Samhain 2017

11 Oct 2017 08:15 #303694 by JamesSand
Replied by JamesSand on topic Samhain 2017

Meanwhile in the Southern Hemisphere, Beltane is a probably a good time to burn the undergrowth out from Spring to avoid large Summer bushfires? But I don't have any bush to run fauna out of ahead of any precautionary burns, and I'm building a deck over my back yard, so I might have to be creative as I find myself dislocated from nature a bit. Where I live the whales migrate past us to and from calving waters starting at Samhain and ending at Beltane, so if I had a boat that would be kewl to have a see them off ritual out in the ocean!!! Might have to make a waterproof ritual drum for that... so long as it doesn't attract the sharks - no blood sacrifice please!!

I believe I watched them heading south in July?

As a general rule, stay away from them in boats (particularly small boats)

Whales might be (relatively) friendly, but they are...biggish....and boats are expensive when they get whale shaped dents in them :P

otherwise - yes, as people operating on an inverted seasonal calender, now is the time for planting tomatoes and clearing scrub to avoid, for lack of a better word "conflagrations"
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11 Oct 2017 08:37 #303695 by
Replied by on topic Samhain 2017
We'll try blood sacrifice to a minimum, lol. I also keep forgetting that there are several of you on the other side of the equator. I'd love to see the results of a Beltane/ Force Ritual :)

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11 Oct 2017 09:53 #303696 by Adder
Replied by Adder on topic Samhain 2017

JamesSand wrote: I believe I watched them heading south in July?

With about 30k of them on the East Coast I'm sure they are spread all around and going different directions, but its generally to Central QLD for Winter, and then back to the Southern Ocean for Summer, AFAIK, thread derail complete :ohmy:

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11 Oct 2017 15:31 - 11 Oct 2017 16:48 #303723 by
Replied by on topic Samhain 2017: A Force Druid Rite
Here is a complete general rite for Force Druids that I modified from ADF's Core Order of Ritual.
Take from it what you wish to incorporate into your own practice. Hopefully, it will be of good use for anyone wishing to use it. :)

A Force Druid General Rite

For this solitary Force-Druid ritual, it is meant to be a foundation for a solitary home altar or shrine practice. Any personal pantheon or hearth culture pantheon may be used and it can be expanded or condensed as one sees fit. It follows the Core Order of Ritual from Ár nDraíocht Féin, but may be changed to fit one’s own personal practice. It is only meant to be a guide and can be adjusted for each of the 8 High Holy Days of the Wheel of the Year.
For the ritual, 3 bowls (a “Force Bowl” where elements of the ritual are combined, a bowl for dry offerings, and a bowl for wet offerings) a cup, water, a floating candle, a small amount of oil, and something wooden are required. You will also need some seasonal items to offer depending on the meaning behind the Holy Day. Choose what means something to you, you can add anything you want to your ritual. Read through the ritual completely before attempting it.

Initiating the Rite – opening prayer/s:

Opening Prayer (setting up the Force Bowl)

Light the floating candle and say:

The spirits of the sky are above us.

Pour water into the bowl and say:

The spirits of the waters flow below us.

Place wooden object into bowl and say:

The spirits of the land are around us.

Place candle in the water and say:

The Force is all around and within us. May we find balance in all things.


Pick up Force Bowl carefully and say:

Surrounded by all the numinous beings of earth and sky and water,
My heart tied together with the Kindred as one in the Force.
Let us pray with a good fire.
May my mind, body, and spirit be purified.

Move the Force Bowl slowly over altar or shrine and say:

Surrounded by all the numinous beings of earth and sky and water,
My heart tied together with the Kindred as one in the Force.
Let us pray with a good fire.
May my space purified.

Place Force Bowl back on altar.

Honoring the Earth Mother

Earth Mother Prayer

Make an offering of grain, bread, flour, or something seasonal like corn. Place in the empty bowl for dry offerings:

O beloved mother of all
From whose starry womb the green earth springs
You who are the bearer of all life
We pray you bless and uphold this rite.
Mother of all accept our offering!

Statement of Purpose

This is our intentions for the ritual. It is a personal, private purpose. It will be reflected on throughout the ritual.

