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16 years 6 months ago #8957 by
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Correspondences For Spell Casting

12, green, silver, coins, found money, baby plants, the sun.

Red, yellow, 7, 10, liquid, anything that can be turned or bent without breaking, clay.

1, 13, white, white flag, dove, items to represent the focus of the anger, breakable or tearable things, fires that can be extinguished.

tools of art, goddess image, artistically inspiring items, yellow, blue ribbon, 5, 7, 10, 12, lunar herbs and foods.

Triangle, hourglass, scales, stilts, balance beam, 2, two of anything, pentacles, Yin and Yang symbol, mirror images.

red, white, silver, black, 6, 8, soap and water, soil, items that can be turned inside out or reversed, counterclockwise.

3, 21, pastel colors, classic artwork, mirror, make-up, swan.

hand, anointing oil, 2, warm colors, water and other elemental symbols, halo, gold light, sweetgrass, incense, censer.

pendulum, penny, coins, straws of different lengths, 10, gray, black, white.

Cleansing -
2, 8, 40, agate, chrysolite, soap and wash cloth, bath or shower, washing machine, sink.

Communication -
pink, 2, amethyst, beryl, carnelian, Hematite, telephone, stationary, pencils, pens, typewriter, computers.

Conscious mind -
warm golden colors, amethyst, coral, books, glasses, desks, 1.

Courage -
red, gold, 8, beryl, Hematite, swords, gloves, iron crosses, purple heart, pens, lions.

Dedication -
6, 13, purple, anything sticky, dog.

Discernment -
silver, stones, malachite, purple, 7, 5, any substance that can be cleared away (flour, sugar etc.)

Divination -
yellow, 5, all divinatory tools (Tarot cards, crystal ball etc.)

Doubt -
garnet, tourmaline, 10, bright colors, any items representing balance.

Ecology -
9, 12, green, globe. Picture of earth, soil, natural things, rustic things, dried leaves, musk.

Employment -
tin, 4, 6, 13, first earned dollar bill, position vacant advertisements, green, orange.

Energy -
topaz, red, orange, 8, 40, flags, bread, incoming tides, items that expand and rise.

Fear -
tea, amethyst, sardonx, red, silver, lavender.

Fertility -
7, 12, east wind (Eurius), storks, rabbits, pregnant goddesses, eggs, cheese, agate, coral, jade, green, yellow, knots

Forgiveness -
moonstone, alexandrite, white, 2, 9, anything to represent the area of discord.

Friendship -
jade, pink, 12, 2, picture of friends, interlocking symbols.

Foundations -
lead, earth colour, 1, 3, 12, soil, farms, trees, root, anchors.

Ghosts -
candles, wind items, ouija boards, personal things of the person being contacted, sheets, agate, lodestone, turquoise,

to protect from ghosts = jade, jasper, malachite, pepper, beans)

Goals -
bullseye, dart board, target, arrows, ladders, steps, 4, red, orange, brown, daisy, ant, agate, beryl, jade.

Gossip -
1, 8, 9, carnelian, worms, fire, binding items such as paperclips, staples and clothes pegs.

Grief -
jet, 1, 21, balms, feathers, tea, cocoa, chocolate.

Grounding -
1, 6, 12, cellar or low rooms, soil, trees, brown

Habits -
rep of the habit, yeast bread dough (which rises to better things), soda left to go flat (reps negative energy), ashes, butterflies, red, green.

Harmony -
pale blue, white, 2, 3, gentle music, objects where several items come together to form beauty (floral arrangements, fabric), scales.

Health -
3, turquoise, amber, coral, bandages, ankh, red cross, red, blue, green, orange juice, chicken soup.

Heart break -
carnelian, coral, 8, tissues, rose quartz.

Humour -
agate, feathers, kittens, otters, gag gifts, toys, bright colours, fool tarot card, clowns.

(people and objects) - clay balls (uncovering thievery), tea leaves, flour or dust, beer, 5, yellow, dowsing tools.

