Jedi Memorial Day (For the deceased) October 25th

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05 Oct 2010 14:27 #33593 by
Jedi Memorial Day (For the deceased)
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October 25, 2010

As you may or may not know (or noticed on our site calendar), October 25 is one of the Jedi calendar days of note.

It is the day we remember those that have passed to the force before us - whoever they may be, whatever faith they may have followed in life. This year is possibly especially poignant to us here at TOTJO as it gives us a further opportunity to remember a much loved and missed member SteveF who recently passed.

The usual manner this day is celebrated by us, be it individually or at a group meeting, is that we have a fire of some sort (more on this to follow) and after writing the names of those we wish to remember on sticks or paper etc, we then put these to the fire, symbolically the person goes to the force as the embers flicker skyward.

It isn’t necessary to have a huge raging pyre to do this - in fact you can do something similar in a number of ways, you don’t really have to burn the names, or indeed have a fire.

You could simply light a candle as a mark of remembrance, be it at home or church etc.

You could use the gas stove to burn the names (as well as the candle)

Have a small fire in the yard using an old empty food can or a good old fashioned bonfire.

However, whatever you do - you must be sensible and careful - and if your under 18 - I strongly suggest just not doing any of the above or ask an adult to do it for you. Take all necessary precautions beforehand though and be prepared for accidents (have a fire extinguisher to hand or a large bucket of sand or fire blanket)

This is a memorial day - we don’t really want to add to the numbers unnecessarily ;)

Master Kyp over at TOTJF usually has a big fire for a public memorial on this day and will happily add names if you ask him (if any of the above are out of your options)

I too will have my usual smaller hot can style service so if you want to supply names to me, I will happy incorporate them into the memorial (please do this by PM). I will try to record the event if weather allows.

The main reason of this post is to not only to remind you of this day - but to ask of you to remember master SteveF (especially if you were unable to attend the chatroom services held on September 24th)

Whatever manner you celebrate this day, please take care and most of all


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24 Oct 2010 09:47 #33909 by
Just a reminder tomorrow (Monday) is Jedi Memorial day

i'm still open to requests for names to be remembered


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24 Oct 2010 12:54 #33910 by
I shall be journeying with Salvia as part of the honouring of Jedi Memorial Day. My thoughts will be with those who have passed to the Force and those whose lives they have touched. May the Force be with us all.

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