
29 Apr 2012 15:03 #58277 by Br. John
Replied by Br. John on topic Re: Creationism

You don't really picture God as biggest explosion in history of the known cosmos, do You?

An old man with a long white beard floating around in the clouds seems more friendly than an explosion but it's not a better picture of God since trying to fit the infinite into a finite picture always falls short or leads to absurdities.

A Pantheist would say God is indeed The Big Bang and all that came from it. Here are some concepts of God you probably don't hear about every day. I'll give a link for each but there's vast information available with a quick google.

Pantheism -

Deism -

Panentheism -

Founder of The Order

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30 Apr 2012 14:27 #58377 by
Replied by on topic Re: Creationism
I sincerely apologize for what's to follow, but it really is a good question regarding pantheism:
'is God in everybody's asses then?' Ricky Gervais (obviously).

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30 Apr 2012 15:39 #58388 by
Replied by on topic Re: Creationism
it is you, in you and around you. the name is just where your belief comes from, and not really important

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02 May 2012 07:21 #58658 by
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The names are the contours of the reality. The name is important.

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02 May 2012 07:36 #58662 by
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Well, the name is also a reflection on their past.

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15 Mar 2013 22:30 - 15 Mar 2013 22:31 #98039 by
Replied by on topic Re: Creationism
I think the problem is that many see the Creation story as literal and not, as I believe allegorical. If we could look beyond the literal 7 days of creation and see it as the 7 stages of creation and realize that one day was not in reality a 24 hour time period but represents an era

I believe that Faith and Science can actually be reconciled.

If we can see the "Big Bang" as God forming the heavens and earth... and move forward we can see that the Bible does not contradict science... animals were created.. and last man was created (or evolved if you believe in evolution)

In my opinion even Adam and Eve if taken out of their literal one man and one woman and see as Ada, .. as Mankind.. Interestingly Adam realy means human not man, man is Ish. And Eve means life SO if we can see the Adam and Eve as the entry of mankind into the world and not one specific man and women.

If you look at the order of creation in the Bible and the order of life in science they are not incompatible one just has to stretch their mind beyong the literal 7 day, actually 6 days, of creation and look at each day as an era or part of creation that could have spanned over missions of years.

Lets look at God as the Energy... or in Jedi terms the Force.. and it really isn't hard to see the resemblance.
Last edit: 15 Mar 2013 22:31 by . Reason: addition, last sentence

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15 Mar 2013 22:39 #98043 by Zanthan Storm
Replied by Zanthan Storm on topic Re: Creationism
Well put Rav. God can be seen this way easily. Sometimes, words can get in the way of what our hearts and minds want to tell us.

Zanthan Storm
AKA Rev. Michael Ziskovsky OCP D.Div.

Master Knight of Jediism
Founder of Roseville, MN Chapter of TOTJO

Current Apprentice: The Coyote
Past Master: GM Neaj Pa Bol
Past Apprentices: Sr. Knight Kira, Knight Myos, Doriann

"Let no one thing control your life, seek to be complete and at peace."

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