Imagination -
yellow, birds, butterflies, winged creatures, clouds, closet, kites, 3rd eye, inner child.

Inspiration -
7, beer, tea, bright colours, green, yellow, light, open windows, open eye.

Intuition -
lamps, coffee, water, all fluids, mushrooms, eggs, key holes, silver, yellow, green, 5.

Jobs -
money, job advertisements, status symbols, company logos, 13, meat, gourmet foods, symbols of security.

Joy -
agate, balloons, cake, cheese, feathers, honey, sugar, jelly, blue.

Judgement -
amethyst. Birds, coffee, mushrooms, gold, blueish purple, 10, magnifying, glass, scales, calculator.

Kindness -
supple items, things to soften or smooth, sandpaper, fabric softener, skin lotion, charity organisation logo, flowers, cookies, orange, 9.

Kinship -
interlocking web or chain, spider web, trees, roses, coat of arms, broom, knots, bread, jade, pink, 1, 9, 12, warm and cozy
items, picnic tables, bbq.

Knowledge -
books, glasses, library, school, desk, notepad, light bulb, sharp items, computer, yellow, gold, sunflower, 3, 4, 6, 10

Leadership -
medals, crowns, rod of leadership, elevated chair, lions, grasshoppers, amethyst, honey wine, gold, redish purple.

Liberation -
birds, wings, broken chains and cords, untied knots, cleansing spices, garlic, amethyst, ashes, 4, 40.

Love -
2, 3, 12, heart, doves, lovebirds, flowers, cupid, mead.

Luck -
1, 4, 7, personal lucky, number, 13, dragonfly, rabbits foot, fish, rainbows, wind, ships, champagne, found items, black cats.

Lust -
chocolate, cherries, red

Magick -
moonstone, amber, silver, quartz, 7, 13, elder, eggs,athame, wand (etc.), circle, pentagram, purple, woven items, candles, \"witch animals\" such as cats.

Mental abilities - amethyst, books, glasses, computers, keys, diplomas, 6, 10, yellow, gold.

Money -
green, silver, gold, anything that grows and expands, wallet, chequebook, pay stub, piggy bank, wishing wells, alfalfa, allspice, almond, moss agate, moonstone, shells.

Movement -
red, yellow, vibrant colours, batteries, electric generators, sneakers, active clothes (tracksuits), cars, bikes, train (etc.), clouds, water, roads,
blenders, matches, animals and insects known for swiftness, bees, birds, air, 40.

Nature -
animals or plant costumes, masks, pictures, seasonal representations, gardens, woods, places of nature, green, brown, 9, 12.

Negotiation - binoculars, glasses, things that have the ability to smooth or cool, ice, blenders, white, pink, yellow, gold, amethyst, carnelian, open hand, flexible items, 2.

New endeavours -
pinky orange, new brooms, keys, chimes, open doors, chicken, cheese, agate, 3, 4, 6.

Nightmares -
agate, amber, malachite, pyrite, white, blue, gold, 6.

Oaths -
carnelian, agate, amethyst, knots, communal cups, neutral places like the middle of a bridge, 2, X rune.

Obtaining -
agate, beryl, jade, Hematite, spiders, targets, brass rings, pointers, anything that helps solidify other items (flour, gelatine), 4, red, orange.

Omens -
divination tools, eyes, grey hair, yellow, 5, dirt, birds, feathers, candles, copper, reflective surfaces, bowls, round crystals, moonstone.

Openings -
open windows, open books, open doors, starting line in a race, keys, handles, hammer, shovel, archways, can openers, camera, 1, yellow-green, brown.

Organisation -
computers, calculator, pen, notepad, clock, broom, filing cabinets, drawers, 2, 3, 10, gold, yellow, fish, amethyst, coral.

Overcoming -
steps, ladders, iron, balloons, cleansing herbs, element fire, salt, items that are loosened, untied shoes, 4, 8, 10, red.