Statement of Purpose, and Previous Precedent

A purpose is inserted here, proper to the occasion, it begins with the following:

As my ancestors once did, so I do today, and so my children will do in the future…

Continue with personal statement of purpose for ritual and end it with:

So let me join together with others as one with the Force to make our offerings in joy and reverence.

(Re)Creating the Cosmos - Fire, Well, Tree, and Force

Druidic ritual is anchored at the Sacred Center of the Grove. The Center is conceived as a meeting-place of the common world with the Otherworlds of the Spirits. We use one or more of the universal symbols of the Center—the Fire, the Well, and the World Tree. Fire connects us with the Sky, the Well with the Underworld, and the Tree is the Boundary Between All Worlds, rooted deep and crowned high. The Force joins them all together and allows interaction to manifest between them all.

Of these three symbols, a representation of the Fire is required for all Druidic rites.
In this phase of the ritual, the Order of the Worlds is acknowledged, first the vertical axis of the Under- Mid- and Starry Worlds. The rite may then honour the horizontal axis of the worlds, such as the realms of Land, Sea, and Sky, or the Four Directions. All Worlds are unified in acknowledging the presence of the Force.

By affirming these symbols in our rite, we acknowledge them within ourselves, making our own souls a temple in which the Three Kindreds may dwell in union with the Force.


Take a moment to find the center of your mind, body and soul. Seek balance in all things.

Now, let us begin to open our minds to Magic, to the presence of the Gods alive in the all-pervasive Force. Begin with your body. Plant your feet firmly on the ground, balanced and upright. Shake out your arms and shoulders. Let gravity pull you evenly toward the Earth, as you release the everyday tensions in your flesh.
Now, begin to breathe deeply and regularly. With each inbreath fill your lungs slowly and completely. With each outbreath empty them entirely. For a moment, simply watch your breath. In and out . . . Slowly . . . Completely.

Now, as you continue to breathe deeply and regularly, imagine, feel that roots are springing from the soles of your feet, reaching down into soil and stone, down to the World below you. A strong taproot slides down, going deeper and growing stronger, down to touch the cool, dark waters beneath the Earth. The dark, cool, magnetic powers of the land.

Breathe deep, and with each inbreath draw the Earth Power up through your roots. Feel it flowing into your feet, tingling and energizing. Rising up from the Earth . . . into your legs . . . rising up through your legs . . . feel it pool in your groin. Breathe deep, and draw the Earth Power up your spine . . . rising through your belly . . . rising through your heart . . . rising up to pool in your head . . . Filling and energizing you . . . rising still to fountain out the crown of your head and flow back to the Earth. Flowing back out through your head and hands, to return to the Earth.

So are you now filled with the Power of the Earth.

Now imagine, feel, that from far overhead, from deep within the turning Wheel of the Sky, a single ray of light shines down, out and down to bathe your body and your spirit in the warm, electric Sky power. Shining down over your head . . . over your heart . . . over your loins . . . touching and warming the Earth Power.

Everywhere the light touches becomes bright, shining like the sun on the water. Now, raise your shining hands to the Sky and let the Earth Power flow into your hands. Feel . . . see . . . your hands brighten and energize with the combined Powers of the Earth and the Sky.

So are you now the Sacred Pillar, the World Tree, the vertical axis of all the Worlds.

Let the Waters and the Light merge and flow through me . . . the Power flowing upward from below . . . the power flowing downward from above . . . through me . . . making me of one light, one depth, and one united with the Force.

So are you now fully united with the Force, ever present guide and unifier of all Worlds.

The waters support and surround us
The land extends about us
The sky stretches out above us.
At our center burns a living flame.
May all the Kindred bless us.
May the Force be with us and guide us.
May our worship be true.
May our actions be just.
May our love be pure.
Blessings, and honor, and worship to the Holy Ones, in union with the Force.
So Be It

Opening the Gates

Briefly Meditate on the union of Fire, Well, Tree, and Force and then ask a gatekeeper to open the way between Worlds. Any deity from one’s personal pantheon or hearth culture can serve this purpose:

(Insert Gatekeeper’s Name),
You who stand between the realms,
Open the ways for us.
Guide us as we walk in your holy ways,
Guide us as we walk the Sacred Road.
Share your magic with us,
Ward us as we travel to meet the Kindred.
(Insert Gatekeeper’s Name), accept our sacrifice!

