\"good\" or \"bad\"
03 Dec 2007 17:29 #9467
\"good\" or \"bad\" was created by
To many pagans the terms good and bad are not relevent, there are only shades of grey, i myself view the world as chaos and order, neither being better then the other. But there are two sides to ever coin and paganism, witchcraft, is no exception. There is what some people call white magick, and there is what some people call black magick, although no witch will use these terms because it is the intent that determines what the spell is. But i was thinking, there is not only the possiblity to be a Jedi Witch but also a Sith Witch. And should anyone be of such a character, then you are welcome both here and in the Sith forum. I would think though that a Sith Witch would walk a darker line, not necessarily worshipping satan but perhaps demons or some of the darker gods of any number of pantheons. I can not say for sure but if you are one such person then come out and make things clear please, allow us to understand you that much better.
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08 Apr 2008 00:06 #13255
Replied by on topic Re:\"good\" or \"bad\"
true, it is the intent that fuels the power of spells, and sure, for the most part, there are many grey areas. but much of the non-pagan community that remains unclear of the workings of earth magic, cannot always grasp the same concepts that we take for granted. sometimes they can only place the idea of magic and spells in categories of light or dark. it becomes our position in society to educate those who remain ignorant of our ways and to prevent fear and hatred towards those of our calling.
i, myself, feel that spells cast for the purpose of harming others is taboo as it causes terrible Karma and, not to mention, if it backfires, it'll fall on the caster 3 fold. i'm not fond of blood magic either as i dont like to cut myself or others, nor do care to abuse animals for the purposes of spells and rites. i have a hefty temper due to my Fire element influences (born in June) but i never direct a spell when i'm in that state of mind. i am very much aware of my emotions and how they play into spell casting.
as you have no doubt have guessed, i'm a caster of positive spells. er, spells that harness positive energies and allow the caster to focus them for a single goal or purpose. as far as chaos and order are concerned, i cause a little of both with my spells, lol. i mean, when i cast a spell to prevent rain, it doesn't rain but it gets really warm for that time of year. i would think that to be chaotic. i also cast protection spells on my home and on those who ask me to, and that sounds kinda orderly to me.
though im a witch, i rarely find a reason to cast a spell and thats the way i like it. simple prayer is all one needs to gain protection from their higher power:) spells are just gifts that life grants those who learn to understand.
i, myself, feel that spells cast for the purpose of harming others is taboo as it causes terrible Karma and, not to mention, if it backfires, it'll fall on the caster 3 fold. i'm not fond of blood magic either as i dont like to cut myself or others, nor do care to abuse animals for the purposes of spells and rites. i have a hefty temper due to my Fire element influences (born in June) but i never direct a spell when i'm in that state of mind. i am very much aware of my emotions and how they play into spell casting.
as you have no doubt have guessed, i'm a caster of positive spells. er, spells that harness positive energies and allow the caster to focus them for a single goal or purpose. as far as chaos and order are concerned, i cause a little of both with my spells, lol. i mean, when i cast a spell to prevent rain, it doesn't rain but it gets really warm for that time of year. i would think that to be chaotic. i also cast protection spells on my home and on those who ask me to, and that sounds kinda orderly to me.
though im a witch, i rarely find a reason to cast a spell and thats the way i like it. simple prayer is all one needs to gain protection from their higher power:) spells are just gifts that life grants those who learn to understand.
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09 Apr 2008 21:13 #13337
Replied by on topic Re:\"good\" or \"bad\"
Many witch are different of course. Some are practically addicted to Magick and must perform as often as possible. I do not know anyone personally but have heard of it. Personally i believe that the gods will do nothing for us that we can not do for ourselves but, i also believe that they can help and i do ask for assistance from time to time. Personally i am not entirely sure what is meant by 'Earth' Magick. I mean is there 'space' magick? To me, magick is magick and how you use it can be classified. I know the common belief is to ask permission to do magick on someone but if someone is having trouble and needs the person to leave their life sometimes a spell to wish the person away can be done or even to wish the person who is the problem a better life to help them get away from the person in question.
WIth that said i mostly just meditate and practise my connection to the earth and my element. I am a self reflecter, that is what i do.
WIth that said i mostly just meditate and practise my connection to the earth and my element. I am a self reflecter, that is what i do.
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15 May 2008 11:37 #14975
Replied by on topic Re:\"good\" or \"bad\"
To answer you question Master Anora, yes there is \"space\" magik. This magik is used for dark purposes. This ritual composes the taking of life in order to open the doors of time past and present. I have not been apart of said ritual but have heard about it in my past.
Because of my past experience, I am light and dark. Dark in the aspect of emotions, but light in the aspect of respect of life and helping others. No i don't use spells for personal gain, but if needed to use one to protect someone or something, I will do what i must.
Because of my past experience, I am light and dark. Dark in the aspect of emotions, but light in the aspect of respect of life and helping others. No i don't use spells for personal gain, but if needed to use one to protect someone or something, I will do what i must.
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16 May 2008 11:25 #15037
Replied by on topic Re:\"good\" or \"bad\"
Responsibility you have young one yes
I hadn't heard of the so called space magick but have heard of numberous magick where pain, blood, or even life is required. Usually to the dieties turned demon by some demonolatry aspects and dark things, as you have mentioned already. I have never heard of it refered to as 'space' magick though. Usually dark, high magick, and i know there are a few others that i am just not thinking of at the moment. Dispite our personal opinions though, i feel that it should be restated that these are our opinions and should anyone come here reading this pracise any of the 'dark' arts, please be aware that they are our opinions and not those of this temple. I have tried to keep a neutral ground where magik is conserned here, posting a little bit of everything for all to see. Needless to say though, if any does decide to post spells, rituals, rite, ceremonies, or anything of the sort, please be aware that there are children present here, keep language clean, and no posting about violent acts of any kind unless news or factual for intellectual perposes. Feel free to post what ever it is you like everyone, just keep things PG, PG13 at worse.Sorry i went pretty off topic there for a sec. Just some thoughts that came to me while i was writing

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