Passion -
chocolate, eggs, \"energy foods\", red, orange, onyx, candlelight, 2, fire related items.

Passages -
butterfly, chameleon, hoops, fire pits, keys, doors, archways, woven or flowing things, almond, butter, salves, agate, element air, purple, blue.

Peace -
bridges, open hands, pale blue, amethyst, 2, white.

Power -
electrical outlets, batteries, blender, quartz, topaz, gold, red, orange, 8, your hair, lion, powerful animals.

Prejudice -
east wind, anything that softens and smooths, an iron, skin lotion, carnelian, amethyst, open hand, eyes, ears, 2, 3, blue, white, black.

Prosperity -
4, 12, north wind, fish, dragonfly, anything that thrives in your area, shells.

Protection -
coral, malachite, topaz, image of a shield, sprinkled water, fence, white light, dog, circle, 6.

Quests -
primary colours, 4, 13, 40, birds, horses, holy grail, chalices, shoes, thread, moonstone, rock crystal, footpaths, east wind

Quick mindedness -
yellow, gold, 10, amethyst, rabbit, snap of the finger, coin flips, alarms, light bulbs, sharp items, east wind.

Quiet -
white, pink, black, dark blue, stars, snow, ear, finger to lips, bed.

Recovering items -
2, 4, yellow, blue, agate, amethyst, chicken, string, circle, boomerang, magnet, magnifying glass, dowsing rod

Relationships -
bridges, cake, cups, jade, knots, dog, woven or connected items, 2, 3, 9, 12, 13, pink, orange, cocoa, paperclips, things that join or unite other items.

Remembering -
fish, 5, 8, 10, books, notepad, photo, computers, carnelian, dragons, elephant, tortoise, long living creatures, yellow, gold.

Roles -
masks, costumes, chameleon, flexible and fluid or variegated items, 4, 6, 8, 10, curtains, make-up, mirrors.

Safe travel -
car, plane, inspection stickers, road map, guidebooks, cameras, coins, moonstone, turquoise, shoes, white.

Separation -
% symbol, fire, cut cords, scissors, knives, partitions, things that can be stored or put out of sight, ashes, oil, salves, blue, black.

Sleep -
pillows, quiet music, bed, blankets, yawning, topaz, sheep, bears, caves.

Speech -
wax lips, silver tongue, cue cards, soup, coffee, ham, quartz, carnelian, gold, red, yellow, 8.

Teachers/teaching -
pointers, chalk, white robes, amethyst, agate, magnets, sun, books, keys, gold, green, 4, 8, 10, 12, 21, brown.

Technomagic -
item in need of repair, tools, instruction manuals, amethyst.

Tenacity -
sticky items, red coals, crabs, immovable objects, ants, orange, red, 3.

Thrift -
mouse, squirrel, shopping coupons, pennies, leftovers, bank, change purse, jars, bottles, food wrap, measuring cups, macaroni and cheese, bread, cords, twist ties, yellow, green, 10, anything that stretches.

Transformation -
fires, ashes, caterpillar, butterfly, eggs, flower buds, seeds, food processor, moon phases, phoenix, masks, pepper, 8, anything that changes.

Unconscious mind -
ink, wax blots, silver, white, moon, water, eyes, 7.

Understanding -
ear or open hand, binoculars, glasses, items that improve vision, amethyst, keys, light bulbs, candles, sunlight, 40, 5, orange.

Unions -
rings, flower garlands, contracts, cups, triangle, wax seals, tied knots, celebratory decorations, cake, agate, 1, 2.

Versatility -
modelling clay, play-dough, rubber band, water, chameleon, cats, winds, 5, 12, wax, anything which changes.

Victory -
finishing line, flags, thumbs-up sign, agate, Hematite, ants, rubber tree, 4, blue, red, gold.

Viewpoints -
ladders, telescopes, birds, binoculars, glasses, lamps, 5, \"which came first, the chicken or the egg\".