An offering of oil is given to the Fire. (Be careful not to put the fire out).

Now, (Insert Gatekeeper’s Name)
Join your magic with mine
And let the fire open as a gate,
Let the well open as a gate,
Let the tree be the crossroads of all Worlds.
Let all be unified in the Immanent and Transcendent Force.
Open as a road to our voices and to the Spirits. Let the gates be open!

In your mind's eye, see the sacred center open before you: watch the mists part, see the door to the Otherworld open, or watch the spiral of the magic from between the worlds reveal the Otherworld. The Gates are now open, and the true work can begin. Know that you are guarded by your gatekeeper, a being of all three realms: land, sea, and sky.

Inviting the Three Kindreds

In each of our rites, we invoke and offer to the Spirits in three categories. We call these the Kindreds to reflect their family relationship with one another and with us. The Nature Spirits are those who ensoul soil and stone, water and wind, bird and beast. The Dead are our ancestors, both those of actual blood or those of our heart and affection. The Gods and Goddesses are the eldest Children of the Mother, the Brightest, Wisest and Strongest. For each of these we speak an invocation and make a proper offering.

When these Triad Offerings are made the worshippers should meditate and call to those Spirits that are closest to them: our own Ancestors, Gods and Goddesses, and allies among the Nature Spirits are called to join us in honoring the Patron Powers of the rite.


The Children of the Earth call out to the Mighty Dead.
Hear us, our Ancestors, our Kindred.

To all those whose bones lie in this land,
Whose hearts are tied to it,
Whose memory holds it;
Ancient tribes of this place,
We offer you welcome.

To all of our grandmothers and grandfathers,
Our own beloved dead,
Blood-kin and heart-kin,
Ancient tribes of our blood,
We offer you welcome.

To all those elder wise ones who guide their people,
Poets and seers,
Judges and magicians;
Wise women and men of ancient days,
We offer you welcome.

So, O Mighty Ones
We call to you as our kin,
In the love of the All-Mother,
Unified in the Force,
To join in our magic.

Come to our fire, Spirits
Meet us at the boundaries.
Join us at our Sacred Hearth and be warmed by our good fire.
Aid us and guide us as we walk the Elder Ways.
Ancestors! Accept our Sacrifice!

(an offering of food and/or drink is made into dry or wet offering bowl)

Nature Spirits

The Children of Earth call out to the Spirits of this Land.
Hear us, companions and teachers!

To all our allies,
Kindred of stone and stream,
Crystal and fertile soil,
Pools and every water;
We offer you welcome.

To all our allies,
Kindred of the growing green,
Herb and flower,
Shrub and mighty trees,
Root and stem and fruit.
We offer you welcome.

To all our allies,
Kindred of fur and feather and scale
All who walk or fly or swim or crawl
We offer you welcome.

So, O Noble Ones
We call to you as our allies,
In the joy of life upon earth,
Unified in the Force
To join in our magic.

Come to our fire, Spirits;
Meet us at the boundaries.
Join us at our Sacred Hearth and be warmed by our good fire.
Aid us and guide us as we walk the Elder Ways.
Nature Spirits! Accept our sacrifice!

(an offering of herbs, flowers and/or trinkets or placed in the dry offering bowl)


The Children of Earth call out to the Shining Ones.
Hear us, eldest and brightest!

To all the Shining Ones,
First children of the Mother,
Wisest and mightiest,
Loving and comforting;
Gods and Goddesses,
We offer you welcome.

To the Goddesses and Gods of this place,
Ancient and powerful,
Known to us or unknown;
Gods of this place,
We offer you welcome.

To all the deities of those here gathered,
You whom we worship,
You who bless our lives;
O patrons and matrons,
We offer you welcome.

So, O Shining Ones,
We call to you as our elders,
In reverence and love,
Unified in the Force
To join in our magic.

Come to our fire, Shining Ones;
Meet us at the boundaries.
Join us at our Sacred Hearth and be warmed by our good fire.
Aid us and guide us as we walk the Elder Ways.
Shining Ones! Accept out sacrifice!

