play?
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- OB1Shinobi
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not associated with any groups and not assuming to myself the title of MASTER or LORD or any such thing - JEDI was (and IS) quite enough of a challenge
though i might come across as a know-it-all, i am and will always be, a padawan
and i have much much more to learn than i do to teach and regardless of how my online persona is interpreted, i accept this fact happily, and sincerely hope that i never get so confident in my own wisdom that i forget it
i do not expect to be addressed as anything more prestigious than an equal (one who may or may not be making sense at the given moment)
obviously i cant speak for totjo, im just sharing my own personal response here in the hope that its relevance to OP is understood
People are complicated.
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Streen wrote: I've had a lot to think about today. Jestor has made me aware of certain things, facts that I had overlooked, understanding the conflict I was inducing my posting links to other Jedi sites. This post really isn't even about that, but the underlying truth is, I could be doing much more good here if I were to truly became involved and stop fighting the system. You could say that the old expression applies: if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Not that I felt I was in competition with TOTJO, but I certainly wasn't an ally either. Which brings me to my question...
As a man who's been following the Jedi path for roughly 18 years, if I were to truly join TOTJO, follow the rules, rise through the ranks, where in the world would I begin? I can prove my experience, specifically with all my writings and my history, with references, etc. Not that I'm trying to take the easy route by skipping past certain assignments or whatever, but I felt that some things would be redundant or even a waste of time. I may be making assumptions on this, but I wouldn't really know.
So, can anyone give me some advice?
I would like to ask a small question streen, If I am allowed to ask ofcource :blush: Is there some written history of that what you have been doing, websites posts, some kind of journals we could read. Just would like to know you a little bit better whatever the outcome of this topic would be. Do you have verification of any kind?
I could understand that you do not like to answer, or that you do not have, I have no problems with that. No worries

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Aqua wrote:
Warning: Spoiler!Streen wrote: I've had a lot to think about today. Jestor has made me aware of certain things, facts that I had overlooked, understanding the conflict I was inducing my posting links to other Jedi sites. This post really isn't even about that, but the underlying truth is, I could be doing much more good here if I were to truly became involved and stop fighting the system. You could say that the old expression applies: if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Not that I felt I was in competition with TOTJO, but I certainly wasn't an ally either. Which brings me to my question...
As a man who's been following the Jedi path for roughly 18 years, if I were to truly join TOTJO, follow the rules, rise through the ranks, where in the world would I begin? I can prove my experience, specifically with all my writings and my history, with references, etc. Not that I'm trying to take the easy route by skipping past certain assignments or whatever, but I felt that some things would be redundant or even a waste of time. I may be making assumptions on this, but I wouldn't really know.
So, can anyone give me some advice?
I would like to ask a small question streen, If I am allowed to ask ofcource :blush: Is there some written history of that what you have been doing, websites posts, some kind of journals we could read. Just would like to know you a little bit better whatever the outcome of this topic would be. Do you have verification of any kind?
I could understand that you do not like to answer, or that you do not have, I have no problems with that. No worries
hehe.....He has a ton

If...your willing...Streen

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