Virtue -
glove, sword, coat of arms, jade, agate, amethyst, rock crystal, 9, 13.

Visions (dreams) -
pizza and other unusual combinations of food stuffs, yellow, eye pads, topaz.

Weather -
water, drums, fires, bird calls, smoke blown in a certain direction, jasper, knots, elemental colours, weather symbols, creatures of very specific climates, objects associated through folklore with specific weather patterns (like red sun = rain).

Web weaving-
(networks) - spider webs, things that connect, tape, string, paperclips, chain, baskets, phone lines, chain letters, trees.

Wisdom -
sage, 5, owl, agate, amethyst, purple, old people.

Wishes -
cinnamon, ginger, laurel (bay) leaf, wells, coins, candles, bottles, rainbows, 4 leaved clovers, 7, dandelion, feathers, first star in the sky.

Youthful outlook -
falling star, chalk, crayons, toys, garnet, balloons, jelly, cookies, candy, traditional children's food (eg. Fairy floss, candy of any kind), white, pale yellow, open windows, swings, slides.

Zeal -
cheering, pompoms, young playful animals, red, 6, fire element, sausage.
-Author Unknown

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16 years 6 months ago #8958 by
Replied by on topic Re:Correspondences
The following posts contain the above needed ingredients for specific spells/magick, Hope it helps. :)

Change Your Luck
Oil: lotus
Herb: basil
Incense: lotus or frankincense
Gemstones: carnelian or quartz crystal
Candle Colors: green or orange

Attract Money
Oil: bergamot or cinnamon
Herb: nutmeg
Incense: cinnamon or honeysuckle
Stone: agate or garnet
Candle Colors: brown, green or gold

Gain Prosperity
Oil:bayberry or bergamot
Herb: vervain
Incense: bayberry or jasmine
Stone: bloodstone or malachite
Candle Color: green

To Influence Someone to Repay a Debt
Oil: jasmine
Herb: clove
Incense: ginger, jasmine, allspice
Stone: hematite, tiger's eye
Candle: yellow

Increase Personal Power
Oil: carnation
Herb: sandalwood or rue
Incense: carnation, frankincense or pine
Stone: agate, jasper, black obsidian
Candle: purple or red

Conquer Fear
Oil: musk
Herbs: sage
Incense: allspice, dragons blood, musk
Stones: amber, black obsidian
Candle: red or brown

Find A New Job
Oil: pine or peppermint
Herb: dragons blood or ginger
Incense: jasmine, peppermint, pine
Stones: carnelain, lapis
Candle: green or copper

Attain Success
Oil: peppermint
Herb: ginger or vervain
Incense: ginger or rosemary
Stones: sard, black obsidian
Candle: brow, gold or orange

Inspire Creativity
Oil: lilac or rose
Herb: rose petals
Incense: lilac, lotus or rose
Stone: amethyst, chrysocolla, black onyx, turquoise
Candle: violet or yellow

Overcome Bad Habits
Oil: cedar or peppermint
Herbs: basil, bay laurel
Incense: dragons blood, cedar, pappermint
Stones: jet, rhodonite, topaz
Candles: purple or violet

Stop Arguments
Oil: patchouli
Herb: patchouli
Incense: allspice, cedar, patchouli
Stones: bloodstone, black obsidian, black onyx
Candle: pink, light blue

Settle Disturbed Conditions in the Home
Oil: patchouli
Herb: frankincense and myrrh
Incense: patchouli or frankincencense
Stones: hematite, agate
Candle: black, purple

Learn the Truth About a Situation or Person
Oil: carnation
Herb: sage or yellow sandalwood
Incense: clove, cypress, sage
Stone: chrysoprase, geode, tigers eye
Candle: purple, dark brown

Release Situations or People from Your Life
Oil: lilac and patchouli
Herb: lemon verbena
Incense: patchouli or cedar
Stones: aventurine, jade, petrified wood, clear quartz
Candle: black