(An offering of oil is poured into the wet offering bowl)

Praise Offerings to the Kindreds

Key Offerings

Each of our rites is commonly dedicated to two or more of the Gods and Goddesses. These are usually chosen either for their connection with the seasonal holiday being celebrated, for their ability in the area of the work being done, or their special relationship with the mortal focus of the rite.

The patrons of the rite are first invoked with expressive prose or poetry, sometimes accompanied by a visualized image of the Deities. These offerings are different for every rite. This is a personal dedication and can be directed to whomever one chooses as the main deities of the rite.

Following this, an offering is made to each of the kindred that one has developed a relationship with. All offerings can be placed into, beside, or underneath the dry/wet offering bowl depending on space. If an offering is written on a piece of paper, tear off a tiny piece of the paper and offer it to the flame, symbolically burning it as the whole paper. Place the rest underneath the offering bowl.

After all of this is completed, an offering to the Force can be made. One may choose to make an offering of one’s goals for the new year, one’s mistakes for the past year, or ones intimate connection to something seasonally driven by the Holy Day. One’s relationship with the Force is as personal as with any of the kindred. This Key Offering should reflect that relationship in light of where one is personally on their path. All offerings to the Force may be placed in or near the “Force Bowl,” the first bowl where fire, well, and world tree are symbolically united. If an offering is written on a piece of paper, tear off a tiny piece of the paper and offer it to the flame, symbolically burning it as the whole paper. Place the rest underneath the offering bowl.

Prayer of Sacrifice

Following all Praise offerings, the final Prayer of Sacrifice is made to the patron of the rite, while one’s focus is spent on sending love, respect, and admiration through the gates to all Patrons, the kindred, and the Force.

Final Sacrifice

Prepare the final offerings of the rite, saying:

So we have given of our love and our wealth
To the Patrons, the Kindred, and the Force, that they may know our intentions.

Now let our voices arise on the Fire
Let our voices sound in the Well
Let our words pass the boundary to the Otherworld.
Let all be united in the Force.

We give you our love
Our respect, and our devotion
as we pray you...
[Patron], accept our sacrifice!


After the Final Sacrifice, an omen may be divined if this is part of one’s practice. This is accomplished by doing a simple divination to determine what sort of blessings the Powers offer in return for our gifts.

Three Ritual Questions

If performing divination, ask three questions

Have our offerings been accepted?
What do the Powers offer us in return?
What further needs do the Powers have of us?

If performed, interpret omens based on method used.

Calling for the Waters

Meditate on combining the presence of the Powers in the Force with the content of the Omen. We also meditate on our own needs, those of our loved ones, and our community. In this moment, our personal intentions for the rite should be strongly imagined, held in the mind and heart, with harm to none and for the good of all.

Calling for the waters

These are indeed powerful omens;
take a moment to reflect upon them.
Consider first how these blessings affect you,
how you can find their expression in your life.

Next consider how these blessings relate to us all,
how the community as a whole, and this Grove in particular
might be affected by the Great One's blessings.

Now, in your mind's eye, see the blessings manifest:
A mist around us, a shining ray from the heavens,
a deep welling from the bosom of the earth.
See the blessings in your own way,
And know the Gods pour them out for you.

Hallowing the Blessings

The Blessing of the Powers is commonly given as a cup or horn of drink. It is recommended to use purified spring water for the Waters of Life. Invoke the Blessing as water drawn from the Well of Potentials and held in the light of the Fire of Transformation. We contemplate again our needs and the Omen as we drink the blessing and contemplate the unitive aspects of this moment.

Hallowing the Waters

Elevate cup with purified water

All waters are by nature sacred,
welling from the earth or falling from the sky,
but today, we separate these waters *
Asking that they be infused with the blessings of the Kindreds, in union with the Force.

At this point, the waters are set in the center of one’s altar or shrine, with the offering bowl below or to the left, and the Force Bowl to the right or above, depending on space. Some may choose to have 3 additional unlit candles at this point placed in the points of a triangle. If used, place the cup in the center of these unlit candles.

Ancient and mighty ones, we have honoured you,
And you have offered us blessings in turn:
Shining Ones, give us the Waters!

If used, first candle is lit.

Your blessings mingle with the waters before us,
Infusing them, becoming one with them:
Shining Ones, give us the Waters!

If used, second candle is lit.

