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04 Nov 2007 17:17 #8815 by
Replied by on topic Re:Otherkin/vampire?
Is that your brain i am seeing? lol j/k, i especially believe in crystal and indigo children, to much is happening with our children these days, some are getting smarter at a younger age and even have 'abilities'. It is a blessing to live in the time we are living right now.

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22 Jul 2008 17:18 - 22 Jul 2008 17:18 #17242 by
Replied by on topic Re:Otherkin/vampire?
Vampires are broken down into generations and believed to be desendants of the Cainite Race. The physics you refered to earlier Master April are of the 4th generation known as Mesthesilas. They can be refered to commonly as Kin or Kindred.
Last edit: 22 Jul 2008 17:18 by .

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22 Jul 2008 20:19 #17243 by
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I donot now if this fits hear or not but hear it gows.
this is a storey may nanney youst to tell me about hear Grand mother. she had a od medicell condichion simlear to Raynoyeds. Raynoyeds is a condichion that afecks the serkulachen of bloued in your bodey. the vanes and artereys will spasemam cosing bloued flow to slow or in some casess stope. and it can evean cose the colipase of a vane or majore artrey. coled like ice or othear externaill ciled thing can cose an episoued if you pout ice on somwomens arme how hase this it can cose the spasimining to tack place in thear lage it may not hapen wear the ice is being aplided.

may Grate Grand Mother hade a vearey rar type of this condichen. on tope or the Raynoydes hear bloued was missing somthing hear bodey coudnot make it kined of like a dibetick and thear shrgear and inclean. I cannot rember wot it was that she was missing. But inorder to get wot she neded she youst to nead to brenk bloued. hear husband may Grate Grand Father youst to get hear bloued frome the boutcher in macen jares. and breng it home at night and tern off the lights so she woudent nead to see it and make hear drenk the stuff.
theay did aventley fined a betear way to deaill with this and in hear latear years she woued go get a neadeaill everay month insted of neding to drenk bloued frome macean jares in the dark.

now i can easeley see if somwon back than founed out wot wos gowing on and mabey not being eguacated in the situation may think she was a vampyer and thear you go a gost storey of a pore ladey becoming a vampyear.

Raynoyeds runes in may famley i have it but no ware to the extent of may Grate Grand motehr. the onley thing i nead to watch out for is the cooled and if may armes or lages start to tern blue or perple frome it if so to the doctores i go to hope theay can stope the spasmining of the bloued veseailles.

i sopose thear are maney difrent things that can be considered like a vampyear of aney type. it is kinda neate

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23 Jul 2008 02:06 #17248 by
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This may or may not be what Mouse is referring too, but there is a documented medical condition that tends to be prevalent in eastern European countries that is hereditary. Essentially it is a blood/digestive disorder leading to malabsorption of certain minerals which happen to be in high levels in meat/blood products. People do still suffer with this to varying degree's but modern medicine/science/diet etc have whilst not eradicated the 'disease' have more or less done away with the symptoms.

The symptoms also include cravings for meat and blood products and a small quirk is many sufferers have some enlarged teeth (again, the differences between numbers of teeth and enlargement differ from individuals).

A friend of mine at school had this disorder, and he had the classic vampire canine teeth, almost dog like, and his family were of Croatian origin. As a side note, I have a intestinal disorder and I too get quite ill quite fast if I dont eat meat, altho I have Northern/Scandinavian ancestry myself.

This sort of disorder according to scientists is the most likely source of the mythical Vampire blood sucking people etc. Well, to me it's ONE explanation but who really knows anything for sure.

As for those who play as such things, well, each to their own I guess, anyway, off to dentist now, canines need filing down again :D

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23 Jul 2008 09:13 #17251 by
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Another thing that lends credance to the vampire myths are those with documented cases of sun burning them. I can not recall the exact disease, but these people will blister if the sun even touches them in extreme cases.
As for those that play vampires, not all of them play, just as with pagan,druid and wiccans there are covenants; some good, some bad.

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23 Jul 2008 14:16 #17260 by
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Egh... I've voiced my opinion many times on the matter on other sites, but... I'm not particularly inclined to believe that anybody has the soul of anything other than what they currently are - the \"container\" holding it, if you will, as the brain is part of the body, and the brain determines our thoughts, actions, and (believe it or not) our beliefs.

In my opinion, a soul is a soul is a soul. It's nothing more than consciousness. Self-awareness. The knowledge that you exist. \"I Am,\" and all that. So to hear someone say they have the soul of a cat, a wolf, a tiger, a bear, a fox, or a dung beetle just rubs me the wrong way.

A soul tends to conform to the body it's in, does it not? Therefore, if the soul believes it should be elsewhere, it isn't a problem of misplacement, but a problem of the body being wired improperly. Or something to that effect.

I know there are various conditions that are LIKE vampirism, but unfortunately vampire lore tends to highlight the fact that vampires (or, the creatures described specifically under the name vampire) are the Undead - beings that rise from the grave to feed on the living. Having vampire-like characteristics does not make one a vampire, nor does a blood fetish and fang-like caps for their canines. Or an inability to go into sunlight (heck, even I don't like sunlight, but that's more because when I squint in the sunlight, it makes me sneeze).

And having an absolute need for blood also couldn't really count, as the whole point of vampires feeding on blood in certain cultures is that those cultures see the blood as the very life-force - and the whole point of vampires is that they are feeding off the life of others so that they may continue living.

Sorry to be all grumpy and \"blah,\" I just never really believed in the whole Otherkin thing. You can have the attributes of certain things - totem animals, or creatures real or mythical that you admire - but to believe you actually are one tends to lean on the edge of madness .

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27 Jul 2008 13:40 #17347 by
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I am not here to attempt to sway you to believe in something as far fetched as what this conversation is about. I will not deny that all of this could be just a load of poo but this is what many believe. my personal attempt at figuring out otherkin is that they were an animal in a past life and a sort of 'piece' of that animal carried over. nothing more, nothing less. the fact that i have know some people who claim to be wolf, tiger, dragon, demon, and vampire all in one proves mine and your point. but there have been people who supposed addapted a habit in a past life and carry it over to this life. I have heard of people who are terrible afraid of water only to discover they died by drown after doing a past life meditation. Some people feel more of a drawing to certain era, more then just a fascination or obsession. There are many memories that the soul can have, we have only begun to tap into the unlimited knowledge that the akashic field has to offer. I once thought i was something i was not and i might be something more, i do not know, i have never been able to do any sort of past life anything. but i will see someday :)

thank you for your critism though, this world would not be what it is if people didn't dissagree.

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