Accept a Situation
Oil: gardenia
Herb: frankincense
Incense: rose, orange, musk
Stones: sard and amazonite
Candle: brown

Find Happiness
Oil: lily of the valley
Herb: St. Johnswort
Incense: jasmine or rose
Stones: moss agate, amethyst
Candle: gold, lt. blue

Consecrate a Talisman
Oil: frankincnese or lotus
Herb: frankincense or yellow sandalwood
Incense: lotus or sandalwood
bloodstone, black onyx, black obsidian
Candle: white or purple

To Reach a Decision
Oil: lotus
Herb: rue
Incnese: sage, acacia or lotus
Stone: agate or clear quartz crystal
Candle: yellow

Start a New Venture
Oil: cinnamon
Herb: nutmeg
Incense: cinnamon, rosemary or clove
Stone: agate, emerald
Color: green

Peaceful Divorce
Oil: patchouli
Herb: lemon verbena
Incense: patchouli, vervain
Stone: sodalite, chalcedony
Candle: light blue

Celebrate a Birth
Oil: rose
Herb: rose petals
Incense: frankincense or myrrh
Stone: lapis, rose quartz
Candle: pink

Celebrate a Wedding Anniversary
Oil: rose
Herb: rose petals
Incense: frankincsense or myrrh
Stones: aquamarine, sard
Candle: pink

In Memory of a Deceased Loved One
Oil: patchouli
Herb: patchouli
Incense: patchouli or lotus
Stones: four pieces of clear quartz crystal
Candle: lavender

Giving Thanks
Oil: lotus or frankincense
Herb: sage
Incense: frankincense, myrrh
Stones: amethyst, clear quartz crystal, iolite
Candle: white

General Healing #1
Oil: carnation, myrrh, lavender
Herb: frankincense
Incense: lotus or lavender
Stone: amber, turquoise
Candle: green, gold, lt. blue

General Healing#2
Oil: clove or gardenia
Herb: myrrh
Incense: jasmine, myrrh
Stones: beryl, fluorite
Candle: gold, green, lt. blue

General Healing#3
Oil: gardenia
Herb: rue
Incense: sandalwood, gardenia
Stones: lapis, tourmaline
Candle: gold, lt. blue, green

Regain Health
Oil: carnation
Herbs: red sandalwood
Incense: carnation or rose
Stones: bloodstone, boji stones
Candle: green

Recovery from Surgery
Oil: lilac
Herb: pine needle
Incense: cedar, sandalwood
Stone: carnelain, boji stones
Candle: light blue

Oil: pine
Herb: rosemary
Incnese: pine, frankincense, rosemary
Stone: aquamarine, tourmaline
Candle: white

Banish Serious or Terminal Illness
Oil: myrrh, patchouli
Herb: rue
Incnese: frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, vervain
Stone: black obsidian, black onyx
Candle: purple

Stop Interference in Your Love or Marriage
Oil: frangipanni
Herb: bay leaf
Incense: frangipanni or pine
Stone: moonstone, chrysocolla, pyrite
Candle: indigo

Heal an Unhappy marriage or Relationship
Oil: rose
Herb: rose petals, yarrow
Incense: apple blossom, allspice, sandalwood
Stone: agate, amethyst, lapis
Candle: pink

Win the Love of a Man
Oil: vanilla
Herb: catnip or ginger
Incense: vanilla or ylang
Stone: lodestone, aventurine, malachite
Candle: pink

Win the Love of a Woman
Oil: rose
Herb: rose petals
Incense: frangipanni or rose
Stone: coral, lodestone, rosequartz
Candle: pink

Find Perfect Mate
Oil: musk
Herb: rue
Incense: musk, patchouli
Stone: moss agate, clear quartz crystal, lapis, rose quartz
Candle: green, pink