In all the ways your blessings may come, in all their forms,
mixing with the waters here, shining and bright with your love for us:
Shining Ones, give us the Waters!

If used, third candle is lit.

Pause for a moment, and hold your hand over the waters. Direct the energy from the Kindred and the Force into the container.

These Waters now hold the blessings of the Gods,
The outpouring of love from the Great Ones
As we share in these sacred waters,
we drink in wisdom, strength and blessing

Elevate the Waters.

Behold, the Waters of Life!

Affirmation of the Blessings

Once you have drank from the cup, vocally affirm that the Blessings from the Powers have indeed been received with the following prayer. This not only affirms to the Powers that we have received their blessings, but it also further imprints the reception of these blessings in our own minds.

Affirming the Blessing

As a child of the Force, present here on Earth, before me is the holy cup
I wish to share in these blessings.

Then, as the waters are poured out,
know that they hold blessings for me.
May I work well with these blessings, as a child of the Force.

Waters are now consumed

Now I have imbibed the Waters of Life,
the outpouring of blessings from the Powers.
I feel the waters within me,
and know that I have been blessed.


If there is any social or magical task to be accomplished, it is done at this time. This is based one’s personal practice.

Thanking the Powers

After all is done, give proper thanks to all the Powers. Thank the Patrons of the rite, as well as the Kindreds. Take a few moments to reflect on our relationship with them and the Force. Thank the Gatekeeper and conjure the Gates closed. We renew our grounding, our connection to the Earth and the Sky, centering the energies of the rite in our own souls. We allow excess energy to flow away, into the ground, and we offer any remains to the Earth Mother.

Thanks to the Kindred and Force

I thank the Mighty Dead, the Ancestors who have passed on to the Force. May I continue to grow in our ties of blood and honor as I continue walk in your ancient ways.

I thank the Spirits of the Land, those of our realm and others. May I continue to grow in love and respect of you as I continue to walk in your ancient ways.

I thank you O Shining Ones, whose constant intercession is prevalent in my life. May I continue to learn and grow in my relationship with you as I continue to walk in your ancient ways.

I thank you, the ever present Force, grand unifier of all Worlds. May I continue to grow in the Wisdom of your presence as I continue to walk in your ancient ways.

Now, with joy in my heart, I give thanks: To the beings of this occasion, thank you for your blessings. To the Deities, thank you for your blessings. To the Nature Spirits, thank you for your blessings. To the Ancestors, thank you for your blessings. To all those Powers who have aided me, thank you for your blessings. To the Force, thank you for your Blessings.

Closing the Gates

To you (Insert Gatekeeper’s Name), the Keeper of the Gates:
For guiding me and warding me
Thank you for your protection.

In your mind's eye, see the sacred center close before you: watch the mists gather, see the door to the Otherworld close, or watch the spiral of the magic from between the worlds close in on the Otherworld. The Gates are now closed, and this rite is ending.

Thanking the Earth Mother and Closing the Rite

Mother of all, to you I will return all things I have left unused. For supporting and upholding me in this rite, I thank you!
This rite is ended!

The rite concludes with cleaning up. You should take all your unused offerings and empty them out, and remember that cleaning the altar and space is as important as setting it up. Used offerings should be buried outside or given back to nature in some way. Keep this in mind when deciding which offerings to make.
Last edit: 11 Oct 2017 16:48 by .

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13 Oct 2017 10:07 #303873 by
Replied by on topic Samhain 2017: A Force Druid Rite
Okay so my last post was rather lengthy, hahahaha, but there are several things that came out of it that I thought would be beneficial to practice. In Druidry, the entire cosmos is represented by three elements: fire, water, and wood. In incorporating the Force into practice, I combined them all into a single offering bowl meant for offerings for the Force. By doing this, I thought it would allow for a condensed place on one's altar to but together a symbolic representation of the Force, where everything is combined into one form. Hopefully you will find it useful.

A lot of the prayers are specific to Druidry, but can easily be adapted to one's own practice. Also, this rite can be condensed down as one sees fit. Rites in paganism can be looked at as guides and not a hard and fast way to practice. One can simple open the gates make offerings and give thanks, and then close everything back up. It need not last more than a few minutes if that is what is available to you. See what speaks to you about it (if you choose to practice the rite) and go from there. :)

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