Training Assignment 4

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20 Feb 2008 23:38 #11550 by
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My Master Anora^una_llorn wrote, “Now I would like to know what type of experience you have with meditation and what type of experience you have with the more Holistic healing arts.

Meditation is a release from the physical world for me, I can go places most may never visit or see. I have tried many types of meditation, and have found that my favorite is just to sit and do nothing. I will describe the meditation experience I had during the lunar eclipse last night. Most of the time I don’t remember my meditations or the details of them, I just feel a sense of relief as burdens are lifted and peace dwells. But this time, (very unusual), I remember every detail as if it had been this afternoon.

I sat down facing the front windows of my home, through them I could see the eclipse as it progressed. I drew a circle around myself in my mind, and allowed nothing in but pure thoughts and positive energy. I felt the light of the full moon on my body filling me with the most positive energy that I have ever experienced, this was different than normal. Usually I feel the suns warmth as the rays from it penetrate my whole self. This time it was different, almost better than any before. The Moons rays penetrated my body, some cold, some warm, but the feeling was neutral as if both good and evil were in harmony at the moment. The feeling of leaving the physical world enveloped me and I traveled to somewhere I have never been, at least not in this life time. (I will describe my vision in as much detail as possible, for to see the vision, is to be there.) I was standing on top of a mountain but not in a barren rocky area, there were trees around me reaching as high as the giant Redwoods in northern California. I was standing 50 feet from the edge of the mountain facing north, a sheer cliff dropping into a valley, two miles wide, and the clouds drifted below through the canyon which ran east to west. I could see the valley floor and how the edge of the mount I stood on moved down, across the valley floor and began to rise again up the side of the mountain on the other side. The other mountain side was cover from bottom to top with a blanket of bright green reflecting the Sun’s rays off of the treetops. As I looked up the mountain I saw the giant redwoods on top of it reaching towards the bluest sky I have ever seen. In this blue was also a full moon but so large it was the size of a dinner plate as if it had move closer to Mother Earth. The vision was fantastic, words can barely describe it.

I gazed upon this beauty for a long time, and did not realize what was directly around me. I looked to my left and right, and found I was surrounded with tall grasses, here and there was the occasional blooming flower of differing types, roses pansies, and the smell of lilac filled the air though I did not see any. The trees towered around me. But I was not alone. I looked to my right and a man stood there, an old man with a long white beard. He wore a hooded robe of a shining white cloth. Around his neck he wore a chain of silver with a crystal attached to a center piece. He looked at me and smiled but said nothing; I turned my eyes from him in reverence and looked down, at my feet. However; I saw no feet below me, I saw two strong large white paws. For a moment I just stared at them, and then as I turned to look at the man next to me I saw nothing but the trees to my right, in my minds eye the man had disappeared. I looked down to my left and saw a large wolf of silver and white fur standing next to me. The wolf was looking up at me as if asking a question but also having the answer at the same time. The wolf had around its neck a chain of silver with the same crystal in the center piece. Then I looked down and saw two bare feet. I was now the man, but I was also the wolf, for if I looked to the right, I saw the man, if I looked to the left, I saw the wolf. I looked up towards the top of the far mountain and the Sun was beginning to set, as it lowered it met with the moon, sun on the left, moon on the right, it was a vision to behold for never have I seen the likeness in this world. The last thing to happen was I looked down at the wolf and said “It is time.” I then traveled from my meditative state to the now.

When I opened my eyes the eclipse as over, which kind of bummed me out because I have never seen a full lunar eclipse, they only happen about every 20 years, however; lunar eclipses do happen about every three years, just not during the full moon phase. This was the first I have seen ever, usually it has happened on a cloudy night, or in an area where it can’t be seen where I lived. My beloved wife has taken many photos of the whole event and I will post them as soon as the film is developed.

Dobin Conas

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22 Feb 2008 10:58 #11573 by
Replied by on topic Re:Training Assignment 4
That was a very fascinating meditation, thank you for sharing.

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