Release an Unwanted Person or Admirer
Oil: patchouli
Herb: lemon verbena
Incense: patchouli or rue
Stone: spectrolite, jade, clear quartz, agate, malachite
Candle: black

Stop Slander and Gossip
Oil: juniper or lilac
Herb: clove or marjoram
Incense: cypress or pine
Stone: aquamarine, hematite, agate
Candle: indigo

Rid Yourself of Negatives
Oil: pine
Herb: basil
Incense: cedar or vervain
Stone: 2 pcs. hematite or smoky quartz
Candle: purple, black, silver

Binding Troublesome People
Oil: patchouli
Herb: patchouli
Incense: cypress or pine
Stone: jade, lapis, 2 pcs, black onyx
Candle: black

Release One from Enthrallment
Oil: cedar or dragons blood
Herb: dragons blood
Incense: patchouli or myrrh
Stone: chalcedony, tourmaline, malachite
Candle: black

Release from Psychic Attack or Ill-Wishing
Oil: patchouli, frankincense
Herb: patchouli
Incense: cedar or myrrh
Stone: smoky quartz, turquoise,black obsidian
Candle: black, silver

Remove Negative Vibrations or Spirits from a Home
Oil: vetiver or yarrow
Herb: vervain, patchouli
Incense: frankincense, myrrh or patchouli
Stone: agate, clear quartz crystal, bloodstone
Candle: black, silver

Remove Negative Vibrations or Spirits from a Person
Oil: vetiver or patchouli
Herb: vetiver or patchouli
Incense: frankincesense, myrrh, patchouli
Stone: agate, clear quartz crystal, black onyx, black obsidian
Candle: black, silver

Bring Pressure on an Enemy
Oil: pine
Herb: bay laurel, clove
Incense: dragons blood, pine, patchouli
Stone: aquamarine
Candle: orange, indigo

Uncross a Person
Oil: cedar or patchouli
Herb: dragons blood or wormwood
Incense: cedar, myrrh, patchouli
Stone: honey stone, mica, clear quartz crystal, balck obsidian, black onyx,
Candle: purple, black

Protect Someone from Abuse
Oil: frankincense
Herb: bay laurel, frankincense
Incense: dragons blood, frankincense, patchouli
Stone: jasper, lapis, smoky quartz, black obsidian
Candle: black

Communicate with Spirits
Oil: yarrow, frankincense and myrrh
Herb: lavender
Incense: frankincense or lotus
Stone: amethyst, emerald, labradorite, moonstone, sugalite
Candle: indigo, purple

Meet Your Spirit Guide
Oil: honeysuckle
Herb: mugwort
Incense; sandalwood, lotus
Stone: moss agate, lapis, moonstone, sugalite, tourmaline
Candle: indigo, purple

Enhance Spiritual Growth
Oil: lotus
Herb: frankincense
Incense: lotus or sandalwood
Stone: amber, citrine, lapis, ruby, sapphire
Candle: lavender, purple

Gain Spiritual Blessings
Oil: frankincense
Herb: frankincense
Incense: frankincense or lotus
Stone: amethyst, lapis, moldavite, black tourmaline
Candle: blue, lavender

Strengthen Psychic Abilities
Oil: jasmine
Herb: wormwood or jasmine flowers
Incense: honeysuckle, mimosa or lotus
Stone: moss agate, moonstone, jet, blue topaz, purple tourmaline
Candle: silver, lavender, purple

Preparation for Divination
Oil: honeysuckle or myrrh
Herb: orris
Incense: wisteria or lavender
Stone: amethyst, fluorite, moosnstone, clear quartz crystal
Candle: lavender, gold

Enhance Dreams/Find Spiritual Guide
Oil: jasmine or sage
Herb: marigold
Incense: frankincense or jasmine
Stone: agate, amethyst, jade, clear quartz crystal
Candle: dark blue

