A Necessary Schism in Christianity
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“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. - Matthew 7:1-5
I have met quite a few Christians who have read this verse and used it to try and curb their own judgement. Please try not to call an entire religion judgmental and wrong without first understanding that, for me at least, Jediism and Christianity have quite similar teachings.
Regarding Hell...I guess that depends on what you believe happens when you die. Will your consciousness disappear when you die or will it continue on? If it does continue on will you "go" somewhere else, will you be left with your own thoughts of how you lived your life, or will your consciousness be free to flow with the universe or after those you left behind? These are questions that everyone wonders and no one knows. Many people believe different things will happen upon our death. If our consciousness does continue on, is it not possible that those who have lived a life of pain, anger and fear will be left with nothing but a "Hell" of their own making?
Regarding Satan...perhaps the Devil is merely the devil within ourselves. All people are capable of good and evil. Even those people who don't think there is such a thing as "Good and Evil" still have their own personal morality that they live by. Even though something may seem good in one person's perspective it could very well be evil in another's. Perhaps both exist within each and every person. Even Joseph Campbell said that we all have our dragons to slay.
The politics bit is just Christianity being used where it should not be. Religion has no place in any government. For example, consider if the current government believed in Nordic or Greek Gods. Would you want them telling you what to believe or how to pray?
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yet I think it is just as important
because it is the second most subscribed form of christianity
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Star Forge wrote: the Eastern Orthodox and Methodist Churches of today teach a similar doctrine, but not the the extent that they should..
no, the eastern orthodox church makes it very clear on what theosis means and they teach it extensively
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suliskveteba wrote:
Star Forge wrote: the Eastern Orthodox and Methodist Churches of today teach a similar doctrine, but not the the extent that they should..
no, the eastern orthodox church makes it very clear on what theosis means and they teach it extensively
Wow, this is still going on after over a year

When I wrote this, I was a bit less educated and more radical than I am now, which explains the tone, but my overall convictions in this post still stand. Regarding Theosis: I've read up on Orthodoxy more over the past year, and yes, it's certainly at the fore of their doctrine, but I never maintained otherwise. What I meant to say is, I think that they should emphasize it more to non-Orthodox. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they should evangelize and all, as that's one thing I admire about Orthodoxy is that it has never handed me a tract. However, their doctrine of Theosis is NEEDED in this world, for all Christians, as well as possibly for those outside the faith. Also, I did not mean to say that Orthodoxy and Methodism have an identical teaching on the subject, HOWEVER, Wesley DID study Orthodoxy in great depth, and basically used the Theosis doctrine as the basis for the Methodist doctrine of Sanctification (which has since spread to a few other Protestant denominations).
Hope that clears things up.
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Star Forge wrote:
suliskveteba wrote:
Star Forge wrote: the Eastern Orthodox and Methodist Churches of today teach a similar doctrine, but not the the extent that they should..
no, the eastern orthodox church makes it very clear on what theosis means and they teach it extensively
Wow, this is still going on after over a year
When I wrote this, I was a bit less educated and more radical than I am now, which explains the tone, but my overall convictions in this post still stand. Regarding Theosis: I've read up on Orthodoxy more over the past year, and yes, it's certainly at the fore of their doctrine, but I never maintained otherwise. What I meant to say is, I think that they should emphasize it more to non-Orthodox. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they should evangelize and all, as that's one thing I admire about Orthodoxy is that it has never handed me a tract. However, their doctrine of Theosis is NEEDED in this world, for all Christians, as well as possibly for those outside the faith. Also, I did not mean to say that Orthodoxy and Methodism have an identical teaching on the subject, HOWEVER, Wesley DID study Orthodoxy in great depth, and basically used the Theosis doctrine as the basis for the Methodist doctrine of Sanctification (which has since spread to a few other Protestant denominations).
Hope that clears things up.
it does, however your comment of "but not the extent that they should" is still wrong, it is widely expressed
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But then again, like I said, one of the virtues of Orthodoxy, in my opinion, is that it doesn't street-preach or evangelize.
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Star Forge wrote: Like I said, I wrote this when I was less educated on the subject, and I was more saying that they should share the idea with non-Orthodox more, in my opinion. I would have liked for an Orthodox person to have shared it with me at one point.
But then again, like I said, one of the virtues of Orthodoxy, in my opinion, is that it doesn't street-preach or evangelize.
that also attracted me to orthodoxy when I returned to Georgia in 2004
they also don't proselytise ( I forgot how to spell that word)
in fact they deny the writings of paul where he did exactly that
but one thing you should know, is that to truly understand orthodoxy, you won't find it in my posts or reading books
Orthodoxy is an experience, I am glad to hear that you have interest in looking at the parishes and I encourage you to visit
I am not trying to convert you, if anybody is wondering, but this is how you will understand orthdoxy, because like everything their beliefs are the concepts
and that is 10% or practicality 90% is execution
I seriously reccomend archbishop Lazar, he is a very gentle man, and to be honest his videos really do capture the essence of the orthodox enviroment so check it out and enjoy!
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