Strengthen Psychic Shield
Oil: yarrow, sage or lotus
Herb: peppermint
Incense: lotus, patchouli, sandalwood
Stone: 2 pcs. tektite or meteorite or 2 pcs. tourmaline
Candle: silver

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16 years 6 months ago #8959 by
Replied by on topic Re:Correspondences

Animal Healing
Brown Spearmint Lemon Balm Rosemary Myrrh Allspice Coriander Sandalwood Blackberry

Astral Projection
Purple Yellow Benzoin Cinnamon Ginger Sandalwood Mugwort Jasmine Dittany of Crete Poplar

Light Blue Pink Ambergris Gardenia Ginger Jasmine Lavender Avacado Catnip Ginseng Maidenhair Yerba Santa

Red Yellow Green Brown Frankincense Rose Geranium Cedar Musk Allspice Thyme Dragon's Blood Tonka

Yellow Silver Camphor Clove Orange Tuberose Orris Hibiscus Meadowsweet Broom

Black Red Silver Peppermint Juniper Basil Pine Yarrow Angelica Mistletoe Myrrh Frankincense Sagebrush

Green Patchouly Pine Musk Vervain Bistort Cucumber Hazel Sunflower

Pink Blue Yellow Lavender Sweetpea Tuberose Catnip Apple Blossom St. John's Wort

Blue Red Green Purple Sandalwood Juniper Eucalyptus Allspice Angelica Willow Peppermint

Pink Red Lavender Peppermint Lemon Apricot Rosemary Basil Rose Coriander

Orange Green Blue Cinnamon Patchouly Rosemary Lemongrass Caraway Ginger Nettle Vanilla

Lust Red Musk Vanilla Ginger Rosemary Patchouly Avacodo Hibiscus Clove

Magickal Powers
Purple Yellow Tangerine Rosemary Vanilla Allspice Carnation Dragon's Blood

Green Orange Copper Pine Patchouly Basil Ginger Cedarwood Cinnamon Sage Clove Dill Hyssop

Blue Pink Lavender Rose Magnolia Gardenia Lilac Pennyroyal Tuberose

White Red Black Juniper Patchouly Clove Lime Vetivert Bay Basil Pine Lilac Flax

Psychic Awareness
Blue Yellow Silver Lemongrass Camphor Peppermint Cinnamon Yarrow Anise Nutmeg Flax Honeysuckle Marigold

Psychic Dreams
Blue Silver Camphor Jasmine Acacia Lilac Sandalwood Heliotrope Marigold Rose Mimosa Cinquefoil

White Rosemary Cedarwood Myrrh Benzoin Lemon Eucalyptus Lemon Verbena Valerian Copal Thyme

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16 years 6 months ago #8960 by
Replied by on topic Re:Correspondences
Aphrodisiac Correspondences
The following are various forms of aphrodisiacs, herbs and foods that have natural romantic effects. Some increase sexual forces, attraction, potency/fertility. Make sure you check with your physician if you are pregnant or may be.

Africa Evergreen Tree: A tree native to Cameroon has a powerful aphrodisiac in its bark.

Cinnamon: Sticks can be chewed like tobacco, or grated cinnamon can be put in eggs as an aphrodisiac that arouses women.

Cloves: Edible or aromatic aphrodisiac.

Cockroach: Many cultures say this is an edible aphrodisiac, grind one common cockroach and mix with cinnamon, add to coffee for a powerful love potion. Yuck.

Damiana: A plant from Mexico which is used to stimulate sex drives. The leaves and heads of the plant are mixed with minor amounts of plantain or pennywort and mixed with food three to four times a day.

Deer Antler: Chinese herbal remedy for male impotence.

Eggplant: A common edible aphrodisiac.

Eggs: Chicken eggs are said to be a good aphrodisiac if eaten raw before sex.

Fo-ti-tieng: Chinese herb for sustaining sexual stamina.

Frankincense: Another popular aromatic aphrodisiac. Not for ingestion.

Garlic: Edible aphrodisiac, cook or use in salad.

Ginseng: A well-known chinese herb for sexual stamina, can be used through traditional methods or by ginseng vitamin pills.

Goto Kolo: Chinese herbal aphrodisiac.

Gypsyweed: An aphrodisiac for creating romantic thoughts, best taken heavily distilled (diluted at least three times) thrice a day, ten drops each time.

Jasmine: An aromatic aphrodisiac. Women can place jasmine essential oil on the back of the neck or behind the ears to stimulate their partner. Jasmine incense can be burned in the bedroom as well.

Licorice: Edible and aromatic, excellent aphrodisiac.

Mushrooms: Considered a powerful aphrodisiac, cook mushrooms bought raw into food or serve them raw in a salad to stimulate and arouse.

Milk: Some say it is \"does the body good\" in more ways than one. Edible aphrodisiac.

Oysters: Often considered a great addition to a romantic meal, this shellfish is a popular edible aphrodisiac.

Okra: Prepare and serve with lemon juice as an effective aphrodisiac.

Onions: Vadalia onions are known for their aphrodisiac properties, can be served fried or preferably raw, very sweet unlike other types of onions.

Rosemary: An easy to find kitchen herb that can be used in a meal for a lover, or in the form of an essential oil can be rubbed along the back of the neck or stomach as an aromatic aphrodisiac.

Sage: Aphrodisiacal kitchen herb, edible or effective as a topical aphrodisiac (placed on the skin or used in bath water).

Sandalwood: Aromatic aphrodisiac. Sandalwood essential oil is a popular aphrodisiac that women often use around men.

Truffles: The fruit of a fungus that is found at the base of Oak and Beech groves in France, Italy and throughout Europe. If you are fortunate enough to obtain a supply of fresh Truffles, choose them firm, undamaged and medium sized. Eat them with a lover as an edible aphrodisiac.

Wild Asparagus Root - A difficult to obtain aphrodisiac. The raw root is soft and has a jelly bean consistency that is sweet tasting.

Ylang Ylang: The essential oil of ylang ylang is considered a good aromatic aphrodisiac.

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16 years 6 months ago #8974 by Garm
Replied by Garm on topic Re:Correspondences
:blink: Wow, nice list

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  • Neaj Pa Bol
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16 years 6 months ago #8980 by Neaj Pa Bol
Replied by Neaj Pa Bol on topic Re:Correspondences
Archangel_Baw, Sister, I would grately apprieciate if you would not mind, sending me rituals that can be added to our Clergy Handbook that I am trying to assemble for all the Clergy. It's the project I am working on for the Temple and any help would be great..... You can PM me or best, email me at

Thank You and Blessed Be..... MTFBWYAAF

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin

Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have no time to criticize others. Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Participated in the making of the book, “The Jedi Compass”with 2 articles.

For today I serve so that tomorrow I may serve again. One step, One Vow, One Moment... Too always remember it is not about me... Master Neaj Pa Bol

Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see...

Faith is a journey, not a guilt trip...

Quiet your emotions to find inner peace. Learn from ignorance to foster knowledge.
Enjoy your passions but be immersed in serenity. Understand the chaos to see the harmony.
Life and death is to be one with the Force.

Apprentice's: Master Zanthan Storm, Jaxxy (Master Rachat et Espoir (Bridgette Barker))

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16 years 6 months ago #8993 by
Replied by on topic Re:Correspondences
I have TONS of spells and rites on my websites, which are both forums, so here are the links, feel free to go there and shanghai whatever you like:) Unfortuantely, the sites do not allow guest access, not even to view the forums, because of spamming problems I've had in the past, so for the sake of aquiring the texts you will need to register.

Both sites have the exact same content on them. You may experience technical difficulties, the servers are sometimes slow because of constant re-vamping and bug fixing, but my forum hosts kindly give me the space for free so I'm not complaining:)

Here are the links:

Baw Forum 1:
Baw Forum 2:

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